i- war a ft- ran NEWMARKET ERA JULY 7 1871 A pretty boed VS A notice Of to- fand Of cane a sugar A ilentint office not impro perly called hi J rawing room Jo- What part of llio My art moat useful carpenters The nail The reason why hare their is leauae they receive man evil in titration A in a take In window pertinent Cheaper ilirt A A young gentleman who had married ft little say ahe would havo tnller IUt the made of rial that in the nature A Every town is commercial traveller A Western paper they are doing- the country more harm than hug tornadoes caterpillars I commenced loing good at a very arty age and iiijolf up on the test model I win yet an iiii when I read the knotting down the cherry tree by and Iiittnanlv statement to Ins father that ho not a lie I read the and it tilled me with a deeta to him CKBTAN Preservation of the Sight SIMPSON Chemist Druggist SOLE IktBaleof Celeb tied SPECTACLES EYEQUSHE8 Pure Hard Brilliant Thretiiliar al ia by aid of foll MOST SPECTACLES THEY ASSIST MOST EASE AM the noils rrt OF THE EYES aa lieorge 1 wards get to President to me in moralities lmmedintely 1 my axe and cut down valuable my fntlier had and more I ilug up the nnd burned the that by no mean could the variety bo produced aVattngon Sunday in that I might the two faults and be wepC over forgiven on account to I regret to failures 1 was raj much like Washington but the trouble was my father did not resemble Washing tons father which essential to the auccene of my acberaea Did yon eat down that tree- he Father I can loll a lie I did it with my little hatchet I anawered striking proper attitude for the old gentlemen to shed leant on mo But be didnt shed He remarked that ho had rather I had old thou- aand lies to cut down that par Lazarus CO Pin trpduir treo ho mo till was in a state of exasperating idea was a failure I broke the ice that and was pulled out great difficul ty and a As I lay for a month with fever I get a chance to get Palace of Fashion Miss smtti aureim tbeladittc MANTLES Ribbons- THIMMIXGS la to Low Price Wet Mourning Orders MAKING Si imping for Braiding and Embroi- tit ilk ess at to F taken tor rwtaarket April IS I VALUABLE Freehold Property SALE THE STORES STOREHOUSES TENEMENTS Ac WITH THE LAND ADJOINING S1TCATR mi Vwnarkrtnd occupied Ij Tli tin ia crA repair ill it or lot to ait jmidiutn cat For part Vat S GARDEN SEEDS FRESH BEBTLEYS DRUG STORE sign or BRONZE MORTAR OtTiN Strut Onion roath of tJMlrrrk0 York JTrombead Flat rt Can I flower Demi Jar- ittrSacrt Tomato aBl Tea of Inlai Ac CURE OF BRONCHITIS J C Coiasisiirw Em I lnU atoot I i of Ibtt I I all lice At trj liooboaon 1 it axl abto 1 I la I til lllr I I lUkMWB- fl I fo0ajtbll- J All Seeds of Beet Quality TRICE LOW DR ibo It to Kritora Hair a I it rallict Out in a ff ill tin FrofiBrtd Dr hit lb tod rial rHM Coup Did limn of AND Doctor ha I Iaaa tulrcld an I in J no At a I I MU At lb of lr jujjUhih avndo tUt tb tioto Insect Poison A r rl Dap U PRICE CENTS September S3 BAKER SEWING MACHINE AH I All Styki of ilackixa Ague Cure bodr a Bottle POWELLS VEGETABLE PULMONARY BALSAM For Colds Coeb iu at If not oapcrior to tar it lr Coajb sd too known to rnjaira J by Dr ic per let MEDICAL Why I am a J COLUNS liar fa at or Book Store la ito of work rboi If a THE CELEBRATED Temperance Paper Ia Caaaia it A British American Tem plar D1T0TBD rtetper d Tarata 4to cm a a yaw r ftl W lit opia Era lOeeaUrerllM maud liberal Good All for one Tear- BONA 11 fee PUMPS PUMPS pit s 111 Botanical Pills o or ffab Uniform la thtir ear raquirtd a For tea rtU Coatplaiatk laj boit tbj tb boat Cataartle Fill r to the BOTANICAL WORM 8YRTJP It di the and irr It la to Laatr and ia Mreatth aad an it ever all Won Leaner la iU will FELLOWS lb by CONFOUND OF Are Constipation Asthma Consumption Vert llrmrkHU from Typhoid In Mart i loo I Aa- MnelM r or El Viiot Due of tb Loan Air Fa laadiaf fraaa f kick by ill a- Ik J RELIEVER Tb Lett for the Craft CONFOUNO Extract of Blackberry Colera arc of la ilatn th Diaatir aad promote old by Jai Co of the tad J A fret it adtpud fur tb cart of thaw kSeacy fa all jb rUsd of a kept ia Tnaata a aaad for ait at r I Apothecarys Hall SEWING MACHINE I TOOK THE FIRST PRIZE At th Provincial Exhibition ttECENTLY HELD IX TORONTO OVBE tb auehioe Untied Canada a tt Co fa rodTd ly the real a p alt other W bat i W Bradford Fort Hop Si- Catharine and PRICE OF MACHINE fib held reid to to a iauroli GEO Agent Id of WILSON BOWMAN A IT IS A FACT J J HODGE Cooking Parlor Sail Stoves LOWER THAN TORONTO PRICES your y your and COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE At prices Ibat will fufenih fa MptrW ij of I far Slxtp Skita Rap it aim in tt rick J J HODGE J AGENT FOR JOHXSOSS CELEBRATED WHITCHURCH Something for the Public A QUANTITY OF Firstclass BEEHIVES Johnsons Planing Factory MUX ST MitvniBhrT THOMAS AGENT FOR JOHNSONS CELEBRATED MILL North Gwillimbury tools CARDEN FIELD AND FLOWER And all other Good in their line at J ANDREWS CO Aaron April 19 EW Harness Establishment NEWMARKET adraifad aariaf aatana MR JOHN ooldt of all ho with their aalroH Harness and Trunks Ac for Hide barrihrillpay Taaaorj Old ftlaad LEATHER hia will a aaU niT THE Liverpool London INSURANCE COMPANY I8oaoflltaolproprooaof lMd an Iti Daily i0t 00hi art a aara for fat it rale afford All fair at bga of Head Office Canada Branch Montreal Ckif A prat SAUL EL DRlPrlLL DISSOLUTION CO-PART- r ribrUacih will U doatt th Ufa day of AD J FOR SALE Warranted Applrt AN and Apothecary ry yr TTitnrinMt CARRT ON THE BUSINESS TO THE FOR SALE In lota to nit Oatmeal CorasiM TOT BARLEY SPLIT Buckwheat RYE ftc ROBT BRADF0R1PS 70 Too je TORONTO OnU NO STOCK LIKE IT NEWMARKET ON HIS OWN ACCOUNT The Stock Drugs Chemicals PERFUSES BRDSUES COMBS FANCY Patent Medicines HORSE CATTLE MEDICINES DyeStuffs Of all Cohort James Genuine White Lead OILS PAINTS VARNISHES BRUSHES And Artists I Finest Tobaccos CIGARS CHEROOTS IS LAICS NEW STAR SHADE Main Street lUnUtuL LITTLE Sowing MflrTTnTio Mfcaeribar tb or la rapctfatiy that ha it hi prepared to fill far tb I The Little fa of it aiil Lett Liable to Oct Out of Order And Boat than ANY OTHER SHUTTLE MACHINE Brer THE aaa Joil of oe Jewellery Goods Of the deaijaa SOLD A SILVER WATCHES ElectroPlated Goods TABU AND POCKET Fancy Goods I Tijjwj It the Iroojbt to SPOOL OF ittrntccnoita fall at to aay to at harp th rdr the hill FAMILY SEWING MACHINE lata Verfh or of a by all pad of raatiliea Dean of GEO if of Tortata April 121871 tt Life MR J RE I hi tbaakj I tb QUALITY AND PRICE NEWMARKEl Childrens Toys WHOLESALE Cheaper Ihte ran at Toraalo WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN Watches Clock and Repaired A USUAL On abort ami warrant Hit Pumps Pumps milB retort fr the la raepertfolty to aborun wmU till Pumps Warranted all kind of PUMPS PROMPTLY REPAIRED Order ho Mr will be J BENNETT t i Furniture Store BELL EWART DBASE 11 Grocery Dry Goods HARDWARE BCSISE3S Stock of Furniture STOVES olio hicb tola lie if aot liberal elberalM STOCK OF APPABATVmX n thi tb alM I LIFE SIZE All rtVr iniij lw n SYKES Founders Engineers Steam Engines 8tovi THIMBLE Ac At BANDEOOFBODAHDili HEAVY AND ELI HARDWARE HARDWARE Aif nun mM napwtlull a MMla 8TKES towtaa ml- Sharon Looking Up Cheap Goods JMILLARD4Co Bate CABINET ROOMS SHARON Aad o to frieada aad lha a of a Largo stock SEASONABLE GOODS Of eailradoi the root Sty CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Witt Frrocb and Ae which will be fold by lb Yard or Made Up to Order Alto aa af DRY GOODS Of y lUlwoiy Law Groceries Of Beat at Cheap a tb Farm Prodoce Taken in Exchange C a Chemist Druggist BELL W ART a a eoeaplet rtack DRUGS MEDICINES If Chemical dt M tail la in Stop and Reaq A i OrroHTi tue DAVISON Conductor on the and an afit to All Work WADSWORTH Provincial Land STirveyat A LAND AGlM OFTICE Adelld Eat Court I loaa Teroate Oat paid to f Mineral and Ury lb lad Had of rdt for htj la try Mr Joa Coo Crt OWE Oct IS TOE s ftWa be ha ifonatrly kept by load a Fin Cka The Bar and applied I other Tnrrller no la CHARGES T T a la hi- old Maad Western Assurance OFFICE l00OOji Prosident-HcJMcMorria- who hwaa ARwat alliuh A Ma Aurora Still TOUT TDET TO DftY GOODSj wBOfia Thomas Sennett