THE DKCEMBKB IstiH New lln would bo rtlb My- inimical llia Anthem Son of liv Mr i i HI then hi to will lliem on tin but I he on the plattnrni km I ll CI Ontario Legislature i 1 Hie In Nor larfte mi in r lik full of J ili fin lingrr j but Again pan bub inn individual or fait mi I I tlmt they had tae Atlantic 1 ft no Mr of tin otnpanj j ue FRIDAY 3rd IBCr Our Toronto Despatch 1 and In In pan Kill Ho Ihe afternoon the Hill reopening of baring ftllillv1 III noble do the 11 I I III Bill I Sebuol Law Ontario I 1 for MoonJ of bill JiIpnviit Jolhh Mr Phillip inn irpro t Secretary ided Mr Phillip ang bia roc Bill till tin bail given KIM Your willing to make neb it the II aught wo wore ft ft I that or Reeled he caller terms prop Mr who made a sintablo and then gat the toal of hir paradi The Parliamentary Gallery of Can- unfortunate Mercury report t and in da it proen an our our pray- Applause Mr rkTani a capital lie coin old Suth Oivfntry before into a ml lo connect with on it aides tbe I inwiiption What a wonder In I ail curing ft Missions haw pi ring all and ihe the few vear nnd peoplo were eon ox laimini what a wonder A time there a great in the dimtl- lihmnt of Irih and irvllv aid what a wonder Rot we iii who the In I irerv 5Jo womler at all The ilctli- were all in held Father in view and tin- tan I he ha reernily token inelen- P j l be hat renounced them need by No wonder at all A the What a wonder with the pro riMfrjtted the Church of lh will g r Meeting them lie aim d the bop that it would equal in in- tie excellent he learned ibay bad last year to give lie iiort from which learned tbat the aonpJied with mean of by who their whole He to Che work On Indian there were 15 Day School- 1C Tcacbera and on adjoining fur nished a partial or total making altogether a paid agency of number acting an Cbairmen of were 1T091 member in church on Mi Philip PhllllTM In the noble tbey had i vimjur met evening to advocate and pro- i mute MrCrcighUmitalwaygiod and that we find powille to enter upon it without be ing to lengthy tor our pace Tbe collection then taken up ami also al together to I Thanka were then voted to the of to the Choir were then appointed for nextyearantl the meet ing closed with doxology Jewellery One of a- Dont Go Tommy The ieasjssssietae soMiittMor it and expenditure Society ware also full of interest The total in the Society funds previous year wa and the total last year 59 being now t of rtog Dow to tbe market na Re Gentlemen observed the of this charge contri buted last hoped jamesot they of iblo This and peculiar singer of sacred song known aa the Singing Pilgrim la to appear in the Mechanic Hall next Tuesday evening and from what we have read and beard of him as a vocalist nil who have the slightest inclination fur music should bear him Mr Phil lips is described in Sansbine and being small in stature and fragile in build lie dark hair a sharp eye his face is pale asd his whole countenance bears ex pression tbat old painters liked to catch when they pat on canvass tbe face of a recluse who had devoted himself to Christ and good works Hi heart is so evidently id bia work be wine their sympathy before b singe a note There fa such an entire freedom from cant and affec tation be is so hearty and whole- sonled be pita himself at once in sympathy witb one in boose And writer aids that wbila ha sings every phase of or is written in elsewhere to urn asjr Tbe Canada Gazette the following His Excellency the baa bean pleased remove and cancel commission of St Catharine gentleman dated lib Aug 1859 ap- Town of County of In Province of Ontario C and of Hall to be Deputy of the County Court of the said County of in said Province The baa received offers from tbe Commanders of the volunteer Corps at Toronto hope fa lb joy fear any expedition to affliction the Bad Hirer IIv a rabln 1 at nil In iibl II mg different objections to the bill They Came chiefly the country member who complained that it would operate more the advantage of the city than thai grammar schools Some the lhat and language bo taught in all the gram mar that in giving the management luli grammar 1 schod would be entirely neglect ed that it would be in many itislan cos impMible to maintain graminat schools in consequence of the trace requirol that in and four teachers will receives nan from the Government than other grammar school of the was by sumo lawlesa villains and tbe sale which stood behind the counter Mown open The whole of 1 for Ihn gard to any one -U- Ut Both parlies risasUaw 1UW as a token of this 7 there day MB i raid Edwards had worked failhtilly left an of and and it was not too mm Ins will ditribuloB twenty say that he stood unrivalled in this nine jremms iintrv among llio Useful to M A passed Inch ho The boa gentle in ill at a Milwaukc jiin then an at the and ilrew a cluck for of the reading handed Mr over liiat lie was arretted the document and requested him to accept the lostiioonials li himself and i sell wives same as cattle M Bucktone the is to America J Brooke a Director Bank or Montreal is dead Prince Arthur and of Norfolk are expected to vacant remains of lb- late 2nd I- fiilr bo bo bad M- At in fort- Tl 5o l to food btinftorbund for tb mad ling reply fr a day or tor ti an I devoured by tiler in tb dining room lib A Act St Job Ikiildiig kindly pr rolato a t lb bv llw on oruolly WMMS by ftoonn- Mr Carting Mr T drdj in St John ami Mr liufu Monday night r onl health companion- Jamos Mitchell l loi- for tub aaveLuj al n AH the gaol i his large EI ward Island a ml tie of a The people of Aylnerarsat Letters received at St Paul tating fur a railway to Ottawa Blowing dated lth say The Bed offer bonus and Richard Potter President to rati a of ld thu fall from to isider Ihe present the boar of on and Iwo 4lEaWllbinl low morning MIVg remained M to i of low v f in Quebec were broken into dU 1 meal carried away I lg fureo of J port which fc beat to front thieves entered the building either by j backdoor or one of the window J of tbi irrl beard nearly over the entire city by tho guys were circles the Parti lyed to and 1 dominion will be called c a reed and it was regarded February door which he tried and found i i it it I doomed lo 1 a President of sswslp destruction It was cloned Bank of ft the public hut if it hail not in steamer Russia on tba of Cameron the bill hived upon ion of the Coiinril of praying that an making it com 11 to that have such the power to re I toother lor charging 1 in and on the arrival of other con- table he wan dispatched rear of the building birds bail tied The parlies left behind ihcm soma powder and a fusil The tlv green hand and know Mowing They placed in sale to Mow it is- 1 all to piece made plain from the ad rented around ttatpneTSJIy that the report alarm cry scam quantity of ruwed over floor ng there ha beet Deacon wna elected I ikl by a The major- polling place Obi city exploded la- klute men were killed and d and eight Chinamen a- J- the introduction by Mr Blake of resolutions dcclaratorv of right the to the ti other than that there should lean ind pendent audit by a Provincial attnctly tho La lire that he alone should author- voted ahI report ice My Nor The debt will be reduced during the pre Rot 30 have another ox- band which for the have been male lax number of Win ritlra and Peabodi lie showed li formerly provwilsl and large as having ex wiibruitaldo the voles of the Cat l Md hi alan Parliament Ho the fulnlled faiwevc appointment of an baUe that in the wa thechacgeof will be be- interference with the laepOnibUfty fiW 11Mt of Pembroke Village Bromley if the Government and described detail mode of check which he proposed should be adopted mot propoal falsehooda of Father ly at amndment to refer the matter with reference to cruel to Acriunls treatment in penitentiary hate which Mr Blake accepted and it was received a full answer from Mr then agreed to A aeries of Chairman of the Prism by the Attorney Board to the Ottawa CTft- the lattt ami I re of theailo I the 1000 per actual beta of father linn- are tbat from the hour be en tered the prison until be was liberated he never did a days labor He was savel from contact with the convict by being kindly sent by dollars per day but if the session ex tends beyond daya then to each to be paid a scsional allowance of I his and no more A reduction of j i four dollars per day of lhe by No member is to be to the MU tabor if any ban 31 days saw with a band but whether he Lai boon any book from shrewdly that the balance shall be retained by the Clerk of tbe House tilt end of the Each member is to be allowed ten cents per mile for bis travelling sx- going and coming by ths to it I could iuy Had Father iui ordinary share of gratitude he Mild have abstained from tating calumnies sensible that wan only prisoner in the vast iiltiliiJc of able work who from labor of some kind Regarding the complaii of Mr McMah twothirds of the Board of utholka and some thirty of With Aeessmcnt Bill wan read a second lime ami ordered to be refcr- Committee and other guards and kcojiers there did not a single chance ever offer AW lsbls Said by Is- The Mad Mercury of the sat to a Parliamentary were shot in tbi torn part of town by and valuable gold watch TlaVacosnapsem- chain to have driven the wild animal to- and chased siver ward settlements aa Mr Hun two wolves while drir thro this wook A young man named BarnMt was publicly excommunicated from Walnut St Presbyterian church Si louts on Sunday fwr extracting f t weekly collections to having purloined inlat February IT The Niagara Fall Suspension Bridge felt the force of the gale but week Some tbe guy were bro ken the structure awayed to and like a reed and it was regarded by as certainly doomed immedi ate of Rich mil from the Wednesday enacted in the Vermont about ibn Canadian boundary night Allerl ft Harris keeper at Sutton in this to at seven in evening hoping tinier f the darkness to sWosd a writ which bad I 1 itvl against him in a United State Court for debt but while in the town was observed by Constable lb and arrested Mr Par however gave bail for his ap pearance at court and ho wa rulca- Harris then prepared to return capacity of runner with the Golf bad it for smuggled goods tola to keep away Soma words followed Harris shook bis list at Go IT telling if he ever caught him in Canada he settle with him Ipon his drew a revolver and saying you I will put a immediately fired and fall dead Tbe bullet In left breast and passed through both lungs and heart A large and excited crowd immediately collected and attempted to lynch the but the Select Men interfered and carried to a place of security Sraaniio Advestcbe of One of the divers employed at tbo Lending Pier Douglass while gaged in laying the concrete Mock sler water met with a startling venture An immense fish much astonished as the diver J itaelf with in attitude of attack and Inn the mind in the diver would have seized one of the of the submarine workman and with it formidable array of teeth cut through tin rabbor dross The diver as usually engaged below water tb customary offensive weapon of which he promptly thrust int the reptile a but retaining presence of mind while disabling irmly kept hie bold and ignal ling to the man in charge of ii for Mrs Edwards on the pump was rapidly drawn to the ui of bis leaving to report in lace bringing at same time Congress vanquished fish On examination it also out in The presentation took place in the proved to be what iaeoianwmly called and recollections re quite distinct CI ik at halfpast ton j here a or but as far bock as that He peaks of oclock most of member being properly defined according to Mr Aaron Burr as Brown the engineer of the works anfart ofHssr about New York Hon AttyGer called the or fishing frog It and Lafayette upon Mr Ed ward to stop to table measurement are from the tip of ami especially ml him said it afford- snout to the point of tbe tail Hamilton as one of bint very high gratmcation indeed foot and the mouth aid and that be need I lH0 ventured A deaf mute in was Nasi to the great i loafer knocking and tho members of sidewalk breaking bis neck Tuesday night sa The Mercury ideupmjoltysKourwolvvriniswiraaa5 in the north wealerri part of Township a few days inc by of the with way in which tho Gov endeavor to iho defeat In recording the result of the delate up Mr Blakes resolutions they omit the division on amendment to give 13th ronlu- the six monilnt boast in which tho voted yea but wo left in a minority of Theomiasi in itelfin a tacit else why soek to suppress vol IA II from Cork Dub lin ami report that there were several demonstration- in of Ireland on Satur day and the proceelnigs were riotous Fenian sing wore sung by tho mob while marching in procession and several along the lino of march were riddled At Cork the the of Mr celebrated that gentleman- parliament with a grand off with an le of the Red River troubles In tba it is of lure Is- a If the are nit engage I in the matt tboy tajnly ought to be They have tried almost all imaginable lies except that of endeavoring to free Ireland by tho way of lied River and the Mountain form an Alliance with tho Indian of the North west and hoist the into the neighborhood of the Alia They can obtain port on JIojLwm from their fleet may is-n- The idea is not a bad one we fear the mate may be found such as to coo the warm Irish blood of the Fenian to a freezing It might be tried however lit Reti The for October bow as against do Rail way again do tie Railway 7i617 a- against 9974 do Hope and 28534 at again do and Marmora 972 a against do Brockville and Ottawa against do the St and Ottawa 13010 against do St ie and Industry a- do New Brunswick Altai Canada as against A AXTTDILUVIAa Franklin NII is for the following is a man living in town New name I Joshua Kannock who according to best informa tion yearn of age Ho is extreme ly imbecile and takes tbo simplet kind of Ho moved to State or Maine some thirty ago He a native of Scotland be lived until he was lout eats of age He married and lost ids wife in his native country He daughter who can to tin ml with whom and her de- 1 be ever since The family who ha the enre of middleaged people and are his in served in French was lingers in campaign up about ikes George and and on return Shirley and bis Secretary William Alexander iiear Albany During the fifteen and baa probably chewed an amoscd years lhat Mr wards bad I and more than in hi He he My ranfeasod that were both rveleetel on Monday av that be thinks it will hart fair hie report been that for South Lanark and Brum and that its uae will bis he wm newer able to discover wiahout yean Mack Tho Church of England their minister Roc Roberta with a very bam ami a valuable horse and ipellorCWni aukee sunk Ir- on of I- of flour Crew Loss partially with lUUraOSA Rev Stephenson of Tort has been invited by for body of ta in of pastor He baa the invitation subject to approval of A Shave The aaya a narrowly erious injury by an avalanche ft mag from the roof of a building one side of King street on Friday aficmoon Tbe heavy body beforo hi face his noe ami ing away half of a THE S1CGEIIE Markets km Toronto Markets Thorstlar In lb sill As or Mr TQB saaarrnVr sr lb sf eJ asm i rf is far s Iks