Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 9 Jun 1871, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA JUNE 9 1871 MMMIMMttaCi Two Maids Ml a MM a plucked earn black hair by the e am ii lime Amusement Spring Slrint Fresh Arrivals NEW GOODS NEW GOODS SIGN OK THE BIO LOCKMAN SEWING NEWMARKET bunch 1 1 DRY GOODS GROCERIES Hardware BOOTS AND SHOES Haw Cam Crockery Glassware c Ml 1 CLOTHING hi alio Department killed the Under Mr En kjiu A- of Hi Ii hot punch am at home I water you billy jade well you can At the dinner b ho live to eat the Scorer Mi my left Ita and Imported CER A of the Sight S I S O Chemist Druggist SOLE markl a he shcok hands with Certainly certain replied never take at nature it and bo longer speak to ISA head a Vermont rail road was to for tut Day a couple j a of men who noted their la- AOL given for tho chief cant of yon work hard to break the I beat saJt a lioker the other day la a fi of ihcj ScBrUant intfrior lh article he panchned of the day before 1- i the customer Then why doyoi ij ho 1 would sag MOST PERFECT A German his beer and playing WET ASSIST fcc SIGHT HOST ttUfUKLT six in saloon infrrmed by an ex- cite compatriot In that bit faun Ah doit EASE you him up a Being told that turn bit Come Shake hurry OF THE BYES game out git smash up my vifugif toUcUnjed Hail Colombo aintii- a A longnose thin shanked old maid appeared at the door of a far mers in Iown tho other and wanted farmer- wife to to womens newspaper and sign a petition for women suf frage Tho wife called out Charles Tom Richard Lucy and surrounded by a crowd of rosy- cheeked children then turned to her visitor and said Hart you any of was the sharp reply Theo tho wife go got a few and come to mo womens righ yoa feel like it IaIv Iisgar with Miss Dal ton and M F left on day en route for Sewing Machine Com pany challenges world for an equal to their Osborn Sewing for family and light manufac turing purposes a Two enterprising farmers of Fast James and Dan I sail for on the 10th insU for tho purpose of import ing a stock of stallions A meeting of ratepayers hold in Aurora a few evenings ago at which a resolution was unanimously passed requesting tho Reeve to si a cheque of for the relief of tl sufferer by the tire in Bradford Kaxias City Mo Juno Mace appeared in the ring at appointed lima but bis not putting in appearance referee Hollywood do dared Mace winner of tho battle money and all tho glory attached this disgraceful affai 9 It Ea an utoniihing fact that ths revenue of Prussia lut year al though country involved iqi war yielded a surplus of million of pounds sterling The ex of war not met out current revenue bat by loans bat it is none the lees surprising thai ths income mora than suf fice for th ordinary coat of A showman in State of wanted to exhibit eh mammy and attended at the court- to obtain permission What It want to show inquired judge An Egyptian mommy more Iban thousand years old said the showman Three thousand yeans old exclaimed the judge jumping his feet and is tbe LAZARUS CO Dart Ansa Cp XT so IVIIcn lfDtnI I 10 CURE OF BRONCHITIS J C Bronchi lii Vrnk in lias ctotkM anl la lie to keep from I lbr of aot b lb or for ithoat an la fact I coolie- lo lb flrrat I aul Ltn it I feci littl I Ilea to a SStMssHiSV I tbat uitlluntrlU ill bo- sat km Lata so STtr JOHN me at Ctb J It J P Wondeifui Cora of Long Disease Hal r uh Dmm up rre an bottle of tbUrV At I pin tint f loJjijt jKUoati that 1 tint sS bottle Br all I Br ib b Cash for Hides NEWMARKET TANNERY for Taawi a ban J a Mack of LEATHER uU Dm ISO TOOK THE FIRST PRIZE At the Provincial Exhibition RECENTLY HELD IN TORONTO lb af ibe Ute and Canada abicb rt lb How Cut Tbi oalj a of tba by lb ffsasiriS and of Leek wan lb alt caber Lai alio Ml at b CouW SlxwakaU at Bradford fort Hope Cilhariiw PRICE OF MACHINE Plata wwblneJ j Baater any addr sad a lbunh coax of Maekiaa WILSON BOWMAN GEO- Jane Bradford IT IS A FACT J J HODGE Cooking Parlor Hall Bedroom Steves WEE THAN TORONTO PRICES lie your time tc f and Stove COPPER TIN SHEET IRON JAPAN WARE At prices that will yon rniCES CANT TR0U0HIKG Toe is sad of work in lis auaaiartortd vtlii Farm Produce Sheep Skins taken in Exchange for Dont Brick Slur of J J HODGE gtor t Oetobtr GARDEN SEEDS IMPOST I A Jut 1 BENTLEYS DRUG STORE SIGN OF THE BRONZE MORTAR Near la Fart Maim Stixet Garden Seeds by the Ounce Pound or reek Onion AsMrtcaa of Bad Parsnip Crowned Early Tark Pint aad head Lettuce In aiata Cucumber Early Clutter Snarl sad Tomato Early Red Lars Red Peas Early of Inland Deans U Turnip Inprorad Top Bert Loci Kip Seed tie All Seeds of the Best Quality I PRICE LOW BR BENTLEY HAIR tJaeaallfJ for Dandruff to Hair to a Color Hi ia a few days will so toil Prtpartd by Dr Ont Remedy Vat Cold Worm and all the Wind sad ml t aDdiiloa of llorwi GROTER BAKER SEWING MACHINE STILL AHEAD Frail 1C nulla la all HemmraTnckers Aad apptauapa Alt StyUa of Grocer aadiaa a anil All Warranto for one Year BOND EW- Establishment mil K aadarnood sarinf stearad MR JOBS DAVIDSON fart of all wka stay lUs with their Their Ursa steak of Harness and Trunks WHIPS I J MILLARD Co BATS CABINET ROOMS great Dominion CLOTHING Dry Goods NEW GOODS I CHEAPER THAN Cat of Tark British Warenonse NO SECOND PRICE a Furniture Rooms Enlarged S USE MainSt Newmarket BIOS to lbs thatb Slock of Furniture la part Can Sailed Chain In rail variety Parlor Chair Abo Prices to Suit the Times A Limited of by taper If I and try la a First Claas Instrument Am ftaaa Ertry Oct I Uriel of AMD For Complaint Cholera Cbolera eta Insect Poison of Flier Bo Us PRICE TWENTY FIVE CENTS I ss Apothecarys Hall I DRUGSTORE and Apothecary TAKLpjMaurln thank t Mima and the CAIUT ON TOE BUaDfESS The Stock Drugs Chemicals COMBS fancygoods Patent Medicines A CATTLE DyeStuffs Of all James Genuine White Lead OILS PAINTS VARNISHES And Artists Materials Aaclvad a and aaatad I RDM II Finest Tobaccos CIGAES IN And fitrnlahlngv t ILLH an se- Heloilernia Street Jua Ague Cure laurnal Organ VireuNr oot Bali bat Cnra A nil of bod ia a healthy condition tf Price POWELLS VEGETABLE PULMONARY BALSAM Far Cold Caafn Coaanaiptioa e At at if not to any rf the Aavtneu Couh too wel already to pared bj Dr per tat Botanical Pills TbeyaeaMitd a earn during on Far faetad with CaapUiata thy iaIaa and in Ibay the Nat ifaaTM a BOTANICAL WORM SYRUP I tba afert aod It la TELEGRAPHIC RELIEVER Tna bant the for tb a haatio all other pain I tb of Tanvor sod lotUaxnntioi P sanartsr to Ready Pain and a IS per BCNTliYS Extract of Blackberry ana aiooDnaor For Summer Complaints Diarrhoea Cholera CholeraMorbns tTaalio Ac Tba Blackberry aad are Bit healthy action of Tb Extract aa prepared actie rirtaa A Aati wprieadcfcotblnjptarwtti- fro ia prially adapted for of the 1 ii kept In ry to so Ant for traatsitnt of cholera sacs twills far A Maaplrta of Jnparatiaar TraMM Ac always as a Itsntalm v LITTLE WALTER Sewing a do lb abortaat The Little will d of work star Leu Liable to Get Out of Order And Baa than ANY OTHER SHUTTLE MACHINE Beery la with OILER i spool or thread PRINTED So rail ta say to a keep Machine a order Is FAMILY SEWING MACHINE Beer Ufa AsMrica In been tiylld with Vacbin tart two year ha mad for i boats at sad arwd rrpaUtion of Machine patron by all of from wire dBblfs to of Offer Tare Doors of Fool Stmt GEO Jan 1871 Cheap Building Lota Sole so ran tar pleasantly Lot taa mend on appodta lb yank ini NO STOCK LIKE IT NEWMARKET ha oat a Urea LIFE LIKENESS MR J RE TH rrtsrnlnf kit laTt to 14 then that baa been nntkani addition to STOCK OF APPARATUS And sow to mum LifeSized Jewellery Goods J taken from lb or Of and deaifna to GOLD SILVER WATCHES tfl- aaan All iiiH lav Haul ElectroPlated Goods HO POCKET CUTIUT Fancy Goods I SYKES I i I Founders Engineers QUALITY AND PRICE UNSURPASSED Childrens Toys WHOLESALE aa la i af ilia WILL BE SOLD AT A BABGAiy Watches andjcuellery Repaired lb aatlaa aad Hi atack of aad far avUtaaad CALL A I I 1 18T0 tM Pumps I Pumps TBI la retards llaala for tl la bar WELL or CETERN Bala a practical la i I All Pumps Warranted PUMPS PROMPTLY Stmt will attanla Furniture Store BELL EWART P E TH ill aia Grocery Dry Goods HARDWARE BUSINESS Ha award a aaMIUraal aaara la la a Wad a ailaalcetad Stock of STOVES Of ha An to i if art ssd liberal Sharon Looking Up Cheap Goods la thank for eiK SHARON And la no bags aad do SEASONABLE oabrnciBg lb Fa turn CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Win be band K Barteh sad Cana dian Broad Ciotn Bilk Ac will by ih Yard or Made Up to Order I la sad Bart Stylo Alan to hand of DRY GOODS Of at Eiiraiy Law Groceries Of aba Baal Braada aad aa aa Steam Engines Stove TUIMBLE Ac BAND HOOF BOD AND And of HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE HARDWARE isTABLISHMaiT would SsUsil a A ELVIDGR J Stop and Read I If and TIN WAJIB A Oppositx the DAVISON HOCKS ft ft Provincial Land Surveyors A LAND AGElfflH il A del id Ireet Enat oapaatt Special paid of TtaltH- it Mineral and i Una imanote1 with la Craaa Ja lead far rsnwfl Car 1ritr for ia raslsnt I Caoa Ac Oat TBOIdPSOt TDB he ha kept by Sir nt tend M kp a Hon The Bar and Larder Till be boat J attoatioa paid to aatal rrTller not fbefUag Good sad as THOMPSON Apat fcr A T or hi a la 1 1 Western Assurance Co OFFICE Capital 400000 Preaident-HonJMoMurricb- RlSKStakoaaa Villnaeand who Unit for willtk rishitotSsdr and J Rant- partnaaaUp a a All lUUlHt of ID a Chemist Druggist BELL A MM band a tok DRUGS MEDICINES Chemicals Perfumery Toilet Soaps Sac da anparod on tint Boll TWO FARMS FOR SALE I Worth Hal In of I Sal SI bare TOO Jan with lav cleared and far nnA a fra ptanAsi Half of Lot I In lb la Mrs Sana t af Elm Mar- Aurora Still Ahead new TO torfa replotortsss DRY GOODS BOOTS A c Hade to Order and Satisf tion Guranteed Farm Produce In ARTMAJT A

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