THE COURIER THURSDAY FEBRUARY The Bed About midway between the Mountains on tho north- of United Stasia tlcmcnt which Is now the of what wo War the vast territory which baa hitherto been to lO by Hudsons Bay scat of ficttlemcnt oof moat prosperous north of tho continent indeed rigorous though wo believe tar latitude on Tho land is of lake and does not yield to any of continent in of waters A ayatcm of lakca receives mora of vast Son Winnipeg length of 264 and an width of 3 it covers not less than fifiuoro To of Winnie Manitoba and to tlio west Lake boob the tbreo lakca being connected by channels Their united area ib Bud to equal that Ontario and Erie combined K stream of the after flowing a thousand miles from Rocky Mountains falls in- toLakoWiiHiiK- the Red River roll through favoured region Tho settlers lived hitherto under protection of tbo Bay Company being reconciled no doubt to lie anomalous jurisdiction by the fuel that they Iorovci Solves pretty they Wo do not bear that they been very energet ic and progressive but have been in dependent contented and bunting have given them a livelihood and they have bad sonic of hies- of civilization for on their southern border tho State of Minnesota bos made remarkable progress particularly in tho development of its Railway system Through Minnesota the remote Winnipeg lias been brought into contact with outer world One may assume that deal of tbo American spirit has been dif fused among the settlers of French origin arc Bald to bo very nun perhaps he majority In the pi t quarrel they have almost unanimously the form of to that which go on Jo when ly abandoned by its or transferred by them without to foreign power ties of allegiance ro broken thopconlo of Land find North West Territory end exempt from ell to government- They refuse to authority of Canada they throw on Dominion responsibility of conflict which will bo caused by a In policy of subjugation thoy conclude i follows In supportof thin relying on tho protection of Divine wo mutually pledge on oath our lives our fortunes and our sacred honor to each other It remains to be noticed that this document is signed John President Louis Secretary who we presume stand lor representatives of in President John learn from an American hallbreed chosen from tbo people not for bis Attainments though these by no means to bo disparaged but because bo Is a correct representative of tbo ideas and desires of people from which ho emanates Ho is yenrsold Relll tho Secretary of the Council Is by blood and Ho combines much of of Napoleon with the tnc ritory be has found means to Viith bis Such arc tho the events the loaders and our readers will that tho whole forms a subject of I taken part against the new order of lb and they are most deeply concerned tire morn placable though new nil hem would American Colics Rome on ha J th whera ho at and delivered He altar ardi took irlth umber of American visitors Holy Father hit cation at pro if Church In America Ho declared da of United was of Intelligence end virtue Ho added thnttho condemnations of Church applied only to licentious infidel who were dangerous In tho United States as In Europe arc now In America and Europe than a hundred flay manufactories of India rubber articles employing from fourto hundred each and than ton Trillions of pounds of gum per mm business too It considered to In Infancy Certainly It Is in- aelng there Is no possibi lity of demand exceeding supply have need of ail their their courage workmen in London tbo The English of these and nearly lie left The third element the Indian Many of those called Jrcnoh or English of mixed breed and thero are besides fullblooded Indians more or less reclaimed from savagery and living with white men was to this primitive community that the Government of Canada announced tome mouths ago that the Hudsons Bay Territory had been transferred to the Do minion and that settle must prepare to receive a Governor and officials appoint ed by Itself In its acts the Dominion near to have been premature for tho tram for of the Hudsons Territory bad not been completed and even assuming that the purchase would give the Canadi ans right to govern the Red River a they pleased that right had not accrued But in the autumn Mr William gall was sent to the settlement as Gover nor Wo will endeavour to guard against doing injustice to this gentleman of whom we know nothing and it is property that almost everything we hear from those who are friendly to the gents But it is not indeed necessary to charge Mr McDougall with violence rashness the of the Red would probably have opposed any other Governor with equal pertinacity for it was to the principle of the transfer which had been or was to be made without any reference to their own disposition that they objected Mr took possession of the Government and issued a prod which gave much offence It is urged on behalf of the insurgents that he came without any constitutional limitation of his powerH that he was free to appoint his own creatures to every post of emolu ment and to order exclusively by bis own will- settlers feared that the rights acquired by occupation would be set aside and they assert that the Gov ernors Canadian surveyors marked out pieces of land for the friends they expected although this very land might he in the pos session of a squatter whose rights the community had always respected Then the settlers feared for their intercourse with the United States through which they had been supplied with the the the old freedom of Backwoods terruptcd for the benefit of people living fifteen hundred miles off and exert purely usurped authority Such according to themselves grievances of the inhabitants of the Red River Settlement Mr found that be must use if he wished to retain any authority- whatever It ap pears that there was a scheme to enlist In dian tribes in Government service but this seems to have been attempted to a very small extent and to have The Governor could make no way against the insurgents they took posses Port Garry and made it the headquarters of their new Government they attacked the Governor again on the border captured in which he had sheltered himself and drove into United States territory The insurgents have formed a government of their own Jfcat we have anticipated in speaking of j actual exercise of Government so lemn formality with which it was assumed Be it known then that tho Provisional government of Ruperts Land of the North- West territory published its dec laration of independence on the 24th of November 1869 This document copies of ttie liuilithti publishers trad- of country thirty long yields of pap dally but from eighty ft day ho Brides mother IJroughnm of rim1iim Pi ic lV Englc Hotel New- CLEARING SALE a WOOL O00DB fto Co In order to effect SPEEDY OF THEIR STOCK GREAT SACRIFICE Dyspepsia Ague Lei VcflknBii or Mis General Debility O Cordial bo found Invaluablo remedy tlio above who ere should Invigorating Tonic It the host to of Ague In Pint by Family Chemist Howes Cattle and Sheep JAMES Condition Powders promotes splendid condition strong nerve powerful Cures Colds prevents swelled crnckei etc Cattle and rapidly with an throat thick or lUn yel low nod your eyes swollen and heavy hew feeling dull heavy pain all through it from tiji All- lUcug will ho I ram lately i j from bead now throat the sy brighten and sparklo the feels natural Benin all Hi ALLEVAITOIt efficacious ren JOHN Chemist Druggist ft fte f Wines and Jerk Jump and play all proline from the top of your head to ihc tips Of your toes shooting forth like lightning unfortunate nerve iho i then attempting to make a bowstring Another In the region of the James Trappers Mend Frost Bites Chilblains Scalds BURNS AND BRUISES PAIN KILLER A Inflamed and Irritated port Physician in Montreal lately family llttls Jt is used both len Headache Neuralgic I Ague PERRY SON Proprietors Newmarket February baa left a wife and tl quietly backed CANADIAN Co 84lyccc SALT AND PISH LARGE QUANTITY OF EXCELLENT IN BAG AND BARREL lot of Lake IIui WHITE FISH and TROUT again In face head neck it demons with all his demons THROAT AND LUNG HEALER the dies I the Who Colds of ini of the Lungs and all of the Quinsy the including that n This Reme dy Is In Liter Complaint In nil This Brandy iipmVs OH Port Win Shirty Kuypift StuUd Porter All Liquors are pure and the recent advance in duty will bo sold prices by tba Dye Cheap and of But Quality FRESH GROCERIES Teas unequalled for and Flavour A largo of Cigars Pine Pipes of the ear the Post Office Main market in the IS yet jidd necefalty I Piles In the out the least thorI OLD ESTABLISHED arness Shop TORONTO MARKETS SELLING OFF Selling Off 1 1 FOE ONE MONTH ONLY OF THE Late Alfred Burn Aro now rushing off The Balance of Hie Stock BELOW BARGAINS Dry Goods Groceries Crockery Hardware Boots Shoes c J DAVISON MILLARDS BLOCK it quality AGENTS READ I WE will pay ngenta a salary of iMJ J A of the celebrated as could be attained of the Red opens majestically Like it Wherca3 it is by all as a fundamental principle that thi authority tlio and obedience of all its subjects it also admitted that the to bo gov have tb6 right to adopt or re them both for trial Uxbrldgo Journal on the ice a little iUEe when she slipped a daughter of she did not appear badly hurt as she ould soon pass I of before In Nova Weekly Report of Securities Reported by Ostler Brokers No fi POSTPONED rpHE Public are hereby respectfully SABBATH SCHOOL to take place in tho has been postponed TO THE AND INST Newmarket Feb I Marshall Mich MRS BONDS ROOMS ARE OFEIST LATEST NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON Inspection Respectfully Invited effectual REMEDY Limbs Pre Ulcer i the public has the MONTREAL CANADIAN LINE Liverpool Londonderry and Glasgow FIRSTCLASS of this carrying mails Kill n Portland every tor Liverpool and I AU8TRAIX Tom Feb 12 1870 PRUSSIAN Tom Feb 19 RATES PASSAGE TORONTO TO LIVERPOOL AND LONDON Soil by and pain relieving substance mankind fro Scotland apply DAVIS Agent April PATENT DISTRICT FIRE INSURANCE and most reliable Combines all VALENTINES Valentines Valentines COURIER VARIETY STORE forth in the preceding LIFE fflSHEAMCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE for Ontario Buildings Toronto Street Toronto CEMENT One of the Bert Articles ever Invented for Mending Glassware China Earthenware Coral Pearl Ivory Bone Parian Mar ble Leather Am ber To be with or without heat Is Trans parent and a Superior A r tide EXTREMELY LOW PRICE To he had at the COURIER VARIETY STORE PRICE 12 CENTS PER STICK or Faded Hair is restored to its and with the first application a gloss and delightful fragrance is given to the Hair It will cause Jlair to grow on Bald Spots It will promote lainriant growth FALLING is immediately checked Sold by all Price One Dollar Manufactured by VAX CO Wholesale Druggists 35 Barclay Street and Part Place and nigh London For Sale at the Dreg Stores of Dr BAKERS SEWING MACHINES THE his respectfully inform King Street East Toronto premises he has fitted for the pur pose of carrying on the business as AGENT FOR OHTARIO here wilt be found a larger and more ex tensive variety of Superior Sewing Machines Toronto July SI PALACE OF FASHION MILLINERY MANTLES Etc Etc OF this Falls Importation At E SMITHS VS- Cheap Store Unfailing Eye Preservers LAZARUS COS Gold Sliver Steel and Shell Frames SIMPSON CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST Sole Agent for NEWMARKET AND From 1 an ie We Employ no Co London Enf Con