NEWMARKET ERA MAY 1871 lull lyrtkolda Palace of Fashion I I raBraomrull i lUli MILLINERY Flowers Ribbons Ac Remarkably Low i Wedding Mourning Orders DRESS MAZING tether tfcc SEWING MACHINE f IliilN She TOOK THE FIRST PRIZE At the Exhibition RECENTLY IN TORONTO ESS A Shop and Dwelling L TO PRICE OF MACHINE ST SHVESlS I WILSON BOWMAN Co 1UU J- A NlNN Farm for Sale CAEPENTERS WASTED CollingwoodElevator ration the IT IS A J J HODGE Cooking Parlor Hall Bedroom Stoves THAI TORONTO Voir your lime your Stores and Static Pipit COPPER TIN SHEET IRON WARE tpriittatwmuili a in a i oh w sell a in ihti re oar J J HODGE GARDEN SEEDS FRESH IMPORTATION BENTLEYS DRUGSTORE SIGH Of THE BRONZE lb Feat Mai Stuket AmerM Bed Parsnip Ratty Tort Flat asd lower Lr I film All the Rat Lea T inalo Extra Pan Urn of IreUad nip Seed Apothecarys Hall 1 NEWMARKET DRUGSTORE JAMES NO STOCK LIKE IT NEWMARKET jet out a Large IAID9 A Chemist and Apothecary er fc mil sieeijBa from I LIFE LIKENESSES MR J RE I D TIT artonalsi lumi to assail NfeWMARKET A Ik Ibnal aarM lb to thlfc ha 1a jo OF APPARATUS Lifesized Likenesses I TAKES rmrn I I I 17 I 1 I1WI flli l id I i CARRY ON THE BUSINESS ON HIS OWN ACCOUNT lutnur The Stock Drugs Chemicals PERFUMES BRUSHES COMBS FANCY GOODS Patent Meaicnes CATTLE MEDICINES DyeStuffs 01 all Colour James Genuine White Lead OILS PAINTS VARNISHES All of Quality I Jim m PRICE DR HAIR i a succor He phi ball takes out a the aco Willi ti latest at a dinner i to bare a fan placed at each on which the hill of fare and on the of a to that ho liable to herself and keep to I A paragraph ir ray that Iter Ir Ac divine ha mated a to the United Indians of Mexico are again on the rampafte latent tell of the murder and of fourteen per- A policy extermination of is to ho determined lipii llo red skins Antt rU14 llBtaiaesa a great Druggist SPECTACLES Pure Hard Dr Haul 1 1- Out I Itl II Finest Tobaccos fte IN GREAT DOMINION erl CLOTHING Dry Goods House NEW GOODS NEW TRICES I THAN EVER Insect Poison A i wr f Ha PRICE TWEXTYFIYE CENTS BAKER Bentleys Ague Cure SEWIWG British WarehoBseL STILL Alii jjj EASE OF THE Tuckers ft Guilters ij Wanted at A fiua CO a i ml nil flS of yellow CURE OF BRONCHITIS and Drill only lh J of to An army of Illinois in in of a ill itirooinaj tic Many garden hare tin r nil u At iai I ha and lender I Ui tt I in HIM li it and Mr pointed lh led iho Do rolidon Railway It to be will to interfered with he been in hi of Intercolonial con- to La I tfair I I Iwrtj lifca SILVER it IfeiiUtM bu Ctb a a aSmSE and bayonet and United Stale l cavalry sword taken from a Fenian prisoner at a kirmih at Hill 1670 as aUiaSMal Canada on the Mar I artkunl ironby ha been mounted I S l 4rf nd in tllo hall museum snd of tho To- itutf in tb f i tadif Tbo Grand ass yesterday hard labor in the city jail fur NO SECOND PRICE All Styles Grocer d- Baker Machines a all for on bond Furniture Rooms Enlarged -new- MainSt Newmarket Harness Establishment B Stock of Furniture Chain Prices to Suit tbo Times flWH ir First Class Instrument imrckasrr car- Every iDtlriarm NEW1I ARRET fjy tajrU MR DA V1DSQX aid r all bo fimr turn with miiku POWELLS ETA3LE PUUIONAFY BALSAM Botanical Fills Thy an ii tmn hlt For i i with Lift tuj an in tin rt th I 111 Ibe jxibll I BOTANICAL WORM SYRUP I tbo KatVt mm Ejfrcttul Hi li Harness and Trunks WHIPS As Its 1ST0 CABINET ROOMS AN phut it Drugs bo employed the city or In repairing thoai to to prevent toaimoiiiiii1 disgraceful cond C BROWN ataiawtisi sllsisUr Sirs a Haul asrfcrt Vsrrs SCHOOL GENEBALpBOCEBIES M Cash for Hides TANNERY j M a LEATHER Of Mbl at num JOHN JOE TEUGRAPHIC in lb ot for if anil an llriiai Of Tnimota aid laflmBiatiori Ha I BE COMPOUNO Extract of Blackberry For Sun Main Street nAiicKrr Sowing aabaeritur The Little SHUTKE MACHNE lf 1 maplU lib I RIMCIi FAMILY SEWINS MACHINE introtoird into Voria Awrrira or aaavUM bun and jbntaW Doar a tUa hot Una GEO imor CoraplalnU Cholera felackefnr an of actloa tb Tba aa Item l A Ann 1 tab I Jil MlU tbr boar aJ WJ ftrai af sjbckcj in all lata Jar f D A atock of Trvaara Stirgn fatj A alvaji PUMPS PUMPS S3 GOLD WATCHES ElectroPlated Goods nut and poem Fancy Goods LIFE SIZE AND PRICE PASSE Childrens Toys WILL BE SOLD AT A BARGAIN ami JnceVery Repaired v aslablr aw- lor ssdeiaf sad ah Jaj CALL AND r si law rasas asd li it Ratal IJ J SYKES Founders Engineers Steam Engines Stoves THIMBLE SKEINS Ac Ac BARD HOOP BOD AND BAB HEAVY AND HARDWARE Pumps Pumps in ratarsinf tkankafortt mi VaartnarkM I WELL or CISTERN PUMPS All Pumps Warranted REPAIRED at la U Bill I J BENNETT a Furniture Store BELL P Grocery Dry Goods BUSINESS a Is he In a Stock of Furniture STOVES Sharon Looking Up Cheap Goods SHARON as ae Was to te 1 IS iiJc arall las- As Is els Lars SEASONABLE ale aaaUaelef CLOTHING aJ Mads Up to Order eaten AH DRY Groceries Ibe Heat in Kb i in Exchange GEO P SMITH Cheap building Lots far teriaa p4tauaaU Tiaaatbjr m tfc ir ar Chemist Druggist T7 bead a DRUGS MEDICINES PATENT MEDICI Chemicals Perfumery Soaps Ola Ac Ball 7 HARDWARE ESTABLISHMENT a SYKES A Stop and Read yoo want and TIN A DAVISON ft Coadoetor All Work USWIN Provincial Land Surveyors A LAND AGENTS OFFICE fttrMt Eaat faun Oat it apj Keen- lr I trawried lib foraieaa r for Porrrji a I mi Tami norsi I The Bar and ill auplrj with the aal aiUtrtiea to CHARGES MODERATE and Altntire TlloXNOil ApatfurWai T T alee en a Western Assurance Go 1EAD OFFICE TORONTO lupitul a lad Fatal lt Ir- rieaaia- ware- aijled real fa thai wIV llriaalitlatllor A OP CO-FABT- Donald flailmLiad J exautatHl by tatbetUiM who will ike of AD a I TWO FOB SALE I FT LB Ike Dalre Lata a tn KiafbaUf Half of Lot la the eTt iWrrd a ilk her aal Cedar Per bamcalara Harkrt p be Bar- Aurora Still Ahead NEW IMPORTATIONS TtT TO Ursa DRY GOODS a Clothing c MM