Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 21, 1871, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA APRIL 1871 THE HOUSE in New market is noted for can be saved by fir lrul this denial in clear and explicit and now we charge the writer of extract penning a wilful it lo true that Mr Hiding hit scoured for the stated will bo an Let thsru or lot libeller aland convicted tee are sufljucnlty wealthy suffici- patriotic and sufficiently J pendent to meet ail the necessary tw r 1 of Ok which the cd hundred would K r Jem V I toward iho necessary obtain redress and Ihue thwart ma of designing franchise has boon I the laws of the land violated lie rights of tlio elector infringed it in not strange therefore thai a prevails iu favor of Ling that redress the legal of the rand will afford What will Ma 10 be il ln APRIL 1671 I lo I Our Toronto Despatch that Mr I -lit- Whitchurch Council 1 it Tinted Id an rig I Tut 1utiiAmarrXrvaraLc l It il in tee Oh Dot imUUkaUe ri Local Summary V A Esq I j of ii jj Collingwnod trains of grain In en article internal of touching recent election in North York which appeared last week local writer of King upon bin bone in fine style He says Wo learn that a has been titled Against Mr return and wo received the dcwi with unfeigned regret No doubt abont it bat when wo tell the generally at when tljot arti cle appeared In print no bod tea ft led will tee the laugh comes while Oh please dont tone of entire article displays truly unfeigned regret to which is made If every thing connected with the election on part of the gentleman who claims now to be the representative not of the but the constituency perfectly right and traightfor- ward why fear an Does any reasonable person fancy ordeal would be dreaded by a person who felt strong in the right Not and if the electors on the other band consider their rights been infringed their privileges usurp ed is it unreasonable to liraato legal redress Wo trow not Bat says the writer of the article re ferred to notwithstanding bis un feigned regret all the other tho situation is accepted If ibis be true why stato a petition North York Election We atop has been against Mr Boultbees to fur return and Ibis too before any document had been forwarded Con science makes cowards of as all says a writer and wo appre hend tho consciousness would upset the calculations of our member and necessitate band to play a funeral instead of the conquering hero largely prompted tho article referred village to Instead of defiant temper displayed during the week of election wo now hare the pathetic Sympathy is courted and dreadful consequence- are predicted Bitter and angry feeling are to be inflamed and strife and rancour go rampant What a doplorable picture and all this Ibo con template seeking a legitimate coarse of law before a legal tribunal to test a question of right What nonsense I The next point worthy of notice in the of oar as follows bats aceared fro- ii oil Allies J ifc Asa a ssJ i u SSUsaSSsttStSSSSS it 2J ir is iss M mn rcM atfelsM ftteeriseWae hfll r i Join j IS sad tnm to tHcMi by Mr I plough I MJ mi afaCstfSW New and Cheap Dry calling at No 2 far is aura and a mm tuba lj bins aipanded toward ltlr With lb- pat It Ion of Goods Groceries St Caldwells Block J Cbrorg CaWffsA Tba law was MUOMMd tun as a Cleveland Correspondence American Now April Tho bio in the Joint High over tho San Juan boundary question hat not been decided and the on the part of the two no nearer agreement than they were a fortnight ago- provisions of the treaty of 53 fixing tho boundary between the United British America froirt the Mountains to the Pacific Ocean it was stipulated that line through Sound should be in the chan nel around the Isjand of San Juan There are two channel through both Tlio United Slates claim however iho sur veys soundings Ac show tha the Northern is the main while British Government insists that the Southern is one referred to in the treaty Alt admit that the Inland is not worth having and that ruber I fcj I Me ir Mr sad sad rrsidases or deal ski I sad Wo undcistand the Assesanrofi with a fer Insa will understand i I ItrslalrM tut Fire Wo regret to learn that the We take the liberty to pronounce the above statement without the sen bianco of truth No person has can vassed the Hiding or even for a subscription for any purpose with this matter neither any person been to do i by by his friends or by any person on heir We lie la last franraj la II I tore I a Itapubtlrwn and an ssnra than a Torr and rt rawblj- liad a bal hit it is a subject in whieb the pride of both Governments been enlisted neither Is willing to recede The only significance of contest i principle involved From present iodicatiotia this ques tion will bo arrived at New York April Minister Plenipotentiary of the North German Con federation Baron ar rived from Mexico is replace Baron in Washington A story started in an American journal and copied into some as to matrimonial men of Mm better known Jenny has led to sev eral libel suits and the mulcting of copyiau to the amount of about besides damages as much more The subject matter was adjudged a clear libel by the Court as abundant proof was adduced of entirely of the life of Mr and Mrs The Washington despatch One of American Commis sioners states tbat it is by no certain that will arrive at a adjustment of all mat ters submitted by the two Govern ments The fishery question will be settled in a manner satisfactory to the citizens of the United Slates The British High Commissioner do not intend to return borne Immediately but will slay bore to see what Senate will do with the treaty Ha tana April 18 Heavy tba Lata lot is tba is of let sad ilia si bf aasoaded by Mr I Tbat Clark Jobs a oneware Crockery BRO and Earthenware Your time and money Methodist minister in rear to all without restriction wlio desire seals while belonging to settle in country and avail are yet in bo heard from In the vicinity of the Throne the advantages Each carried sboatMf was occupied Excellency to them men and ail will make another were Lady Lisgar and the members I It shall be one of my earliest cares this of tho Ministry The in recess to take stvps to uniform were Hon Mr on equitable Mitt hell and lion Mr Campbell Indian tribes in Man Hi He bich we are now cheap furs this year and no dearth of ig has witnessed the consummation oil for your machinery and a fact As yet wages and s the of each seal hunter may be lobe and tho All this has been earns order to by the heads of many poor famine following An Act for the prevent rapt practice in relation lection of the revenue An Act to establish one uniform currency fur theDominion of Canada An Act to prolong a certain time the term allowed for the redemption of rents as served on certain Indian lands in the township of Dundee An Act to extend of the imposilion harbor dues by the town of Owen tho A and Sound An Aet of Exec others for of public I lismntar llreai in 1870 An Act the Gnrerr toidableo I the mend and explain tho Charter of the On- the Ontario and Railway Company An Act to incorporate the Mutual for ho Government of North- West Territories An Act for more pre venting the desertion of seamen in thn Port of Quebec An Act to amend the Act 33 Vic rwpecting mossed the I the anion of Manitoba and tones of the the Bank of Montreal are i Mr- P for focili mission or British Col the Senate of Commons will transmit to the Colonial Secretary for submission to Her Gracious Tho London Internationa Majesty and I trust Parliament will which opens on the at its session have tho May closes on the of Siptsmbsr tact j a paper at Oswego N Y ale his claims to the Presidency advocates of I present of the Confederation didno anticipate for Windsor to the Princess Louise many years to come elegant bracelet bet in diamonds I cherish tho expectation that The schooner rosulloftbecensoswil demonstrate wrecked on coast of that the several Provinces of Ik- hands lost except the captain minion have made a rapid advance in I population and in all the elements of to plant material during the more shade trees silver decade j ma tb The fisheries question is still under sssT The says tie tho consideration of the Joint High steamer Chicot a will be placed on Commission at Washington and I am lied route from port ich a result made preservation of lostiui amity and between Great Britain and the or the affairs of the Bauk of Upper of the Ifovse of Common An Act respect ingihe loan author ired by the Act and 33 Vic chap tor 1 for the purpose of paying certain sum to the Hudson Bay Coin An Act further lo amend Act respecting improvement and man agement of the Harbour of Quebec An Act further to amend the Act respecting fishing by foreign vessels An Act to amend Act relating to duties of Customs An Act to incorporate Ste Marie Kail way and Bridge Com pany An Act to incorporate the Isolated Fire Insurance Company An Act to incorporate the Montreal and City or Ottawa Junction Railway Company An Act to amend tho Insolvent Act or 1869 An Act to incorporate Confed eration Life Association An Act to amend tho Census Act An Act to incorporate the Kingston and Pembroke Railway Company An Act to extend to of New Brunswick ihg operation of Art of the Legislature of the Into Bank An Act to incorporate Metro politan Bank An Act to comprise in one Act financial affairs or Great Western Railway Com pi tbe Bedford istrict Bank An Aet to amend Act ting the Sun Insurance Company of Montreal An Act t Liverpool incorporate the Bank An Act relating to the Commercial Bank or New Brunswick An Act to incorporate the Domin ion Telegraph Company An Act to authorize the Northern Railway Company of Canada to make agreements tor the leasing and working of tbe lines of railway of other companies An Aet to make provision for vali dating certain premium notes taken or held by Mutual Fire Insurance An Act to amend Act respect ing Insurance Companies An Act to extend to or Manitoba certain of the laws now in force in other have lately taken place between cmM the Asylam to the the Spaniards and insurgents Lad Designee El alaranjel rebels near Santiago are committing depredations with inpunity The papers say news from is painful- Several Insurgent prisoners recently captured were executed Dominion THE SENATE Ottawa April Senalor Ryan enquired if the Joint Commission should come lo an for tbe settlement of the San Juan boundary and fishery ques tions would the Government give Parliament a fill opportunity for ex pressing its opinion concerning such arrangement Senator Campbell replied that any measure relating to these subjects would first be submitted to Parliament before a treaty was finally stipulated Tbe Weights and Measure Bill as amended by Senator Ryan with a number of other Bills was passed HOUSE OP COMMONS Ottawa April 14 Tbe Speaker took the chair at one oclock At ten minutes past three usher of Black Rod summoned the House to attend upon His Excellency in the Senate Chamber In the Senate Chamber the galleries well filled with ladies bat not crowd- as baa been the case on many for mer occasions On the floor of House on tbe front An Act relating to Banks and Banking An Act to incorporate the Mutual Insurance Company of Canada An Act to the Aet respect ing the Militia and defence of the Dominion of Canada An Act to maku temporary provi sion for the election of members to serve in House of Commons of His Excellency then delivered following address Honorable Gentlemen the Senate of the House 9 Common In releasing you from farther at tendance in Parliament I beg leave to express my warm acknowledg ment for tbe diligence with which you have applied yourselves lo the discharge of our public duties Tho session has been brief but work of importance has been accomplished and I hud the ahicb they in the future the liameot of the Domini time of tbe members done In the past Tbe arrival in Ottawa of the repre sentative elected to trro tor tbe Province of Manitoba and their tak ing their seat in Parliament marks signally completion of union that Province with the Dominion and other their nature ioappli The I tender you my thanks for tin readiness with which you have grant for the present year arA Gentlemen Wo bare abundant cause for rejoic the present moment in tbi of tin lid the Thus ended the session the first Parliament of tbe of Canada Millions of Seals St N March 30 After a lapse of more than twenty years general and pover ty the dull of St Johns aroused this morning by a report tbat gladdened every heart Of belonging th hip Job Brothers A Co wu tho bay awaiting wind enough to beer her into tbe harbor St Johns as her boilers were una vailable tbe bankers being literally stutTed with seal skins On her arri val we learn that her precious cargo was seals tb largest number ever known to hare been captured Tho vessels and steamships whose arrival I announced trimmed- their rigging wiib banting from stem to stern and with their signal guns long continue J sa lute the champion of fleet in fact of all sailing craft world over Tho Captain of the Nimrod says that he left St Johna Harbor on 1st instant and with a favorable south westerly behind thom steered north ward After sailing through clear water for several day he struck the ice on the of Man Owing to a severe gals he wa compelled to He to fortyeight boors after which ice was found to be broken up and the could steer in the probable direction of th mass of the seals On the 17th St Patricks Day watch at the masthead gave a welcome cry Seals ahead whereuKn the fire men were ordered to quicken the fires In another boar the Nimrod was at an island ocean of seals In six days afterwards she was load- and bore up Tor home The excitement prevails here can only be estimated when you con sider what must have been the furore on the discovery of gold in Australia and California for certainly this i fact will render him in world to I more joyful forget our pite of the misery of our people in rejecting ibo terms or union with Canada What a haul Canada would have nut this year had she caught as in her net A few hours after the arrival Nimrod steamship Hector bore in sight Yet a few hours and we l Tbe Germans learned the fact that she car- It being ried with ber 21o00 ealsan amount fir that in old would be considered a fairy land tale Tbe captain of ftsTTho manage to get through a chapter a half per day It is estimated that lb cost abolishing the purchase system in i British army will amount to A There are said to bo millions Ivory in Alaska excellent quality and is M6 in San Francisco J It is rumored says the Losses Globe that member of about to bring in a bill to marriages for limited period Eloven merchant nig in Japan Tbe Niagara Conference of Methodist its esiou in Hamilton lb 13t inst bT It has been maple season all through llieFr bee There was never so much sear- In tho case of tho Pit School Com in is at ion of Quebec for plaintiffs got a verdict Tbe revenue for I for the month ending amounted The St Catharines Times si that volunteer camp for that linn of country will a Falls early in Jan t- In Switzerland law Is pi posed making it for under 14 years of age to smoke tool Such a law in this country injure tobacco trade Tho whole length of all the I way in the world is about 1 miles The mat of lh round number ten There have been rowing Cambridge and Oxford in which ford has won sixteen times and bridge twelve A person named Lynch ringleader a row in East Bests last Saturday evening was killed police and there was g in quarter iu afar It is said that the Great will be placed regularly on line between New York and LiM poo during May to afford for excursionist lo proceed 10 during the great exhibition La I informed New York correspondent Marquis of Lome and Lnuie intend visiting Niagara this and hopes they favor Montreal with a visit a Baa It rumoured save the ham Banner Major Walker is be rewarded for bis efforts I against Mr McKcllar by a appointment as of refreshes at of pen clergymen wi the delivery 1 Monday A London correspondent that Queen Victoria visits Prices tomb every day at places a basket of fresh flowers it reads a chapter in down and offers up a prayer I mix color and made 11690 in the ice men prisoners enicated Leader Attorney which he Ii with more than fifty Jding or laden The merchant- rsThenTirpee rfrsS ofSt John are extend their and build temporary vats for the rendering the temper We mous quantity or oil consigned to o politician bass wish a rival dead sow to In harbor of St John there are now eleven arrivals from the seal j fishery and their average catch is April Mr making the Milne a reapeetahlo farmer Roman Catholic Bishop of system tasted by sxpensnee and beside Mr Ste- by liberality offer a fr cable to Manitoba been extend- over a hundred vessels are yet to ax from Markham on Tuesdar night to that Province regular rive in St Johns I was thrown from his spring ones for the survey and granting of I In Harbor of tbe ami received r Manitoba were on a seal hunter has been equally great in his death todar Much and null 1 Tho of four steamships is for bis family in their free borne now arrived at that port exceeds and- sad bereavement

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