Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Courier, 3 Feb 1870, p. 2

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THE NEWM COURIE THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1870 Of the Mansion city last evening to promote in this migration Canada Colonics The Lord Mayor presided and eminent men addressed the meeting A lion been ordered which will bo laid along the Pacific coast Of South America from Panama to Pay f bo Timet baa an editorial to day on be definitive adoption or the policy of an nexation by the United States to llioso bo difficult England though indifferent is astounded at tbo Dominica which a merely adding J meeting it Paws Jan will be made in the French army this year because of the recent troubl elsewhere IMiiiMii successfully laid between Franco of moat solid description It deep sea cable weighing 8 tons to the mile and shore ends tons Double land wires will shortly be completed to Iho cable with bind systems of be lelc- raphe in both countries By this means will bo direct from Brest to London without passing through Paris as at present The completion of this new link was much retarded by weather and other unfavorable It will place Loudon mid York in almost direct communication tbo whole route will bounder the mauag and control of French Cable Company roily tto Many of the troops to preserve order Micro among strikers have returned to their garmoiiH President Schneider now bhiglish- of having fermented the trouble there London Jan The Queen will not he present at the opening of Parlia ment Her will he read by com- steamship Great has ar rived at Bombay Paris Jan The Journals today state that the French Minister of In terior in reply to demand of on English Company for the privilege of laying a cable from Algiers to France replied that hereafter all monopoly telegraphic cables would he abolished and that even private parlies were at liberty to lay arrived hero at board tbo Mahoning and tho fleet returning In una to bo present at the reception An ieo crowd covered every point of filled the in the harbour rincd in the rigging of tho chipping AH the vessels in tho harbour displayed their colours in hairmast and business throughout city At which was followed by guns from ho rest of fleet Port Preble and arsenal of tho fleet were drawn below couth of Monarch in two line each Leaded by a tug boat At 1115 Admiral flag having the remains on board guarded by officers of the Monarch two companies of marines and tho band of the Mon arch preceded by tho steamer hit with tho band of the United States Arlil lcry on board playing a dirge Monarch steamed slowly up double line of boats and proceeded up the followed by two lines of filled by men seated with oars apeak and Admiral uiatit in the f rGoha Up Chamberlain body was taken the car tho pro- bringing up the at the wharf whero staff wcro t on shore and placed cession then formed City Hull On reaching the Hall of the Monarch delivered feeling address ami transferred his to Gov Chamberlain who made an ap propriate rcpl placed by six black and sweeping car which was drawn with Babies plumes of black bund cloth ved City Hall at 1215 Notwithstanding a heavy fall the til tho I t Station ten WEST MEW ADVERTISEMENTS Belling A Co Smith Iiiihie Store cables Madrid Jan An exciting the on Saturday bet Vie one of the leaders of the Gen Prim The former defended the re cent republican insurrection and asserted that it wag a deliberate act of people to defend their individual rights which bad been violated by the Government He further asserted that those insurgents who bad been killed by Govern ment troops wcro simply assassinated Gen Prim rose and demanded the retrac tation of the offensive words refused to retract Tho general supposition is that the matter J Jan French sloop of war six days from Port Prince arrived today and re ports that was sentenced to deatl and shot on the 10th instant Portland Jan The reason fin not landing the remains of Geo until Saturday is that the British inent instructed that the remains were to be in state on board the Monarch two days after her Chamberlain and staff escorted by the Mechanics Blues and with the funeral car will receive the remains at the Atlantic wharf and proceed with the naval escort to the City Hall where the City authorities will receive them The Hall will then be closed until Monday a guarded by the Slate troops On Mi day the body will be in state and the Hall will then be opened to the public from a to seven p m On Tuesday the body of the Hall will be reserved for the Soci eties which are to join in the procet and the distinguished swill 930 a packed with spectators The soldiery marines drew up in line and reversed arms the coffin was then borne up the opened rank of the official members of the City Government followed by pall bearers The coffin was silently placed upon the catafalque which was surrounded by burning tapers The guards were placed and having full- filled his trust accompanied by Admiral retired PEABODY Mass Jan 31 The funer al of George is officially announc ed to tako place here on Tuesday Feb 11 oclock in the South Church On the arrival of the funeral train be escorted to the Institute from the railroad depot by a battalion of the United States troops and tbo Sutton Guards of this town the latter furnishing a guard of honour the remains lie in state The doors of the Institute will bo open to visitors from the 2nd to tbo of February New York Jan 31Princo Arthur as waited upon at House this morning by a Delegation of English Scot tish and Irish residents headed by the British Consul and presented with a gratulatory address The Prince made feeling reply He dined with W B Dm and subsequently the Firemans Ball at tho Acadamy of Music On Wednesday evening the dine Moses Thursday with August Belmont and Friday with Edwin will leave for Boston on Saturday Key West Jan Gonzales Cast- anon editor of the Cuba while standing on the porch of his hotel tacked by several Cubans who opened fire on him with pistols He returned the and bad wounded three of his when he was shot from which he died fifteen minutes Several arrests have been OF J Oh Friday rooming but it ten oclock the mortal the lite John Camp bell Bunas 10 their Cool In lie new Cemetery ground Newmarket places of in village doting forenoon partially mark nod tho of tbo Northern Railroad did all their power to comodato friends of tho deceased o attend funeral from by placing extra cars at their dis posal free of expense tbo Grand Trunk Managers acted generously allowing men to leave work bo them to a last tribute their respected friend and fellowwork trains bad to sequence which could i been other than a great band of tho Grand Trunk Battalb many of tho to which deceased bad belonged as could pOEBibly bo tho works with Mr Stephenson of tho Managers and of the offic ials of ho road attended funeral left the residence of deceaseds father ho bad been stay ing since bo became ill now about two months and proceeded to the Congregational Church headed by tho firing party of tho Company and the band which played solemn and most beau tiful dirges On arriving at the Church the body was taken in a short held about half an hour by the pastor Mr assisted by Rev Mr had a lively and end pleasant time Mi runt at Washington balls and ieptlons have taken up a good of no is now In New York whero to nil appearances a simitar programme will through on as grand a On the 31st ho attended the Firemans Ball at tho Academy of music where ho well received The private box he occupied handsomely decorated and hung with tbo British and American flags the Queen and Yankee were performed and tho to bo well pleased during the hour ho spent there Late English papers announce death of of Britains nohledcfendcrB Sir do Lacy Evans at his residence Cumberland stat the advanced ago of He was Eon of Mr John Evans of in Ireland and having been educated at Woolwich obtained commission as Ensign in February 1807 and then proceeded to India where he serv ed for three years and afterwards fought in Portugal France and Spain Between and ho served in Belgium Am erica and again in Spain and from th commencement or bis career in tbo opera until close bis military life is one long record of gal lant deeds and illustrious se itry In later years his morning The following petitions were From Charles and a number Other praying that William From Martin that bylaw No pedlars licet r and up and different Societies as Biding Electoral Division Society East Riding Elec toral Agricultural Society North Riding Electoral Agricultural Committee then rose and and the report was adopted by tho that tho Committee draft and in inch for the of amendment to will dlipeiue with or reduce ihort diaciKfifon Beta composed of appointed Cheit d Confer withe Committee of the C the Corporation of the City of Toronto in 5y to repairing and maintaining a portion of the Kingston road and re rt to the Council the result of said meet- Carried The Council then adjourned Legislature of to pit v- to J than onethird of the i prayer The The political atmosphere is fast bee charged with elements of an explosive character portending storms of a violent and disturbing nature It is evident that wo stand on the verge of an era when very new and different will compel the attention and enlist the energies of our representative men Nor can we fail to Louisville Jan The last of the Ohio River Bridge was completed this afternoon The length of the bridge exclusive of the approaches is one It has two main spans of feet and other of feet with a draw over channel The lime occupied in its structiou was two years and six months It will be ready for the passage of trains in three or four days A Brave Convict and a Righteous lodge that c the New York Jan largo increase yesterday in the number of cases of smallpox reported 15 being veri fied They were all found in the infected district and among the emigrant popula tion which appears to suffer exclusively from the disease for New York Portland Jan Admiral Fat but gave a dinner this afternoon to the The r employed of Mr will n About Navy yard ha of take Monday the Construction and Steam Jjiiuuriiu department St Louis There was in consequence of the of At the late Liverpool Assizes Thomas Gregory alias Edward Abel a tailor pleaded guilty to having at Liverpool on the of August unlawfully been at large before the expiration of a sentence of 14 years transportation passed on him for in The prisoner begged his lordship to read some papers which he had in Mr Baron Martin said that ider the circumstances he was disposed to give the prisoner the least punishment be possibly could and he had the law wilh that object He the prisoner was in England within the of fourteoti years for which he had iiortl which by an act of t fin by was fixed at transportation for life iw the punishment was left to the discretion of the judge His lordship pro ceeded will ascertain correctly the the time when the punishment would re I think it is the of April the sentence of the Court is that you will be imprisoned until the 18th day of April that is for one day longer than the I do this because I do doubt your statement The counsel for the Crown very properly stated today and that who in Australia your to this extent upon conditio which sbnll decide for a at least whether who have controlled our fortunes in the past and at present shall continue at the helm Possession is said to bo nine potato of the law and this axiom has its ight in political affairs force and truth proportion as the role of practical politician is adopts When a set of men in a young where small rewards are of much effect get firm bold of the governing pow er it is by no means easy to displace them especially if they act in reasonable accord with and are careful to go with tide of popular opinion seek ing rather to follow than guide and direct it Not even his can deny that the Premier of Ontario under circum stances of more than ordinary difficulty has maintained himself and his colleague in power with more than average skill yet it is abundantly evident that now as draw near the close of ibis Parliament portant mutations are in contemplation both sides of the House has it that in the ensuing Session of the Com mons the Hon J McDonald will play for still higher stakes than he has won as yet bidding for support among the grit faction there by making some concessions to them in Ontario Blake and McKeller would probably be glad enough to enter such arrangement were it not for fear of Brown and the Gloh Honourable George is so resolu his own absolute destroying any brother happens to differ from him extremely difficult and to do anything either being the ones deceased took great delight in when able to read The Church was crowded every part and bad to bo placed along the After service the coffin lid was turned down and those who wished to Bee the body could do so This was done at the request of deceased made a few days before bis death he said he would like all his ends to see him after death as ho was able to see them while living large took the opportunity and many a dwart youth who had enjoyed bis fellow ship when in health could not refrain from the poor waited comrade as it then lay before them The body was again placed in the hearse and the procession started for the Cemetery firing party led in single file with arms reversed then came the slow solemn music then the body and the pallbearers followed by the the military after whom one of the largest processions that has ever been seen in thi community On arriving at the grave the military took the body and placed it in its narrow bed a prayer was made by Rev Mr the firing party advanced and fired three rounds over the grave and then retired in solemn silence On Sab bath last a funeral sermon was preached touching the occasion in the above Church by the Pastor to a crowded congregation He brought forth many pleasing traits in the character of the departed both bis early life and at his latter end which were very satisfactory His end as peace Seven ago deceased the daughter of the late Mr Northern Toronto id leaves a young widow to mourn to bis best remembered in connection with the of Second Division during Crimean war and on bis return to Eng land he received the thanks of tho Queen and of both Houses of Parliament the Duko of Newcastle then Secretary of State for War taking especial to pay high tribute to the gallantry displayed by General Evans In the year be contested the borough of Rye in the liberal interest and in May succeeded the late Lord in the representation of Westminister and sat for that distinguished constituency with a brief interval until 1805 Gener al Sir Lacy Evans was married in to the widow of Mr Hughes of the East India Company and daughter of Col It aud whom he survived a few Ilia Royal High Prince Arthur is expected to arrive in this city from Washington today Ar rangements have been made for the enter tainment of the party by several private associations and it is understood that quite a number of invitations been Jan- 29 The st America hence for Fort Smith sir snag above Little Rock on Thursday night snd Four of the deck bands be a went on board an American and in it went to some in America and thence you went taken to New York There you that is made drunk and taken out on board which you after wards found sailing to England That would not I think be coming here under the terms of act Since you came you seem to have been an industrious i have endeavored to earn your bread a are a brave man having I human life from i for which you have got medals Therefore if you continue of conduct after tho day may live here the rest life This is the slightest pun- that where but the for a think it would be the salvation of the party of which the Globe assumes to be the organ f Mr Brown were sent up to the Red River as Governor Blake and jiving security that he should blackletter friends no more Other voices from source have it that our Premier will content himself simply with his own position hereby ad mitting one of the red Grits into his camp Nay it has even been hinted that member might bo respectable part in the Cab- it not for bis pernicious habit of going to bed at halfpast nine and not being very wide awake previously Here again stand Brown and the Globe in the path reviving the dead issues of the past and sowing bitterness and rancor among those who would otherwise sink old party differences and act cordially the general good friend after friend for sakes him and abjures bis creed yet he obstinately adheres to the same extreme views which backed by great power of the Globe have deprived his party of their legitimate share of power for years In the new order of things we have now to encounter our for greater modera tion among our public men the wellmean ing men of all parties have each tho good of the country at heart if parties must exist let the issues dividing them be those of present existence There are sufficient causes of difference men without stirring up the embers burntout fires what we want now is a progressive am rapid development of our resources am the politician who seta Mb mind fairly this object untrammelled by the lines of old party warfare deserves well of his country he overland Tel completed and working order between London id Bombay on the ultimo Tils United States Government urging large numbers of hands from the different departments in the navy yards At Charleston one thousand three hundred etyfive men were discharged at rollcall on Monday tho dispatch of the 28th an- an earthquake has taken place on one of the Ionian Islanc the town of Santa Maria dead and fifty wounded have been taken from the ruins Not a house said to be left standing Col expedition having re turned to Fort Shaw Montana from an attack on the hostile Black feet Indians reports that he has killed destroyed place in the Congregation and instant has some four A Storm Louisville Jan Btorm pawed over Cave City at about oclock this morning totally demolishing about fifty houses in the city and vicinity Among the killed arc G child MreD Davidson Jno McOwen and child and persons named A young named Fits was mortally wounded M Nevai J Foster J Brown and wife J Wilson and wife John Edwards and wife and a large number of other slightly wounded The came I from the southwest tearing down everything in its course Houses were blown down in every direction The have been on hand since oclock this I morning rendering aid and assistance to The rain was pouring down me in torrents women and scattered around their homes in their night chilled through the cold and ruin W fas found some three hundred yards from there his bouse stood undressed was found in a pond about one hundred I yards from his bouse When the house she bad a two weeks baby in her When found the baby was not hurt Two men slept homeless and need instant aid Louis Jan A heavy thunder over this city last evening collide rable to the jr fence trees At Theatre a panic occurred g which several severely I bruised while attempting to escape from the building At the Olympic theatre religions services were being held scenes occurred several women fainted and a number of perfons were The telegraph wires were Itrated in all directions The weather which had been very warm all day UNITED STATES dm si He does not captured over however state what losses or reverses he with he has only forwarded one side of the story E Halifax Citizen says that Munroe tan recently tried and condemned to be executed for the murder of Miss Vail child at St John New Brunswick the particulars of which He says be fired three shota at the girl am two at the child There are also rumour that he has acknowledged to other crime Advioes from Havana to the inform us that a heavy engagement took place between the Spanish troops and Cuban rebels on the 1st Jan- which re sulted in great destruction and loss of life The publishes a report by an eye witness and says that during tho night the insurgents constructed a line of en trenchment and the Spanish of this fact were with a heavy volley of musketry and troops then stormed the entrenchment The reusl loss is kilted and the killed wounded Lady Property aw toad and Bridges as formerly The Council then adjourned by tiiiiiii if the

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