Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 1 Oct 1869, p. 4

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THE NEWMARKET OCTOBER I 1869 MMMMMJUMMMM I Ml Hard on Young Un Bully company Hood that hi indicate a gap A bachelors La dies wear from instinct natural love of being aST Why hogs lb animals in country Bo- cause they everything What does a do no Son day that Why pitches and toss by- came into OK TOt long ago- No a it dont we read that Adam had a Cam of mrriagtnblo ag need litllo coiiruhip that they may bo claoeoi roaJymado articled A When may young ladios bo said to bo economical When resort to tightlacing to prevent If brooks as call them mt things in what they always murmur about A married lady being to waltz the following sensible and ftppmpriate answer So yon sir have bugging at home When a lady is to be of Certain agp you may take it ft certain that her age in very The certainty ia that sho is forty if he is a day at My tint is what lies at my second is a kind of corn third what nobody can do without and my is one of the United States Mat rimony man who always leaves Church before service is over in peaking of an ancient single lady CASH FOE WOOL TIIR Pah nlSar iir tea It Karl OF WOOL VKWM KILLS IUUiob YiaIJD Of Cloths and Of Us a will rt WOOL Wool aa late can Wat lit Ma la lit Waal sad aviaftW Ik la of CloU Ms ah an of Oat f Skaka II I la aail of tbii aaaaaaa Carding and Spinning Tarn Old Doctor Andrews DISPENSARY a aaanaWaMsaaalsaai In saw r A storm M I CLOTHS AND FLANNELS Of oabocribrra will to last a afoorr st asms J feats at hi Cardial far Wool aad part la- do wall to a rail food 10 to an J GQRUAM I Ja d she was fearfully sod tly fully maid aAn What a waste of money no when you ki Mr Hoggins says thero no country where wive are more than in He however that all the adoration comes from somebody elses husband T- Said a gardener te a friend who had a very rubicund I grdenwall for a littlo while my cucumbers aro very Why did Josephs brethren east him into a pit 7 asked a school teacher of his ciass Because aaid a young lady they opening for a young man a- A a faith said many a one in Ireland Bridget in reply to that she had put FRESH ARRIVAL Tn mm to sow Is ra ta New Spring Goods all I to t tola advaats- PRICES TO SUIT TOE TIMES Ml Mm is Clothing Made to Order Is alt J P RADICAL CURE TRUSSES J ADAMS Bay Street Toronto 1iUJ an GROCE Boots aa Shoes A id ft aw Cull and See the Stock I P SMITH libra 1S9 stock of her roach garlic in the omelet replied Is that she did it so that it An advertisement in a Far Western paper reads as follows Runaway A hired man named John his nose turned op five feet eight inches high and had on a pair of corduroy pants much worn Ms A raw Jonathan who bad been gluing at a garden in ti of flew York in which were several mar ble statutes exclaimed Just see a waste 1 Heres no leas than scarecrows in this little patch and any on em would keep the crows from a five acre lot The wife of an eccentric Yan kee Judge complained to him that he was always reading and took little otioe of her I wish aaid she I was a book and I should en more of your company my dear replied tho Judge wish you were a book but an almanac I change you every ill NEWMARKET g HOTEL KEEPEBta Bottled Ales AND PORTER Of n01 hi a Ma aM STILL LARGER la Of four aaaUiac to Ub Ua Extensive Cellerage aSorda to ha ba I M rf Entire Ceata Per Cheaper TRAVELERS Insurance Compny OF HARTFORD CONS LIFE ACCIDENT INSURANCE PROVIDING for of aut- Ilif A iKlaaity for Ay Accident Cisi Capital 300000 Ainu ill 150000 Deposited in Canada A Mearil All SHARON MARBLE WORKS CHARLES Is hi patrttkafa atart- tka MS la si lias tfwnummf Head Post Crimea A On Short Tsrms- A ma baa baas nek si iss First Class Farm FOR HALE 100ACEES M AafM aaad Bowmans Mills Lumber for Sale 1M tf Nearly One Third Lower ALL CASH fa ito ia fan Hi aaai Traak Motna DUtotorOnaWto- CA8H FOBBAXLET fa Mr 1M Joint Slock iapro- to be In to for loo batter of the Grand Trunk older to Jbriate the of of the difloaltr in from that city Fortyono bare been and a fino ae tata in for a for aged Additional to tbe amount are oetng made to furnieb it It ie teat cable which it intended to lay from the Orkney the Faro Ia- land to wall the Feat Frith line ill into the hand of the Britiak GoTerameet on their completion To New be giren the credit of great gen General died iSor d tio at hi tadaid rJonTaSod ad hi tolhoaraf A in New oat of that earn by the influence of It York la gnaroaeZYaJ By the of the arn Railroad ear now from the harbor of New York or to the harbor of San hare bean and mall and San the Central for war a freight the opening ot the through line ANDERSON Co i a Druggists fmnfTffAT oilb VAsmawsa Artletj c Sanaraonov ai Save Your Tims SATE YOUR IaABOB TOUR CLOTHH8I SAVE YOUR MONEY BTaatoalta I J Unit Hm it a lad MNWaU aad A taa I ROWLAND A WOOD S Aurora J Corner of Front and Church Toronto Ma IMS Western Assurance Co OFFICE TORONTO Capital 1 lew at Tt tea appalafaM Afaat fa wlllMka ria4ntbir Hank Change Otflocation I Store Main St t tad palghaaad aa wml fa- eTSenp stock JiwnLar iliLEOTBOrLATl T LOWftecES DEFYING ALL COMPETITION I CHILDB ENS TOYS will Said Purr baa tarn Prices CaJl Attention Paid to Repairing Watchn If 8oU April M Grist SQlliWookn Factory TBIawasErissr Kill at a aer Let lear m to sad last b Carding Spinning CLOTH DRESSING GRISTING adia1 the Cardiac afarbiaaa Bortiaff Macsisrt aad aie all arrarj is- wad ramie it aaada of Tarn Dyed la any Color or Cash far Wool Cloth FEIZE ataawbs faala is atttinf cwrad lU Melodeon and Cabinet Organ ACTOR IMS an soar Msslssl gsstnawsts wlitl seals and of lax CabinetOrgans in Plain and Fancy Cases Suitable for Churches Parlors and School PIANO CASE MELOOEONS Single Plain and Portable Molodoona of ail Fancy ft Plain bad sbsm is las Pisses sad Mr own re at sad ssss works as of Is sess is sad Their urn c the Wherever Shown A it respectfully Solicited Every Instrument Warranted aaaaiUsUjkaptos sad aUpairWaa PHILIPS ft COATES ilea IT ISA FACT ft J J HODGE 1K VILLAGE LOTS FOB 81 LB ssmW J on tb of MAIN NEWMARKET I Till As Lota sill Ik stoat sow For part tew Ian spafj a Wild Landsfor Sals undonlgnod for sale Lot No VL id lha Con of Lbs of Co 150AORES with atatvltiwUmbaMiaitd IILamUkJ naaouMe rot haHr Wit GAMBLE Not Dead Not Sleeping THOMPSON l TEAS SUGARS FRUITS sad a sssntsasst of GROCERIES ore at Oath or Farm Produce Wines and Liquors Hie an a Saprlar Furniture Rooms Enlarge 8 MainSt Newmarket BIOS art Stock of Furniture Is Cssbs i antj Parlor CkSin First Class Instrument As laitad tVs Founders Engineers Steam Engines Stoves THIMBLE SKEINS BAUD HOOP ROB I O 31nT aVsd daaoriptiasaf HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE HAADWARE ESTABLISHMENT nan a St Hiss BURNS WnBtB DTK aartaaaHaU la laa af BIRCH VETERINARY SURGEON wan eorai Wax- AC ArwIallO READUJfj 0N I JIukatJalj For Sals on Terms HOTEL PATENT MEDICINES Ctwaa Wa fww tea aaaeWr erwUaa Ala Ubwall III Aran la iaUaiaur a ka Mi aUIa at a await Men Be an I a- IA THE 6Ibe INSURANCE COMPANY aaaaatawaaatpraaahaae we aU leaawa Aw MAa fcawrA a ike Ulan 11 fair rtaiwa Fata akaw rf Head Office Canada Brunch Montreal c SMITH aewaa Htm 1M COOKING PARLOR mm Lower t Toron Prices I New it few ear rear STOVES aid STOVEPIPES lie Copper Tin Sheet Japan Ware AT Mien that will ASTONISH YOU A till will t jat daurlaadtaaallt THAT EAVE TROUGHING srsrj dsssripUss of leairsble Village SALE 17 J TOLTJw NEW TINWAl Tinware Stove Dona Masa DR IM J DENTIST eta a NEW MARKET at Haul He leik T OH Mtk Htk a lUUVar WUUIke klaaJBB Mfa I twa kraach of weWwIa in lkn ka qVERYTHIXQ WARRAJrrED Farm Oft A La for Good wt raa Plcb Tbe Pint Brisk North of tie P p J A J HODGE October Reduction in Prices MAIN STREET NEWMARKET LTONES Urge Additions his IaslnBeats e And bsiog to pass itb the art his will now fist bis with lbs apparatus Ac for prod set ion of First Class Artistic Pictures Either Largo Sized Pictures Carte do or Gem Pictures Asothe LATEST- rTHE PORCELAIN waWaJaoalIatUUcka sVst far Us Is sssvs was sssfsdtss PRIZE AT THE LATE PALL SHOW IN NEWMARKET As- far SBssttss Is sll Us shots wsass as Is Is uut to all ao hist with s Salt Q Specimens of the above now on view at his Studio CARTE FOX Cts JONES 1887 If 12 a Mb Da tiau aeaeaeaeA la baa a Ira TEETH la 11 Iial ljld wwwai unfaii tar Dr a lawrTik Sffl Caaadaw Teeth Filled so to them fur Life tar la la pa M ilka leedlae aaitbM US piled la Drfl J Pack a M Wa ikat I ikawkadaMI Dr HJ 1 A ibaiTwa AM a Boa arrowy I to iwo dilaa at fry To flitta J slsdoo Cwsstj of Is Is ssrtif last las wistat of wkkeh Chemist Druggist ft Srtsut Pure liquors Tats it I a I law SJad a Pip Ala aver RE IDS MARBLE WORKS fc sawwwtavsxswwts Siuei Marble Table Tope Ike a wt ud I aeik Ida I at I I ei I ad wWda All kel I Hi waea new aw ibaaawwwaf 1MB waehhuHaw taw ia kj rawlia Ik kwl lb rabw la a kaada la hat I ilwiW killw I bar labia lea rf ill tea af lAa I aw Mwalr w M WrabWtarbat 1 ewlW a kel W erf la aaraeeaaiewiaaTvaa I Ml a aw ear A J p I banlrr I bar Aaa aw lb raw Aataa I Be bw I Aw i II I lake I wbUBlll Uiaaia British American THE OMoet Chartered Compear l LOSSES OR DAMAGE Farm and Block REASONABLE BATES Farm for Sale OB TO BB Li Bale tatSl Hall el Iba CooaaieB IOO ACRES I lee leafed ffeeak and Bfetmmt of War DWIXIP THE ONTARIO C0MPT am s FRUIT P Apple THf- Street Aerere TBOS Powells Patent LOT AUD Force Adapted tar All Pep A a eprwawi ei 1 Mr la Hi Oa JareU Wawaee BQUtlaa Jtaewarkw Jka aadiwi ia law Cabinet Planing a 1 A Co da Aw ken no I HENBYBAOON J ate fw Bkarj Lime L I I J at al win Ibua aw CELEBRATED la all kan A Ape WailaaAartk nraUirSpBJ well Biffing oa aoax aonca A Co vaTJUSBjl

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