THE NEWMARKET ERA OCTOBER 1809 10 hold a plawttg the Mid sly fittm There lo ho MX i- aUut and the ircutle- kindly donated a number rrnon viz l iilJ Mr Win jr I They In iiingulied Aldvi own in Loudon Out Mr duel by Doras wo should fancy is minding OfW lager Iwr Will this contracted to let big dwelling boa Of 1 Artht of days daring his In that and Ml highly honored Put now cream of the affair gum and tin of hoar l-t- thin worthy Alderman pre sents hit dinner bill and relents to tbo Iluord of Agriculture for FRIDAY 1st I860 Our Toronto Despatch l nu find lT It it have up one of the beat lists for Plowing in North To tin wo kind friend who nobly aided in cu ring to make a lil Worth lion And an ill a bill Sao M but mi Alderman r railvv 1 have lienco to a demand M live bat lbs ahould think Herman iiubii nil K ml an lea think of Hi lain it from I Itoyal 1 of Wale- Princess Alice Princo ah- I IVnvs tho lYiiiee with mother hoshimhl show younger greatest rejHMt and loyalty II lunr fun SB MM A nud Iteutrieo Ilia Highness wo at Windsor Castle Ho Arthur alter Into of Wellington who wax of hit of tumor towards IhIi nil iho rest of Family wan educated by pri- finer it at It mindly decorated on struct ami one on Union Sabbat jn Hint Our Ottawa Despatch early be ator and of ahapa of a j lm ly wo over at the Sabbath School dinner near lite Whitchurch on t fur of the uitial of cokes tart there JOQnt of rot in lijxy wlUii4nodlog tho 1 mont unaninioiM of ry to make up a first- to forking resuscitated I well have a office of the The tables erected would heat about tho Coal it and he for the j Sir ft of propriety when ho I that the ami lost to all Ibo poi- from sixty and tiioo and agaii filled whilo all al creditable excellent lagiitg tho removal of cloth the to church lilling ihoanme many not gain no tbo tbriig Mr Jack i to take 1 led tho very excellent juvenile choir mm the School Of thin a entitled to th- Ihjihest after which Bar Million led of seconding the that rang political death- boSltod knell of Sx yean ago when he basely hold and handed brer of government to the and now on public life we find him farther marks in Do delivered of Ids former character A nam- may nay however as- i ir takes off Sir Francis was and a1- in the following happy atylo Meswr t North Tliolarirenomberofentriealrealv Windward of young men and I the of North Lanark but delivered made rut 4 JuMtw thank Majesty lueen Victoria and In the journey from railway station City llall there must been thirty to thirtylive ihousati I ng on among lhim all as the passed there was slightest sign of bad r diiorder but through the as a number the places illuminated earlier in wore in darkness Oct Amid intenso then interesting the Unit sod of turning bis purpose a very lint w Ti of oar for and gd bad I provided J of a Jat at trtng leaf i lotoUIVeorr gf and Irineo a r r I wa In i j- the mother was the two older children A gentleman and lsy the and Iho lady unhurt As bo ascertain to night 19 were and neartyWoa The Is given tor to niaile and to tho beauty the city In addition to these bunt ing is Hying in every quarter of across tho streets arc stretched pieces of red while and loth banners c Ac every windosv of many of tho buildings Imnnervts are hanging termlngtad Many street Altogether tho city presoiils it art J and in this respect re ception that given to the of Wales in ISCd We shall snsk mora particularly of deco rations in Monday handle was of Canadian painl- Ibo id d black and with raised his hat and lookod pleasantly around and tho The article was maio by Mr I J K of this city and was which ilm ceasing as far as second arch on tho route As the passed tho arch at ho corner of and streets deafening cheer raised which was taken up by the people on King street west and echoed multitude on Mid King street cast Thousands of handkerchiefs win ing hats and tonsod into the air flags frantically bobbed up and down hero gave a new and still more enthusiastic wonls of Welcome of scarlet and white Many store along Yonge moved by spectacle and turning at the comer of King and streets thoughtfully rcganleil the signs of welcome so abundantly visi ble in direction from this point with much apparent mlration Coming to tho ilobc office which was perhaps for profiidon number and appro priatoncss of deco rations and inscriptions the most in city and facod by ly of Western was a perfect moss of human beings who blocked up walks s dblo nth the places the matter beyond in that the Fair no bo here next Tuesday and will the largest ever held in the Itiding we safely state the pniarations and ar rangements of the of Directors were never more thorough and coin plete to make everything joss olf agreeable to all concerned Invitations have been extended to His Excellency of Ontario to be present on also to Hon Mr Curling Commis sioner of Agriculture Hon George Brown Members of the County io both the Local and Federal Legis latures the Manager of the Prof Dockland Esq and to Board of Agrieultoro nd Board ArU Ac Ac and we make ro doubt most of them will bo The very Rand of tho Royals has also kindly consented to be in attendance should their bo required Wo simply allude these matters give general paUie an idea of tho vast labor and exertions the Board is making to give to the approaching exhibition next week beautiful prio articles given y Messrs Bark A Harrison and Mr Win jr for the 1st 2nd and 3rd in Butler will be on exhibition in Hall during the indeed to the electors of North j the pooplfl of that constituency do not the appear lo have much of an ear for niucic at least song failed call out They valuable and will largo com jwli lion are among most celebrated dealers in Toronto and with the pcoplejBf will prevent of and must give entire should bear in mind that entries mast be made this week if and later than at farthest by all residing within eight miles from Newmarket Those farther away will oblige by their entries through post Ond calling the for them on the morning of exhibition inconvenience and trouble may thru be oared competitors No one need expect to have the privilege of placing articles either on the grounds or in the Hall for the more sake of show this will not bo mast bo properly entered and the rules of the rJocieljjOkom plied with in regard to a docoratcd at least showed ordinarily attractive display there It was given out that royal par- was a momentary stoppage and the would arrive here halfpast thrte pause was seized upon by the crowd 1 long that hour tho stream I to cheer ami cheer and cheer again thronged with In the Ill Princo almost laughed out- treat Western station right with excess of pleasure of the Ufa office was crowd- with spectators holding on to the flagstaff leaning against bolus trade occupying roof and heads of and of establish men t were assembled to do honour to tho royal tor Opposite at Messrs Walkers tore upwards and downwards as faros reach every bit of vantage ground was seized upon by eager sightseers and occupied and it was at this point that the only stop page made nod where the the people found greatest not arriving at the City Hall ad s were presented by thoCorpor- lreat West kepi clear as also was I grounds Shortly after three oclock tho body guard under to await arrival of the party forwhom they wero to act as escort They were followed by 101 men the hand of tho Grand Trunk brigade under the command of Major Stephenson were drawn up in line in the station as a giiitrd Of honour There wero also present Col Williams Commandant Col Williams Kit- Col Brigade- and a ntimber of Other At hallpost three Lieut Gov rXowland and Mrs and were shortly afterward followed by Mayor and City Council and tho General Committee in carriages There were present Hon J Hon John Hon C Hon Sheriff Bishop of Toronto Hon William Governor of the North West Territory Sir John A and many other prominent personages Just the train having the Prince ond party on board reached the sta tion Artillery thundered out a salute of guns scwirsTIWhose face was lighted up with a look of delighted and then of ho sur crowd beyond tho arch and riliiout picture by arches nags I it n burst upon and the peopib So much Sir Francis but North Lanark couldnt stomach him and a is now aonghtlJnr A after as being a mors purchasable taUM commodity In this connection it may not bo out of place stale that a rumour is going the rounds of tho Rev Wat PL- daily press to tho effect that Sir John A is about receiving a Colonial Gov- on appointment and bonce has called upon Sir Francis as his sue- Methodist Missions the of the Do minion When it is remembered that Sir John once said that Sir Francis was to in ch lion the public generally can under- stand close affinity between titled dignitaries What will to when the direction II si mm upon He eeme I forth almost with and people who did not him for no gesture of bis served to betray his presenco thore but who wero instantly overcome with es sentially British failing do habit of cheering gave forth shout that whole it Heres the third in the rank and mind get it Jump up hero or youll loo late There be is God bless him Heres Prince Arthur at last Well hes the Queens son anyhow Hurrah Hurrah Hip Hip Hooray and threo times three more Crash the loud shoal rian voices rush go people pell icll among carriages ding dong go the church bells pop go the can ion and Arthur amongst as our loved and honored gaost His Highness stepped from tho platform to carriage looking inch a gentleman Ho stood clad ia quiet black the crowd seat up a great si shout ouch mast have c from loyal hearts only And then 1 polished Tho wheel had a tiro of brass Tho barrow was male by Messrs Jacques A Hay At pot about centre of piece of ground enclosed shovel and bar- placed and along side them laid down along which His Itoyal Highness was to wheel barrowload of soil removed in work of constructing railway prince with a pleasant smile on his face advanced amidst the cheer of crowd and toper- form the task so graciously assume With the shovel he removed a bod been previously and tossed it into the wheel Itarrow But he was not content this determined to do work well and to remove a aod on his own account without assistance of bo cut a sod care fully with and cot it squarely ami well and then he ted to lift it on the shovel to place barrow ho had done the provioustonc But it would not easily The sod was and tough 1 tho grass clang to mother earth with a tenacity that was too much for the shovel his Highness bound to do the work well and determined to get that sod out Ho dropping shovel he stooped down and with his fingers tore thu sod loose Ho took shovel and with it placed in borrow Then he took handles of borrow in his hand- it briskly along tho plank and oat ho sods at further end people cheering again and again while tho band played the air of Working on the A- the soils wero dumped from tho Imrrow they were eagerly and also to The ceremony having been com- field the Royal parly thou left the all closely followed by the surging crowd all impetuosity and enthusiasm who pushed forward to lbs entrance in order to obtain a view of His Royal he passed carriages they were driven rapidly away amid a right royal cheer from tho vast mul titude outside Room for car- ringes to pass having been with dim ity obtained proceeded along ad Sim Genera the Dominion and a brilliant Toronto received such Church streets to LientenantAiovemor How lands residence on William street closely followed by tho dense mass excited humanity who gave vent their overwrought feelings by same demonstrations which marked his previous progress rough and King streets On arriving at Liculcn antGo vomers residence tin guard of honor belonging to presonted arms The Royal party entered the I ling crowd after giving a final long and deafening slowly and with lin gering steps dispersed TIM At King opposite street stopped with the containing Prince and opposite the galloric ly del which were occupied by about f children who belong to the sclwils who sang God in pleasing the A grand torchlight display of firework place at tho close of the preset laa of pnxos in the drill shod and lrniiO and Governor General and were driven in procession covered carriages The display was under the management of Mr Asbtiehjj chief engineer of fire- brigade tho mouthers of which ac companied by a largo party of volun teers carried the torches The was formed on street and hooded by the band of Own and marshalled by Mr proceeded to King street thence down to Church street thence Wellington street that street lo Yonge street op street and along Queen street to William street and thence to the residence of tbo LieutGovernor affably with Mr Mayor Hot- display from the commencement to shout close was like a grand conflagi d a universal shower of The dischargo of there was a moments disorder tho had seated himself in the ear ringn- jiooplo had overwhelmed lis asms ami his arrival in Canada born right rorll f dinvo Proa bo at Halifax a receirod in pi moaner order wo for up i ibo proMnt d Mr I th rodrS of SSk2 7 alio in hi honor- Bat warmly loyally a ho ha rod acrf a I boon in olher it P Roman ably grand As tho showers of bril liant rockets discharged the buildings on lino of the multitude rent the sir with their cheering The darkness caused by shower of rain that was then falling only added to beauty of tho effect by the contrast thus created The darkness acted as a beautiful back- ground to speak for tho Visitors to tho Fair Wo find tor for Toronto to eclipse all and to give him such a noble welcome as no man has received in this country since Arthurs royal brother the of Walos came us In this welcome Toronto has done herself ininite credit and well sus tained her reputation for loyally raUiy and Excepting For i held on Monday last it was upon I racious Majesty iueen a more demon could not boon made in honor of any person however distin- of variegated colored lights of the rockets Indeed a display in brilliancy and grandeur er- never before witnessed in To ronto Upon finally arriving at Princes quarters cheers were for the Queen for tho Prince LieutGovernor and for Si John A after which tin from under the archway into I ton bearers took their departure Ibo of Toronto sod visited Mayor to citt I residence in tbo western part of the vas one ovation Kvery cheered for bis worship n street King street the crowd now and amidst hurrahs boats screams of welcome and peals of Princo aid Market street was tenanted by as people as could squeeze in available pace The Mayor responded in a brief pooch tn which ho expressed hi J leisure at the way In which all the had been carried was rather unfortunate that the hour was so late when procession Market Toronto Markets ii liWi per thorn Exhibition Fraud n pieces the fragments of tho event The Mag Ixindon on before the Poli tho fraudulent of tick the Exhibition Grounds during lost week was resumed at pm on Saturday Two of the prisoners ami wore placed in the witness box and testified to the ffect that thoy obtained from Mr at rote of per hundred Thoy asserted that thought obtained tho tickets from tho Agricultural Association in a legitimate way informed ho court that ho mot In Ham ilton last year and sold tickets for him in came wny Last week he bought and resold of these tick- and ho judged from number igaged in the affair that thore must at least MM tickets dis- jtoscd of at together hod been employed by and did not know source from which the tick- Tho examination was fur ther adjourned till Wednesday Tho Fret remarks Facts which to light on Saturday at disclosed a state of affairs long existing by which there doubt Board has been of largo to which it seems very strange indood that it could boon Minded keepers with parties outside ft resale of tickets already made is now known to have been It has boon practised at almost every Exhibition and that too in the barefaced manner Lain week it was engaged in as openly as any legitimate public business Agents cried oat that they hod the tickets for solo directed inquirer to a booth where they could be by hundred and set and since to t ho sow persons tickets by the out of and fraud Association In this manner Jail week Forcier soya ho received about tickets from him Hardware American News r West Oct The Cuban on strong under c of Genera that left New York on Monday arrived the Florida coast this morning whoa it was joined by the Cation Mr Lillian and Teaser on board of were 1600 men and a largo a of arms and ammunition Another body of men under tbo Generals and are now at a gulf port third vessel for common rendez vous off Cuban Toaser with men sailed for Cuba last night They will be fol lowed at sea by the privateers Hornet fifteen guns each are 100 pounders Those four vessels will escort tho expedition to its final destination Volunteering is very brisk along gulf coast and already men are awaiting transportation lMitAMAMiit Oct 2 The morn ing papers giro number killed by Oct Thimrjjy IS Important to Lumhsrm COAX Pais the Snauax nwnu and Tsissl Mb CW a sow llsswatalot Tss Cmst as quk rf Cbarch for lh CMissaiotsu rfiUi jH IwV sjsm tMrfi toff iU m IW rdlc T SosSirtvtsri lor f For ski a In Spt br MMH iaisievTissrtcatrecBranxaxsj MA- Mr WM both of ii Palace of Fashion I H SMITHS J Millinery Show Koran FOB THE SEASON And embrace all Caps Hat ORIS TBISUTSV Wool Goods Dress Goods A Apprentice i DONT FAIL DRY GOODS And In Anything The Cheapest Spot is Town CENTRE STORE to viJTtorsi TtrXT nKPItRHHSTM at Ml J1 j House to Lot WITH J IU la l IM TO I So IOM