Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 Nov 1869, p. 4

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CASH FUR WOOL Apothecarys Kail w OF WOOL DRUG STOKE TV JUST OPENED Cloths and Flannels main STREET wool Wholesale and Retail DRUGS CHEMICALS THE NEW MARKET NOVEMBER 11869 FJkXjU Perfumery AND TOILET ARTICLES Ground and i v i Dye Stuffs Carding and Spinning Yarn CLOTHS FLANNELS VILLAGE LOTS 1 MALE DYESTUFFS rlfr Ii wilt Fresh Importation I a AssmrrMKXT DR DRUG STORE BRONZE MORTAR Mil Spur Granulated Effervescent BENTIEYS Botanical AntiBilious Pills VEGETABLE W SPENOE Co itoMOnei that they have now received a largo part their ALL in J ETC Ana have in invilinp Clio attention of lli to them Tbo stoat in of NEW BONNETS NEW HATS NEW VELVET AND CLOTH MANTLES Manila NEW RIBBONS NEW FLOWERS lew Lin New New Mantle Trimmings Now Satins ami New Crapes HEW WOOL GOODS NEW BUTTONS Anil a vnriotv of Stock has selected with rare our aim to supply Stylish I I AT Tin host is Newmarket Sept SPENCE CO HON BOOTS SHOES GROCERIES Hardware Stoves and Tinware rajs- TIXSMITH 11 Troubling Repairing and all Kinds of Jobbing sill slls J ANDREWS CO spUsiks Lie- and Chimneys 0 0 ISM I u Cabinet Planing A Few Choice Cigars ALE KKLMAN A Co Slvarwi G P SMITH Patent Swing J FT Pumps Adapted fir a rock or Grams Which Defy Compellllon Department a Englitn ami Canadian TO In the Neatest and Best Style TO Son THE I BOOTS AND SHOES CELEBRATED Is si plans sbes liij intisl WellDigging Attended to A Co THE ONTARIO LIFE ASSURANCE COHF PROVISIONAL DIRECTORS i alt Has- WWslJrs JfJMHSMIO Desirable Village nnnnnnnnnnnnlWaswnwaswnwasasasH FOR SALE iftii Steam Engine I Call and see the stock I team t uut SB Irakis at nit Pus 5 BiNTLEVS TELi GRAPHIC RELIEVER Great Reduction in Prices SEYV CASH AND PKCDUC STORE TIIBaivlfriciHx rAlrr in I UhlUttMl of Sell his Stock of General Merchandise WILL 111 I TEH POUNDS OF SUGAR FOR ONE DOLLAR njrlt Price P J in Product Per round iu lor Prime Duller A WILLIS Mrs Johnsons SOOTHING SIRUP Prepared only ia by DR bottle DaDEVBRGIEl FRENCH OINTMENT Cm Chilbain ftrnvri all To NEWMARKET Or hi i in Mll Mf te ace BENTLEYR Tick and Scab EXTERMINATOR for and will iBtJitMtiaiM lDdiioiraiUiit a rMrTitiiliprir Thafollowintvrafow CERTIFICATES lkaaUlll Son Dr JOHN 1 ral il Il ilia Moo inporaa Ihl pvwlh l tka Id ha look J fiOBXNSON J COLLINS HOWARD BBNTtET I j t PRICK CENTS PEE BOX Va WORKS A K 1 BIBB F WEST TORONTO Manufacturers of Carriages ALL of Open and SingleSeated Rug- uhI and with Ma and M All urxlrrs MM FIKST and Cabinet Organ art now ako MaairtU latfar CabinetOrgans in Plain and Fancy Cases Suitable Tor and PIANO CASE MELODEONS and Single lteed Plain and Fancy Portable of all Kinds Fancy Plain Their IntrunienU the First Prize Wherever Shown A Call it respectfully Solicited Every Instrument Warranted aad PHILIPS IMS First Class Farm FOR SALE is la art AGUES rata Ba Aaoda C P UID D ADAMS 54 Bay Toronto Ssss sftsr nip- Not Not Sleeping THOS THOMPSON TEAS 8U0ABS lllirlS 8ave Your Time I Bowmans Milt SAVE YOUR SAVE VOIR CLOTH SAVE YOUR MONEY GROCERIES C si t- i Wssbia Asta J v7ijies and hughes c Ilia sf Jsslit to jrsr IS fc Mil SUPERIOR ALB ON tUsx Alto TRAVELERS InsnranceCompDy PATENT MEDICINES us OF HARTFORD II Uk ACCIDENT INSURANCE for payment of Iniaolt for Total lii Asseta all Deposited in Canada As Is asldsrs All Policies SHARON MARBLE WORKS CHARLES HAULER in ikaakiar f id for tW troBa Monument Tombs Tablets Head dc Ob Shon ft Re Tarni Tk at A ft JIM ha MARBLE WORKS I I In renin I Iht lh ss pre Stones Call aid Set NEWMARKET villi BREWERY iwtrclfallr l- iioriL La no an a fall J at Stock Bottled Ales AND PORTER la iall in a Brat it daly apntv Md ha m a STILL SCALE lb ftiiar ibuirnalilinirL to till all abila kLa Extensive Cellerage Giving Entire Satisfaction CA8H awkat paid for ao of a M FARM FOR SALE Ml for or to lh Half of 100 Acres arises Acres Clssisd sad cll sacsa is s Barn sad out Fruit Orchard I I 1 Use frtk IM Western Assurance Co HEAD OFFICE TOROSTO Capital 7400000 PresidentHem J 1 Is si ssnksr spa a HENDERSON St JI FOB SALE THE Hotel Sntton Goor Lira apjdy lam Nearly Cue Lover ALL CASH of for Crowa LCIra Toronto And and AfanU Maotrral of Caeda ROWLAND A WOOD J McXALLY J of Front and Church Streets Toronto llll LAND FOR SALE I Lota pan TONYNSIIIP OF CARTWRIGIIT oaaty of praparty 160 ES I sasalsa CASABEA VILLAGE Is sks p dsrio Iks ssd is auk das sank si Grist WoalenFacta krl JffiaJ dT Carding Spinniu CLOTH GRISTING In a Superior Manner sonable to tk pr tkaaWbr t Yarn Dyed In any Color I Caab for Wool or Cloth la workr facli ia Lota 11 il AH last Of ksr was Furniture S MainSt Newmarket Slock of Furniture natj taa Parlor CaMn ftkaT Prices to Suit the Timea ssd First Class Instrument as- Erery SYKES Founders Engineers Steam Engines Stoves THIMBLE SKEINS BAND HOOP ROD AND HEAVY A I HARDWARE llllMlltl HARDWARE ESTABLISHMENT A iw THE INSUIIANCE NEW TIN WARE reapoctfullr Wsflsuwre 1 SAIN taa kssps Tinware Stove Pipes Rtpairtnq Done on a call British American ASSURANCE COUFANT J HE OUoat LOSSES OR DAMAGE Slict Farm Stoct REASONABLE araatsd so lropary ifi Lumber for Sale TUB nbaetriMr lk to jouysosj rrttriata IS

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