si proprietor FOR flrai lute Cards of Ten Line for Religious IvibetjT- and Equal Rights to all men TERMS STRICT IN ADVAN08 NEWMARKET ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JANUARY Whole No 107 quarter Column for IVciv Bit mo nil ami elm ji t on not lt II an taring ill BUSINESS CARDS BIRCH VETERINARY SURGEON AUCTIONEER HACKETT Mum ft Ante JOHN COOK of tho Division Court In Hotel fitly to HAS REMOVED HIS OPPOSITE FORSYTHS HOTEL BLACKSMITH OPPOSITE TTOR8E and all of gen- neatness and ON REASONABLE TERMS HEW AUCTION ROOMS HOLLAND Mil fine I loved hey long and he And parted pack And sadly lufthor the AN fioinojeiiti J I ecu werO of earn ly amlier 1 ial bey of of lieu the incident I 1 Keen the captain etanding On boy at I Win re MARRIAGE LICENSES You are short gone or You have cot jet id such as they of resistance have boat which pTcK it that Ilia eye glanced again in the direction of tho pursuing ship She a long low sort of craft evidently very swift Her foremast and bowsprit were immense ly strong and of great length both covered under the press of which she bowling along now filling her sails The rapidity with which she gained on us showed that escape by flight was impossible Our every ladei through the water is unequal as between a carthorse and thoroughbred Turning my eyes again towards the deck I found the men all activity and bustle One group I observed busily en- g old iron Rut where are the guns I asked of You shall Bee presently ho replied the men are dragging them from their below for wo carry an regulation number In the me may I ask you to go below Wei visible on board teemed th a rod and lino at boat bow An tarpaulin large as a jolly instance which excited our sus- object very much like a car- a pivot planted forward and on which man sat as if to cover it bailed in Spanish but our captain hot understanding Spanish hailed I he risk of expo There he is Sen or one of the pointing to the window I looked and saw a snake that appeared to bo long and eight or ten in circumference a species of cobra with diamond eyes and glittering stripes It had entered room by the open window from the garden and was disposed to leave by the same but was unable to do so on account of the polished wood which tended from the floor to the ceiling At the head of my bed was a doublebarrelled gun loaded with duckshot and kept in good order more for the purpose of keep lug at a distance than for use for the thieves of Manilla have a the bands of for- moved from Ah s Now a that el keep off the pirates with fell but the was so hot an rifling below that I sleep next impossible If I slept a moment was haunted by pirates Hid shipwrecks IhuVrir my cloth and again sought tlte dock The moo was half way up in the heavens and not a cloud was in eight countless stars of wondcrous beauty and brilliancy gemmed the sky and the flooded with their Jight A long line of quivering rays lay fl on the bosom of the sea like a t eye All Jul it was such as is only to lie seen iVthetropiCs and not often The winds were almost laid The gen- possible breeze fiiJed the sails just enough to set them to sleep though not to prevent them giving an idle flap now and then when the vessel rolled a little heavier than usual on the long swell Nothing stirred about the deck The watch had disappeared forward but I captain still on the alert and agaih surveying the remote object he had before observed through his nightglass I did not interrupt him again by my tionius I paced the deck in the sound of the in shrill whistle calling the watch Orders were given by the captain and every stitch of sail was crowded on the ship Each its full load As I stood aft men not unwilling to aid in the the ship At present I cannot leave the deck My wife a shudder seemed to pass across his face and he added would to heaven she had not been here I pressed his hand and went below Need I say what screaming sobbing and there was when I informed my fellow of the danger so near at girl there was fair and graceful beautiful as light who dis played the most charming courage and po ion She was on her way tropics It might he that she felt the hand of death upon her and the ties bound her to life were thus feeble Shi tried to shrieking women cheer those who seemed stricken down by Mr terror and urged upon all to reflect it it was their duty rather to aid and tho who were about to risk lives for their protection than to them by shrieking and captains wife I found was than the others and she ted that the other females proceed to disguise paid the captain turning round I smell treachery here What ever happens be ready calm and collected we may have a double danger to run I fear this is a pirates trick Sambo turn ing to the black see that the pokers are kept red hot and be ready to hand Ay ay Sal said Sambo showinr ivories for hid aj the duly of portfire or match We were within pistolshot of the boat when we observed a sudden bustle the tarpaulin The man at the changed his position pointed the in the direction of our brig and bang a round shot went whistling through our foresail At the same instant the tarpau lin was thrown off with a loud shout and thirty fierce and savagelooking ruf fians displayed themselves to view dread of fin the hooka which supported it pushed the mosquito netting took deliberate aim one barrel full at the head which had threatened every oQg of the Over and over rolled the reptile Bending out drops of blood by its muscular tions Some of the servants fled in terror- hut I discharged the second barrel of the gun at the monster and that rendered htm incapable of harming any The cas of the reptile was- thrown from the window and the floor was washed J changed my apartment the next day but immediately saluted with a volley ma which however did though I EDWARD CAMPBELL HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE UNDERTAKER Ac MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Coffins Ready Made NASH PLAYTER NEWMARKET Stationery Fancy Goods FIRSTCLASS JOB PRINTING hast taken thy III I the dark blue sky In a few better way through the water from the ripple of the wavelets heard her sides Drowsiness gradually tolc upon me and I went again to my pilbw tied from my slumbers towards by the sound of voices of hurried trampling on deck I threw my clothes and hastened up the com mon bidder on my way up I met black mho the cook Though nature had put out of hi power to look pale the poor How looked the picture of pallor of fright seemed positively upon deck so as if possible to escape in the event of the ship boarded by the pirates I left them engaged in these prepar ations and hastened upon deck I found that the had now dragged from Pome were loading them each with a roundsU a big of broken nail the most destructive of shot They worked as if lift through his and ression of alarm which terrific even the pallid cheek or the For heavens sake I asked what matter Sharks Sal he replied in an intense whisper seemingly afraid to speak above All he instantly said Pirates Where I asked my heart suddenly jScc said Sambo and he pointed idicated and es rested on an object vet at some depended on indeed the case Of the eleven passengers on hoard of nearly a nations the greater number with worthy alacrity aided the crew in preparations defense AH the gum rifles swords and which the ship could muster were brought deck and distributed among the The pirate ship was rapidly approach ig and almost within see her deck distinctly and perceiv that it was crowded with men boom id all Were filled She was evident well armed for we saw six guns on a side I looked in the rested on an abject jet at s enough to strike fear the stoutest heart It was the ship winch the captain had scan the and there could be little doubt as to her character smart breeze had sprung up and she rapidly Her rig and hull cognized by some of the older board She was a notorious pirate ship in full chase of our vessel and but for some merciful interposition of Providence we seemed doomed for walked up to the Captain Well I said the secrets at last out Yes I knew her from the first hut I tried the chance of an escape not whether she might have seen us or not hut you see we have failed She is on of the most determined pirates in the seas manned by a crew of about big ruffians that ever trod a deck But what is to he done I asked Surely yon do not think of offering re There noother way for at rev ind the shrouds with a speak and had a red sash bound his waist On his head wa broad Panama hat the now burning 1- highly our attention was suddenly another direction by a new perhaps of danger It hero be observed that we were now off of Cuba whose high land to Cape Maize rose clearly and against the northern sky of the in Cuba These fellow merchantmen of Boat ahoy thi little dai mall a Mi ol restrained from firing upon them the black cook now brandished the heated po ker But the captain shouted out For- not a shot till I give the word The pirateboat rapidly approached and crew fired another volley upon us and our men being rcdji But The boat had when the clear with your poker The guns were run the power had now come truck the ships of our captain wa through the and the fiery upon Perilous Balloon Off Professor ha Mountain the only occupant of the which from Bay City on the afternoon of the of November The balloon had leaked badly and his companion was obliged to get out of the car when those who held the balloon let go suddenly and it flew up with dreadful velocity without either ballast instruments or food In a few minutes the balloon had attained altitude of two miles and was driven a frozen tight coated it and every thic it The escape valve w and Professor LaMountain i rope and thus cut off another recaps of a escape The balloon still passed upward- and emerged into the clear cold air above TheHnvoIuntary traveller felt that thing must be done and quickly climbed the ropes above the hoop and felt for his knife but he bad left it below hand to the ropes ha its At least three or four shots rough the bottom when antly filled and sank ic water struggling for life A rose from among them whei fit volley and round Lot re lie- seemed to be suddenly dragged water Two which had followed the ships for some days now en joyed a fine carouse There was an il splash a crunching of bones and in fears What to find the strange ship probably his other hand and his teeth i the side of the balloon Passing the other side he repeated the process and then returned quickly to the car His fingers had been frozen while thus ex posed He heard cloth tear and saw the rent open from the bottom to tbe top The balloon had gradually slackened its upward progress rested a moment in equilibrium then began to descend slowly at first and then with a velocity more frightful than that of the ascent At the height of two miles from the ground the gas had completely left the balloon but the air had rushed in and made it a sort of parachute Professor La Mountain was in a halfconscious during the descent although he remem- passing through the cloud less dis tinctly the sensation on seeing and Bear ing the earth and then he became wholly lying had showed them that fully prepared company with him fall He had been stunned and severely bruised but had broken no bones llM and suffered no internal injury The spot parted where he landed was seven miles from Bay troubled the time he had been in the air is thus re cued from perils need The ell with jot embrace the gallant Itand- if not treble out the the Where away Under our Sure enough there was a boat almost in track though at first sight there nothing in its appearance to excite alii Keep your eye on that The brave captain to do him justice seemed alive to the necessity of keeping a lookout in directions beside icd almost inclined black cook Sambo for his ling of the poker allowance- of grog were served out to the men and we reached port without incident about three weeks after this ad venture with pirates A Snake in Bedroom is one of the most pleasant places to reside in the East for living is cheap and fruits and wines are abundant The only draw backs are snakes mosquitoes and fleas and they are numerous and bite tbe former pleasant to wake up id I which you make in bed he night the least and the necessary assistance rent What is it one fellow a as he opened my chamber door candle in one hand and rubbing his sleepy eyes with the other A snake in the wasmyar One jiimp and the fellow Come back I shouted and a few minutes the servant returned in with some of his companions Trifling with Banger drink and I had to reasons for declining opportunity to put in a little I would like who could truthfully say No relative silent for some seconds ell sajd he at length I am not an My first Sunday school super- i of genial spirit and My first classleader I good intelligent and useful man but he too yielded to the habit of intemperance and died a drunkard My own father suffered through intemperance Yes I exclaimed and you yourself aie parading before your friends and your children the ibstruments of death which slew your first Sundayschool superinten dent your first classleader and your father The very rope with which they were hung you are adjusting to catch to put that en pyea to