CASH FOR WOOL Apothecarys Kail ISOOOOFOtaDSOFWOOL STORK JUST OPENED EH A DECEMBER 10 tej FALL Not Sleeping THOS THOMPSON SPE2TCE Co roplfully thai ban WW received a largo part Its Fill ITS And have gnat iivii die of the Public Wines and Liquors DYESTUFFS Save Your Time Bowmans Milk SAVE YOUR LABOR i Importation A FUEL ASSORTMENT NEW BONNETS NEW HATS Wholesale and Retail DRUGS CHEMICALS PorfumcrY VELVET AND CLOrH MANTLES- SS store feM i InsuranceCojiip KEWRIBHOXS patent medicines I BriONZE MORTAR I IIS Granulated of Ml Fnlbtri urn New Dress Trimmings New Mantle Trimmings jjiitrV Li and New Ut New I Ik rrou wmtrj in NEW WOOL GOODS BUTTONS Jolts SKIRTS j And a id Fan tic- Tlio Stock ren care to npplr nu Hawaii- kin p cui a BENTEYS AT HOOT It a CLOTHS ai-fr- CO Dye StuSTs PULMONARY BALSAM lots it a Lamps and Oil A Coal Oil and So PAINTS OILS Cabinel Planing FACTORY A Few Choice Cigars ALE ELM AN Sharon C P SMITH Ii a u Which Defy Powells Patent Swing I I AM Force Pumps Adapted for Depth Palp- HON I- BOOTS SHOES GROCERIES Hardware Stoves and Tinware Tab Ha CLASS 11 Troughing Repairing and all Rinds of Jobbing OT IU M aln i4 ANDREWS Co Great Reduction in Prices cash and prcduce store I BENTLETS BOTANICAL WORM SYRUP T i 0 Sell his Stock of General Merchandise ar ia iki rf All aredmroworMiDy iirj I p T t j iLL Lj hi ik p fcrii wort- unci Itntw tatwa to- WILL BE ESOODBAOBD I TEN POUNDS OF SUGAR FOR ONE DOLLAR lljIM ifat l Pa Ok r a A farm Pound aood lor Prime A WILLIS BftTlEVS TELEGRAPHIC Mrs Johnsons SOOTHING Prepared Canada DR BENTLEY PRICK CERT8 I Kit BOTTLE FRENCH OINTMENT SHARON MARBLE WORKS ill la ilnkinr JUral I mill a1 4 l fATMTAl ia Ml of Tmbt Tablet Head On Short Notice Re tunable Tertn ThcCrPariatfWipef MARBLE WORKS THE in tUnkrr lo liimu tlit ihty ant MonnraentsTorab Stoaes Call on BRIO J Lailbaiu 11 DR BBNTLEY MARKET Or Aga1DBl7 in Canada SSfl per A b rl Mat jr P BROTHERS ATOjICS A i 1 WEST TORONTO Manuiacturers of Caxriages AflOOl and mil nifcaaajJ I A I i aatl 4 llriwd Valr and Mi It Y oil print ia1 araaaaal a rail opplj f Stock Bottled Ales AND PORTER 11 iLm a a para STfll SCALE 1 Jan I arrTIw h Bros Extensive Cellerage Clothing Department I to To POWELL BENTLEYa and Scab aicxfc TO Inta llr i THE ONTARIO LIFE ASSURANCE COUP IB TO SUIT TEE mil I a aaoooaaaaaavx I DIRECTORS GROCERIES yHjrTl J SHI BOOTS SHOES at Call and see the stock Steam I TIWb BALI ant a dbaaaa rf a P Bat 1KB FIKST Melodeon and Cabinet Organ MANUFACTORY joux in Tta MM lrrp J- tb lutniiMli Ma till luxe- ttarMofjra m14 call tbt of riibiBj to larj atock Entire Satisfaction Cents Per Gallon than CASH Tb li ill in aaastlij of FARM SALE SAVE TO I It CLOTHES SAVE YOUR MONEY JrnKIrrbef 1 i il 1 br lute i rt Utaaaf T J Carding Spinning CLOTH DRESSING GRISTING a inner and at a- lion lji aa f it Yarn Dyed In any Color pM n Cash for Wool or Cloth in Ixchango aadJaank tuTi id uitB iUkJajiUiaviia LIFE ACCIDENT INSURANCE fr payment of Jt- ITjIA bdpmtt Cash Capilal 500000 all cash Deposited in Canada All Policies Nearly One Lower CarpaaM- ALL Urn of aranUd far Folk J Aurora 1 Fiirniture Rooms S MainSt Newmark to atvl Iht Stock of Furnitunjr Prices to Suit the Times I I Praralkb I I 1 First Class A J AW- Evsit CI IH SYKES Founders Engineers Steam Stoves THIMBLE SKEINS Ac Ac BAND HOOP ROD AND BAB II A A I I LAND FOR SALE H A A EH Lai tad 11 ad ad par 1 Lea 11 la lb 160 ACRES adoiaLa VILLAGE On Lake hn call rk lriilifBsjoa 1 mill TbaalMT villa aald lat Lot apr of Lot to or Acts if doit Sad Lou anl ia qua tMy iba illag Tat Ttnaa apply to Da Junta J Oat 9 d CabinetOrgans in Plain and Fancy Cases Acres for And PIANO CASE MELODEONS and Plain and Portable of all Kinds Fancy Plain had yaara ia tht Fruit Bearing Orchard ShKW Their Received the Firt Shown A Call Instrunumt Warranted CO Toronto 400000 DrJOIIV DEXTLBT ion mad St at a Tick 1 THK for aala LOTS on PHILIPS COATES IMS To flnu el Cajaadf Couty of to dtviaf of hrradaally I aa aak that I walk bat to For ahoal two yaai blt on aad torwaxda adia tltTtrtct by but of I to worat on iba of I68 Vta I iadaeed to Ay by cor a it bad to faal in haada fivri waa alnoat I two IwtUaa lVtMkBMaa ad two bona or aad I an raatarwl I to bettor bat ain- i Had lb at a of bop of haw a to all my and aa afll4d aa I 1 to aay I it arlT First Class Farm i in 3rd aLLarib1 TRUSSES ItoiT do Bay Street Toronto to riii wbaaa KBICB PER BO or C lew 100 food aT aad Apply to I MID An to batata at CoaBty J day 1WV J I that I a Km Mary A en fr laat If aon aha wena ad traah I baft kaawa probity ad traah rsV ha Id rry HARDWARE ESTABLISKKEHT the lonilon Iu am a art tar la JiaB la adjaataiBt of Lata Roane Mna NEW TIN W ARE Tinware Stove Pipes We moat aprlnaaf Done AWbo Aih A J raw British American ASSURANCE TH Oldeat Aa LOSSES OR DAMAGE Farm aud Stock REASONABLE aT Ladratj retorrj ta la fa lh prapr rtira ifertan iiti I br rata it Ud alum lib I a Miracle I r ubradar af A P rf a