Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 23 Jun 1871, p. 1

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IBB NEWMARKET Friday Horning JACKSON Editor Publisher and Proprietor Aatea op ii AM fill at MM jara AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER KB LIBERTY TO KNOW TO AND TO ABGUB TO AB07S ALL OTHEB ilBERIT Vol XXNo 19 NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY JUNE 1871 Terms in Advance TUB ERA Bock and Job Establishment THE LATEST STYLES PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS Par r of tallow or sMSreaawaf aid Oat 1- count of York i oH WHITLEY ESTER AUMBIK gJMfcilt fas I A J- York if of Toronto Pc Ad- Bad CIO Bin Oho Aim JACKSON County of EILATT and if gss I D AT III WWII ill W I inn Surveyor UMi ftMdan of DMA PHYSICIAN Aoooaohsnr Office SI la Anton HONEY TO LOAN HOTEL BIBLE DEPOSITORY SURGEON BC3IXK3S I MUM 1 I by HENRY SANDERSON VETERINARY SURGEON a Every Saturday from oclock a iff pm be happy to wait thai I to 1700 iiiLii a MANSION HOUSE IAMKI for Bad as af aba Royal Colltf f DmUI lb Kali load Haul Mala ll OFFICE an DAILY A TO P r CARD SoUeitort inKOSomecry I for of Money to Lend fit Davison House a bar j MM baa aatod up Accomnodatum of Guests AjULt a of Ikoaa may fcaor to raoaira a af pablia imm 1 Dentistry ADAMS SlTKdBOM King Street East Toronto lattaa af FUllaa m or ita Uaa an Twain CANNON a DENTIST to Dr Araatot jJV aa Maawaaf M aid filtv Md MMHIa I Mm si wort i IT All bum Aarnn will T MPl U 1I7 M HEW Boot and Shoe OjipoiiU lie America r BOOTS SHOEJ straw DENTAL NOTICE I a TB9PB0TPULLT aariu MX to wig Every Saturday aa ill prepared la all qnlrlai of DavUatrT all a I FIRST TEETH Dr Robinson WOULD aa tad of StaaJrllla llli aa Tborakill da do 4a lata d do lk do do MU da 1170 If DRESSMAKING Mrs Barry DRESS MAKER Slrncew Street NEWMARKET A LA araara far and ill il an aptjad aOialaciiaa ill ba Dresses Cut Fitted Apprentices to the Making a CABINET MAKER And Undertaker IUadyMajii iSJSSL rags prize DOlflNIoiToEaANS I dMm Musical Instruments TOSS AST FINISH Horse Infirmary SUBGEON HOBBE8 CATTLE to a on prat Citrch rt iM MX I Tan wlwL MARBLE WORKS I la Ibaaka far A raapactfallj to Latiaaaaa Stones M TABLE M Cull anil Set A J in SHARON MARBLE WORKS CHARLES McARTIIUR CEtllLXS la far bag latltU ba ltb la I a of Monuments Tombs Tablets Mead Stones Foots Grams c dt 0a Short ft MdaaoId Photography I JOKES paaaT Ma Studio Ban In an Enamelling Process Bo la CaiMaraki aaaaaU any order In CAHEA la aaaaaa LIFE Cabinet Landscape or Stereo scopic Pictures Carte tie Ambrotypes and LITERATURE VS LOVE A bright littlo on tba topmost a lory of of tboM priotitig thkt the vicinity of Nw York City Hull room littered with and torn en the tonal of Philip the calyx whence blossomed the foil of the Weekly Mr himself was a tall elllooking young Apollo with dark dreamy eyes a mischievous month more of mirth than In bis general style and he aat there in the becoming desKabiUe of officecoat cigar with his brown curia rumpled over the top of his bead ha much handsomer had ha but known it than he been in the regulation of white nocktie and ram- abed boots Just opposite Willis Glenn Lawyer Heres another possible story m that unwearied water Flora irleigh sighed Mr glancing at a blue ribbon lied bundle at his side re told again and again that lltaraturo wasnt bar forte but she wont give ft up What sort of a person la she in- and false teeth The handwriting looks like it answered Schaylford But I sent which I rather settler I wept Buggies for Sale Of Superior Style A At A NEW TIN WARE Subscriber All nwwwa Tinware Stove Pipes c wtrlw nwAaf Repairing Done to 1 AUCTIONEERING Conveyancing Ac Sec on mutt linn- A JI IW Somewhere Sun Is Shining Select Bat practice yon moat more Suppose and be spoke more rapidly were to a ahort tale every day or say twice a week and send down here for to look over Ob if would just be so kind Bat I dont dare ask to trouble yourself so much It will be no trouble St all said Mr Schnylfbrd and if you will fa- tor roe with the number of yoor resi dence I had belter drop in to see occasionally Thanks said Flora as she placed in his band a black- edged card Inscribed with tiny cabalistic characters and smiling and dimpled with owed bono and courage cried Glenn as tight foot steps died sway on the this Is your rawboned old maid with spectacles falsa teeth Aint she a cried enthusiastically Altogether a hopeful pupil ob served Glenn satirically Take care old fellow all the printers ink In cre ation wont drown What nonsense you are talking id Schuylford curtly I dare said Glenn This is world of nonsense If I wasnt go ing to Europe next week I should fbrapartoenhlp in dclight- art of teaching tho young literary ideas bow to shoot I I wish yoa good lock my dear fellow Miss home was as refin ed and beautiful as herself and her mother was of those lovely old ladies who tench as the true beauty of old age Philip found Flora one of the most charming creatures in the world yet he link will her to stick to the domestic hearth podding- making What an impertinent scoojadrel must think It was only way to check her tolerable batches of I dont think now that shell seed any thing more to the Meletter Td iW she does stopped speaking a soft lap baring sounded the door Its the printers after fresh copy he said starting up and not a lino ready for them- Come In I he then entered no printei foreman in his inky shirtsleeves and nor tiny devil with both arms full of proofs bat young lady with as roseUntod cheeks and raven black hair hanging like Jetty curls beneath bar dainty littlo round hat Her black dress was exquisitely neat ibougb plain and the tiniest Utile bands in the wock looked even than their nat ural wont in perfectly fitting black kid gloves the editor asked taming to Mr Glenn He colored and disclaimed that dignity friends began to on rinced that she would I be said one day they Into fast friends you practising cow six months Yes she said Have I Do want as yoa the truth What a of coarse I do Then I must answer no Oh The tears brimmed the white lids and hung like dewdrops on the long Doer Flora dont grieve every thing that yoa wish to be except a literary lady And that is the one thing I aspire to sighed Flora Well then there is nothing left for bat a situation ess Yes there is stoutly persisted Mr Flora ifyou be on author yourself wouldnt it be the next best thing to bo an authors wiftr She looked la mate surprise then ss mot the light of his eyes her own dropped the rosy colored flash flooded neck brow cbeek Philip she faltered I never dreamed of this And I hare dreamed of nothing else for the last four weeks I Flora will yen yoor future Her eyes sparkled mischievously And myself to pudding- making and the domestic hearth Flora will never forget ibst ridiculously patronizing letter Dear Philip if it had not been for that letter I never would hare known Then yoa will mo Flora be whispered drawing slight flg ore close to htm Yes answered in the asms thorowsssnerofMissFslr- literary efforts Yet wife mother and bead of a wellorgmqisod and discreetly man aged household Mrs her self owns that she Is tnr she ever have been authoress Bat thai which soon woreoiT and her mother afterwards sewered me that she tbe moat beautiful Hair in the world so that I grew quit ashamed of sua picioas shout it Arsminta used to make herself very agreeable to me whenever I took lea there which was shoot twice a week and had a red covered album in which she need to ask me rite versus I had never written no in my life bat I copied Byron Address to the Ocean which try much admired After I had known the ft about a twelvemonth I found that my a to mo about Am- when it was to be by which I presume they meant our wedding but I hadnt the slightest intention of over marrying any wo- less Miss Brown lhati minded their joking I am tho man la the world and I no screw my courage to pitch of asking a woman to marry than I walk my head up the Rocky Mountains I remarked however that whenever I went to the Browns of an evening all the after other would quit the leaving Ammlnta and myself together ana Mrs Brown grew Very towards me and used to nsnlt me about Aramiotaa dresses White these things were going on concert was at the As I was anxious to return the attention which the Browns paid me I bought two reserved seat tickets intending to ask Mrs Browns allow me to take Miss Ara- witlTme I went on tbe same to Mr Browns boose and found Mr Mrs Brown seated in the parlor Aramintawas not visible And when Mr Willis Glenn sum- In received My I inquire what has he only elevated Ms honor of this he in- eyebrows sfler his usual fashion and quired courteously A letter sir remarked said young oeivod from yesterday I ass Flora Mr not help turn ing scarlet in the presence of the ArsminU Brown was forty if aa day Her parents whispered that Aratnints was growing old that real name she would be twenty next of coarse faltered Philip and the fair one herself not knowing what else to say We made jokes shout her being an old many net plumes sum laughed as if the that That ipposed ashamed of my own name also said Miss drawing herself up bat are mistaken Mr yoa think I shall never make a writer Why Because it is so de sirable that I should My mother an invalid depends upon me my educa tion fiat me merely for literature and limited Inclined bis bead Mies he said all these reasons would scarcely suffice kindle the fires the sacred of genius write easily and gracefully bat pardon me for saying it yoor style is loo deep color o bar face Must I give It op she pleaded Dont yoa think with practice I might in- time become a aod rather aloe girl she painted a tittle I allude to watercolors she woold play piano aod king all sorts of thlnga from a melody up to Casta Divas was of rather of a melancholy turn of mind I heard that this was In consequonea of her baring In early youth set ber affections on Hungarian nobleman with a long beard and interminable name who the day one fixed for the wedding was discovered to be married to bis washerwoman This catastrophe was near proving serious to sensitive Araminta aod color ed ail future life with a tinge of melancholy be kept a hardware store Lane and I tow in way of btuinoss One evening be inrited me to his house in I want and was to fair Aramiata I oQoieaa I did not like bar much at first I thought her yellow Union of British Columbia A despatch a copy of which wo give below waa received by Gov ernment at Ottawa by tho last Eng lish mail from which it will be seen that the union between Canada and British Columbia will take effect oa and A a might bar been expected Her Majestys Government rejoices at forging of another link of British American Union and the kindly and cordial hope Is expressed that the march of consolidation may lead to a of progress prosperiy worthy of the great natural fertility resources com try On of this enlarged union the of Canada may fitly reciprocate kindly lea with Her Majestys Govern- it by expressing their earnest hopes that Majesty may long reign to witness the com- of the grand scheme of the bonds of attachment to the mother Canada No St May My Lord In reply to your de spatch No of tho 12lb April enclosing the address to Her Majesty from the Senate and the of Commons of Dominion for tbe of British Columbia with Cana da I bare the honour to transmit an order of Her Majesty in doted May embodying those directing that the i shall place on as proposed in your telegram of 1st May which date you qoenlly informed mo In your despatch of the 11th Instant No agreed upon between your Govern ment Governor bare to express to yon 44 action of Her Majestys Govern ment that onion of British Col umbia with the Dominion has been thus successfully completed earnest hope that the consolidation of Her Majestys possession in North America which are now nearly all comprised in the Dominion will en able them to enter upon a career of progress and worthy of their natural fertility and reaourcoa I have Ac Signed KniaKaxxr The Lord LrGCrX Governor General afraid Mr Brown might think it incorrect of roe to wish lo take bar daughter to a of public amuse ment 40 I hemmed and coughed a little bat at plucked courage I began by that the wea ther waa charming to which Mrs Brown assented with a I then hoped tint Miss waa welt Mrs sighed looking at roe relying God she is wall Mr Brown said rather falter ing I have hero this evening to make a request You need say do more I know it said old Brown to my great as tonishment gelling up and shaking mo affectionately by the hand tied Hess ha continued is worthy of your Here he and Mrs Brown wept But yon cannot know I stem It Is about Araminta I want to take Then take bar my boy said the old gentleman em bracing may be happy Yea said Mrs Brown we bare Jong my dear Tom yoor faction for Arammta and the dearest wind mar hurt will fulfil- legislature and cabinet Good Bees Gracious I I thought I should hare fainted this Here I bad come to ask to accompany d marriage Requisitions asking Mr Cum berland to stand for for the Commons being signed throughout tho District A veterinary at Whit by baa died from the of hand ling with oat a lav The Reformers of East Elgin decided to hold a on 2nd Tuesday in October at Ayl- msr for the purpose of choosing 4 for the The Irish Catholic of Quebec hero wailed local pto- as their support Religion and polities are getting rather mixed down east A deputation of to 4 I wailed Athens and they was asking in dsy to complain that the of Oh Mr Brown I said am that denomination rery much afraid that have mis- bad been Ignored taken ar- The GovernorGeneral has My dear boy interrupted tbe despatch from old gentlemen talking to me like a Government expressing Its my dear boy I have not at the admission of British yoa need fear nothing i into and loves yoo She career of progress sad it last night bat hush 1 here she this WUs Idol The door I S and Brown eoteawd looking fl InoS ft that I was dona for Brown could explain before and the little I had now left entirely forsook me- Old Brown took me by the band and leading me up to his daughter placed her band There he derating his hands like a bishop bar and may yoa be happy as the day cried and Mrs Brown cried sod I beliere I cried too A week after I was to minta who I dont think has tamed oat quite so bad The Methodist New Connexion Conference at Owen Sound by al most unanimous vote adopted a reso lution in favour of Methodist anion after a careful consideration of the basis of the proposed arrangement To remove Ink spot article stained over a warm flatiron stretch it wall then few drops of lemon juice on it and the spot wilt at once Wash immediately cold water This is a remedy and will all bo may try it match 1 it be In a Maes ap peared In the ring at lTannsa City bat his opponent was not on Band and the former was awarded bat tlemoney and fairly entitled to all tbe laarele of the combat while the latter bonored the man who deathblow to his brutal Ottawa county In Quebec said that Sir K Cartier will not be a candidate bat will sup port Mr io the Ciors in Musoost Apple ton City Mo speaking of crops In that state says Never since the settlement of hast there been hotter prospect for rich and abundant harvest than 44 present everything from the peanut to Indian corn in vegetation in Is cot it abort In fact there are bat very few cases In this portion of Missouri or Kansas where there ever been soy weave fly or rust or wheat or oats We have mm wheat and oats stand in six days rain falllnej upon day not sprout Seme of oar eastern farmers will no doubt laugh at this assertion bat it Is truth as farmer will all testify It Is accounted for by wind which blows at night thus keeping tba coot and Wheat is now ready for the sickle and from amount of reapers and that been sold sesiaoa wo think ibe are de termined to Bare their crop In 4 manner Oats are also looking well and in full blossom Corn a greet many fields waist high and cultivators hove been in it since was large for the rows to be seen Oar markets are flooded garden vegetables of all kinds-

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