Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Courier, 12 May 1870, p. 2

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THE NEWMA COURIER THURSDAY MA Hit Liverpool May The steamer Scandinavia which Bailed today took cargo of Arabs or street boys for Canada where they bo provided with May Tho continues editorially to belittle the French conspiracy ft says peril lice few in tt lnllif who would inflict I I withdrawn froi in the weakness of those who would the GovernorGeneral 17 and to ho Colonial announc ing the Rod River troubles was read by liar Granville in the House of Lords tonight in England solving view Capital and population in crease- faster than employment Now fields wo demanded without desti tution discontent would become a political danger accumulation or iioirfUt fortunes in spinning la no longer possible- May Tho steamer Siberia from Liverpool is days overdue was spoken on April with shaft broken being then miles west of Ireland Brio wis putting back for QuMpstoWD under sail Horatio Curtis passenger on board was to tho Steamer Indiana vessel which to her and arrived at last night reports the passengers nil well Glasgow May The steamer Indi ana which at New York today reports that to steamer fit- which sailed from Liverpool April for Boston heading cast Si beria has broken her shaft and was on her way back to Succeeded no had reported ship Eliza from Quebec was burned Hoy on the Jet of March escaped war Id Now dragging rebel chief had succeeded eluding his pursuers and trold tn I- frlir coun try Government bad retained services of friendly natives of New Zealand to continue pursuit All tho New Zealand Several shocks of an earthquake had occurred in district of ITUo Sandwich Islands and one shock was tbo felt since tho great two years of was active tho great South had overflown filling tho depression canned by earth quake of A May B This even the most destructive hall storm ever known pissed Over city from the threat to the For nearly rty a continuous of stones tiro pea to or inohca Tho damage much hail pterin of Sep The greatest force of the stqrm wus iloifgBroad and in the southern scoriout of- On sdutji street hardly A pane- of jfelsS is lost On Broad street tho stained glass windows of very of were destroyed Reports from Tronblo is reported Lyons where authorities interrupted publica tion of newspaper Tho Qavhis Bays party Las sent committees to London and Brus sels to ascertain the real truth of thoal- by a Mails made OFFICE Toronto and the North dally a Mails made up for the way Bin mi at pm fnt Holt Keswick ioiim lf after r Pino Orchard tBholmIcraonYlltoItln Aim How Rsiis Com a the tal At oclock the Mn Under Colonial explained In House of Commons thai compromise of Red River difiionUyhad been effected by the introduction into Dominion of Bill creating Province of Manitoba staled that Canada wonld retain all the lands of now Province with tho exception of acres to its debt the spoojal correspondent to Toronto daily Globe end Telegraph gather particulars respecting movements towards Red River has canal at Marie Orders have been re ceived from- Washington to the at- most diligence and watchfulness that nc British thmI with war material or sup plies for Canadian through tho canal The Americans at tho particularly jealous of any part Canadian or British Government to subdue tho rising at Red River no effort will bo spared lo throw obstacles In way of forces Men ore a road that will bo used for tnctransjXiHipg of troops and supplies point to another should Americans determine upon stopping vessels thereby enabling ho Canadians to do work on their own Boll without of American official interference It peeled it will take tho troops between Coipaer at Engl Hotel on I on do body of a a brakesman on no of Umber trains the Northern bo was found horribly mull- about north of place oar oclock the nv day wa sot minted from hit had Aurora he quired for rem doty could not blood was found on the wheels of the can and a man to search tho road at Immediately after his train came the driver on which saw on track when turning lo stop until this had over him dragging body of tho unfortunate man some head behind The mangled The today on account of tho violence of its article jjoliticnl affairs General Bo Wimpfcn to the War from that the tribes of Algeria recently revolted have submit ted to the French again Two sharp en with rebels occurred or 3rd In both tho French were suc cessful London- May new steamship fiidonia for the Anchor Lino was suc cessfully launched at Glasgow today The steamer Earl of Elgin sunk today off Staines having with an unknown vessel captain mate and families were lostonly seven of those who on board escaped death Paris May issue of pel was again seized today on account of the violation of the press law Arrests for complicity in the linue Six members of the International Society of Workmen apprehended at St today Rumours of at Lyons yesterday not confirm ed Radical journals of this city strongly advise the people to be calm and quiet to morrow St May Prince attache of Austrian Lega tion in this city was murdered today His mutilated body was found in his room this morning The assassin is unknown Paris May pm Several riots occurred last night but were not serious Three or four barricades were erected in the Belleville district but were feebly de fended The troops carried them without firing a shot Shots were fired but not by soldiers There is great excitement but owing to the large display of troops tho crowds more noisy than dangerous American Chicago May General Sheridan left Chicago for Salt Lake City and other points in far 11 remained in piles Servant Warfare thai the Fenians about two millions of dollars under pre- conquering Canada and expelling the from Ireland an enterprise which only a firstclass Power capable of raising and maintaining a largo army and navy could attempt with any chance of Success could not under the favourable circumstances bo at a less cost than three or four thou- millions of dollars entrance of impecunious private genth tho job would therefore if they to sucli outlay as they coma meet from their personal resources be a very good joke but when they raise money year after year from ignorant peo ple by promising to accomplish it it is difficult lo Bay in what way their perfor mance differs morally from thimble rigging or dropgames In fact a more ex tensive or heartless baa not been witnessed anywhere late years perpetration too has been Bridget and Patrick that With one dollar more tho green flag may be hoisted of Abraham and launched on rack of British Several eels Fenian chiefs have now retired if not with a com petency at least after having a year of great enjoyment not unmixed with luxury there were OMahoneys of the Mof fat Mansion then there were their the James and then line the and now the ONeills on the war path with the same old Sunburst ip pursuit of the same hated foe We do not mean to say that any of these gentleman made anything the d familiar use of that term by their naval or military administration but if remember rightly when the ig of the accounts was ordered by the Senate after tho downfall of the Moffat there was or there abouts missing which was doubtless for the good of Ireland but the manner in which Ireland benefitted from it there were no accounts to show One administration after another has been overthrown and exposed but still the game goes and the contributions are called in on one pretence or another of the money goes in salaries which consid ering the market price of the kind of la bour they command are not small but of course the larger portion of it is expended the purchase and storage of Id tbo thing go with a mental luch they It that George John JJlck and alio and liberal Reformers lliing but in quit- 1 j I I forming JTIJLT I- to make a thorough investigation of Iodi affair The parly will be absent months The military authorities w conduct the threatened brute Sioux Willi the utmost rigor and have nearly completed preparations for the expected trouble The number of available troops in the Department of Dakota is about 4000 The force is considered ample lo with but will be augmented if necessary Washington May Late accounts from Richmond state that Governor Wells munitions along the Cam When one remembers ho regular Government with of system fraud and speculation and jobbery in tho purchase of supplies and the mak ing of contracts we may guess what ex pensive articles the Fenian muskets and revolvers are and what a very costly the Fenian soldier by the time he makes his in the Vermont The a whose families May 5 Arrange ments for distributing the funds received here are now in operation A committee has been organized lo ensure aid to all the sufferers by the late calamity The Treas urer received yesterday from Nor The boilers the new power house of the Works exploded at 10 oclock this mo with terrible crash The and fireman were the only persons in t building The fireman was blown through Washington May The War Do has received news from Pern in regard to the column of Iroops ordered there some weeks ago Owingfx the inclemency of tho weather it is sup posed that Ibc troops which come from Hancocks command been u get through In view of the pos of the Winnipeg by Brit ish soldiers the post at Pembina is ered one of great importance San May The Fight was engaged for the aston which left the city precisely at m composed of ninccars on which probably seven hundred persons among whom were prom- merchants lawyers physicians er rs of the Union and Confederate ar- the of general down and wellknown sporting men from all parts the country At depot there were de tailed 70 metropolitan policemen who the train onefourth of a mile all persons without tickets were put off The crowd was very orderly Upon and but all hands were ot as it was found Metropolitan district proceeded to a point three miles abov where the whole parly en a field and preparations were made the The betting was three to on Mace though Allens friends were very confident Both men were in splendid condition Allen weighs about 173 lba Mace 168 lbs- Mace and Allen came tho ground on a dummy engine from Sydney are lo the March and from Auckland to the of Later Mace shipped Allen ten April In New South Wales a great rounds in fortyfour minutes Allen was flood had prevailed the eastern coast of badly punished Mace scarcely injured The of the pruning knife in tho editor of Era is by all who have taken cad his last effort in our behalf With the of one or two lines near the be ginning and a false assertion near the end there is nothing for us to notice Another Old Reformer bo alludes to in the article take the balance and do what be likes it as it to him directed in Mr Jack- s jumbling way From the way he hat put forth this last effusion it is evident ho does not expect a reply and we should it by if it were not for the lie it cor and if all that we had ever r had from hands of th keeper of an alms house wo should sit under an untruth and allow it lo pai unnoticed Why does Jackson say that the article under the editorial heading is from the same pen meaning lost week lo the week before and trying to make bis readers believe written by the party who wrote a letter signed Another Old Reformer same issue It is very plain why his motive is juBt plain in this instance and as transparent as all the rest of the motives he has exhibited throughout The and short of the matter is this lie has failed utterly to produce a single proof asked for so many times to sub- assertions he has put forth he has used all tho loose language ho could command without making himself appear perfectly rediculous in the face of all un prejudiced rightthinking people he has taken a false foundation to work upon from first to last cud now here where tho laugh comes in sooner than the reptile warmed into life beneath his he- should have credit of sue- fully refuting all his trash he would rather give it to some other party any body it does not matter who We have we wanted to show to our satisfaction our ideas are before the public and they will judge of them for themselves how far we are right in tho matter Our paper is termed a no- party by Mr Jackson Noparty will stand for independence we are satisfied with the term and with Mr Jackson eall- ing his a party paper too We our track to be kept clear of unwarranted meddling and mischief making and if t little soul he unable to fair play at his hands we are not afraid of at the bands of the pub lic If our dents are deserving of censure from Mr Jackson let him them with all the power he able but do not endeavour to mix us up with what they may have to say What we have got to say we know how to it and where to put it when it is said with out any interference on the part of Mr QUEERS As yet there has been nothing whatever in this place towards getting up a celebration for the coming 24th If there be anything there is little for preparation and it ought gone into this week or not all easy matter to call a public meeting for Friday evening and see what is if agreed to celebrate the day as we ought by all means could then be formed that work up the arrangements taking selection to put on men only aim and object would bo to get up a days sport worthy of a visit from the surrounding is least fear but that ample funds can raised in little if all matters thoroughly understood Bui Mi tinea Bands for the hair at the Variety Bel Is and other for May arrived at the plain for the baby this summer all orders in this line mi when they in Toronto where a wife and left tomoarn his loss n In the companys employ his calamity him Barton Ban engaged to fill place of am killed on the Northern Railway on Bat evening entered upon his Monday morning and was killed on Wed morning near the in train arriving at Holland person was sen that It Reform wrote the editorial in I did not assist In neither did write ice it in the this plain ANOTHER OLD REFORMER Mil it By telegram from Ottawa as we press Wednesday evening we ha startling report that Sir John A aid is not expected to live through the day Latest by Special Courier Thursday 9 Sir John passed an easier nigh more this morning A of Sense The Fenian party and a portion of the American press urging tbo ment of the United States to prevent passago of oil Canadian through the canal at St Marie thereby pub- ting a stop to traffic between Lakes Huron and Superior Should this plan be adopt there will be complications enough the two countries in a short time for Canada can Stop canals as well as the Slates and somebody would eoob cry out with a vengeance However there are some papers take a more liberal view and below we give the opinion of the Neither Great Britain nor the Dominion of asked of our Government permission to march troops or convey supplies over United States territory to Winnipeg though a considerable number of journals have deemed it necessary to bully those powers in anticipation that they may Perhaps it will becom ing to our national dignity to defer refus ing permission till it is There are that the Canadian Government i ask such a thing But it is also suspected that Canadian commercial vessels will pass through the St Marys Ship to Lake Superior and these may be used for transporting troops and supplies for the Winnipeg expedition or that they may carry innocent provisions which afterward will become military sup plies by a transfer to the Government Therefore it widely and wildly proposed shall prohibit any fl from passing through the canal This would be a radical preventive and it is doubtful if anything short of be radicrl For an expedition of men will have large connections with the trade in provisions and And much may be done in the way of supply ing that expedition by free trade through the canal to goods owned by private persons and in private vessels without doubt much might he done by both parties- to make their relations very annoying am hostilities But we whether there is anything peg French play of revolt posed Fenian to ourselves any serious injury The larjre commerce between the upper bate the greater Iokm in the We would advise friends of the In Canada to devote themselves to the task of uniting ibis people with their own rather than dwelling upon what hi been done and which cannot be undone Does it show a spirit of conciliation to meet us continually calling us by names that would embitter the least sensitive minds One would think we were too who had injured instead of having Rather let Canadian Press indulge in a more conned cease condemning and misnaming a who have them any harm We only one word to our pie before we finish Let all and creeds remember that our caueo of happing of one portion of the Settlement intimately connected with others We have no reason to strive each other or to bear hard feelings let the Union now existing become firmer every day Let the day once more old when political opinion could not interfere with par ties of Wo must remember that it has been through that we have been separated for children on the Union Jack The Union Jock floats in would beg to say that other extract from the lightest token of disrespect been felt here towards that emblem of our nations greatness The old Provisional flag has done duty we all will still proudly fly under the protection of the one which is a of Union amongst There is a report that Col Rankin this and Oswego and has the and the St La la in the Canadian Dominion of tolls If we shut up Marys Canal to the must expect that the up the Wetland and St I nil Canals American trade If this were done we should hear a howl from the lake ports and the farmers all the way around the lakes from Chicago to Qgdenibnrg And then account would be taken of what we had by the operation Neighbouring counties along the border of three thousand miles could m selves very unpleasant to they should devote their minds here is a question if it will pay The policy laid down by the Great Michigander in the British Territory and the Army The Broad Arrow gives the following list of the Colonial Garrisons In the of Canada one tottery of and one battalion of Infantry of the Line will remain in Canada and in Nova Scotia there will be stationed two of Artillery one com pany Engineers and two battalions of In fantry of the Line At the Cape of Good Hope one battery of Garrison Artillery and two battalions of Infantry of the Line will be stationed at the Cape and Natal while at St Helena one battery of Garri son Artillery and one company of Engin eers will be stationed Mauritius tain one battery of Garrison Artillery one company of Engineers and one battalion of Infantry of the Line China and Japan there will be one battery of Garrison Artillery a battalion and a half of Euro pean Infantry one battalion of native In dian infantry and one company of gun Lascars Ceylon and will appro priate two of Garrison Artillery one battalion of European Infantry one company of gun and one company of the Ceylon Rifle Regiment In the Straits Settlement will be stationed two batteries of artillery half a bat- Mediterranean garrison will consist as fol lows At there will be eight batteries of Garrison Artillery three com panies of Engineers and five battalions of of the Line At Malta there will be eight batteries of Garrison Artillery two of Engineers six battalions of Infantry of the Line and the Royal Malta Artillery On the West of Africa there will fce at Siena Leone two companies of a West Indian on the Gold Coast In the West Indian Islands the following distribution will be made Ba hamas two companies of a West India regiment at Honduras one company Jamaica one battery of Garrison Artillery 1 of It is to to Britain to quit this inent and if she does not move nuisance But this policy of petty and annoyance ju in in A Lo There would in Great r private canals adtuffs in the the ground that they sup- which indeed they did and thus violated her neutrality Red River News Georgetown May 9 Mr who left the Settlement on April brings the latest advices from Fort Garry On the at Bishop re quest floated the Union Jack over Fort Garry and ob jected and a general row was the which ended in the Fleur Lit minus the Fenian floating side by side with the Union Jack over the Fort is the most loyal man in the Set tlement and has his band playing God Save the Queen every night His people did not relish the Union Jack and when first hoisted il was torn down and trampled in the mud Kiels proclamation of April 7th is e string of platitudes which amount nothing in which he congratulates the people on their happy from and disorder and exhorts them to rally round the Provisional Government The New Nation is now edited by Mr Thos himself three years who established as Governor of man for treason hi Government The of April contains editorial entitled Past tod Present from which the following extract is taken The past has wrought all these changes and we are Unlay blessed throughout the land wing stronger every day trade is brightening up smiles are seen where late ly there was nothing but gloomy lances and merchants are already busy kin preparations for tho coming iness mitted let the present and future h temporising them There is crying over spilt milk three different companies including the headquarters of a battalion of Infantry of the Line and six companies of a West India Regiment At the Windward sod Leeward Islands there will be one battery of Garrison Artillery five companies of Infantry of the Line and five companies West India Regiment Chic with a full cargo including some of the Government boats for Red River and a hundred passengers She will be due William on Wednesday The steamer arrived yester day morning from the Bruce Mines with eight passengers She left again this morning for Parry Sound with mails and The Schooners Mountaineer Snow Bird and Elizabeth arrived from Owen Sound with cargoes of wheat also the pro peller Champion from The sleamer Smith left on Satur day afternoon for Inlet and will re turn today and will likely leave on Thursday next for Fort William No word from the She will be due here on Wednesday it is the patient from Price a bottle and by Co body of John Dunn a pensioner

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