THE NEWMARKET ERA Friday Morning JACKSON gjitor in AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER Tin TY TO KNOW TO UTTER AND TO AlififK FREELY ACCORDING TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTQXB LIBERTY rax VOL XVIII NO NEWMARKET ONT FRIDAY OCTOBER 8 1889 TERMS IN ADVANCE The Newmarket Era Book and Job Establishment THE LATEST STYLES PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS of or IntabUiUKlBLjtHij I Hint fcomuytanli Nature Crown Ami GEORGE IOLVT UD Blevini Severs JOHN KING MRS A VIXEN HAIR Wilt to Its Llfr and Learn a Every Day Lint nil make SVSAB ID- l tamn rtlt Turufc- I Wv TufjiU Dental Notice DR I r Or I Unit m XT ihfJ Dr DENTAL NOTICE BIECH SURGEON NEWMARKET STREET HOTEL DENTIST A PRAIRIE STORY Is year a family of emi grant from New established themselves in an uninhabited prairie near what was then the extreme bor ders or Western civilization They consisted of a ami wife tlio niter of the latter and infant child No greeting tod them for wore the only I ft Sharon Eery a UlllNl Miss BURNS TURN AND DYE scon ft FUSE JOHN T STOKES The Anatomical Shirt mi Cutters for Sale of lU West of A Co Surgeon Dentist TrTtLY run Ml in tb of Ui CaxpetaMstting3Mats OIL CLOTHS Sic WW half a day- The widow waa a lovely but bio ken spirited wo- man of twentytwo her hus bands death her affections were cen tred in her babe She bad left in comfurtallo in fact her brotherinlaw being a poor man tho land they occupied together with farming stock and implements it with many signs of prosperity Autumn had pen ml and they were looking for ward to a season of ease and enjoyment when day liartwcll ait I call the bead of the boiiMrhold it to visit the for the of procuring Theeo it wi arranged should be forwarded to him by a passing vehicle in the III I J SASH BLIND AND DOOR HORACE THQRIE It tunc in Operation tohfS RiiSiasi HENRY SANDKRSOX VETERINARY SURGEON Tsrrn Isirtid- In a Manner to ronplvw art TrUi TMbMS waggon bad broken down and be WE have the largest and best as- was forced to make journey ou j weather when he started had 1 an ttsa I j been slightly overcast with arising AXES AXESII CHOPPING AXES I A A r E S and anxiety The widow and her un natural eouncction wore thus left it seemed to be the sole acton in the hideous tragedy which Was shortly to Another day tilts time llurtwull bad the rsVtt drop of hit stock of liquor and was in a of half maniacal ISeeing his while the widow was easily sing with her child in her arms be advanced in hand toward but fell over some obstruction before reaching them tbe commotion widow awoke and lied with tho bain into the adioining room where she flung her self down liesido half sitter calling loudly her for who conealcd bit weapon and flunk truck the chamber lately bulky articles of fur then sank fainting beside who had relapsed into bet former die recovered use of her night come on and all around her was wrapped in dark newt After a short interval the widow bccaino that some one outside is endeavori ng to uofastoii the indow which was directly above the upon her babe wan lying Incapable of further could only in silence and await the result In a few moments the heavy shut were flung open and s body was protruded rough aperture His arm was and the glitter of a knifo could i woman closed he and a silent prayer that God who bad before turned aside tho fatal stroke and full At that moment mingled with the whittling of tbe wind she could hear tho bowling of wolves under window fatal blow was dealt a shriek of mortal terror burst from tbo lips of liartwcll and I bloodshot my knife fell harmless by tho side of its I to reflect DM peculiar and I could not refrain from addrwainghira as Old Candle stick and asking an out rage which in my proper senses I have to contemplate He eyed me with a look more of pity than contempt as lis replied I can make allowance Mr Smith f con fess to borrowing a name for I am ashamed to associate my own with so sinful a fact your unfortunate lato and heartily pity you I was iuabltttoseu justice of bit remark and continued to indulge in conduct which to say the least was a disgust ing outrage of all propriety Slough was soon reached and my father was waiting far me at tho station He rushed to meet me with an affection ate greeting but I observed a change came over his countenance he gave way to a look of alarm as ho be held thestate under which suffered Me silently led me to the dogcart Hi change is now conducted in a more orderly manner A number of contracts en last Fridays have settled and coin plications incident to hat days business have reduced to a small compass It is that this entire matter would been adjusted today had it Co about against a collateral of one million in slock of Toledo and road Com rainy Is is understood that lckwond to at- favour of J limker The general fooling in Wall street ly sorely and geaeral feeling I rather Is that tbo steady adv presence however although usually stocks is predicted to produco moat rigid failed to keep me Cotn J Modtrs Cslis iniet now and as we passed through roia Todr ho what with shouting to one S iMgrilttatfMlOttOttoUd saluting the of a Highlander I dropped down show ground at served as a sign lobaccon- on Tuesday and expired In a shop ho jierfeclly few minutes iSlrtS Weklayr of or and sisters their expression of do- light tit seeing me being immediately SW S io nUk of The- went to rov room full of many harsh a thoughts of those whose feelings to- Tlio present for tbe wards mo were in reality those of SnanUh throne are The Duke of bitterly reproached them for what I Don Carlos tho Duke of considered an reception and Madrid of Austria resolved on the morrow to leave what Qpke of Aoeta Ferdinand Philip was satisfied waa no longer a homo RukoofHaxeCbburg and Prince me and full of these unnatural eric Charles nephew of King of thoughts I got into bed Prussia Inland awoke early tho next morning and though considerably better men- tally yet physically 1 fa a most There d My head ached my train one on Chicago end Alton tongue was parched my eyes were and other on the Terre rail- faco haggard i I began roadlnatweok The locomotives ran that had since miles si s neither intended victim clutched for a I Iclt London and then set tn a fool- gaining running the dis- frantically at the win- of fitter remorse local journals say at the soon dragged And now reader it is time rate of miles an hour asm or Bielut The led re but by the re tint less foo When tbe widow regained child in whom their w plied Yon DOMINION ORGAN And Coopers Tools Lbcast but none of family were prepared for the P which they -fv- iki A few rods ceaingtlx ng alter I is return A slight aii i Ski bod of wat diHOovcred al ia of snow 1 1 1 l- most devoured by Mwem who had had increused to a de- J withshi bo found and her that I confess that bands of friends by train I yielded to tbe tenderly sup- of my friends and for first after the and last lime I bad been drunk yes just rotated party from the beastly drunk bad succeeded in diking their Will it bo wondered that from thai day to this not a drop of spirituous Her sis- liquor has crossed my lipa an beyond ortsetf in Ae Sett Month- thai in Squawk Lake at a point ire and for October yards from tho the solitary population of according to for Stof late appointed for that pur pose by is as fbllows North Ward Sooth Ward East Ward West Ward making in Berlin Telegraph A paper says CABINET MAKER And Undertaker Albert If lis fctlol if so sUcr I Li til sajjaiwi tad TorssU B of to ml tb lbs Lssd MONEY TO LEND 1MB W4m Apply to J Davison House BIBLE DEPOSITORY RAZORS Ac and Set A WALLACE a a it TBI lie ISM Accommodation AW ft7 Is Us wl sf mj fcist cr-asiJ10lM- TEETH INSERTED Dentistry DALES SAVING BANK IS SI TM of sfck spJlsl lams psejsl putts Fuss to rtT fclisfcrtsry ToroDto XXX OYSTERS Thoy i and ADAMS King Street East uuul la p iT f sis W- is all OS mbJt iTu 4 bast iassntl sMSSMd Odd athss- si an to the large drifts were piled a to tho eaves of tbe cabin and already rendered impassible every road that led to it Tbey were close prisoners with little prospect of a release for tbe storm all day with the utmost fury At first but little alarm wss felt by tbe inmates Their wood pile was sheltered and easily accessible aid tho food on band would serve for or four days at end of which time they hod no doubt the supply would reach them had never beard of the terrific tempests which sometimes in that laUitude convert the prairies into a howling ocean of snow for weeks to The fifth day cam sill the storm raged almost buried on all sides and tie cold bad become intense At when had been throe cays without be who lavebron their to end to throw out hints which the widows flesh creep heart link like load within bosom Next day he spoke out more plains One of them lie said must be to the rest and thai be the youngest an wretched womai ber infant more close into farthest corner of the as she beard threat and glance which a glance telling more of hun- of hate It was charityto that mans brain ordered by his sufferings bat yet it been emboldened by famine to round the house mother lived to see ber strangely rescued grow t Insane for a Night while yet almost of legal profei hum Colonial I bell By the Atlantic Cable are mostly under thora reach a few foeL believed that a section of country has at a comparatively late t youth that in 11 the members of London of which I an articled student I was looking forward to long vaca tion that delicious period when law is idte and its learned expositors qasmtr enjoying each in bis own wayeither lb invigorating recreation or calm repose severe work of a busy term and the confinement of city life bad alrea dy begun to make mo eel the neces sity of a change and I was anticipat ing small degree of pltfosuro of my extended visit at Slough and enjoyment of country sports On ihe appointed evening was accom panied to station by two friends and finding it yet wanted almost anhour or nine at which lime the train was to start wo occupied tho in terval in the refreshment rooms After a while time wss up and I jumped into the train Before bidding adieu to my I was aware of A peculiar sensation coming over mc motion of traitf very soon developed into and I bod an become for rt time in my life an unfortunate victim of insanity Although perfect ly unable to control myself I that trees retained their standing position with Two Mr Beverley of 3rd eon brought to our office yesterday a live about 8 inches long This reptile is remarkable for having heads head growing from the nock I Both beads ere perfect each bos two eyes and the mouth are provided with a tongue each It duos not seem to care for food bat will lick up water This fa the most carious specimen of the reptile no we have Free sept ftsrbi American News Cuicaoo Sept 30 Last night a destioctive five occurred at of Illinois and St Clair The firsv originated in a Jorge stable was evident that ibt dire spectacle I made At one moment is NEWMARKET BAKERY wrTe to bring my with adroye v- J is iJ1 t window mi made to save them but the ami PEACHES I PLUMS or For Cheap passion long and craftily concealed thssigl The widow bad for some time bus- my that her brotherinlaw regard- loss gesture fir herself and child with little warmth of affection she knew him to be ji I avaricious 2nd unscrupulous but bad not thought that the touchstone of calamity would J j him to her as a monster horn but Animati figure arrtobsd were so that at another by a ridicn- daiigeeoesj id once putting on also o i ai old gentleooan Rouses on St Clair street Total loss who sat me I then making insured for grimaces moat provoking kind I Yoa A Key This however while shockingly of- special says Five Cubans armed at fensive was not dangerous but my Nassau on the from assumed a more serious Campwitb purchase arm those wolfish aspect when on snatching up a child and oilier munitions of to Lend VowrhowtTMi J un pretended CAMPBELL her darling she read even be- tbe horror of Its mother to throw it M tf fore bis lips declared it the fiendish out of a purpose with which the demons of which was just as likely to Young greed and famine had joined sPre him A single stroke he bad READING ROOMS should both avert the and the child token from me by OPEN EVERY EVENING lingering every dsy drew one of tbe party nearer andwreep the rooin obstacle l Sir are you mad Mad though I from bis peat to competence for thu really was to all practical purposes widow was thought Co be consumpl my jollity was by no means disturbed tire and excepting the child his wife by remark Suddenly the was only hear Mrs Hartre pearance a clergyman who was had already succumbed to privation quietly reeding a aw ra As ftisiia to 3 as for the Co which stats that the fight a as was a patriot victory and IS Span were nod imme lately shot Havana despatches state that th Spanish prospects in the Eastern partment Saw Ton Sept The twt great of day on Wall street are the injunctions and the rise Tbo excitement of the pas week has given way to comparative and business at the Stock Ex One of great attractions at Vermont Stole fair at Bar was hoy loader Tim machine is fastened to the rear of the waggon its two folds with motion of waggon wheels and the belt that are drawn iter them with iron teeth catch winrow astride which the waggon is driven an 1 carrying the bay the ton of the machine on the principle that grain is riod up in boxes on belts drops it to toe waggon floor to be piled away by hood and fork A row of belts binder the bay from falling from those that derate it is a rumour in London exorbitant account has Board of by Mr Glook- bis bouse And the supplies- incident to visit Princo Further says the Free that the Board refused to pay tbe charge amount ed bat voted tho of which however it is understood Mr not accepted Certainly ordinary peoolo Understand such a tdfn could dispenaol in so short a tune even though Mr have reeoivod all his after folowing fashion Aid r Dr To To driving that the fight at Tan- Prince Arthi from the and round the city Considering that tbe charge mode for thirty minutes drive in a old by a wornout pair of conscience of cab by equal to of Mr in An- Alderman we wants for loan of two carriages in Prince rode I Is the word to he a snonym for