Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Courier, 21 Apr 1870, p. 4

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ib70 Mk a though with clinging Tho Ah J pin- glow elopes flhiilti buds eye leaves Crowd up tosoo sky gmpo rejects last years bo 4Hn windowvino Land Which ft to sill The tendril stem velvet Shoot upward upward still heat dust and din Of bitter winds How to cart tho load which Ai I build fn-hn- perfect II With Itusl yenra cut IkUidus In tlio around l Abon4 Vlll1 many authenticat ed inatnncca on record and which daily coming to light of com ran lions the world thoro noma conceited individual who ghosts and other manifestations productions of weak minds or lata by wicked persons and impose loua assert that are contrary to laws of Nat ure and when confronted with well certi ficated instances say that Wo arisen through mistake impcaUi intention lera or in trilQi to to act tho part of ft doubting Thomas but simply to lay before r a plain unvarnished tale of a of is we think and our will of most won derful and puEzltng read or beard of A married of this city whoso intellectual of that kind not Imposed anon recently visited city of on matters with Ho had brought bia toA close made the final for the tianapoitatloa of pur chases to oily and was his afterdinner pipow being with luV beloved ones on morrow when suddenly a vague of evil stole over Mm and chilled the current of feelings which had hith erto been of the moat exuberant time wore on the feeling became more unable to bear tho of he sought bed in the hope that deep would banish the un welcome thoughts which bad disturbed his momenta At fiwt unable to tossed on his bed but towards morn drowsy god came to bis relief and he laid in a troubled sleep suddenly awakened by someunseen agency hoi to I t pup end i as tho those bo tcinditlon Tom badritgptovenm find vision When last him fur ho Mid ho innohiobiiirtyli paa guying a- Header did you lrUrviCPffiJJiIJiRjiao closely this morn ing Whig ia We rjlirmn un It waajsto when an- end myeelf wad liappenod to fill inoonipiny The country was a fort of villi and cabins sepsrated by wide expand of tho to company and Wo was of all thfnga J Wo changed salutations as wo bad plenty of to bo civil and were Tho upahot was that wo jogged together phasing on topics or remaining silent as Led Mid patting neck Itll bo night and hiilca yet pricked up uttered probably for and then set forward at a marked brought mo more hone animal sir my companion and Leo I to wscd a a sword to Bound others ii If ft 1 little it of fa tea ficfiuantlr a on Amorf powerful lut words afnugo It for ilWft It foiBcttd fjjfi And the aud its for io cold fit of hate as well as for hot lovp of nourishes youth flld adorns delightful at ho a will toon It tome mi will norm or of IU- Of ho rcflogta both love respect them ho ild with doop and I over bear Jo bear a word against them a went on to Bay and if youve objection to bear it I to tell may give you to understand Of all things I should like to hear it assured him tho proceeded Leo and taking a journey together similar to present- Toward evening we were over taken by a much as wo were over taken by you just ft niggle ill 1 1 I tftli- iinlnl ilivonslons or company do for Jqwcl has to bestow and t of reaching eminence hTirlnmphlriE leidi 3 could looking a fellow a Still bo and though I have preferred being clone or in better company I bad as Bo wo rode I eharp eye my companion whom I allowed st of tho talking I bad a considerable of money about mo a by tending to oil y accents and with inexpressibly sad countenance it said clear and distinct terms which the gentle man aays he perfectly remembers and will continue to remember till dying day Come home jia ma is dying and then vanished into that mysterious region whither we ofayfettered cannot follow but can only make conjec ture in vague speculations The gentle man tried to persuade himself that ho had been mistaken but could off the impresaon which the vision had made on his mind Further attempts at proving ineffectual he arose and paced the floor A whirlwind of agony swept his breast as he thought that bis be loved wife a days before be had left lusty with health and beaming with happiness was now in the antechamber of death or mayhap had already passed into the silent country of the dead We will not attempt to describe the agony which ho endured that night his bosom lorn with tho contending emotions of hope and grief suffice it to gay that early next IvYi terrible ho traces of Buffering on face He was paying his bill at the counter of the hotel when a telegraph boy came into the office carrying a despatch for The spark of hope that until then burned within him was extinguished by this strange conformation of his vision Good jupporthis weak and trembling limbs Fearing to make himself acquainted with the worst he enquired of the clerk how long it was before the Western train left One hour He paid the telegraph boy and then soughthis room Arrived there he sank into a chair head swam great beads of perspiration stood out on bis throbbing temples be tore open tho envelope containing the fatal message which would enter like soul and blacken and blight years of his earthly pilgi until he should rejoin his newly lost wifo Li tin truth or in pursuit of it It grow dark I noticed him fumb ling at a coiled thong of hide sus pended from tlio pommel of his saddle which had previously my I divined purpose and the word to Leo who sprang forward in a gallop but tho precaution date Something whined through and the moment my neck was by the unerring My progress was while that of Leo him swiftly from under me The tightened noose completely pended respiration For a moment I felt dragged rapidly through the under growth then came vivid flashes of light before my eyes then a of suffocation then insentibility 1 returned to to find the assassin with knee upon my breast noose had been removed and I was free to breath again but my strength had not returned nor was I likely to be allow ed time to regain it for the villain that had had mo at his mercy held the w already raised whoso swift descent but an instant would remaining span of life I The wretch whose neck is clasped in the of the guil lotine probably experienced akin to at this terrible moment Just then something flashed above my irresistible force t was the faithful Leo that by rubbing his nose against my face and expressing his sympathy words I understood as well as tho they had been articulate An exam of the dead robber too proved that it masters life Tho strangers brought where after well supperod we supped and then retired to rest first each other goodnight for lay different ways in I violet low cover is own leaves j and yet of ell and plainest road It always piut 1 or the ilaoyi- and open any mora than d what I portion of mankind thograpo In yi Is this and what a neglected troth of Of the moat up In They crept In the formation periods ho through which they Chore thoy remain In long darkneea blast ets them And there ma sealed up In the mountains of closed Is crawls considered the and beat preachers Galaxies and theboldcst won the worship All ptwhleh prove that tho world has yet a field for Many people take money until they have to the end of It j and others do thee- they throw away let through the fingers it thoy still almost nun of them to but when they find t days flowing rapidly away icklly ihcy have that time no notion cal Cato at eighty years thought proper to learn Cheek Plutarch when between seventy at eighty the study of Latin Henry neglected the sciences In moat miserable people In about what shall happen G M Music Given Away I of I for CI for every pi ft by will get from Four to Five worth or ho Intcsi rind it by Klokef Keller JJcjht limited our circulation to 100000 I- mi wonld after In form oar limit Will to cheap at tfint our la only per year ailed on receipt of cents I num ELVIDGE GU Is put In so from circulation beyond tho Intro- Oil of our every page of which nflcrwnm printed In form price No matter where you a piece of Music fHuilo can always bo you frco of will bo milled 1 receipt of 1 No iMt how fimsll It J P Box DELAY received this OMce Si 6C year and the Monthly itiafleechf nths CAKADIAH NATIONAL Reading Books Band Hoop Rod arid Bar fa MID OF HEAV AND FOUNDRY NEAR HUE J Prices of our bo fouad more to the poljfc- than any other Offer a 3rd WAT ON WOOLLEN NEWMARKET by tin Bun himself ai upon the iloi in th o than by you could do of y prospered in world without the If she unites in deavoura or rewards his labours dearing smile with what obis d upon tha and encounter if he The Papers Tharo sum folks in this world who their whole time hunting after and got tew praktias it If find out disposishnn take him when he ia If ho amiable then dry him and fill him up and It dont take mutch tew prove a truth It is only a that grate Listen tew every mans dis agree with hut confide in yure flattery that wrongs feather mind tho shawl you promised and the embroidery for Johnnys dress Lira around the corner whose husband owes you and hasnt got a cent baa got another baby the thirteenth Couldnt you afford me a pair of Grecian bend boots Ah do Your affectionate wife Kiltie Johnny has a right on the tip of his nose Dear Ton didnt go by that train lie wont and got Ho who wont eenythin understand aint so wise as a m for they will kick at a thing they tew reach Money like grain it is never invested when it well sown A bigot is a religious coward trying tew play the How people tharo who only go into just for the purpose telling over their and their gripes and grants Such people ought tew bo Bent at tew pest I bore it in mind that in about in rasho that a person or individual proud and they arc ignorant his strength In vain but t will be rewarded by the lie tude and disappointment thislng There la no greater day virtue than choerfulpesa quality In man among men like to the day or gentle renewing moisture parched herbs light of a cheerful ff and communicates tho It The temper good humour As well might fog and Note Loiter Pane Bono Wood and Steel Knitting Crotchet and Sewing Dominoes Tatting Shuttles Pocket Knives Dressing and Combs Hair Hat and Clothes Brushes Button fasteners Ladies Portfolios Work Boxes Hair Oil Perfumery Toilet Soap Marbles Glass Stone and China Toys Dolls Tops Lines and Floats Belt and Dressing Pins Concertinas Accordcoas Card Cases Fifes Whistles Mouth Organs Drums Musical Tops Paint Boxes Camels hair Pencils Beads all Sizes and Colours Ledgers Journals and Day Books Blank Books School Books Note Books Copy Books Exercise and Books Diaries and Time Books Blotting Paper Bill Paper All sorts of Plain Fancy and Coloured Pasteboard e Perforated Cardboard- Bookmarks Letter Files Sealing Wax Pens Fine and Broad Points Pencils Penholders Inks Blue Purple and Inkstands Several kinds Pocket Books Needle Books Wafers Mucilage Seals Elastic Bands Pencil Erasers Albums in Great Variety And a largo list too numerous to mention with 31 illustrations strongly bound illustrations In cloth boards Twenty lustrations Strongly bound in cloth hoards Thirty Fodbth Book Illustrations bound in cloth boards Forty cents Fifth Book illustrations strongly bound Newmarket Feb NELSON OF Cloths of Every Description GENERAL IN WOOL Newmarket December cloud and vapour hope to cling to illumined landscape the blues and to combat Jovial speech and exhilarat ing laughter Be cheerful always There Is no path but will be easier travelled no load but will bo lighter no shadow on heart or brain but will lift sooner in determined cheerfulness Lam The lonellcea novel In the world Is on the extremity of South America For several years past a small barrel has been fastened by chain to the outermost rock of mountains over hanging the Straits of Magellan opposite Terra del It fa opened by every ship which through the Straits either to letters In or to take letters from It The postoffice therefore takes of Itself it is confided to tho protection of seafarers it having occurred the barrel If their destination WOKS AND MAGAZINES Supplied at tho Lowest CO- Forgot Oppodte Hotel Main St PALACE OF FASHION MILLINERY MANTLES Or this Fells Importation At SMITHS I- Cheap Stobb Newmarket Hep 1869 FANCY GOODS Goods I Fancy Goods A NEW Supply of Fancy PARLOR ORNAMENTS LADIES COMPANIONS NEWLY DESIGNED VASES For Sale at COURIER PATENT TRANSPARENT EMENT Mending Glassware China Earthenware Coral Ivory Bone Parian Mar hie Rubber Leather Am ber c To be used with or without heat Is Trans parent and a Superior EXTREMELY LOW PRICE To be had at the COURIER VARIETY STORE PRICE CENTS PER STICK Honey to tend TO LEND at Deduced Rates and made advantageous to the Farming Co Exponceo Moderate Apply to J COLLINS MONEY TO LOAN A THE BEST YET J J HODGE THE INCREASE OF TIIEIR BUSINESS THAT THE that they keep the Best and Cheapest COOKING PARLOUR HALL AND BEDROOM STOVES try Selecting they A stove Is Indisputably the yon can get anywhere They keep the Best Tin Copper Sheet Iron Japanned AND PRESSED WARES PLAIN FANCY SUCH AS Porcelain Tinned and Wrought Ir Frying Pans Sad English Pressed d Iron Wash Galvanized Pails and Dippers Soup Ladles Spoons Spring Iron Tinned Sad or Smooth- I Pot Stands Screen and Ply Wires Cow Sheep Bells Sheet Zinc Grain Measures Ire- Pip- Black Lead Bras lack Lead and Black Lead Brashes Kettles Sinks Lubricating and Coal Oils Lamps Lanterns Burners CHIMNEYS WICKS fa till sell Cheap as anybody else The DONE Particular attest on paid to SUPERIOR MANNER J Sheep Skins Rags i A CALL SPECIALLY SOLICITED AND SATISFY YOURSELVES FIRST BRICK STORE THE ONTARIO MUTUAL INSURANCE GO Y John B Snyder Esq HOSES SPRINGER AARON SQUIRES Referee New Livery Stable public that he started a new LIVERY STABLE Oppodto Davison found and convenient Also agent for J AgfIoullul JOHN Feb 180 FOa LADIES JOURNAL BOW BELLS PETERS MUSICAL MONTHLY WEEKLY N Y LEDGER end r TTILEII3CX I also good for SINGERS They are highly as a cure for COUGHS COLDS ASTHMA And Light Consumptive for and may bo had Wholesale and Retail NtKKsrkit EVANS MERCER CO SICKLE SON LYMAN ELLIOT CO THE COMPANYS WORKS BELLEVILLE Trixj they are package and ere tho lc and cheap am Belleville Ang Woolen Gosh for Wool SUBSCRIBER WILL PAT CASH t

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