Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 28 Apr 1871, p. 2

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THE MANCHESTER HOUSE In Newmarket is noted for New and Cheap Dry floods Groceries Stoneware Crockery and Earthenware by firs cal at No Cald Block BBO Your time and money can be NEWMARKET ERA APRIL 1871 Public Meeting to oar it will I observed a mealing in to hold in the Hat next I evening to consider ill flotation f taxation for jcal Wo generally will attend sVrow a Mo 0 1 th erection of a new ii Street and iiecontar tt i ho shape of sal- iuM I I 1871 to meet llio of the The que- Despatch of approaching BirthDaw will also bo takn Ink Drops Ilrt I- I at fur less Why did not the order Mr Mr properly cast responsibility of this matter upon lb government on whose the whole sin of in first instance and for not bringing the guilty to justice in tho properly belong Hut there another view the coarao are log which tc and that is the more iry to throw dirt at Mr groundless charge by Implication proclaim their own inconsistency in a govern ment that tip to the present to Writ duty of mo oat Jed justice while every iff of the member for South for his action in this matter at Ottawa daring recent session is a doublosbot at the Coalition at whom fleshpot rain islorial prints aro fostered each consistency I If Mr is to condemned because he chose to Mr distinct denial of all participation and Dr no report of that gen connection with the matter existed in the Territory that he had heard of what shall we say of the Coalition Cabinet members who hart don tittle or nothing towards punish the guilty whole and cry is raised with a to avert a threatened storm elec tor will not bo so cosily deceived as government faney I by In consideration nor of m Wednesday some i discussion took place on that part which provides that shall be expended for the above purpose Mr my who to tho clause a it stood and proposed an amendment which should exclude the Hudson Bay Company from a parti cipation any portion of LHo bad last session and ngi his belief that the Bay Com pany were iu complicity with the rebellion and ho was unwilling that At tho Aaai no beliered had for their losses should Some fur- arks elicited from Dr the member from a long and eloquent speech on lie rjgritled that ho should to speak on the subject at nil but ithad become necessary for him to express his opinion ho would be guarded in what be said He would oniioavor to represent faithfully tho opinion of his people on this jwint and ho would supplement thatopiuj ion with certain statements made on oath by respectable persons In the hirer The member then read certain affidavits containing tho roost damning proof of the complicity of the Hudson Bay Company in tho rebellion The mem ber fir Selkirk who is presort of the Hudson Bay Com pany said it was noticeable and re marked that he did not riso to refute statement made by lion gntleman from Otta- America the Now York Tribune say If we ox tend our examination to tin and Iacitic coast similar results present themselves The Bed River and Saskatchewan territories embrace an area largo enough for tour or five largo States of superior and upland noil with a good of coal and gold and equal for agricultural to Northern Mi Milwaukee and Minnesota Beyond ho Rocky Mountains is Brit ish Columbia abounding with gold containing the beet most abundant coal mines yet found on the Pacific slope It has a superior soil a magnificent climate and an offish That colony is in ovary jj t in natural superiority fully a par with California and Oregon I the territory of Washington With theso fact before us we must t that nature has done as much for the Colonies as for the State scattering everywhere with a lavish hand and without partiality those of wealth which require only tho hand of industry by in telligence to them contribute to our comfort means of in creasing individual and aggregate in Toronto lately a Mis obtained verdict for against one King of llaldimand for abase and breach promise ttjf A wonderful brickcoach has been devised by a French at since bis there Before the war bo was a day laborer but ho ha sold his in vention to a German firm for 15000 tbalers Nebraska Stats Lunatic Asylum was burned ft supposed State W presume same deficiency will bo noticed in our own issue whon proper come Am erican government says the journal at the of the war- say In of what was called postal currency Of this no less than remains unredeemed redemption last year amounted to only and paper is now coming in so slowly lead the belief that very little will bo presented for payment result therefor is that nearly 25 per cent of this largo issue will be as truly taken out of the pock of tbo people of the United Stabs jf t had been don by From the paper brought down t appear that the lowest tender for the Toronto Post Office was from Mr of Brentford via In spito of that fact how ever Mr reported in favor of Mr John of Brantford hose tender was next lowest viz Mr reported that Mr was not a practical build- and had no Mr Elliott assarted bo experienced and ef ficient public need not attach much importance to Mr Langevi contractor unable to undertake two harbor con tracts and Rondeau at the same time This same Mr therefore deprived of contract and it to an inex contractor a friend Mr Burden for South Bruce It is altogether likely ho has been playing was chained in his cell 150000 insurance 100000 Navigation from tho foot Lake Krie lo th head of Lake Mich may now be said to be fully Some Tittle floating Ice still about bat quite a crafts have up from that port while steamer from Chicago report no ico visible that direc- iiarble slab one inch long and a ball wide whereon to record the mil good the Local for th slab might supply another for Ont which is equally Quail and f ralrio chickens are so plentiful in Chicago that nearly tcti thousand of thorn were fed to the hogs in one day Tho Chicago fane the passago of laws which will prevent the indiscriminate of game after the ratddlo Of Jnnu It says that millions of bird are now killed in Iowa and Illinois every year after game a A party of Indians attacked the train of Miller btw Chihuahua and Fort Bacon and killed seven whites Mexican soldiers pursued the Indians Into tho United States and killed eighty US troops at Fort Goodwin went to pro tect the Indiaus and came in collision with tho Mexicans and forty Ameri can soldiers with their commander were killed Tho Signal advises fruit growers to and ascertain embryo caterpillars It understands those who mad snob found their trees with the eggs of destructive men particularly in old loaves adher ing to the branches Bo euro to lake hem oft and bum them at yon prefer fruit to caterpillars saT Col Lynch of Ridge way notoriety has been released from the Penitentiary where ho had boon for participation of raid of that year Tie liberation it is said was of his fast failing Tobotto Garx Sun of last week says Toe locomotive Ar thur McMftnter has now reached Charleston so that before long wo may expect to hoar tho shriek of tho iron bono in The neces sary work to effect this desirable con summation of the hope of our citizens as soon as possible is being prosecuted with great vigor and celerity and it will not bo the fault of tbo Company if wo do not enjoy tho advantages of railway communication early in The work between Mount Forest and Arthur also go bravely on Operation have commenced ac tively on all tho subcontracts all post the greater part of in or his fast tailing It is to bo hopod that the remainder ofbia days will be spent- belter advantage than in conspiring against and making war upon the people of Canada without the slightest A baggage- master on the Chi cago and Northwestern railroad is es timated smashed over cloven million dollars worth of trunk in thirteen yoars and he was sick sods of the time too bat last week be got religion by attending a revival meet ing and has reformed so any weak old trunk is a safe in his hands a a Salamander safe Other railroad companies are to bo compelled by State law of Illinois to employ mis sionaries to convert their The Capo Ann say I Tho Plymouth fleet is fall ing off number Of the engaged in the cod fishery four were 21100 and oil I3050n herring fleet mostly belonged in brought in barrels nearly WOOOO The flsbiug fleet of Maine hut year consisted of vessels employing learn that this distinguished officer has been just appointed Assistant Adju tantGeneral at the Horse Goanla Inch is one grade higher than at any other fencing and ich Of lumber for bridge tim ber has boon delivered is every probability that tho lino will be completed by tho time guaranteed table visit to borders of Territory was a Capt or Dr Tapper This person boa no commission but partly on big appointed commander of Rod mounted police which r Me- Government was to enroll Our reader may recolloctthalaWet- paper chaffed Mr Camoron most I unmercifully at time writing of him being 5 foot and brood proportion However ho was not I appointed but be has claimed and been paid by Dominion Govern ment no less a sum than fivo thousand three hundred dollars for expenses I Mr who was a duly ap pointed officer sent out under orders of Iho Government received only 1200 for hi expense Comment is un necessary BaioHTO4 April block of frame buildsngs west ofiClarks hotel in this Tillage was tolajly destroyed by fire last night alii th mated Th Toronto Leader state that Colonel Fredrick Wells of let There was In Royals a Canadian by- birth who of 23000000 of which greatly distinguished himself daring 000 remains outstanding the Crimean war and was press ted lion last having boon only 161 with a sword of honor by the citizens This shows the aril of a shin- of Toronto on his return to Canada currency has retired from service place where there is an Assistant AdjutantGeneral The GoTern at homo not it appears much affected by grief which Sir George ha in tb publication of gal lent Colonel adventure with Minister of Militia Among the patents of invei tions issued which appear in today the following are granted to J residing in Toronto John farmer for a i useful in ordinary use for threshing grain to be called or known as improved threshing machine gear ing John Dennis of the village Newmarket In County of York maker for a machine for on and grain to bo known as Dennis labor annihilator One great remit of the contest say the Obtencr has been to bring out in bold relief those lines which Coalition had labored bard to obi a era to Bat it has done thing more than this Men may pass away parties may be weakened and dissolved by Inefficient leadership or a vicious policy bat great principles are and immutable and among these parity of administration and respect for puhlio virtu and th tbo Reformer of Ontario have In recent political struggle nobly and righteously KB- It is reported that Mr Simpson member for Algoraa ha boon ap pointed a Commissioner to negotiate in conjunction with LieutenantGov ernor Archibald treaties with th In dian tribes in Manitoba and territories For this purpose it is a grand Council is to bo bold shortly at Fort Garry reservation are settled on a staff of surveyors is to beset at work to lay oat township for settlement I that Mr Simpsoi on a salary aa It would bo a violation of the Independence of Act but session The Grand of North recognised Grand Lodge of Quebec Two member of the lsnl Legislature bar bad apugilistio Lord will not return to Canada- His establishment i being broken np jar A Milwaukee court finedja man ten dollar for agitating a young ins black hair Amy Richardson of Iowa ilghs 352 pounds No man will marry her for fear of bigAmy The Bar of Chatham entertain ed tbo Hon Judge McCrea at supper prior to bis departure for Algoraa big a in picnic weather John of Barrio to tb west yesterday and was swindled by two confidftnc men at Stratford oat of all he had sr The are very anx ious tbat all kinds of needlework be thoroughly taught the girls in public schools of that It is that Sir Hasting Doyle will officiate as Governor-Gen- during absence of Lord gar in ISA Mr J Edgar the candidate for county of at the recent election filed his peti tion against the of Mr ilrCal- with tbo clerk of Court of Queens Bench He claims that over forty bad votes have boon cast for Calfum Axornzm Libil Suit in Prospect The freedom of the press is again threatened The editor of the Peeks- kill has received the fol lowing Fekcsccl March Mr Wat did yon print my family matters in paper fur it is none of Fir if my wife did have twins pays for em and youl get your punched you had best tend to own Is the ad viz of J locaHly tb of Will USUI 111 MSt ratlv the dry Newmarket Markets si Toronto Markets ikntr me J IWbm far in is It kli the jr1ji j ik tamni will lake pises flsUrdsy Guariftl If spereMaisf Queens Birthday Farm for Sale II is A11 sbost lks htm well toed iJnvd IUol fitrn sail fcKir of the floorUhi at 9lomg- a m For apply So aodar- icssd ptrsooaJty or VirUa post Wat LI STOCK fl3beriigehjeris Boarders esa Mrs an Tea WWl J 18711 MONTREAL 187L Ocean Steam Ship ALLAN LINE Tin Liverpool Mail Lino a is Imtmitmg to wmsJ of Passage to to fcPJ For tickets or other apply Is Or TRUER St Rtwaaiitt April A Shop and Dwelling TO LET ST NEWMARKET Opposite Mrs Forsyths Hotel With every earitaMt Kenirat J A J wars Stmt April Ilet TOWNSHIP OF Court of Revision Cssweil ef the Towsshfp el resrfkBjs the la On Saturday the day of May boor erf Tea aa a of at all parties torrstod arc to sad accord Court TQB fa Villa ill kaU i tod are I Clerk To Contractors I to a I ad- UMSUf A NEW TOLL HOUSE of the of Tessa and Buy he mm lbs ud At the AW Dp 1 Palorday Mad lax Hollaed Lisf the TO I FOR SALS In lot to nit Cotameal POT SPLIT PEAS Buckwheat Flour EYE ROBT BRADFORDS It St TORONTO Ont 1 BUI U Palace of Fashion I HISS SMITH RBSPBCTFDLLY totbslaeHeaef daily that la u entirely sew Steak ef MILLINERY MANTLES Flowers Ribbons TIllMMIKGS In fcel ftKrU la lo ifui- low Wedding Mourning Orders DRESS is nest atohioaaUa style Stamping for Braiding and A will tka where eaa be aaltod toatola qualiiy prise Farat Lake

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