logic Bo very cheap as wIur I choice too If wo hot right It not we arc- opt to do jlt J I I wake tec As can it And brink tyrants rod of only gold can break HI I with that sympathy And every human That hath tin origin above VfHWorrV jMt i and late And every emotion fly iMIiomj Beneath of ocean I that always true And motives pure li pioD Inching I different preaching I that modern north might candor free From And always I in fine joy nihil And every good Ideal Mi icvliilc To he the real 1 ill And hop bo lust In happiness And dialling ho now suing or Excepted JUnrderer Tho Commercial of J tolls following extraordinary story It is well known that unfortunate Kriel who Buffered deathor was suppos ed to have done Inst Friday went to his dooni grim and unnaturally firm It to Jive earthly near him thought that tlio not realize that death was bo near but still clung to life with a terrible ten acity When the rope that held the trap was severed and the body fell it was a subject of remark that the closed hands and tho position of the lega and feet remained en tirely unchanged showing a tremendous a of will and control neck was not broken neither drawn bo closely about the rope that its mark could bo was the skin cjiafed a particle General who was present at the execu tion by the request of the prisoner and who examined the body as it hung de clared in tho hearing of those in vicin ity of the scaffold that pulsation in the arteries of tho neck was after the gaol surgeon and his assis tants declared life extinct No one can question the Generals judgment and dis cretion when he placed his fingers on the arteries and declared there was circulation still in opposition to the opin ion of many felt that there might be ground for the apprehension that the criminal would evade death The circumstances favoring this remark able story are closely connected After hanging some minutes body was placed in the coffin The limbs re mained flexible the hands opened with the least and were his bosom eyes that half open when the black cap was withdrawn remained closed after the Blight touch up of mobility and rest The red flush ing in tho cheeks came back to a certain extent and the dark colouring on tho neck under the knotted rope partially disap peared The short time that elapsed be tween bis being placed in the coffin and being driven away was also a subject of remark No one seemed to have any charge of the body and it was driven away in a lonely to the vault at the Now come the closing scenes in this strange story Near midnight a light wagon was driven rapidly from Walnut in which were seated three muffled silent figures one of them a surgeon of great experimental knowledge a firm believer in the theory of resuscitation of animal life through the galvanic process KM- experiment of of in rented recitation of mm hid been a short tune preview Immediately taken to rive life of Id been of personal friends him furnished ua means and by daylight man rest end tottering but firm pblo in Ma demeanor crowed river spd wpb by ft watclful who kept him on tho train caving on way to but it a hoped belter future IHrango Customs In They obtain fiiO by rubbing together two pieces of wood process of labour particularly in damp weather great Is token to proves when lighted from becoming extinguished For this reason they often carry them of which burns slowly Tho Australians observed by Captain had no Idea of traffic nor ho pays could we communicate any to them they received things which wo when wo required fl return indifference which prevented them from buying what we had prevented them also from attempting to steal if they had coveted mora they would have been less honest In other parts however they advanced in this Various kinds of pigments feathers implements id especially flints are principal tides of Polygamy is permitted but man who takes more than two wives looked upon as a and nnrensor person If a married man dies brother inherits the wife who goes her second husbands hut three days after tho death of her first This custom docs not say much for the strength of their affection They have no nor any idea of prayer but most of believe in evil and all great dread of witchcraft In fact they have a remarkable superstition that no one dies a natural death Captain Wilkes describes an Austral funeral follows Almost immediately after death the corpse was arranged in a sitting posture tho bent up to the body tho head pressed forward and the whole body tied closely in a blanket An oval grave was then dug about six feet long three wide and five deep At the bottom was a bed of leaves covered with skin cloak and with a stuffed bag of kangaroo skin for a the body was laid with its implements and weapons Above the corpse were strewed leaves and branches and nolo wa filled up with atones finally the earth which had been removed was put over the making a mound eight or nine feet high According to the natives of New South Wales bury tho young and burn the old Other tribes dispose of their dead in other ways but none of them were addicted to cannibalism as a matter of choice although they were not driven to it by the scarcity of other food fa veil know howto until it of human In their as over error of men Of the rejoices Lira li trait let hi bo cartful thst our may bo He who never ho who it mo alike of friend- good life like- ho top beautiful became It Is near to he by wh raidketlcke road of poverty things not bo ilepplrei any threads will bind an elephant and you to for what you will end by defending innot bo for he InngoBEO and read French think hope You are before you die without lor the fldranccment toivard end ova email faults with undue enda forehead with with a frog on jnmi when ho was a tadpoh with the si ho nt always the fortune Mariners are not made in aeas Wo nil need to to tho beat there is for A tug with counter elements evolve atrcngth of heart is mans best treasure brightest honour and wisest acquisition a ray of divloi that dlgniaes humanity acts admiration and him to gold is liable to rfLiud us Help One Another This little sentence should be written on every heart stamped on every memory It should be the golden rule practised not only in every household but throughout the world By helping one not only remove thorns from the pathway and anxiety from the mind but wo feel a sense of pleasure in our hearts knowing we are doing a duty to a fellowcreature A helping hand or an encouraging word is no loss to as yet it is a benefit to others Who has not power of sentence Who has not needed the encouragement and aid of a kind friend How soothing when perplexed with some task that mysterious and burdensome to feel gentle hand on the shoulder and hear Do not your trouble let What is inspired- were a blankets Th cemetery fence the horse waS held by the driver and two carrying them a largo sack well filled In a short ti they returned bearing between them a motion Ice a figure shrouded in a The figure was placed on the and in silence the wagon was en to the city The conveyed to the surgery of most skilful and learned surgeon where some ten or twelve excited and expectant anxiously awaiting the rival of the strange party The body placed in a recumbent position on table the clothing unloosed the chest tended and an incision made in one of the veins of the arm At first but a small drop of darkcoloured blood came forth but and manipulation of the body caused it at last to trickle forth more freely The galvanic battery horrible and wonderful to applied and the chilled opened than fifteen to course tl body and at last the The students stood appalled and could hardly realize the extent of the before them One of them spot to Krielaskingbim Are you sensible The eyes answered expressively and the lips opened inefiectoally for no came forth down the throat of revived and in leas than one hour after be bad In hand possession and do not he talked Rise early and he an Maintain dignity without tl IiiiMWfcr I J A Splendid of A L at low and TOYS School Books a JUST AT VARIETY STORE THE COURIER OFFICE ENOINE8 Hoop Rod aid Bar Irclv EVERY HEAV AMD SHELF H FOUNDRY NEAR THE RAILROAD STATION Warehouse painstroot a W Newmarket Out FACTORY NEWMARKET CORHAM MANUFACTURER op Woollen Cloths of Every Description THE J J HODGE I INCREASE OF THEIR ARE SATISFIED FI Public are convince COOKING HALL AND BEDROOM STOVES Selecting all the by any other Given Away what hope created What is felt and the great difficulty ia dissolved as dew beneath the Yes help one another by endeavouring then and encourage the and the burden of care from the weary and oppressed that life may glide smooth ly on and the fount of bitterness yield sweet waters and he whose willing hand to aid will reward our humble endeavours and every good deed bread cast upon the waters half an hour hi hair which they had fi The sergeant who had observe the completion through all after those we love if not I A clergyman who enjoys the substantial benefits a fine farm was slightly taken a few days ago by bis Irish plow- who was sitting at his plow in a to- cco field resting bis horse The rever- d gentle great John wouldnt it be a good to a scythe bore cutting a few bushes along the fence while the horse is resting a short time John with quite as serious a counten ance as the divine eaid Wouldnt it be well air for you to have a tub of potatoes in the pulpit and when they are singing to peel them a to be ready for tho pot Manners There are many pretty engaging little ways which every person may put on without running the risk of being deemed affected or foppish smile- tho cordial bow thc- movement in addressing a friend the inquiring glance the graceful atten tion which go captivating when united wib these will inso them There iior in the lonlinee many a youth he I felt the need of of him who met me at the wheel the solemn darkness the to mo I cannot speak veil hut Christ understands me poor sinners I to him God has come down all tin pillows when ill have time to die Tim Fordfor by paying MUSICAL i Best Music by only per i on receipt of bers supplied f our Music Is afterward and at full where you Book advertised order we shall bo glad to fill it J PETERS Broadway New York P Delay Subscriptions received this Office The for one year and Monthly six months for Anyone sending iA uil iUi a six months subscription to the Monthly- FANG GOODS Fancy Fancy floods A HEW Supply of Fancy Goods PARLOR LADIES COMPANIONS DESIGNED VASES CANADIAN NATIONAL Reading Books cloth boards Fifty J JOHNSONS Blind and Planing Factory Is now in full operation A GALL FROM SOLICITED A Good assortment of MOULDINGS hand Planing done at any iim SHOP Comer Hill NEWMARKET January Money to Lend MONET TO LEND on terms made advantageous to Apply to J COLLINS MONEY TO A STOVE Tin Copper Sheet Iron Japanned PRESSED WAXES IN FA seen Double Kettles Enar uJZ4 or Smooth Li li rl 1c s Lnbricaidng and Oils Lamps Lanterns Burners CBWNBTS WICKS it Brass Lead 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