Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 10 Dec 1869, p. 1

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ERA Friday Horning If J If AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER MP TltK IIIIPI1TY TO KVOW TO AND TO AHUUK PKPKIY TO ABOVE ALL OTUER VOL XVIII NO NEWMARKET 0NT FRIDAY DECEMBER 10 189 TERMS IN Book and Jot Establishment TIIK LA IK PLAIN FANCY ZStlSSWw k B I Blevm A Seven In A- hry VaJowM iut D Hir Ac Oat Battle MRSSAALLKN IC III It Will llrin lirr Hair I In mural I Color nnd W B Mr or t coolly I Id diO Nothing U be Why lb to whom lb remark we made know be a eharper Dot victim I did Dot It did and tin- all DENTAL NOTICE I On c A AX r- SMITH will IL PJjjjj Cutters for Sale ViTIKINAKY SURGEON 0 NEWMARKET STREET HOTEL HENRY GRAHAM ft I Carpets- Mattings- Mats OIL CLOTHS Ac Ye certainly I did I ex telly how turn oat Aud here the sod u I predicted wh Mid with great selfcorn Boon sfter the conversation a young man named William who bad only a rear before married Mr came will a look of trouble on busmen that exchange broker and in conducting it he using the of fatherinlaw quite liberally the matter Inquired Mr seeing by the expression of the young man a face that nemo thing Mr Hussion stood conversing with when the unhappy man weit reeling by much MtMU bat he with kept There la no doubt of that turned Mr Hussion aged card with naual skill but I knew how it would be from ft I waaaknavs heart and overreach him You did waa rejoined with a of surprise lojiinifig that baa Mr at In todays ad I meeting of the altunU A- of Canada In To vat and at whkh in citiaen who baa i of drew portrait of til grieranrea He want- 1 little It for providing an 1 for the while High- in London He by bottpltatity Tlie ho waa nut lor own but fur the honor of the the man of and a the and the hand- of a it tho So What mw aharper and gave him no meddle in I tin I much I do to r care of my own van Dton i true had than lb you taken a little of young were gentlemen an f vould have aaved twvlve or be with the hundred pound for yourself and champagne and all my lookout aaid Mr drinka and things to and all for the of re- country to be at Mr bill have the largest and beet JOHNSON BLIND AND DOOR in Operatic VETERINARY SURGEON I Surgeon Dentist Mil p w CHOPPING AXES I 11 A X D AXES And Coopers Tools I Knew How Would bo Concluded from last Accepting large conaignmenta of upon wbkb advance had to be made required raising of a great deal of money and tbia man aged to accomplish without calling away the of partner from what he waa engaged in doing matter veLt on tor about year wben began to complain of failing health and would be compelled Ye understand that be la about You knew how it would be a failure of It and fftft it aumed gentleman in a sere bo a bad one Hut what has that baking voice and yet kept silence by Mr with your affairs permitting a honest confiding yonng So he fail I am ruined man to tall into the dutches of a with allowance for I man becoming ex Mr society be aided fur tho ruin of unit You It waa now Mr one of members MsjtUy to j i to exhibit a disturbed aspect the knave who was agent all the Mod 1 hold 1400 or hie paper of the ruin A word would have house one Fourteen hundred pounds the young man bat in your pi How in the hint tli business that he must not think of this but tbe senior think of it seriously hia health appeared to break rapidly and in a be formally announced bis intention to withdraw Finding both remon- of noiivall and disregard of of wonder did you would not speak that word Then the possession When next you see the miserable They lit tnwera ll of a miserable that but just They were in the staggering in the work of your own before I hold it without And this the man turned left but bone What lolly How could you have away leaving Mr o much Surely our volunteers have a 1 done such a thing astonished and bewildered by tbe un- of sini to answer fur I believed to be perfectly exported charge as scarcely to eom- re not clears- to whether tho good that he waa in the prebend where he was Recovering and the in a moment or two be walk- trow part slowly along his upon the volume r by ground with what feelings tho reader which f the business that would now entirely in hand of waa rated high as an offset I pretty large sum which 7 I wonder bow you could have the prebend when way of making a fortune Why then he ai with paper without It was alleged on account of may imagine the illhealth He wished to alose up all A few days afterwards and make aa investment law at hi instance went in search of what litUe be possessed previous Hid ridge the purpose of offering carpet in in the hope that a change and making an effort room has been of air brace op to reclaim him Hut alas be waa too late death bad finished the work of the a In I Starch MatnHL I till I ROYAL S W CABINtT MAKER Undertaker A Surgeon Dentist VMU thrfJtorxmg Air a ia I Without duo reflection there being a of one thousand pounda to credit of the firm in the bank which by the way provided for special to pounda a and notea for I payable to twelve hundred for four hundred thousand poundi SAVLNG BANK St Teronio eighteen the After all this waa settled a dissolution of the co partDersiiip was publicly announced and Eld ridge with some at heart under took the entire management of the business himself It bill a very before be found himself harassed in making payments be would enable him to conduct it safe issue Nevertheless still ispiciooa of the real truth he re ed to manfully for a tri- over the difficulties that lay IT rtilrtvry Davison House a A fc fcs I MONET TO LOAN inft si ta onto Quai Jess IBM sUsstHe is niU eoaBBar MONEY TO wit i w jnu Druggists BIBLE RlaL Tertota slS n TORONTO OILS VARXMHSS Ac- TIM Blurt as aim aw t actios I Albert- Wii TEETH INSERTED rais Testsi tat as at tawr All to fare April ISM Mousy to Lend I cnij ApsJj t is E CAMPBELL Jess it Young M Christian Association READING ROOMS OPE Dentistry W C AD A MB 99 Street Edit Toronto hi won any tub for or a but lusinir tub j UMet and tho taiinit I At this of Sir Glackmoyor if bo would in lull f all do- ToaODro Doc 1st Mr that raonoy and hi intention of lb rlro iualf into Commit- Ontario Legislature Worn than nothing I lt tbo on Friday neat to ami Al paid Dalton nearly four Ihomand pound for hi half of to the Thr w but Mt h and the A poclman wonlrfu pound at and of Error from way thing wr conduced auoooaalblly raot in Sor- of lu it f naatrrd Ct a creamy diminihed yly in J wbil noarly a largo half an waa an uUrely aapact of I egg and oalromcly ind It the CDM Mr a I wonder a a natural tone knew how It Mr the fact that n liul from a AdfrMlP pink and to pray y l a- 1 joking ididnUW be may be T a absolutely pcricct a the would be but he didnt know hoi to be with himself Ho the fabric be submitted for the pur- be buried under the tbe Imperial of removing ail colour for by Parliament of be ejaculated the power to disturb under a utter firilincia n eeuHiehed by the lion of the struck bis band AmoriciM J together and then threw them above and the several head But it did no good to Mr Blake aupporte1 and acold and blame bis soninlaw lim the error had been committed and it was now too late to retrace one step tho Twelve or fourteen hundred pounda would inevitably be lost and took place bad no capital of own that the lly the money wonld have toeoiM resolution and the Addrees bbtd it were bad wonderful mimic mutton in com in the lumbering divine high price of pork great of pocket The r I the young man talked sgnmenU Inability to make The hi J mag nation than else reSuirod advancee turned torn the to the wabouae of great in I ly the same and yet be too voted for ties goods wceklj the pro- In tbe winding op of the of Address aa also did Mr Sand P Professor of Music JaodhjPWto PumaFart Organ the sales of which would have KMridge who stopped payment on field been a handsome addition to in- the day Williams announced to his Mr Clark moved an amendment come At the end of three months fatherin law tbe tact that he held bis daring address inexpedient the first note of two hundred paper everything turned out badly On a division the amendment wa held by fell due aqd was paid as Mr bad predicted The defeated by a vote of to I was much more taken Iron unhappy young man waa almoat bo- The origin relution then capital Another month brought side himself with trouble mortification put and carried by the same majority a payment of a like amount and at and disappointment Not only had the decision being received with the end of sfat months two hundred he lost everything he in the cheer and laurhinj pounda more were paid Thus world he waedepiy involved debt had been able to get two thousand and in name waa gone two hundred pounds out of the con- A marriage contract into which was being pot bat was ruled i although three yeara before be had entered not really worth five hillings ISA Why ia a dogs tail I novelty Because novel sty When is a blow from a lady welcome When Why it Ik gyinan than a doctor l Li to am is the enter tainment one cam enjoy at a fwast Is to abundance on said a pious Sunlay School teacher ah Jones what do yon think you would have been without your good lather mother I suppose mom si k while the original to A l broken off in the father of the lady do- mad there were still due him fourteen raandmg of him a relenae of the pounda in a way so insulting that By time the ayes of tho young man flung back into were beginning to open to the truth teeth and never after wont near Suspicion being at but awakened he hie house entered upon a careful examination of For months after the disastrous tar the business from the time of forming nation of business This occupied fiara about the city in a miserable able to bring Some friend obtained a situation aa dork but ksep the place very long i ka before he wss clear and for h bit of affairs Then he did saw that be bad been victim of a seemed impossible for hi specious and canning and fix bis attention upon anything that eo far having made money be neglect of interests of his employ be had obligations fallingdoe for over was apparent that be was dia two more than he missed from his place at the end of had means to pay- few months This increased the sad and disheartening result bid under which be was And what to the pain of El- labouring and led to an almoat total the fact that should abandonment of himself In leas than weak and I a year he was travelling swiftly along himself to be thus road to attar rum cheated of order now moved the adjourn- Waiter id us can it of in order to rule tleinan exhibnng a formal objection to the rewlu- object on the Waiter do you know what that ir Tbe motion was but was That sir looks Ilka a fir We often find them in asap ir No extra charge air Bar A country girl rode Into New Albany to do some appointing a Select Committee the address of the mover Carried Blake then immedately pre sented an address prepared by the Committee and moved its adoption Thia waa carried and formal reso lutions for the of the address and its preaenUli Bar Mr John Terry of returned last week from a weeks J upper part of the town- lady dark ssked ir llssvs wi anything else be for ho was amazed by the reply no will bo td sa to go out sod milk the old marc rode from home without the colt An old lady on exam to place of legal settle ment was asked what reasounhe had for her husband had a leiral that town The I ship of Maimer and complained of I there and they bur him I bad lock having killed only nine if that settling him there d

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