NEWMARKET ERA FEB 1871 i a I I I wo or oar Jolili I I The funeral tin- in I Dominion Parliament A P Ottawa Fob On motion lion Mr imUl1 ocoiIJ by Don Mr until If I I Mini mir i I ml ail I AH- i tlmir nrriwi i tliroroiioti iti l he ihe oi lo- I WMMisiimiB jb dcron deceased J In ft liiO reign of Majesty and apter forty An Act to be hy I ii ItMrilHJlijn acUlemeiii of hour Three elate of ibo Honorable JIr atma and Another was attacked between Camp OF COMMON McDowell and Florence and the Ottawa Feb IC stole eighteen mute and killed Ceo TV of met at the Kane Cos by Mr by Mr J wonii Mr inf lit Iior I- d ZCciuiiffiAt Frit th Our Toronto Despatch ram NU lbs Ml Of I by I would i- I North York How the Tmum made of Province for dm therein n Act to the riHo Tort Credit Junction way rMatHI An Act to incorporate the Fall- flail way Company An Act to incorporate and An Act to empower the Truloc under the will of the lale Joseph Bit- trmao to ell in the township of Blenheim and jiny of York Act to incorporate the Sitern Joioph in the of Ontario In- Bruce Railway Comrni Krtoltrti toftrfm I An Art to amend the Act in the thirtyAmi year of the reign of chapter fortyone An Act to incorporate tlie ronto and Com pany HUM- I the Act in the I by I tit y Company An to amend the Act incorporating In iku- Mt Inrukbiunu Oirf pan vnhefr by thryHUtit r Improvement Coin drop down behind n fag jiUliii Aii ct to bylaws by the the town in Itrnnlbird and certain agreement male Iwtween the corporation and the extern llnilwnyCom- and the Trunk Company of Canada An Act for thfl law relat ing to Flection Petition and for pro more effectually tor the pre vention of corrupt practice lection lb of On- Act to vct lire property belong ing to the Methodist Ottawa in cltlll s pup all the need Ufa Model School mod ate ft garb l0 be legitimate work clothing will auk lC of the at tojractnv of Iho country generally organ of the Government there- trying to damage the member bow far their York on account of this the true ha unwittingly been The Premier and paying an the Liberal tribute Mr Of but ltit7 faeaWd up to llo elector be a Patent batljt have male the a purely party one Then again it ia a clear ly recognized principle reTormcni not to vest unlimited power in the of lie day apend the money without the obliga tion to wan bylo of Mr Sand- Ontario Economy id with reganl lo the plun in Iho Ontario Treasury and tho of Patent Combination are continually mi id tig their on of economy ex amine the matter candidly and tee what reason there it fortius bribery and by the leader of the reform party and wen and w faimc lliccnctinof i malr bams for Idiot Agncuitaral eSais for full to where were to bo located was doggedly Not even the lat will am a of the dead have been rc- and iho rights of minora have lcgilnted yet Mr to bo a reformer and will prmmMy find Imprudent enough to tin reform Biding to approve of act Fortunately iho era of North York arc too well in f v which atcadily In creasing at a rate difpro- porlhmato lo the and in l8Cb in and for Ml dwn that i on not only per tent greater laat year but actnally how an increase of than per rent in four yearn After making every allowance- for Important Public Work public work be it remembered proposed and King Township Conn on Mnoaajr li l HI- wt mum of from I loin to dincipli j aid Church An Act to make the mcmWrs of tho Li of Ontario elective by the Bar thereof An Act to proviic for tinn of the territorial district of Thunder The Pharmacy Act of An Act to confer upon the Bishop and of the ornlo powers to held by the Bishop and IncumbenLt of the 1 Diocese Of Ontario An Act lo incorjiorat the trustees of Seminary Of the Pro vince of Ontario I An Acl- Audit amend ri end the rrhsp I Mtwetiillr I An Act to amend J Vic Chapter Vic lating to Municipal Institution An Act to incorporate the Toronto Ijiion Passenger Station and Pock An Ael to encourage tho planting upon highways in this right of pro of J to in such tree to itio owncw 01 the soil adjacent lo such highway An Art to facilitate the hail been made r a representation 5f h tobain John A replieJ that expected to learn lnt hep thirty southeast of hen- the stock and one man killed carriage on last down trip between and was ant only es caped by amazing exertions of horse Joe shot through groin and a number of taken The farmer are bene The friendly ided in the Act he the hud stated there appointment of tli they wonld considered and that if it wa through a more mature there any doubt to the constitutionality of prevision step would lie taken to Mcure their liormliwd Act of the Imperial Parliament Alter considering these points he and his report was made a basis of An Order in Council transmitted to England They had received in re turn a draft of a Bill for the of Manitoba Act and all ami also of making all previsions for tire future which he would not trouble the House with now The draft of the Canadian Bill would be by the mail England fortubmion to the Parliament Mr if it intended to nominate before the Bill came from England Sir John A I re lied that it was the intention of the Government that the Manitoba peo ple be represented in both branches of the during present MSdOo concert Opposition it might be so without riing that the of might be allowed to take their place in both Houses pending the reccpt Of the Bill from Mackenzie that Mill a matter for consider ation With regard to the AT Government would down the before the debate on that part if the A-ldre- wa entered upon Sir A Mnolonald said in wo a mere mailer An amendment never vod except fill and a hare many horses near cattle at it some place state of war is aimilar o and Northern Arizona about men from all parte off hero attending to and mass littve hed to IijM A dirnion at present would bo At the earliest alter this debate alt of without public would bo down Sir A atler remark ing upon the importance of nn ex pression of Parliament of an opinion on Fishery Question asked if the government would allow him an early for a motion on the auhjoet Kir John A would Ito leaving shortly and it wn desirable that wo his hands in every way possible The Government had a way of get ting rid of such motions by moving previous which he did not wish to see done in this cam Sir John A Macdonald promised day or Tuesday for the diacussion to which he had no objection moved an adoption of the reply to the Speech from the Throne of which it was but echo Mr Kirk patrick Imped Ministry would urge Canadas claims to indemnity for the outrages before the International Convention Mr Mac kenzie then reviewed the address and administrative conduct of the Gov ernment Ho sharply criticised the recent apecch Tumier to his and in consistency He bantered Hon Mr snd other Maritime Province men respecting professed anxiety for admission and colonization of for which they changed views as to tho Intercolonial Bail way Both from personal inspection and public farts he could condemn wholly I 11 Con- of Ml- Irnitlrmants Local Summary meeting of East Gwillii A n form regulation thereof bo of the route An Act ralativo to arrears w 0W Brunswick and Crown and Grammar School lands sold previously to 1st of July I i-ir- An Act to provide forthocslabliah- ment and gcrrernmont of a Central Prison for the Province of Ontario An Act respecting Asylums for the insane An Act to provide for the ment or Judicial Officers to whom tale Bills may be referred An Act to amend Ontario Parliament SO of 31 Victoria intituled respecting Registrars offices and the of instruments relating Below will be found titles of ll in Bill of public interest assented by the LieutGovernor at tho pro- aid of Railways relating to govern read allowances and the granting of Crown rogation of the Local mrslasi Ontario last week therefor ao ib Art to amend tho Act passed to encourage the yetllem i l reign chaptered thirty and A meeting of the Aurora Conn- Art to incorporate Feb 13 I Territory Toronto hero night that will n- Railway be impossible for Sir John to cultural Society 1 feorttrfti ihe question botwoon property in too or the United States and England but WilHomafoWn will from New York An Act to trustees of week The Duke of Social A grand social for Ihe of ft A An Act to a Mine Aseiraaxd the Dominion while bene- to a certain Minister Ho con- doomed the Governments Red River policy particularly remissness respecting Scotts and ex pressed fear that In the forthcoming International Commission Canadas rights and interests might be sacriti ced lo Englands advantage with the Slates After farther of the government policy ami of sympathy with Fran the In this critical comes io transfer sis of cavalry from Arisona to undisturbed Washington Added to Lilian horror is that of on apparent determination of Mexican and other outlaws to plun der poison and assassinate the citi zens tho Gila road from Arizona City 15U miles backward Mexican bandits -u-n- 1 at Mission Camp ncked the tation stole five ones and escaped to and have not vet captured though ha reword end the citizens On Ihe let int John djed from the effect of poison believed to hare tfctn at the instance of woman On the hall aIozen more men were poisoned but survived Bend reasonably to have been the work of in consort ith Mexican outlaws Governor promptly offered a reward the capture Jane and within hours thereafter he taken dim thirty miles of the Mexican ic whither be was trying to floe for safety The governor also a message to legislature request ing authority to place twenty men in such emergent and retain the despor adoaa with the and hostilo Apache Our who are noted for are their forms nd station acknowledging what never done before that ihey are discouraged im The coroners inquest on tho body of Nathan Tovell who receive such injurios from some on the tavern that he died few days afterwords has con cluded without leading to Any i In- guilty jinrlies Kisostoi An In quest held in Kingvn on satir nday on the body of jisrtieiilar of whoso The verdict given by the Comers jury was that came to death thrmlgh a wound in the breast inflicted by a or other sharp instrument in the hands of liirrui The murderer is Feb- 11 George Dines alias Thompson gave himself up hero this a to Chief instable Cooicy mid to having got under pretences from James merchant tailor and stool- n In Seaforth he pedlar of in he a party robbing several Ihrmors to the amount of upwards of He stirs that he worked at gosi from the a trodo for on lie wa ci month it W Fob 187i A tiro occurred in last night at 11 oclock the first since October lost It originated in a small harness shop owned by Jamo McKay and I The alarm was given at the Engine and waterworks recently pat ia operation by C Walroua Ox wore found equal to tho emergency A perfect deluge of water Was thrown into iho burning building and flames were con lined to place in which they originated All woo witnessed the working of tho water works satisfied that We hare a perfect protection against the irons conflagration which were so frequent of lale years McKays Ipsa wn insured for 30047 Iff- loss insured for Feb 11 the Hon Louts Panel he Britains gentleman John A replied in salmi- lor strain of friendship for France policy of gov is gazetted Tho Howes would receive Militia General Order- J all on lire ario Leave not way to the ttenion to of May next first impression As to the claims granted to ensign Hugh J forFenmndamngp had Battalion o In-an- made a representation and ilCaiuvIn Tho resignation i of Major failed it would not be fault of its la Pool lnfintry to bo Major to date from January Captain and Masontc Hub England sacrificing out intercuts for her own advantage As to Red River this government bod no right or power to interfere in internal affairs The question could onlydo barm by a discussion at Ottawa Wo must leave Manitoba to her own affairs protect our own Itt of Colonel Adams payrsoWr on tho Canal on r street was destroyed by firs Tinted therefor 4 Jk5kJ T nronliured as about two oclock this morning The j vision the 1st and 4th T lore to have originated from lot No to lot No from spark from store of Cot inclusive of llo township of of Scotland to sell lot two and part it session until about Adams room ailing on some paper church No 1 Co the first of lot onem the seventeenth 1st of March under mot favor- in a drawer Mr AdamsV concession west of and aid township Jo Grey his whisker and Irair burnt Off the 1st lad and concession east Tt The family escaped in their nigll Yngo street of the Township illimbnry No Co make certain by- cesser cf not mjo7 of the town- J I rice Grayer promoted 39lh Norfolk led 4 Co to Ensign provisionally Andrew gentleman vico pr Memo that port of the 11th March dcflninej the limits of No and Feb 14 The re- of tho North Riding of York the following I fr1 for BJvit ImocJ will nMmrriralnra Four of while Iho TO- lollar oj All of tovnllp of EX f8irJohn Rom bit not Inn fiwilllmhniy lying 1 mil ROOT Ami