Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 14, 1871, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA APRIL14 1871 John McNab Esq egret have lo announce lilt IE which took remark- Maid In renamed that question named and in other Province the reluming thought people of Red River occupied leas the dine officer at the local a right of men or Cum ion than not lo Sir George Carder opposed not born In the country important one of the Juan bound- amendment the wa only Mr from a resolu PARKS GEO SOW El last Mr MeNab received his ftW I pomtmenl from the administration in which Judge Adam Willon Solicitor General then North York Though 1 not the brilliant as a lawyer ret he and per severing A a private citizen Iwrsteeined and Aided large ly the various temperance ami oibT benevolent or the day an if wan lb body of the lament defeased cold ere the Toronto I rol gentlemen were all a if in regard lo is successor The Wednesday rays We think we can aalcly say there is no man in the city whose to tho office kit mi re satisfaction than thai of Mr Aid man crhap Mr Rahman 1- it can fancy the appointment the only ion 38 Thin it amendment of differ Mr Tram ay propocd English Commissi liters and lie of the Commission would bara vote of by thin time but for tbia 1 Mr offered PCM readyi that th li aSJllir1 II certainly provide llHtt could properly pro- in which no llbl tba I i- it uirly flic FRIDAY APRIL 14th I Oiir Toronto Despatch I peculiarly by Mr Ha foreign ana Colonial By the Atlantic Cable County and City relation al him as rather obnoxious in this respect than otherwise To our mind tha newly elected for North York would be preferable and we would sooner support him for the poition or Mr Jacket at present in the office but if or tb Brit ish legation Sir John A and the son of Sir Stafford Northern aiteiHlvd a reception and ban quet given in their honor by the Grand Lslg Masons of lb of Colombia Karl do Grey Lodge for bis kind wel ho purpose Mr Young moved that p lling take Congress special the roion for Maiiiol A were ruiaaod and British Tliia tho fortbc luribvrHskleniiiifi was lost by only ten vntea the ypmt lion Mr MeUMiaMs relulin and An amend- the money distribution settlement and sate land- in Mani- tntsv was taken up Mr that he would not id he hebl be on a and and concluded a i my sell 10000 Libel Suit We intimated through these col time ao that tbe edilm the Fret London enter ed a libel at lion againi the of the London laying The Pacific Railway The Railway scheme of the Ottawa Coalition must Is regarded crooning folly of Admin tion It will l public debt and result in increasing of the neighboring Republic gave us khe legacy and Mr bave figuring in a Cabinet which proposes the Intercolonial altogether i it drninSin the resources of the Our legislators wild enterprises are millions of money with ipuliua care than our tho pi lien from the dog lax Where this thing to end Were tho paid agents of untie Sam they could not pursue coarse calculated to dcslny the stability ml pen of the Confederacy than by propositi such as suggested in then mania To undertake damages the As- in To we predicted era here tonight away from this Grand Lodge grateful your I shall it my duty to tell my brethren in England of tho ningniliccnl reception which bts been to their Grand Master tonight and 1 am i I Jo not misinterpret feelings i ibel was by Mr Mill by only seven votes effect but all different days in provinces Mills and de- as he believed iho recess an Mr cut had regilalins reenacting an old law Some remarks king made repet ling against bribery unduly influenc- the conditions which the halt ing on the House would receive their going into committee on the Hill George Carder said it would be time Hon Mr moved In dl-quali- enough to that matter alter DomtniM ill Dominion the lands lnyl them Mr elections lihike pointed out that the Govern A discussion followed during which expressly provided Mr admit led again that he that should sent a telegram stating that he would imp on the half grunts be satisfied If they officials would of lauds and if adopted they could vole in a certain way not be altered in mod Mr Blake moved in amendment to I After Mine brief remarks on the disqualify Government in question the House adjourn ad same J disquiilitled in There was rurthrr dlscusion and Death of the County AUornoy upon Mr death of Admiral There is anxiety to will Hon Mr Tilley a when be goes to British has Iran which will intimate i and English great a which lor my believed existed but which believe will be closer and mora intimate in the future brethren were presented Karl Grey at the end of his speech WABlltHOToN April P The Ameri can commissioners held a meeting at oclock yesterday morning at the Department of State lor consultation At noon the British commissioners arrived when both parties jointly pro ceeded to the considers ion of the business which called them together h party to act with great caution but with perfect lair leave nothing in doubt Ail in lor in til ion relatite to fisher ies and tho alleged amount of losses by Confederation cruisers funnelled British shipyards together with Hi- ml cuts in that ction have n the joint meetings in order to at a full of all The first question agree precisely whet the the i tie pendii better to pn future an city above referred to was cats for municipal Janu ary and irtu being opptseO to made sundry tacks upon him Mr having a organ through to reply an advertisement through the Columns of he AJrfT titer making strong insinuations and comparison- and challenging the to a public discussion This advertise- the Plaintiff declined mount the platform Vrsir Mssiing and entered his action accordingly no however against Mr Cornish but against tho of the in which said appeared Apparcntlynfraid to have Removal By referem the case liV the POOH changed and it came off before a special Therefore though adhere to their obligation not to veal anything tending to show the progress of affair- there seem to usually wed quarters apart from Commission that the a is a privilege of American t ih within hose part of Canadian waters which they are now ex- eluded and to land and dry their fih Certain general principles are laid down covering rality by which of and be adjusted Third- Co are to be hereafWr to ad just the matters on the basis has been England for approval Some bare no a statement that the probability is they will by the first of May submit the conclusion com mission to the two Governments Parliamentary Summary Aran The Senate met at 3 oclock and advanced a number of Bills through On the second read- J ina of i Dill irmation I lliem i Mr l ii accd fe on s shared tho same fate lion Mr moved all elections be tried of law but the lb SO rejected the i Usual aiid that led and in his gvmul manner hat the shadow dead Mr Campbell authorise the ion I fired to bed without complaining I s ami it was only in miimtion forth tt to I To amendment was offered by Mr to the effect that Nova Scotia reviser when preparing lists of voter for the local election shall prepare lists for Dominion elec- adding thereto the names or rib ml qualified to role In lot but instantly summoned and bis opinion ihat disease of the heart was the cause of death Mr was close upon flftv year of age A native Scotch parentage he was born in Trafalgar County and became an attor ney in June 1848 and was admitted lo the Bar in lliiliflry term In on suggestion stfS lRE ticsge Csrticr with bght lo l1 Tho requisite ami an Ir Drew that the anls shall be the same sal elections in and the bill was til He lei x child i large Of in was adopt- 1 friend genial ami kiud i ally discoid After tome further House adjourned at midnight Glob April 10 at ATI Senator Christie moved tor a I of I the Domini who had been flogged that of punishment Tho St Railway Bridge Rill was read a second lime Senator Unphcron stating that the railway would unite system with that of the N Pacitic In House attention was directed by Mr Ross of Prince Edward to a rumour that Mr ember lor Pmvencher had a and of lbs which Scott which true render him guilty of bigh treason and denied the Ailmith Ion that suchV rent lion Mr the True tbe jury did not agree i were fur acquittal and two shilling damages We are till the more particular in stating bow the jury stood from the fact that the Leader of Wednesday Our informant was one of the Jurymen on the case a respectable farmer of tho Township of KJng During the last ton or libel actions hare been enter ed and rcsul in almost every case baa been anything but gratify ing to the prosecutors Canadian Junes are not disposed to moxzla tbe freedom of the press the palladium of civil and religious liberty In ease of tho Free there is lees excuse than in any of others to were or which we refer for he editor had a SsT journal to defend himself and claims to hawser it a circulation quite equal to the task Of correcting any wrong imr re- ihrroo trial is is rstm4 lbs e might hare been expected and the which the twiiaihsurwn Free has frequently attacked political opponents its editor should bare been the last man to resort to a court of law for indication Besides Mr Cornish who bad the advertise- inserted a responsible man and if anybody should Sax FaAacisco April I 0 there would three have in the with an been murdered by Apache Indians of monopolies and taxes on ph and Dion beat j dolphu and at the A last night interrupted by the of his auditors In esnse to the address welcome he Karl made a neat speech in which he congratulated the world on th riltlitoifiBif sou unity the two great speaking April It report as coming from he members of th Joint High Commission on part of tin United States that they faave little of being ablo to present a which will be acceptable the Senate It seems to be conceded by tho beat informed persons who occupy high t I hat should the treaty Is ready the Senate will be in session and that at least two ateeka will be eon- In discussing the treaty New April In addition an to what baa already been telegraphed j Washington regarding the joint I High Commission a special corns say there is high authority that tbe fishery Do- f w officer w carried by to the question of lb be the man and n the Nova Scotia Legislature Mr Alabama claims hare already bee the pobJishsrs of die Smith fr it lie appears to fardiaposod of as to no longer mal pie learn wisdom by bitter J experience andjbe flj Preu man will be by freemen on the AaWa has now bad a leswon which may be of a mat in place of Mr heady been secured probably of for the reture Stairs he etiafactory to the represent- In the House Sir Hon Mr McDougall and Sir Geo proper tan measure yet to be protested against bur- E Cart should bare been ready at tbe or session but there hod been de lay in printing A communication read by the Speaker from Mr William pro testing against the elec tion and asking permission to by Mr pressed Indigna- should be cur- Dougall to and Carder the Corn ice on Privilege and Blake himself satis- wiih the distinct statement of Delorme a committee would conclusion Adverting lo Mr A of Middlesex lamented that Mr Blakes act had many a good Conservative Hint lion E the the Moj dent thus to it There are sira mors flftanwjsv Intentkjjfe Hun taxi Tree surer of Ontario which lam incline to hope arise simply from his extra ordinary the Brit ih Col ml Han resolutions is said thai he eos a pnispect of bettering bis position by withdrawing the of the Province and the Opponilhiti in the form ation of a pure party As I bare said I think the rumor due hi Co ih l lait Week tho debate caucus or the the was lel that irging up n Queen Victoria visited Napo the 3rd inst The Ste Marie Canal ia s Archbishop of Pari to be opened on the pro been arrested by It Is staled lht Mr Smith of conspiracy against P P for to be i Attorney General for Nova Fifteen thousand dollars week are smuggled lading continued Prince Edsrard Ig have a railroad from New York with branches iraverao the island from Is axrAnlllnol of 30 inhb- of widows Unhealthy husbands that Major of KinjitaB There are only ftrNnaWh lo Ha been of the li ion red from Companies which will be I lc th tn Inst year the agency of the Moniivul Rank at Peril tnkiig him j Vi sasx Emperor Francis Joseph grown so the entire force of- the Ails- during long for tbe during the 1 been advised to do so by aitaas Cashmer ior woni become an Mr fa to be the or British a flock of a and tbe question ha be a raised who I n will be hi Secretary of that I T On a recent occasion Me of Mexico got drunk discuss- each tig the propiiely or enhancing lb the regular pursuit income j f hostile sip and State A man named Edwards was at the charge of forgery but escaped and has not jet caught Sir tieorge Carder will not run for Montreal in tbe local election Aid Davids will be the candidate air- A frtme building and content wa- destroyed by tire the day lefore yesterday causing a loeeof about The steamer lea her moorings Bolsnygeon on Monday last and on returning rejiorled that he ice was out of greater part of Sturgeon it that Hon Brown to oppose Mr as Mr received fit from several of tee newly elected member are lend for ment There little doubt that if a Reform Ministry is formed it will re- I reive a good deal of support not CountrsJ Sum Tho Veicisay On Sunday last a few seals were seen disporting themselves the floating ire in the river before This is the first for years that thai- hare appeared above the Rapids Wild d are also to be en In considerable numbers upon Lako St Louis Under tha Irish Peace Preeas radon Act the district in which ft compensate the ich te family of ihe murdered rather a heavy on counties like where murder are thick a blackberries In June Tbe widow plosion occurred steward has just receive 4000 morning at a d the mother of a proBaa I works Cleveland 800 barrels of 1875 Two of the leading Reform lav in Toronto are busy prepariag ice on which to found I Ministerialists I that at least six seats will centMad the result of which will no dou give eight vole to Oppoa- Richards Ilagartj at out fa T fall are getting clear of ice and is rapidly assuming it moral appearance Chicago opens I a nut smell hardli this they iie1 to I brum the Href aa Lord Ligar wilt leave for in a lew days Hastings Doyle will his piece a and Sir ft Kenny will place it Scotia supporters tf held Mr ment as he had found in the recent election received no credit for iso lated votes against them and there was but one course to follow to give the Administration manly and steady support When night came snd opportunity arrived to pui these view into practice even ore was to And Mr voted against on every am end men I and on the main Latest from Manitoba both to with- hi March aw their monons former Mj Both ough at first to Wg tj0 v but Government object- -i- further ndmont by die lion declaring there carried by a of to nays I U1 nglin the that Both Houses and the Govern are working The weather is getting milder It would be to I Sep Fishing for speckle trout does I the first of May the term expiree on iir The Ga Protect ioi ivrfifasw to see that law is this aft Mr Stewart late Bank Man ager at Perth ha- been overtaken at me N It is said that over were on lit person which boa been plurod in the baaats l be chief magistrate Home await ing legal atr The libel case of Wot Mathews Mayor of Bran third vs the Courier fiirchogng him with being a hireling of the Gleet Western Railway and the interests of the town Air a was tried Assise and resulted in 100 foi plaintiff Laof London March sit Queen Victoria at Windsor Castle today The health if Napoleon is it is represented that the fiJur- remains passive awaiting tho final and legitimate decision of the French people A private letter from Fort Wil liam give ac count of the silver mining industry in I hat region Tho writer We a eery busy time here next summer There are two mines work ing here this winter and they are gelling a quantity of silver that you could not credit It unless you saw it vmist If It la said the Silver Island mine will have worth of silver to ship by the first boat 0PK1IKO Or TBI CaNAL The St Catharines Times speaking of ill opening Holland Caret are thjulge Spraggw was and Haas They will do r a i ilister of Public Work- i wouhl be to present the on the Bay Verio Canal as the had not terminated idorahlo number of been iotrodQced among thei hi by Mr Hay to in I corporate iha Bishopric or face and of Ruperts Land Seven the lleiuuru bo dent for the A abort discusal enquiry by Mr repeeting alleged unauthorized expenditure fur binding other than mentioned in the printing contract Mr Morris reply ing on the Government assumed a defiant and haughty atti tude but did not thereby improve bis com and way to effect a large saving wa pointed out by Mr Young Tho Interim Election Bill coming up again Sir George Carder said be would accept amend- menl ing municipalities the power to divide poll ing district and locating North West polling places where necessary ii by Mr While Sown April The Turon- to Grey and Bravo bylaw Scott Sir Car- lhul town today ted lhat the had no IK majority jurisdiction over Red River at th GaaiswooD April 10 The dwell- or consequently inghoose stables Ac occupied Mr John by Are yeaiurady CoLLIROWOOD April under the treaty The t rat Ion of criminal justice rested will the Government not with Dominion Governor Archiliaid wouhl r act the advice bis responsible and commenced bar regular trips bet bore and the Sound r arrived fron iiing officer shall be advisers Mr Mills moved bb respecting the of April 8 There the in regard to the ad- est ay afternoon on tin art a Land and the Toronto arid Railway Iron the Dominion in or- to the junction placed upon record A boot two hundred and fitly of Mr Soulange moved their ride anil the 1 rig the con- they were treated and charge of the train This gwanili- fare wu opened at last ht since iho aw vessels rue and mull have com- their progress it need not any ftcqaatniial isss r with thla old such an occurrence should fill the hearts of our people with joy Panama April 2 Lima and Peru dittos to March report recent freshets which did- damage The hisses are estimated at The Government gr homes pi away The many of and Were 1 storm was the heaviest experienced in thirty years Progress i making in the of the isthmus fur a canal roule but the prospect of a favorable result i slight You Tbe reumed Saturday at oclock when the case of Alkin vs continued Ailer the the and the arguments of counsel Hi- Lordship Hon Mr Joe- lice Gwynno verdict The following prisoners were sen tenced Margaret con victed assault month jail labor Bridget Beard FILBERTS month in jail 1 hard labor Chariot Tilt of larcony mintha Ac at hard Th aj- 1 1 oclock u I hula Orangei Lemons

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