Mirer fl- If I tri J lining Ml I livcfn I I- if i- I Ill 1 I I I I I 111 Ir iiJii-iiin-lirfljt- I autumn of year busi ness necessitated my leaving HongKong wliero I had tome proceeded lo of the jjortB cost coast of open for foreign I arranged my affaire at tlmt place bound for tho South was in or of llio heard ring out from hundred throats rigged nailing vessel of threo hun dred lona register wop with her hut what perhaps chiefly induced mo to tako passage in vessel was the fact of daughter being aboard Lottie Moore W33 a goldenhaired darling upon whoso fair bead soma seventeen turn- mora Upon her mothers do- had quitted her homo in Eng land to accompany her bereaved father in his wanderings from clime to The Sell sailed from just day broke On tho evening of the next day a littlo before ten oclock I war sitting with Mies Moore in the saloon ad miring fiomo watercolour that young lady had executed when the chief mate entered Theres a large junk coming right to wards us Bir By number of sweeps pulls I reckon she carries a crow he I know what ho meant and did the just as well if bad spoken all that was passing in his mind moreover I appreciated bis motive for reticence for if he had said plainly that be feared she was a pirate it would have- alarmed the fair girl who thoughtless of was chatting so vivaciously with Captain Moore ran upon the deck and when I heard him shortly afterwards tel the mate to call all hands I also proceeded to tho poop and found him through a pair of binocular glasses at a Chinese craft that was advancing with furled sails in dead calm being pro pelled by an array of oars that flashed and glittered in phosphorescent water lies an ugly customer and no mis take Wo shant have much of a show if ho us but I will let htm sec that wo arc on the alert Perhaps we can manage to intimidate him ho said as he stooped down and commenced casting adrift the lashings of castiron fourpounder that was useful as a signal gun the cannon was loaded with blank cartridge and discharged the junk altered her course and passed under our stern a considerable distance away Captain Moore when he noticed this movement wag inclined to that she was a mere trading junk At midnight I returned to my berth and had just sunk in the sweet embrace of sleep when I was startled to by the boom of a heavy gun while lh crash of falling spars mingled with its echoing thunder told mc plainly that vessel was attacked and that the first bad taken effect upon her I grasped my revolver and rushed through the saloon towards the companion- way only halting for an instant near the grasp a cutlass from the rides hid been beaten down that the or the While In tho ships jollyboat or been injured since our departure the carpenter had been employ ed repairing her bottom iovorted on the poop I knew that I hot have- fitqo to gig when I beard the warcry change to a nolo of triumph and I lively felt that only chance- of escaping death in concealing beneath little dingy as the cabin and held would bo thoroughly for Crawl under quickly I will you I in the- car of terri fied girl I raised of tho little As if mechanically alio obeyed then tli much difficulty I managed to creep under myself scarcely bad I frail tenement to deck ere it by a horde of vociferating loudly Ibis hour I shudder when I iber thongonyof I endured during ransacking of tho At length it obvious that the pirates bad accomplished their work of jundcr for I heard ono direct bin f otol ites to sat tiro lo the nod hurry hack Soon the of splashing oars told no Hint the piratical craft was speed ing tho hapless vessel she destroyed so cautiously uplifted dingy and crept from beneath A bright glowing flame shooting skyward from the hatch plainly indicated how well the chiefs mandate had been obeyed and mo in words of fire that I must bear from Sell and to a greedy element I quickly lowered the gig but alio on touching water the pi rates bad in her bottom in roar of llio grasping flames thai twined like glittering serpents up the shrouds inspiring with ex tra energy I uplifted and ri Lottie- crawled from beneath it her bore it to the taflrnil Wo have no time lo lower it wo launch it bodily I said catching Lottie Bo with her i I afraid I cried the OF THOUGHT Tim founder fort am rally wo enjoy lliero Am fftiVc llifl to to opportunity of do la NEWMARKET M In Jin Is man avoid an frill li Ml It hi timilili pa irloKsnmanBOontr -ft- In fun in nothing and which 1 In Illill ijl which o r Hi and pcrelB- A 1j- it him enjoy In In life Ms and ho crooked i Chemist Druggist Fort fit t- inpnly lepirtof j SuU ft fa All fire warranted GOODS in in of and in ft We sank deep beneath the briny flood but I vigorously upwards and Hoot gained surface Then drawing the bead upon my shoulder I rapidly towards the drifting dingy was on its keel and floating buoyantly I clambered in drew Lottie after mc and then sank weak and prostrate from over exertion in siernshcets My com panion raised my head and gently tended mo until I recovered my ties recov ered them just in time see the pretty Headier sink to her grave in the coral depths Soon after a vessel which proved lo be tho Lily rescued us from our perilous position and carried us in safety to Hong which city that s the deok The scene that op baffles all deseriptio I my Tang- lay led cordage rent sails and in confused heaps around and from the chaotic ruins issued deep groans of agony from tie wounded and dying while myriads of torches aboard a huge junk li i a yellow glare revealing too plainly the dread effects of the carnage As the junk ran under our bows a of fierce demons powdergrimed insatiable in heir lust for blood clambered to deck and pressed theif way The fallen spars and multifarious imped ments effectually prevented any one pass ing along the port side so Captain i three seamen and myself the only si rushed the alleyway to starboard each with eye upon the foe intently of the deckbouse and there stood then sideways moving as is wont with lately atbay gave longdrawn terrific savage ya Our murderous antagonists possessed and buckled J tin Ill 1 i it Ago world narrow- tlio topmost ruw read its complifihing bis i- iioiliii The following poem from the San Golden Em is not only Homeric in stylo but complete in itself the total annihilation of the pine wood shed in an alley dark where moonbeams sifting through a chimney and an torn drooping fell strode back and forth with stiff and drawn muscle and peculiar tread His name was yonder shed bis father fought the cats that came in squads from streets be yond the in quest of food and e adventure Grim war was court- ad twisted tail and curve ami clay- li flat pressed against a head thrown back defiantly told of impending strife With eyes and screeching blasts of and steps as silent as the falling dew g Nerval crept the splintered edge gazed a moment through the darkness dowu with tail triumphantly Then there was imprecation and a growl an oath in direst vengeance hissed he started crooked in body libc the letter or rather like a inverted and stood in fierce expectancy eyeballs glaring the recent a in duty will lo innblo prices by too Dye Stuff of Sett Qualify GROCERIES Pino Music Given Away Or of Music for I of Music from to SO cents for every piece of no for by tent OF tfNqiWrEs s-T-o-vHBV- Milt Hoop Rod ard Bar OF AND SHELF HARDWARE FOUNDRY NEAR THE RAILROAD Warehouse Prices of our goods will lc found more to of your ilUBL JtLTIM February 3rd A a Out IE J HODGE Note Letter Paper Envelopes o Foolscap PaperKilled Plain will get la is fiUpplleJ I ul rrnontl lilioii itlj Therefore Re live to pay ltj i pleec is HALL AND BEDROOM STOVES thifl section of Selecting an they do all theFirntCIiissSlovcB from best roiri tl my other manufacture STOVE la indisputably Hie can get anywhere They also keep the Beit Tin Copper Sheet Japanned PRESSED WARES PLAIN J- SUCH AS Covers Jelly Moulds Planished I well With aslant open of fangs stood dread conformity up a post forth from out the dark below a head appeared A dread tocsin of determined strife young Norval uttered then with a face and moustache standing straight his nose and tail flung widely to the pas breeze stepped back with cautious ii to the foe Approaching slow the other and with preparation dire each cat surveyed the vantage of the field Around they walked with tails uplifted and back high in air while from their mouths in biasing with consuming rage drop- tbo winged messengers of death our trusty sent into the midst the ad vancing horde until it became apparent to Find Lottie Mr Carter Wo have chance but for heavens sake save her from merciless wretches I have my deathwound now cried the I sprang down the cabin an found the girl kneeling at the table in succour from on high Her pale and father sheeried as she sprang to her 1 caught her iq my arms and bore her bodily on deck been my High The of hair hung oer the battle field the din of passing waggons rose tin dreadful tumult of the struggling cats gleamed their eyes in frenzy that t who saw the conflict from a winder naught else but fiery balls that An hour they struggled in might then faint end fainter grew tbi squall of war until all was bushed Then I went forth with lantern and the field surveyed What flaw I Six ear of teeth perhaps a handful fur naught but soli tary tail tail was by a ring I knew it car was but well let the matter pass The tail will do with out the car SELECT ITEMS Eating ice broken be monuments Kg lit in iRmphis and is sltripisiHi tlir libit atmosphere he man die of the to set tntlyT open at this Office tilt months Ladles Spoons Spring Pans Sad Irons Pad Iron and Coffee Pot Sieves Screen and Fly Wires I Cast Iron Pumps Lead I and the iiil Iti Bone Wood Knitting Crotchet and Sewing Needles Dominoes Tatting Shuttles Pocket Knives Hair Hat and Clothes Brushes Button Fasteners Pius Ladies Portfolios Work Hair Oil Perfumery Toilet Soap Marbles Glass Stone and China Toys Dolls Fishhooks Lines and Floats Belt and Dressing Pins Concertinas Card Cases Fifes Whistles Mouth Organs Drums Musical Tops Paint Bores Camelehair Pencils Beads all Sizes and Colours Baskets Ledgers Journals and Day Books Blank Books School Books Note Books Copy Books Exercise and Books Diaries and Time Books Blotting Paper Bill Paper All of Plain Fancy and Coloured Paper Cards Pasteboard o Perforated Cardboard Bookmarks Letter Sealing Wax Pens Fine and Broad Points Pencils Penholders Inks Red Blue Purple and kinds Pocket Books PurEes Needle Books Wafers Mucilage Seals Elastic Bands Pencil Erasers Albums in Great Variety BOOKS MAGAZINES Lubricating and Coal Oils Lamps Lanterns Burners WICKS fa All of fell rt Cheap anybody else They are prepared to fit Hot DONE IN J r Lead and in paid for Pure A CALL SPECIALLY SOLICITED AND SATISFY YOURSELVES FIRST BRICK STORE NORTH OF THE POST Reading Books bound strongly bound hard to preserve the life it hath Many of the creatures below us will take id drudge and toil to think for their poor people rill have to think whether they do or not j our and your men lie thousand Do you iifiiic tint God men for you to play vtthl Ira they only meant for toys for you to He that both have mode all blame but no go for much You ate only Slop this v at if yon It Utter I j hardly bad we emerged from the to make 1 batch when above the clash of a soul to Dont i ForBytbs Hoi FANCY Fancy tlooils Fancy Goods A NEW Supply of Fancy Goods PARLOR LADIES New Livery Stable Subscriber begs lo announce to the wiling public thai he started a new LIVERY STABLE Opposite the Davison Where will be found everything requisite and Also agent for J Agricultural Implements MONEY TO LOAN A M and COURIER lot of Bibles which WUJ bo and Mar 30 Money to Loan On good Notes G YOUNG LADIES JOURNAL BOW SELLS PETERS MUSICAL WEEKLY Y LEDGER Andallothn Hotel in Newmarket SALE HOTEL SINGERS SPEAKERS Tiey are highly recommended is a cure for COUGHS COLDS ASTHMA And Light Consumptive Cough Suitable for Ailboth Young Old may be had Wholesale y CO SON ELLIOT J- CO COMPANIES WORKS WINDOW GREEN and BLUE PLAIN AND At the COURIER VARIETY STOPS Opposite Hotel NEW AUCTION DOOMS HOLLAND LANDING in