Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Courier, 21 Apr 1870, p. 2

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By Atlantic Cubic Madrid April 13 trial of do for tlio murder of do Bourbon conclude last evening prompt of tbo deed rind his expression of it was accepted extenuating circumstances Duke sentenced to months from Madrid and to pay indemnity to tlio family of Henry April Tho steamer of 2000 tons built for A Allans and Liverpool line ii liiminjiwl lodny it Greenock Romp April ID themselves well informed of tho projects of nod- bis partisans for another attempt on Rome and obliged to in crease llicir vigilance and severity With in a faff days forty suspected persons have Hume mid the pontifical and tho avowals elicited their examinations no doubt of the existence within Papal the leaders of which acting in concert with revolutionary party outside Madrid April 18 Tlio Government lias permitted publication of official from Cuba reporting that the insurgents attempted to pass the lines of Count hut defeated with tho loss of 170 killed that many themselves to clemency of Government Brussels April Tlio boiler of a largo linen factory near Brussels exploded remaining flrcd upon them few when they loft western bound passenger train was nix from Indiana that ho burned and tint tho of wood and had extinguishing fires hence tho conflagration Tlio population is about 300 and town on a lino of railroad or connected by jli pMiiculnracomo very slowly v York April IB A letter bus been received in this city from i on City of Baying that tho vessel at that was all right and would probably reach Liverpool about May let April Ohio river exploded her boiler last night Miami Depot and inn with iii on board- April 18 Baa- rno Commissioner to In- ins in a letter to Vincent pro- diets a war with Dakota tribe involv- fifty millions of dollars un less tho treaty stipulations or tbo cspceled either killed outright frightful broke out after the explosion and ho factory was burned to ground A largo number of operatives thrown out of employment April 17 Gen P A Minister of War has tendered his other ports of report of the whale and fisheries Weather warm delight- Alley of Scottish coast near Troon April 18 It is said tho City of Boston will not ho posted Lloyds the lossbook for weeks Until is bo posted insurances ore not payable Press mentions the fact that a new wood reported to be tenacious as that made of rags ia now in process of manufacture at Mills J Friday on Reman Priesthood As sho left tho building a InrgO crowd of and a riot pistol was fired at but missed its aim reached a friends house which waa instantly surrounded by tho rioters the windows broken with atones clubs kept guard all ftid Mi Gorman to City today Roman Catholic Sisterhood tin my exasperated information received of the apprehended Fenian designs on Canada itbung tangible on which April 16 brig Gladia- bus arrived and reports having met at the schooner John of loaded with molasses on flro and abandoned J he after fate of the crew is unknown American News San Francisco April The flro burning in tho north shaft of the Awador mine stock has declined from to 270 per share causing a panic among stockholder New York April said to have left this city in large lately say they have Cong but own that they are concentrating on the Canadian frontier with a view to another raid Arms and ammunition stored in va rious Fenian armories in this city are said to have been removed but nobody seems to know where they have been taken to Chicago April 13 The Fenian Con in this city has been for two days About 250 delegates are present many of them the oldest members of the brotherhood The Congress is very reticent to their future policy but everything is said to be progressing well harmoniously Boston Mass April The will of the late admitted to Probate in Essex County It that that public benefaction aj his properly except about in private bequests to bis relatives New York April Crick eters dont come to America this year Tho Lion Tamer Puree yesterday was struck by one of the animals his flesh was lacerated and his blade broken but be was saved from death by assistance Corrine April Advicea received today from South Pass Wyom ing Territory say that the volunteer party which left that place in search of the In diana who committed the murders came across a hand of them in Wind River Valley on the and killed eleven Arapaboi principally Sioux positions that it was useless to attack them and the citizens returned No whites in- Washington April 14 The Senate Committee on Naval Affairs this agreed to report favourably granting a years pay to families of officers and lost on tbo Oneida New York April Within tin few days great numbers of men supr to bo quietly left the city by tho going towards to North It stated that during the last three days a thousand persona them- well known Fenians left by Erie in squads numbering from to It ia stated that these squads arc under the charge of officers while the superior officer accompany them in disguise and that arms munitions and provisions are taken along in the shape of baggage It ia not known whore the rendezvous of the parties is to be but the fact that many known sailors are among them gives colour to fact that the expedition to Canada pro posed by some of the great lakes At April small lit Distress in San By papera from San Francisco we learn that in the distre3 conse nt on a scarcity of employment which prevailed over the whole of the United States for some months past Francisco is had her share Hundreds and thous- are hopelessly out of employment id when some work at Park were recently announced as ready for more than a thousand ion clamoured for the work for which one hundred were required The ill mass of misery existing among the classes was then revealed and of the unemployed marched at once to City Hall to press their rights and necessities upon the City authorities the protcotioi meeting of labouring at four thousand was a Yerba Park for the protection of themselves from the is uproar with the words Work or Bread similar expressions were borne amonj crowd and demonstrations of force and loudly made The men proceeded again to tbn City Hall and only restrained from carrying their threats into execution by the energetic ef forts of a few influential citizens This state of dire distress reveals a shocking condition of things in that coun try and should exercise a deterring fluence upon all those who may be con templating a journey to it in hope of bet tering their condition We know there any such among us and the truth as revealed in the facts mentioned above can not therefore be too widely circulated In the Ice afternoon about oclock the neighbourhood tons Distillery noticed a man on the ie about midway between the Distillery and Islaud In seen to break through several managed to recover himself and up again A boat was immediately by four young men and sent the assistance of the unfortunate a Several persons in the meantime en deavoured to reach him on foot but the ice was so rotten that they were compelled to return Five others though caught up to the boats crew and joined them and with this reinforcement they pushed ahead As they proceeded the ice became weaker progress slower and more difficult the crew falling through almost at each fltep The boat at last sagged down so deeply in the ice that it was found impossible to moke any advance with it Thus finding it out Railway St I Brock street mil ill- NEW THE IS would naturally the editor of Era must felt greatly relieved effort last week to un burden his generous mind of twaddle ho published for our especial benefit wo benefit docs not appear to have lough ti conceal tho and sel fish motives that prompt him to action hope the epistle has carefully weighed in the balance of truth facts if any contained therein to bo our discredit and the false doubt will recoil sooner or wn expected from tho ho week that going to have something new or proving the facta wo set forth in but he does not attempt anything merely a rehash of the hash we have been dozen times before very bad to take but the public wo think will got tired of if they are not already Wo are tho party and have to up in defence unfortunately or fortu nately we have not got the faculty of tbe other cheek to be struck after tho has had a blow but will resent and bold on to our consul allude to the ice of falsehood twaddle self- bombast and every man who has read the real facts in the matter must have had a hearty laugh at expense Every line shows tho intense he has worked him d his practical religion must have had a weeVs holiday so that his tanio majesty could the better control his pen Had we time we would give the in handbill form as a supplement to the Courier but at this season jobwork is pressing and thus we have to disappoint a good many that would otherwise get a of as choice literature they have read for many a day However we few samples and here freedom of thought his parly do the thinking for him and tell aim what to do and ho hat to do it Indopcndcneo was intended for a man as ho boa proved himself and wo doubt whether could Ita correct definition without dictionary Ho can he a por- right to think ho likca thoughts but ho not them colour of when thoy mo W gain a point bo is aiming at Ho wo are everlastingly denounc ing Reformers Wo knowno but requiring denouncing is that our fault Wo Mr Jackson would a man from tlio way he talks because ho might WW paper no enounce fraud deception let it from what source may This what wo call indepen- commencement will to tho end and will bo obliged to tho Era for proof to contrary if ho it if ho cannot ho is babbling mi chief find ought to bo ashamed of him self We believer party lines will bo rub bed out in North York as thoy in places A- paper recently defining its petition tended tako an goes or to Party its day tho load ing the future will be thoftj which phlo to nee superior party manes and lake a impartial and unbiassed view of or the day Now Mr Jackson arc our ideas we every ill lie extract septiments of reform and it an abler man than editor of twist such into ham and without making a mesa of himself his politics and his party Explain what is meant by bo hasnt the independence to state openly what ho declared privately regarding tho ho professes Wo have declared anything privately to Mr Jack son or any other person wo commenced tho of any kind occupied very Email in or mind If it ia a false foundation Jackson is working upon let him truthful one if there ia any political opponent bo wishes to attack let him do so in a manly way and not belie our par and business for the purpose of getting imaginary foe Wo the intel ligent of North York and all other Parties know all about this time and can sco through the cloak Mr Jackson wishes to tin his dirty id aimed at With regard to editorial matter wo think tho Ci will favourably with our cote in this respects and such our aim will be to please the public and not Mr Jackson his influence and meddling knowing thia and that is simply and exhibits an amount of wilful ignorance We will now tako a look at another extract from this wonderful and think it will bo pro nounced a gem Wo that he bad from the savings of labour while an employee of this office and wo allowed comae of liadu to We imagine the is plainly in the above He knows that all we bad was earned whilst employed office he says he is a knowing He knows how long we worked and how much he paid us a week and that We i thefi of their power to rescue the poor fellow although within half a milo of him turned towards shore to procure their aafety at the same time thrco lliu acting the business with closed doors is stated that they are engaged in revh their constitution hut the impression got on the engine and ran to tho After they had left the the Indians broke open a number of the last hope departed the patient and exhausted fellow gave up his hold and sank beneath the ice to a watery grave His name is unknown but it is possible some trace of him will be found on lEland The circumstances of the case moat melancholy The rescuing part- reached shore in safety to pleasure relief of all Conspicuous among the boats crew were Messrs Morton and Coxwortby who exerted themselves most nobly A large crowd of spectators lined the borders of the la shore much excited but quite unable render any assistance The ice ia so vi dangerous that it to thi that there are persona to be found foolish enough to venture on it Kingston Whig 112 lli possible lucing the actions of by the party the on the editorial Does any of our readers see in above extract that truthfully applies to ua the creature been guilty of all or any of these charges hyp ocritical cant and bo on if so we good hammering idl conclude that such is all nonsensical and to hi kicked out and so we treat it No Party emigrants tailed from London in on Thurs day Inst for Canada thousand dollars worth of cnido oil was destroyed on morning of April tank owned by enured by piece of flro from a passing locomotive it Washington on ho 14th instant Mr from iniltco on Commerce reported a bill to authorize tho City of Buffalo to tunnel under tho Niagara River op pasGcd- Some time ago arrangements wero for English cricketers to pay a sit to America dnring coming information however was received i Now York on tho by a letter from Edgar tho gentleman who of thoeleven that viaited this in that an eleven cannot be got together before tho middle of Septem ber which would make it too late for a visit to America this season their movements and Intentions there is nothing that can be implicitly relied upon in tho shape of Largo numbers of collected in various places where attacks expected but up to the present all quiet w far as an invading army is raed Habeas for the purpose of arresting and detaining sutpeeted characters Sonic of tho American try to make fun of the Fenian as they call it but if they had the expense to meet that the account of threatening it would appear to them different matter altogether What would tho people of the United States think if Canada had some three or four thousand men armed and drilling in order to make an attack on point on their border for the purpose of the and other Red Elver inks Hall keep us in employ Tho little respect for the bands in te use expressions against one who work ed for him as long as wo did over sis years and then had the impudence hie This Three ideas stand out prominently in the little extract viz monopoly self- and tyranny What we said about starting business in our last article id what we about the little business that job of printing Sib The recent icslenin your paper and editorial l wee me to fcw myself I and trem- Wingnot without you will when I announce a OknwnUn We r I v lj coming t- adopted as where It openly openly in prlriipltn j w we have by Mr and hi lack than the tend that to call a a Tory than to or liar Dong been perhaps the lenient which have been Mr that a ben a few wtre of peace he called Black Liu If he I rely ought his Immortal tic a full I 1 J immorU and Bat inch I world true Is until after What a con whtiori be for to know that rwhen Us eminent services t will by the Reform now hi at hack doors and keyholes of rooms acting as to of Lis future greatness And no doutt Supremo Junta by statue on Main clothed oat of many colors- so that papers by of thought may drop a sym- memory of Justice Is tardy but JUSTICE The Fenian of fury a forgotten the paltry ii 1 ly the iVo and if fofilli than our Mr Jackson he Las a of he A with and alhorr the border this array arms along the linethe breeze of valour the gale of glorious alarm from Ottawa down- to the very frontier Have our neigh bours reeved to volunteer against of troubles in Winnipeg and an- the executed Scott Not they entirely It is tie Fenian the ever lasting Fenian who rallies theao legiona of eager and vengeful souls three thousand them at latest advicee and more to The Canadian capacity for at the mention of a Fenian raid is of the wooden of our time So much is it to be to fight an than a real one but as target parctice useful in exercising the mili tary so the institution of a regular antiFenian terror must help the of a national spirit We see on the head and thrilling in the blood of gallant young Canada If the Fenians were only Winnipeg were a trifle nearer how joyful ly would tho three thousand braves do loyal execution upon them As it they do well and very well Threeloorths of the Canadians dont believe that there arc any Fenians to hurt Nevertheless Sirs Young and know perfectly well what they are about The Fenian pretext the Red River expedition in one way or another and calculated to excite that jealousy of molestation from Yankee quarters which it is to the interest of Sir John Sir Jacob or Sir to keep alive For three or fonr years Ca nada has regularly had her Fenian and now confirmed has become her Parliament bag determined to suspend the Habeas Corpus Act in J Mr Ireland and Canada threatening death without shrift to all Fenians But where are tho Fenians We apprehend that the of Canada have over- in toxica ted themselves with their fears Such may not be the favourite stimulant of that convivial Premier Sir J A but it seems that never did a small Government acting in a small way present to the world a picture of greater alarm of more ostentatious fear over a danger which jnapy to he imaginary and which nobody believes to be great Volunteer Shot From the Toronto papers we gather particulars of a sad accident which hap pened on Good Friday in the above city to a young man named a at Dickey Neil Cos a member of the Queens Own who lost his life through the rifle of the case are as follows The annual of the 2nd Company of iiotviiihtMidiiijf Ihe Thackerys pen and the young album The politician is a contemptible specimen of He does not say wo are all these but merely writes the words to fill in as a of stuffing to his goosy article so that who read may to their own con clusions we have no doubt they will Actions speak louder than words We know one hand that has tried hard against and he can how poor and feebly bis efforts have ended nest para graph one that appears a source of annoyance to Ho says Of course is the proprietor this How long is changed mind in this respect Not long ago ho tried to get his rcadi lieve we were tho printers only and that the manager of the joint stock was somebody dee No one not proprietors but Jackson and they had what difference would it make to the reality He next says Here ia where lie decoy duok but he takes good care not to deny that are so muddled that ha cannot understand plain assertions we cannot help man with seeing and that be cannot see is tho trumpeter of own imbecility Wo did say that M was not tho editor and at the same time said who was both editor proprietor and as wo- sufficiently stated Jackson shows a to bo meddling with our What matters it to Jackson whether have a lino of editorial or not not that our lookout and not his Mr Jackson has acted a deceitful part and wilfully be lied the paper sinco its commencement and we shall make known tricks and dodging schemes whenever he so for for- himself to be guilty of dis graceful iotas of the Young Mens on at 8 oclock and as large i particularly on officially opening the col on finding that it coot body of the ladys ens Own was being held in the and amongst the competitors was man named Arthur Gascoigne and anc young an named George has only been ith the and has scarcely ever handled a rifle be- fore yesterday He hat rounds at the yard butt and retired to the yard butt leaving the remain der of the Company at the former position He laid down his rifle on the butt and was standing looking at bos comrades when a boy came up and asked to at it Gascoigne good took up his rifle which was full cocked in order to show it to the boy and when it was al most in firing position and forgetting that it was loaded proceeded to uncock it when it went off and the result was a fatal one Gascoigne looked up when horror he saw that one of his companions at the yard range had fallen The poor fel low was eo horrified at the eight that ho fainted arid foil and when he came to his senses found himself in custody had only been was immediately ta- d IodgedatNo Station in the afternoon tho following day at eleven diet That George came to Mb death from a gunshot wound from hands of one Arthur accident- jurors were of opinion that observation under the microscope Blood of patients using Fsuowb Svan or taking from A

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