Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , June 9, 1871, p. 1

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THE NEWMARKET ERA gvery Friday Horning JACKSON Edttor Publisher and Proprietor JkAjr AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE HE THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY A000RDISG TO ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY Vol XXNo 17 NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY JUNE Terms 150 in Advance TUB BRA Book and Job EsUolishme at II HEW LATEST STYLES PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS For of tbe of promptly bo finpa sad ifca a as DR STRANGE j Da Vp PkTtlriii and hltnu r I Court JtHm ViS J PETER PATTERSON JACTS01 County York and IAS Toronto LOUNT THOMAS BEBILEr CRAM rfTwontn TTW iHICT may no Provincial Land Surveyor I of J attended to Audi PHYSICIAN SURGEON Accoucheur Office Main St Newmarket at Seven MONEY TO LOAN lb of Ih nod ROYAL HOTEL Hirer by iw J at rjoatler HENRY SANDERSON VETERINARY SURGEON A to the from am oclock pm S From to ftS MANSION HOUSE for end LICKXTfATEofllr Collrfeof Ontario opposite lb Hotel Mam t FICE OPEN DA FROM A TO P or UK TBE UN a Solicitors in Chancery DIRECTORY DENTAL NOTICE I MARBLE WORKS I NEWMARKET in Hack far the rtajxctfuJ to itat lbj an bo I tl to all for MonnmentsTorau GRAHAM aaaoaDom Sharon Every Saturday Jfbwif Alien M laainuy sad u- 18S3 2d 1 FIRST TEETH Dr Robinson LDS q a n ret SHARON MARBLE WORKS CHARLES DRESS MAKER all order a Slmcoo Street or A T for DRESS MAKING I Mrs Barry Uciurrmr Tomb Tablets Stones Posts Crosses ALL for Dm mad Lot Erat Notice TeitOI as The C A Money to Land TIATES v- i Dresses Cut Fitted Davison House TQE pot Ik flitd p pr- trtsrt Hot with Accommodation of Guests Awl traaU by to ibo awl a roar of Dentistry ADAMS DDC SrKOXON King Street East Toronto attention aJrra to Tottb CAXNON L DENTIST DEPoarroBT ill tutd a Iho lilafaacbcofttb not Tortb la on Sdrtf Vakanid Bulbar ud Allanua racUJ pita to too MOib to air altoalloo to Avon win n 2d UBGEON NEW t Boot and Shoe MANUFACTORY Opposite the North American Hotel hi to BOOTS AND SHOES I and ororkraajaMtnvii tbo Apprentices to the Dress Wanted fraoa Mala Stmt CABINET MAKER And Undertaker Cur And on With or MELODEONS Photography L JOKES l public derails bo baa rtopCMd Photographic Studio HUH NEWMARKET Enamelling Process SOLAS CAMERA Drtrra wi r bo of LIFE LIKENESSES Large Cabinet or Stereo- tropic Pictures Carte Ambrotypcs and Gems J DALES Musical Instruments equal to any MR J SMITH I ate of of bo rawlf to iko aad Molodowo onl lloaJaj al Ton I al Mr A Book Mala Horse Infirmary e it VETERINARY SURGEON of lo Vatorwaar TORONTO o oat mm fa km cot Bud or by letter dl of Ac of Every for Horses dt Cattle on Hand auoodod to ydaW to April UK I Buggies for Sale Of Superior Style Finish At A J NEW TIN WARE ESTABLISHMENT Subscriber rcspoctnilly MAIN STREET Where ha Tinware Stove Pipes c at a t Repairing Dons on Short Notice he determined sot bo tit A CALL AUCTIONEERING Conveyancing c Ac on short OBOaVlsr MOOhUt nam air WTO Is Your Limp Burning d burs know rrotbo7 and all lb lamp that are UNCLE JOHNS PLAN nlraoot to give up leave place Ill strike lor other quarters out West any- tuck there if I c Here am I forty- In worked hard all my life not a cent If I had only gone Into thai agency with Harry years ago I might have Everything he touches money and bo started no than Ho fintibed A pretty on the that lani coat amal sum either it from top to bottom and now today ho baa bought a horse and buggy that declare fairly made And the a petulant push lo tbo chair on which bis feet were resting while ibe one ho occu pied was tipped backward to the ut- verge of its balance Uncle John to whom this g was addressed tQrued a pair of keen eyes upon the speaker saying nothing but watching transfer of a morsel of the Indian weed from a capacious box to the mouth just open ed to declaim against tucA Raving thus refreshed himself Al bert or as be was more familiarly called Bert Warren proceeded Harry dont work as bard I baa three children and I bo tone while have seen the finery bis wife in dulges In She is a smart capable It is true but bow she dresses cant afford silk for my wife nor a for my Jennie ana I know she as as much talent as Harrys girls cans understand it Do you not like to see a woman as Harrys wife does appeared to me as the result of taateratlierjhkn extravagance She has it true bat a judicious economy in the selection are in the use of her finery all it Being an old bachelor myself perhaps I am not to be count ed as an authority upon such matter but like to see A woman becomingly dressed and best fabrics the cheapest Uncle John draw forth a little memorandumbook and idly pen- tied sundry items as he continued I have beard Harry rather bout of is wife a good management aid ima gine some of too the old gentleman Do yo prentices and workmen so in the habit of get Ihe wheel the shop dozens thaw I have been i of tin playing time Bui catechise i Idle game to while away at in the world do you so closely for uncle I would nut dare to dismiss him Neither could I better myself if I did The men of bis class all drink some- will an occasional in spite of everything lager beer I suppose hurts no one my business And planning and ar ranging work for men better than bad in my employ He if he first class work would only attend to his keep sober But I suppose I must make the best of it Tbo elder bit the end of his pencil reflectively while bis nephew exclaimed You give me the blues Uncle John bringing to my thoughts the way I am hampered Some times everything goes against me I hat to drive dull care away He started from iho veran dah where they bad been lounging for his Returning in a moment and himself ho lighted a cigar saying It seems unsocial to smoke alone but you nev er acquired habit and I sometimes regret that I ever did Cigars are abominably high I would not dare tell you what I for last box but then I cant endure an inferior cigar of ail things Uncle John said nothing but tarn his face from tho of blue smoke curling lazily around the head of his disturbed nephew and toward sunset ho watched the rosy glow the drawn and one sbot through the bead No sooner did brother bis work than be turned the revolver against himself and before Anybody could interfere he was in eternity Hid you know the part ios asked Uncle John with a look on his ace as if some personal hazard was in volved in the answer bo was to receive Oh yes I have met them fre quently at tho place They In the recop- respectable lion of good wages as overseers Both of them were unusually quiet indeed never very talkative unless they had taken a glass or two sod much liked by who knew them Is tho place an orderly one queried Uncle John persistently Certainly and Albert lifted his head with a look of some indignation I never saw anything contrary to the rules of propriety there before and I drop in nearly every night on my way down town and get a glass of lager beer I consider it an excel lief ply being made to this and lew remarks being passed the group separated for the night Several days went by after ibis occurrence with no allusion to finan cial matters One evening as they were sitting on piazza after tea enjoying the coolness of summer twilight Jennie at her fathers request sang several simple Her voice was clear sweet and foroehild powerful With cultivation she gave of reaching a high standard ler father sighed heavily as she pass ed into the house intent upon fulfill ing some direction of her mother trilling a merry song as sbo wont If I was only a richer man 1 would spare nor money eel deepening and fading i per t of reward for tbc I dont know anything about that but I cant afford it I know and my wife is as good an economist bis it is all his lack rather hotly Bert nettled at what be a covert reproof elder lapsed into silence for a consulting bis memo randa then asked How do you get with your foreman Does be please you better of lato No Matters get worse fel low is absent from his post altogether Of course I cant always be in tho office to watch him I never could bear close confinement durirg summer months If be were only be trusted I would Jennie And her mother and make a trip in tbe mountains if only for a couple of But all would goto the dog and poor Bert beared a sigh which seemed to come from the of his heart as he spoke Why do you keep said Uncle John pouring out a glass of icewater And sipping it leisurely as bespoke He moat be actual Do yoo for a time ing at Berts fa half drooping An features witling the beauties of lb before thorn would meet with a doll ear be brought him back to things mundane and practical by observing Can yon calculate bow many days in a month is generally on Mondays Works Tuesdays but does ibe rest of the week with the excep tion of an hours absence in the fore noon for unless there should be an election or military turnout or or something of that sort replied Bert with an involuntary laugh which lacked toy merriment however Two days in A week then and an hour each day besides occasional says Uncle John a few more items in his note book Boh I that cigar has no flavor and Away went tbe stamp into the dewtaden beyond as the speak ers chair camo down upon its fore logs Come lot us go down town uncle I feel out of sorts tonight than Its to your catechism I sorry Tor yon but you will have to excuse mo this evening as I mut fulfil an engagement I have made with Jennie to show her a little about shading her last drawing She finely and would make or do you deduct bis absences Ob that would never do His temper when excited by liquor is terrible He would stop at nothing next firealarm would surely sound my Yon know little about such men to that I hope I do and I shall never desire to know more quietly answer- something more than A dabbler under bands of a competent in structor Yes but my nurse is too shallow Confound the luck I cant Afford It And tlo two separated pursuing an entirely distinct train of thought from tho same circumstances Bert and Henry Warren Were bro thers blessed with energy brains and health each with a helpmate after Solomons pattern who looketh well to ibe of her household Uncle John was at present an in- male or family of Albert He was a bachelor and possessed of a share ol this worlds goods obtained by his own prudent management and skill An hour or so of evening on which we make their acquaintance was most by Jennie and uncle over her drawing But the boor for retiring approached and the head of the household return ed not interest lagged and pen cils were finally laid aside They were beginning to cast anxious glances At the face of the venerable timepiece ticking away so soberly in the corner when his footsteps were heard approaching with a rapidity quite out of keeping with his usual deliberation As he entered the parlor bis face they exclaimed Why are you so late Are you ill daor and Jennie sprang to ward Dim bo sank into the nearest and covering bis tare with his hands groaned out rather than spoke I have seen a mans hand lifted against bis own and then bis awn life taken the a saloon in Arnold street met for a social glass as was their nightly custom and after A few mo ments chat proprietor inquired of one concerning some venture which he bad been lately making and suc cessfully it seemed In replying he took occasion to rally other upon hie ill lock bidding him follow in hi footsteps This was taken In high Unkind words followed each other fast They bad drank enough render them quarrelsome for aa thought their hand were each other A pistol less to talk there I think that I see a way to reach that and some other privileges also Bert if you will liston tone and not be offended at a little plain speaking I have been taking notes and have arrived at certain conclusions there Bert turned his eyes upon his uncle in wonder but held bis peace and waited further developments I have a sum of money subject to my order now lying idle which would furnish and suitable instrument This will place at your command for any length of time you require if you wish and will indulge me by trying an experiment Dont me tonight Hear me through calmly and without any feelings of vexation lam all Interest to know your plan Uncle John menu as yoo term Yoo pay drcd dollars per Yee I do he is not steady or faith ful either to his own interests or those of his employer your loss out of that averages eight dollsra pet week from his neglige neb Ibis directly indi rectly cannot estimate it and I know that sum of four hundred dollars per year most be far below the actual figure Dismiss him Un derstand me I should bo the last to condemn a single fault or for many lapses I would strive by every means in my power to encourage erring if repentant but I would no longer set a premium on vice Give bis place to An It required do reform for he did moral courage lo speak plainly overseer of the cause of his dismissal It selfdenial to break or those habits which bad become second nature to him but it taught that which hefere he did not know of himself he could do no thing It taught him t that look Providence not in luck and in tbo light of spiritual blessings which flowed in upon them as well as earth ly enjoyments He found cause to be grateful to Urcle John for persuading to adopt bis plan The Railways of Canada There are in tho Dominion of Can- la over twonty lines of railway at present in operation Their aggre gate length is about 3000 miles The following are the names of the lines and their respective lengths Great Western and branches 340 Grand Trunk BY Northern Buffalo and Lako Huron 161 London and Port Stanley Erie and Ontario Ottawa and Montreal and Csrrilon and St Lawrence and Industry Fort Hope and Lindsay Brockrillo and Ottawa and Chai Cobourg and your expert Windsor Windsor and Annapolis Wellington Grey and Bruce 21 New Brunswick and Canada 120 European and North Ameri can Quebec Cosford Total To these may be added the follow Southern Toronto Grey and Bruce Toronto and Junction about W0 GrandTotal 35 In addition to there are other Linee couvmplatcd bat- not con sidering the tid Pacific road It Is likely that in two miles Opt railways of Can- cost about Tbe total receipts year of fifteen of the principal line- were about Opening of the Asylum for the Blind BruarroAD May Tbe proceedings at the Asylum opening yesterday were of a in teresting nature About two thou sand persons were assembled The This one leak stopped yoa I procession was very large find its influence in other ways the olhor societies helped to line The absence of any 1 of which will work a towards tbo members or a harder task still to put tbe root of your pleasures selfish at mado his friend feel flat for trifles they expected more from him A hut they sum up in a sicLly cheer rewarded bis effort fearful aggregate even in the light of Wood made a characteristic speech dollars and cents bat in their influ- j but took good not to say a upon character in their thing particularly The visitor were upon the soul which requires by help not hindrances who can Two volunteers were badly burl well Two volunteers Looking at the matter of them lost a in a pecuniary light your two premature explosion of by tie j brothers ihrco glasses of lager each night which they were attending while for A tonic your two or three cigars firing the royal salute at noon They for a sedative I suppose amount in at present very low but bop a the course of a year loaeam sufficient entertained of their recovery al to secure the services of able though they will be maimed for life tore in both music and drawing Thus Jennio could bo provided for and Tub Doha or ClrrrOL The path could be opened to her and of the Capitol at Washington self not only for present enjoyment most ambitious structure In Anv powtbly immonse benefit in Ihe erica higher than future Thst page is closed Washington Monument at Baltimore to us but it turns darkly and feel higher than that of Bunker resources like these would keep the Hill and feet higher than If wolf from the door and a fooling of Trinity Church Tower at New York independence in the heart But the only considerable dome of will my little lecture W an end iron in the world It is a vast boll only asking to think without of- of iron pounds fence of Uncle Johns plan and give How much is that More than me decision in a day or two toes or about the weight of TO Good night full gfown or about squi I And he left bis somewhat chagrin- to 1000 laden coat cars which nephew to his own thoughts ing four ions each reach two Tbo most judge by reached tbout some effort and of remorse particularly as be remem bered of a rather sarcastic remark he indulged In once regarding Brother Harrys squeemishness in employ ing none but strictly temperate men and never needing tonics or stimu- lantsor himself Tbegood wife was taken into council And tike a true woman her influence was thrown into the right He bad never looked at bis in matter in this light before and a half Directly over your Is a figure in bronze America weighing pounds The pre- tare of the Iron dome upon Its piers and pillars is pounds to the square foot Si Peter presses nearly pounds more to the square foot and St rt Parte 000 pounds more It would require lo crush the support of ths Washing ton dome a pressors of pounds to tho square foot The coal was about The new wings cost The architect has a plan for rebuilding the old cen tral park of Capitol and enlarg ing will cost about

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