Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 28, 1871, p. 1

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ML Tin ir Every Friday Morning 5J AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER JR GIVE ME TO KNOW TO AND TO ACUOBDLNO TO ALL OTHER Vol NEWMARKET Ont FRIDAY APRIL 1871 Terms 150 in Advance TUB ERA Book and Job Establishment LATEST STYLES PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS iri Wj W GEO I I PETER PATTERSON E JACKSON HORACE Moo OSIER JUL COOK THOMAS BENTLEY iniTtfiULrmjiicua Dr teuriEor SO bo iTniiinin- at lb Provincial Land Surveyor I Vi lL Li 1MB GEORGE DODOS of J BURGEON Office St Newmarket ft Severs 1 MONEY TO LOAN at Law Offload Jon MS tf HOTEL Maii iin J- BIBLE DEPOSITORY BIBLmaadTelniitaean had w7iiVyOftlt Jry TnijWrkaiia and Mo rates ibg of Wswsoartet Doe l Do r VETERINARY SURGEON Every SatUTliij from am till 2 From to MANSION HOUSE OFFICE OPEN DAILY A TO i P jion hand If 2115C9 If 37 to Lone Apply to LEE ft BAST DO VirrarMJu DRY GCJODS WORKS DRESS MAKING I Mrs Jas Barry DRESS MAKER Buggies for Sale Of Jt Finith At A J Davison House TnS uUrr A of to went J JOHNSONS SASH BLIND AND DOOR Is now in Full Operation Dentistry ADAMS DDC DI1TI8T 9 King Street East Toronto IU to the all i m MtrJr iU Teetk MA VnlcMlta lii l- MllUl wd or Stop and Read 1 you tut and CI TIN WASE A HI HOUSE a I RESIDENCE Dttio ft mi it S ROADUOUSE CABINET MAKER Undertaker f on lol CorriiB RrADTLinE Oct J S HUGHES Clblltl Ipialilrr I hud 11 of imo wiuud COFFINS Of READYMADE A ami kepi for IUot tr Elud for 1870 If PRIZE IN 187P I T I DALES Musical Instruments Heine in PRICE TOSS FINISH Photography JONES Photographic Studio HAW ST NEWMARKET Enamelling Process SOLAS CAMERA LIFE LIKENESSES Cabinet or Stereo- Pictures Carte etc and Gems welt and NEW TINWARE i Ml NT ROYAL HOTEL ho koopo on hand Stovs Pipes Repairing Done en Short A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED TO FARMERS Linseed Oil Cake CHEAP FOR CASH At BENTLE DRUG STORE MR J SM ITU Lata of MM TKlCniK of and 1U DVI toiiTbNiaoo ih a m asd ml VocaJ Untie if at Mr A Book Bloc Strwt kr lb lit of January til I wish they bad yog tight Watson took money una up half to tho boy who leant over an J glared at mo Tom raid ho Ill pi for that it from him Wont tako it Mid tho boy A down to my money to tor Twenty Thinkof Iwonty pound Tor a biscuit No not enough of tho grub itll mo alive a day Forty fifty Tom No lifes to me an to you I Moll you I dont want to part with ILcnit A hundred tho No inn dmL time of lifo lots shore I toll yon onco for all mo I shall that money Then you shall repent 1 sure sun riso- for that money with a tremendous shock that haltered unhappy on a great roof two miles to south of Capo Tho water poured in- in with such force that before more than twenty of her crew had escaped screaming and to the main top ship had filled to her decks In that wild driving in and ltflil i Fight hundred but mo a thousctid fihouto1 ti III take my chanco of a iug or Hero It is hand op the money If Im caved Ill go homo a rich man I down tho biscuit Yes likely I yon I get money faint as bo was lowly to whore boy lay Lied to a and angrily money biscuit Ah man said who was too weak to riso what did I say dnt I always f tho luck about her A of you of the wreck and its fl nut and borno down to A few daynof frag- to I Mary Cameron to Mocknys great joy ree quickly of to prJ ho I youll marry young widow I dont ray ynnl I look to more substantial prise want my share of that four thousand pound lIo Cat A loll I shall rotoro tomorrow to Mr Cameron it is mine Two thousand I mean to a whether or no J it to atart lair again after this Ma Then got monoy if you can I hant help you to it It belongs and and to them Only tared and Do not affect your worst I do my worst and bod it And so with threat and do- in- two men parted frozen anako had Tako caro of that man said hes a limb of Satan and do I upon it be made that mi chief enrao on and she who nnmod her Hut no no I wont bon ny lady Look at her Mary to natural no Siren all an unlucky orrcr no on of who clung to IniwLjj Slf for joy ho nmo or jfijtay nd KrrJrf had laiied to rigging higher up than rest tho hungry waves roared ceaselessly below for prey When day luridly on tbo happy band it on tho polo face of Captain who had been injured in his courts to and hod with difficulty been rescued Ho was wildly dclirioos His bold him up in arms and wan trying in vain to him mado a heart blood to too her wiping away tho clammy that kopt upon his Theyre starving mo I ho cried theyre atarving mo Maty and her lovur curse oral hero to I till beat I God death I What Mary striko face t mo kill she has como to Weak an bo madman would struck poor weeping woman who clang besido him bad not and another sailor bold him bock Mr said for of I leaven toll mo if anyone has escaped baa saved any food would givo mo only a mouthful Donald Haro wo any hope Is there any hope said those last words In a whisper but hope what or tho husband Cameron said in heard you tell your loror youd won gat rid of the old no better hero Two of the sailors at lost forced down madmans throat then he forgot fosxs and ate it greedily Near bo grow worse fancied himself at village church with Man or by his own firesido His last thoughts were of returning up Clydo alter a happy There Mary ho said look i tho wharf Look theres waring his bat to in and too is getting into a boat to come board Stand by tho gangway tbi somoofyoB But look now why the lights are all gone out and I hoar a boll tolling Mary you Theres something wrong shore Help holpl vessels si Mary Mary so ho relapsed Into a torpor which ho woka At day break found him dead Marys head rooting upon his breast Sho had insensible from hung and fatigue felt heart ho took her in hie ordered two Tiring to the captains body and let it fall into the sea ight to havo gone there my said Watson be worth keeping alive If I loved a I wouldnt so much voice but Wo no food and unless some vessel pass within bail within a few boors we must by ono bo washed off in the that risen Mr the Who was that fell off i night said to the miserable wretch whom no could soft en Death was familiar to thorn now was that fool round Some sullen with dopaur pounds did hi wouldnet utter a word in reply old Utter way in when bock V Mr Patterson Tho Lord me for what wasted when I was in the laud of Goshen by which I moan I Ab Mr food is a short time wo Mrs Cameron raised on to her knees Mr she said I know you are generous and brave you wil help me to save Donald Under his waistcoat there is a belt that belt tains Ave thousand pounds of tho money Offer the boy of those biscuits took bolt the captain alt the while Tnoyll murder me and steal my money The sharks are nearer I can see teeth in foam they are close to me now merciful God save mo s4Te me I her brow glorious was dishevelled and tangled with rigging a lovers care lie felt w a love unutterable and hitherto pressed filling his Her eyes opened slowly and a smile of peace passed over her face He pressed hand softly and altered her said for death now she ready to join Donald I have been dreaming that ho was from heaven to Join him is no help for as Mary now in this oar- selves to God All hope is over placed her hand in his and prayed together fcrvanUy for a speedy and peaceful death Than a seised thorn and they fell asleep It was just that Fatter In those long burning days and those stormy night when wares beat in drifts of white foam around us and by oho the dying men let go hold or died lashed to their places ono cheered mo one only said that evening to Cameron as they stood together watching moon rising above grout of fluid silver And that thought was while my heart still beat I guard you Mary I I think said tho doctor who suddenly forward that I can throw some light on Ibis case and somewhat servo prisoners Let a few Watson were yon ever at Cuba Never As I thought Six ago Captain I was doctor on board pie frigate then stationed at loavo of absence I trial of Juan Jackson i clerk who had robbed and mur dered lbs merchant who Ho was sentenced lo be gar- roted but by bribing the the before the on tho doctor bad been speak- a dreadful change had taken place in Watsons face Ho had turned white as a corn then livid if about lo bo down with ft waa Creole I heard death Yon ho cao- yon then there tho wild accusation of against his three cor ot whom indeed charges lv him Willi having endeavored suade him to steal and divide the hips money Arrest that man Watson said the captain tho evidence is sufB- other prisoners for tbo present But before he could bo seised Wat- with a yell of madness had awn a long Spanish knife and fought his way op the cabin Several sailors ran to strike him bat before could reach him desperate fellow bad thrown the side of vessel As men looked there was a splash of white just whore Watson had taller stilled scream a mist of froth fighting for their prey Ifaon a long trail of blood rose the waves that had closed over the murderer barks wore waiting for God be thanked for that escape I Tho innocence of and Mary wat now evident A year fmm d dacka oven in that silence v Ji o lv Ha bright above their path Mackay would say no more then At a future time when grief les sened ho would press his suit for ho knew how Mary loved Donald At that moment the captains boy I Mr Macs pointed captain of their larg est vessel goes out as bis boatswain There is not as In Glasgow says a more reliable captain in merchant service- than had rison above Mary and but band thoy still often talk of that captain in his cabin he wished to see Sunday before the launching when thorn on Thoy went and they both went to see the now found chic officers assembled and Patterson predicted evil of the and Watson seated near them at a good ship whoso figure- table There waa a malignant com- head bore so great a resemblance to about bis lips as they enter- the mysterious object of ad miration Aloxander the cap- Now Cars palace drawing rescued you flvo days ago from a situation of extreme peril You had indeed hardships incredible cold heat hunger thirst and wreck W rejoiced as any a iiJJVl 1 an m i lPTl of to Tor oil and gold npti Suit you told Sd t Mars in charge of Conductor going out wilh tho mast train Tho care have Miller platform selfcoupling attachment by this mail Patterson Thats a d- lie said Fatter- i who standing among Silenco roared first lieutenant Four thousand pounds belonging lost vessel you now carry se creted on your person What do you charge Do you deny that about said that y do not deny placing Mrs Cameron who bad fain on a seat and giving in charge of kindly doctor who had watched with the solicitude from very of rescue Here is money The rest of the is the Invention of this man turning roundtto where Watson sat a malicious ratio upon his hard face he threatened me unless I shared the money with him He is I fear Does look like an complice in a murder Captain bare mercy upon bar I Some yet be found to clear us charge brought against us on tho evidence of only one man And ho a sou of perdition I said Patterson a regular limb of satan ii work mischief Mr tended Captain sir like a son to the last although bo bad been badly treated no for me to judge in But still on Bound to order the sal men and Patterson placed in irons as suspected murder Captain Cameron of the Sirer 0t vessel bound to Bonny oman will also be style of ventilator and are about sixty feet long running on latest stylo of trucks Tho windows are a solid sheet of plate glass three feat Iwo inches in length by- two feet and a fraction across giving the passen gers a flood of light and a fl no oppor tunity of sightseeing There are two smoking one at each end each one capablo of seating a persons The chairs are wal nut massive and handsome and up bolstered with a brown Morocco There is then a compartment for a select few seating six or per sons with elegant chairs and a lux urious sofa and beyond this is a draw room capable of seating about twenty This room Is as One any and looks a very rich one is another compartment then another smoking place and between is the stove which is in a small room by itself and Dear by this is the gsa room The gas fixtures are very handsome The heat is distributed through the ear by means of steam pipes heavily The inside woodwork is of walnut and other choice moulded and richly inlaid with gold threads The carpets are Brussels and there has been no money spared to make those far coaches of the day Even the door binges are heavily plated and it would seem as if the company had sought to see how mack money could be expended in fitting coach The Mara and Leo run alternate days

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