THE NEWMARKET COURIER THURSDAY MARCH London March 17 The London Timet priuls the Amoh canard uncorrected morning under writers exacted seven guineas prem ium on steamer Samaria while tho preiniuni on the City of Motion has again been reduced The question put by Sir John in the House of Commons fin to the rumoured overload in- of tho City of hat called forth from the Hoard of Trade a report giving extended rules and regula tions for the interior hading of fillips Ac fit I folio fur in from nil points tho South Coast of Ireland but no tidings of tho mining steamer City of Motion Madrid March IV controversy among the newspapers relative to the of the blood of Cuba to the United Stales still continues Some argue that now the insurrection there is nearly quelled and thodignityof Spiu properly inserted it would ho better In cede Cuba and thus avoid internal trouble hereafter Their opponents advise them not to crave gold but to stand by Spanish interests and others ore opposed to the agitation of the question at present London March lflTheCunard steam- ship Russia arrived at Liverpool at one oclock Otis morning She came to Liver pool direct and sis in a previous despatch One Booth an American lias been sen- Icnccd for imprisonment at Londonderry for killing man in November last LONDON March The journals of England almost unanimously denounco tlio present postal rate on newspapers as an unjustifiable tax on know ledge demand as times arc so easy this tax be reduced or totally repealed London March Mr Ahbury owner of the English yacht Cambria writes to tho Times to day and the objections of Mr Douglas of the Channel race lie ya iu a race size and power would tell iu favour of bis American competitor lie also his refusal to stake money on any race Dublin March 21 The funeral of Casey a Fenian occurred in this city yes terday Vast crowds were attendance March J0 A boat from the Samaria reached this port at six oclock this morning She left the steamer miles off with her shaft broken Two tugs have gone to bring Liverpool March The ship Michael Hutchinson just arrived from San Francisco sank in this harbour today London March The University win lace substitution of Darby for as of Oxford is considered fortunate The Conservancy of the Thames has taken un usual precaution to prevent interruption or A correspondent of Daily Jdnjraph says narrowly escaped death returning from St Petersburg car which she was travelling look fire while in motion but fortunately the flames were extinguished in time to prevent consequences American News New York March About the first of December the ironclad Atlanta Triumfo as she was last christened left Philadelphia for Port Au Priuee pur chased by the then existing Government of officered by men nearly all of whom bad formerly be louged to the United States navy She had two Senators on board the wife of the commander and a crew of 100 men recruited in Philadelphia in all one hundred twenty souls not a word has been heard from this vessel the day she sailed Once it was reported that she had been wrecked off Fortune Is land but this was subsequently denied The unfitness of the heavily plated hulk for the i op I and it appeared to bo a species of whale apparently CO feet long with two forks to Its about four feet long It also bad two feet or fins like a Boa of light and eat very light on the water twentyfour feet tho back which was oval shaped bod ridges run- from its head to its tail each ridge being two inches in depth and four inches apart bad a white back and sides A was going cast about 2 knots It was ti in J and lungitudo The freight depot of Central Hail- road at New Jersey was totally destroyed by fire to night with its contents including 12 loaded freight care ix horses Michael Quirk watch- was burned to death wbilo trying to llic hooks and Thomas was badly injured Loss estimated from t March Tho Tribune today publishes a letter from Havana by an American fiilibustcr who aa an witness of the that so disastrously for Gen and for Gen Jordan According he correspondent the number of Span iards killed wounded exceeded the number of Cubans engaged in this a piece of information the patriots acquired position where they two weeka without daring to leave their entrenchments even for food which became very scarce Their loss included killed and who died and wore buried iu their refuge Gen Jordan fought the battle with men including negroes and somo of them so ragged that they have to strip the dead Inserters confirm this total loss ploco their wounded about making tho total loss exceed the number of our men ed iu battle Among their dead one colonel thirtytwo officers The Gen Jordan was killed and wounded It is Gen Jordans own tes timony that none fought this bat tle than the negroes and Chinese Fall March 12 Yesterday afternoon while a large congregation were icomplete French Cath olic Church to stone the about 200 persons the blessing of the an and tjuk NJ IjiiifjiiSditlorifiviinlrmtB NEW Curd A A Edward nt of 18G3 Jotin Kerr Thomas Atkinson twelve feet into the known to have bad limbs broken and many others N Utah March 21 The largest train that has ever passed over the Union Pacific Railroad arrived here last night consisted of 15 cars carrying asscngers the track is in did condition New Orleans March The cm Tori from Bayou Bartholomew will New York March last de posit of by the pugilists Jem Mace and Tom Allan aspirants for the vic tory of heavy weights in lite prize ring was made by them in this city There now seems a probability that the fight will tike place in May next in or near New Orleans John Savage has issued an address of the Council of the Fenian Brotherhood re specting the organization being financially stroii declaring op position to attacking the British in Canada claiming that the organization is merely intended to spread the benefits of a just political system and that the tenure of land Bill in Parliament is not a settlement of the Irish land ques tion but the best that can be hoped for and if passed it will not embarrass the Broth erhood in the least and hoping for the day when the leaders of the home organization will be prepared to unfurl their banner on Irish soil give rise to the most gloomy apprehensions that she has foundered and gone down with every soul Washington March 17 Yesterday Hie galleries of the Senate were filled long before the hour of meeting of the body it having been previously announced that Senator Revels the first coloured man elected to congress would speak on the The larger part of the the while others of the same race tents el- where Many persons able to gain admission aud were thronged at the doors All of these latter could not obtain a view of the orator but clear and loud could be distinctly heard by every one in the vicinity of the Chamber Almost the entire auditory in the gallery rose with the first word he ut tered in order to obtain a view of him He read from manuscript at first in rather low tone but as ho progressed he acquired the entire control of his delivery and lost the embarrassment which was at first apparent Senators in their own seats and members of the House and others on thesofas listened as did thecntirensseru with marked attention and were fa vourably impressed both with bis diction and modesty of maimer On the conclusion of Ins speech Senator Cameron firstto congratulate him and it was followed by Drake Stewart and and a number of New York During the recent the large schooner from Kingswood Jamaica loaded Fractional Paper Mayors Office City Ha Montreal March William Esq Dear Sir The petition against the Paper Fractional Currency so largely signed by the leading Bankers and Mer chants here and placed in my hands for transmission to Ottawa shall have my im mediate attention as it meets my entire approval I have signed it myself I remain very respectfully c Wm WORKMAN The following is the petition To His Excellency the Right Honourable Sir John Young G e c GovernorGeneral of the Dominion of Canada to the Hon curable the Senate of the of Canada to the Honourable the House of Commons of the of Canada The petition of the undersigned mer traders engaged in Com in the City of Montreal 1st That we have heard with alarm th intention of the Government to into the Dominion of Canada Fractions Paper Currency THE MISSING Wo last week published the joyful that the City of Motion had safely Directly after we published learned that there had been n tho Cable despatch and that the Oily of Motion bad not yet arrived An Fnglifcb Cable despatch was received at the office of the Associated press York announcing the arrival of the ship but giving no particulars spread rapidly and created throughout the city the most profound excitement aud business to a great extent was suspended At noon a second Cable despatch was re ceived from the agents of the line setting forth that no news whatever had been received regarding the missing steam er and that the current rumour of her ar rival was a heartless hoax This was bitter blow to the thousands of joyful hearts that were exulting in thoughts of once more seeing the and relation they had given up to an unknown and watery grave In Toronto on the arrival of the first intelligence Mayor of the ordered the bells to be rung to herald the glad tidings of joy to the people On the arrival of tho news in Halifax from which port the vessel had last sailed and had borne away so many of her merchants men the excitement knew no bounds Business was entirely suspended the streets and public places were crowded with an excited people cheers aud loud were beard in all the prin- liOiouuli fares and when in the midst of the rejoicing a telegram came stating the first report was false thus plunging the city into the deepest misery and a torn soon settled upon the whole y Whether this blundering was will- or through carelessness no one seems be able to tell and to endeavour to find is out the Associated Press of New York have offered a reward which is no ticed editorially in the morning papers of Several vessels overdue and for whom great anxiety has been felt have within the past few days put in an appear and we sincerely hope it may be the fortune of the City of Motion to do likewise ere long hut the spark of hope at present is very faint li Two pilot boats also Another of mining steamers tho Samaria armed off Quccnstown at clock on night of tlio inst Toll of her delay was a bro ken shaft complain of tho conduct of tho captain of ft supposed to bo tho Manhattan which pawed by disabled days and though her sig nal of distress were flying refused to ren der aid and loft without doing to meetings of business men arc being held in various towns cities in tho Dominion to discuss notion of Fractional Paper Currency In Montreal numerously has been sent up to Ottawa condemning tho Scheme At Port Hope a largely at tended meeting following rcso- That wi have heard with alarm intention of the Government to intro duce into Dominion of Canada a Frac tional Paper that wo believe Fractional Metallic- Currency is sufficient for oil purposes of that when wo look at the of tho introduction into tho neighbouring Republic of the Fractional Paper Currency and the bad consequences Incident to itthere wo can not but feel at what may follow ilroduction hero Petitions oppos ite arc being prepared to Government British Parliament recently Mr Chief Secretary for Ireland that he would introduce a Bill for tho protection of lifo add property in Ireland Ho recapitulated Hie outrages in island since Nine murders lmd been committed yet two murderers only had been brought to trial Agrarian offence since that had aggregated about eighteen hundred mainly threaten ing letters and unlawful oaths The Gov ernment needed power to repress terrorism in Ireland which mainly duo to The Bill Its the possession of to holders of game licenses Revolvers require special licenses Imprisonment at hard labour for two years is to the penalty for Bylaw respecting fatboiling establishments and put in conspicuous places through- the village After desultory IlVifnlly ii 3rd That when we look at the the introduction into the neighbourly Republic of the Fractional Paper Ci the bad what may icident in but fee alarmed at oduetion here Your petitioners therefore humbly pray that Your Excellency Sir John Yonng c your Hon House of the Sen ate and your Hon House of the Com mons will he pleased to refuse your assent to the introduction of Fractional Taper Currency into the Dominion of Canada and your petitioners will ever pray subsequently got off by a serpent has again reappeared in the shape of a whale no like a whale Capt A special despatch from Pa says a terrible explosion occurred on the at a colliery in Schuylkill County mining regions by the blowing up of a boiler Several arc killed and a large number wounded but no names are given A postmortem examination has been made on the body of Elizabeth wife of John who was found dead i bed a portion of the particulars of which case gave in our last issue After some deliberation the jury came conclusion that she died from Toe heavy snowstorm that made havoc with passenger traffic and business generally last week in many parts of also visited the United States and had a like effect Despatches from the of the State of New York New and other points south indicate that storm was general many of the railways were blocked up trainscould not run and in some instances loss of life was caused Oh Wednesday night the instant the roof of the Toronto Drill Shed fell in caused by the quantity of snow thereon There no person injured but had the occurrence taken place earlier in the there might have been life lost a Royals wero drilling there till ten oclock and the accident happened about twelve The building was what it should have been for strength it a wonder that it has stood so The shed was erected some years ago cost of about one half of which was paid by the Government the other half by the City of Toronto it feet long and 100 feet wide Tien fear of their their nefarious fill rtk ilieir J logrolling the of Ibo prominent members of be to that be who read Tub financial result of the on held hero lail week Is paying clear P of redding Elder of Toronto trill reach In Church Mill people present Convention wit when the tilt obnoxious Ingondlog prominent Institution Iteclf but Hi word Inane torlal of Inst week Mr Jackson avers that ins received ft from mi Old lot only approving of bis Jacksons ya grit ration but containing inch flattering personal allusions to himself that ho refrain from printing this mysterious iphiUe from prudential mot I jo suggestive of ulterior vie part Mr I these remarks though few and In mall print ore wonder fully pregnant with food forconjee fvI ret if conceit is ripe elfconceit Idtpoislbl in found at every and If Ieaiw Buchanan would be forgotten Yours respectfully a little plaint In the shape to your paper a couple Mechanics In should have been kepi it ell time but proclaimed of threatening letters are to be searched Night travellers are to bo subjected to imprisonment to be closed at sunset A desultory debate on the Bill followed in which Messrs Connolly and Patten participated St Patricks was duly celebrat ed in tho large towns and cities of the Dominion with spirit and enthusiasm and in some instances than ever before In Toronto number attended tbo Cathedral where a sermon was preached After which a procession wasformed and marched through the principal streets headed by music On again arriving at the starting point were delivered for time and the pro- dings brought to a close by the following That the Irish- assembled here today de clare and record it as our solemn conv tion that the early release of all the prisoners at present confined in the Kingston Penitentiary would be hailed bounded satisfaction by all the Irish inhabitants of the Dominion while would be regarded as a graceful act on the part of the Government eminently cal culated to public opinion and to the best interests of the coun try In New York City and throughout the various towng and cities in the United States the day is said to have been celebrated A de spatch says the procession in New York miles long and the streets through which it passed were densely crowded guns were fired and flags were every direction and Irish citizens everywhere were jubliant Conspicuous in the line were Mayor Hall Commissioner and Rev Father of Cork who were guests As the procession pas sed tho City Hall it was reviewed by Mayor Hall the heads of the departments and members of the Common Council All the municipal were closed out of respect to St Patricks memory St Patricks Day was celebrated throughout Ireland in the usual manner So far as heard from no disturbance occurred and the extra precautions taken by the thorities to preserve order were needless with Edward Morgan ate aware that the former gentle been much overworked for yean the Mechanics Hal vocal and Instrumental Min nie and Sophia Burns readings by and and short ad by Both Manning Hamilton will be put This Council met on Monday evening last at Forsyths hotel All the member present The Itcove Gorham Esq in the chair After the calling of the roll and the reading of the minutes and con firming thereof Mr Bacbe tbr took his seat An account from of 550 presented and ordered to be paid it being for a bag for the Clerk use An account from James Burns of SI for one days services as poll was presented and ordered to be paid circular from the Toronto Eye and Ei Dispensary stating the terms o on which patients are admitted circular respecting emigrants from Roe was read forth that great inconvenience is caused by the perfect drainage of a portion of Main street near his premises asking that the same be remedied This petition was referred to the Road and Bridge Com mittee A communication from Dr J J Hunter was laid before the Board the sub stance of which was that he wished the Council to appoint committee to tiate with him for a small piece of 1 adjoining the market ground The Reeve Messrs and Caldwell ted as such On motion by EL mi of which G was appointed Chairman of tho Fire and Water Committee On mo tion of J seconded by J Caldwell the Auditors report waf adopted and the accounts allowed On and elected The In rendered families of a mother in the Sixteenth ward or what formerly known as Granite Bridge At this place was situated a iber of buildings known as McBrides Drying Work owned and occupied as cot- drying works by George McBride buildings were In number con- td together in such a manner as to fa cilitate the work destroyed the form of tbo top a us- the bales the good from The body of the T represents the drying building in which the cotton was placed on the racks to dry The heat necessary for drying was fur nished by feet of steam pipes the floors These were of wood a storey and high The others consisted of a one house small engine bouse o The number of operatives varied according to the amount of work At limes there have been as many as thirty or forty employed but yes terday the number was small consisting of three men and Themenwere at work in the lower story and the women in the upper storey or the sorting room above described The origin of the fire is unknown The men were first aware of it by the which filled their apartment and instantly seek ing its cause discovered the fire breaking out from one corner of the arm of the of the sorting room All were instantly put forward to rescue the women but the of them must have been before the fire was discovered Only one after that time and she quick ly disappeared as the devouring flames the best fuel in the well dried through the windows the roof pjfitd on to the drying v ivll pray to the strong of blaze behind it Nothing for the unfortunate women the heat repelled all advances The burning pile was mostly consumed before the fire- made an appearance Heavy deluged and subdued the heat as to renderearch for the praclicable The relatives of the a known to have been in the flames en circled the ruins with what feelings can better than described Ending of the remains occupied but a few moments Six charred stump with indicate the one from the other all that remained of the female I and hie insider it applicable in an like Mr Jackson to SALES Baldwin out liberality which very centre of th ance Committee quickly and assist wing up within the tho nostrils of of strangling and who had made a general represent the elect of New Brunswick only no v- the shape of bodies but an examination gave idence that such was the fact The of the parties are Mrs Robert Mar- id Mrs of Glover Corner All of them leave husbands liv id all of them have families they middleaged The bodies were placed in the receiving tomb in the Gar den Cemetery until turned over to the charge of their relatives Loss of a Schooner Sandy Hook March The schooner James of Stattn Island with pine wood came ashore during the severe gale yesterday morning opposite the Highland light The captain and four of the men clung to the rigging during the remainder of the storm and were seen there about ten oclock by Mr Havens the tclegra oh operator at Highlands immediately sent to Long and a large number men on the- beach in a very short time The surf was running so high inpossible to rescue them in A 1 was shot across the schooner the me appeared to be too feeble to any attention to it and about twelve fell and caught by his feet and hung in that position for a short time and then fell into the water About one oclock another man became exhausted and fell into the water The other two dead in rigging until thimornicgfc t A Today of the three men who fell from rigging were found on this beach near the telegraph office Mr and Mr searched the pockets of one of the men who is sup posed to have been the captain and found papers proving his name to have been Daniel Anderson They also found in cash besides notes receipts etc The other bodies were not searched The arti cles taken from the pockets of the captain Justice of the Peace who came here and took the bodies to Long Branch The schooner broke in two about five oclock yesterday afternoon and has now nearly gone to pieces Vessel Sunk A collision has occurred off the coast of Germany between the steamers and Mary in which the Normandy was sunk and the captain and thirty others drowned The Normandy whichfwas sunk is one of the regular line of mail- boats running between Southampton and the Channel Islands belonging to the Lon don and Southwestern Railway Company She was built at Southampton in 1863 and was of two hundred tons register with engines of 225 horse power It is an ex tremely fortunate thing that the collision loss of life would probably have been much greater These boats frecpiently carry two passengers at a trip during the summer months it being the favourite line for tourists visiting the Channel Is lands The was very fitted up and has been alluded more like a yacht than a steam er The Mary is a much larger vessel being of 614 tons register and about carrying capacity She was built in Dun dee in 1867 and is owned by Mr Thomu Morton of that town Her engines are only about horsepower but being twin screw is remarkably fast having frequently run from London to in Sweden in thirtysix hours beat ing every other boat on the route At the lime of the accident she was- bound from the Danube to London with a cargo of grain and from tho faet of the great loss of life on the Normandy it is probable the