MKKbt AUGUST Now Advert in IMS and a1aO led to Burns being invited tonlir of Knnxs Church W thui invitation be aw to comply tie moved to 1rovtm hit resided in Toronto labored as pastor till IMC when be was called to he Professor church History and Apologetic in tiling health compel him to retiro though aa Kmerilus Professor lie continued to take a con share in the work of the liiaiiietion and was looking forward to the resumption of thin work in the session when removed by death Dr Barns was twice married llirl wife was Janet daughter of John first Provost of Paisley Mrs Bums died in 1841 leaving ifirec one of whom was the well- known and rising barrister of whoso early death a year two a peculiarly severe trial to father and another is the well and highly Mr Kings Gold Gi inn i Waterloo it going We have to acknowledge that Mr markt Kiaga recent in Wall The call street if cornet ly described have to put the Vagrant thrown new light upon Mr Kings operation in Chatham as the towit principles and motives It is not overrun with vagrants and lairtlaV morel- Ihl Mr King alleged to gambled in market for other dy a take worth million though hat inaiic to aSR alarming enough Tin mail lbo of charged that bo gambled with loaded dice or what mount to precisely the thing It York to oil It is specialty charged in Now PI that Mr King wanting to death fi ore gold craftily enacted a tnl fa ii i two persons injured Burns of Chicago Burns wife formerly Miss who survives bun and whom he mar ried iu 1844 is a relative of the who have long i occupied distinguished places in the ministry of llio Church in Scot laud All have known Dr Burn- I will Indisposed to say that Verily great man baa gouo from among charged I BsitE villi August he caused gold to ho inkmachine factory of leu of ith the content aiwlfi during an in New engines were York lo lead the frequenters of Wall troyed by lire last night street to that a largo amount Partial Hubert per puuble falsehood for the purpose drawn from one woollen factory reot and it paraded up and together Prince Arthurs VIsiL Arthur of England left Liverpool for In man steamer City of Paris in order to join the infantry regimeni which ho has been appointed alter serving in the and Artillery The Brigade- to which be has been gazetted corps orgauizod at a time when old Brown Bess an yet supreme and still retains distinctive title just as certain older regiment in the British service are still a- Prince Albert wan Colonel of the Brigade up to the time of his death the Prince of Wales now occupies the aamo and though without tho glor traditions embodied in the on flags of tho older regiment of the it is a crack corps and a favorite resort of younger sons of the great familiee of Eng land Prom the apoech delivered by the Prince at the farewell banquet given to him by the garrjitai Woolwich it that a military life baa been highest ambiti from childhood and from the i of the Duke of Cambridge that the Prince could obtain an insight l to all a of army by in ail it branches it looks very much if he Wore dec lined at future date to succeed relative CommanderinChief As long aa the system of dual govern ment for the army is maintained and in the absence of men of the stamp the Duke of Wellington there an manifest advantage to be gained by- placing the patronage at the dtapoeal of the Horse Guards branch in the hands of one of the family a Tonal position exalted any i is sborJf Political The Ottawa Daily gives to report that Dr Topper is now canvassing the County of Cum beriaad Km Scotia with the view mod further that he is be taken into the Dominion Cabinet Whether this rumour will prove tree or not remains to be but these constant and allusions changes intuitively forces the com upon the public mind that the of the Privy Council ia on ere of alteration That Hon M and lion Mr Rose wi shortly beyond question and the above journal also intimates that Hon Mr is to be our Finance Minister With the retire ment of the Hon Commissioner of Public Works the Reform Party Ontario will be absolved from any future obligation to support the Coa lition of it will then have a representative in the Privy CsMHfl and the original compact be Turning to we find the he Dually sinks the soil side of j becomes a candi for the lockup These often keep sober for weeks and some mouths together but let transpire out of the ordinary or menagerie come along or public gathering take place cal culated to produce unusual excite and they yield lo influence of John Barleycorn truly astonishing old friends of former treated in re- after a the done is repeat he doe a certain amouc tall talking and ere long oblivious lu his surroundings The lockup of this village had tenant this description during Sunday who hod to pay for bis folly by the itueve politely requesting him to help the CorjioraUon lor local Sometimes this da persons complain that is taken of thorn when tailing incor porated places because they come from country but this not All are treated alike law must be respected and common Stirring Up The Native The sudden dismissal Itassel Assistant Commissioner of Crown Landsa gentleman who has been upwards of forty years in the service baa created a sensation among the employees in the government departments The Toronto speak of him as being an efficient and faithful servant and has discharged his duty with promptness and fidelity The says be demanded a reason for this summary but received no fifteeu months are to bi paid him More thai likely this case will form the subject of a parliamentary enquiry when Assembly meets The Hamilton in speaking of Mr says tie was the only man in the Gov ernment knew thing about the Crown Lands business It is possible however some irregularity tho department may hare been Jloftand Landing Editorial Summary Eyes Right The Battalion Tois The will start on another Fearful Accident On Tuesday profession and not merely for a few years amusement Hit elder brother the Duke of Edinburgh is already an old salt and with such illustrious examples before them The Array and forever wilt become an sven more popular cry than ever with the of Great Britain Y Timtt The following is a despatch from Earl Granville to the Mpccting the Princes visit loth July 1869 Sit I have received the Queens to acquaint you that Her Majesty ha arranged that His Royal Prince Arthur shall visit tns Dominion of Canada in the course I the oclock having been Im good many hours previously in tnall b if any pun Dr Burns was bom at in February and was oik of four sons who entered the ministry of the Church of Scotland of his sisters married tho celebrated Dr Guthrie of Edinburgh The Doctor his education at the Univer sity of Edinburgh sod obtained a li sense in 1810 Very shortly ho was appointed to what was then called the Kirk of Pais ley and hat lime after came to bo known as St Georges and was there ordained in July 1M During his residence in Paisley besides contributing largely to the Ovation Instructor of which be was for some years editor and other periodicals Dr Burns published about thirty different works of various sizes and of different degrees of interest and ability and also wrote Disaerta- in the year When the question of Pluralities came to be agitated in the Church be entered so keenly the discussion that be wrote a bulky in the course of nee Arthur will pass the win- Canada where do not doubt he will receive a hearty welcome from Her Majestys subject and will most irotably with his regiment Colonel has received full instructions from the Queen as o Her Majestys wishes with rcsjsxl to Iho manner of receiving Hi Royal Highness in the Dominion I have Ac Signed GRANVILLE GovernorGeneral the Right Hon Sir John Young GCB UK Arrival of Prince Arthur Halifax Aug The steamship City of Pi origin of fire is unknown for other side of Atlantic It is assorted in the When night came that gold is that not of tho leged was returned Iodic bank vault 9aal whence for the purpose accomplished it bad been drawn If this story anywise dependent upon the good offices of Bank towards it could count itself safe if it happened to be to the ad vantage of that Bank to smash it up What dodge not involving legal criminal it might not a man resort lo for gain tho corporation entrusted to his man koU as arc charged upon Mi King Clearly this is agravumattci demanding clone iuvostigatiofi Mi King most bo to bo innocent lbo charges against him failing that the Dominion Govern men will bo by every affecting its honour and bring its connection with that Bunk to a close at as early a period as i- possible if that institution is to re main under the guidance of its pros cut apparently most toaoager Didnt Like Them The Toronto does no seem to like either or So we judge from following ex tracts from its columns Sir Francis is going Hamilton Wo are sorry for llamil Some of those who are feeding Sir that tho Beay family artmnipnny Sir must imagine that has had nothing tho last fifteen years so they now to feed him become private and F translator to Sir Why was not J ono of the era tors at Rosain House match the other night when much loyalty was should certainly hare given a stave on the British constitution It is correctly reported that several gentlemen noticed the eclipse as late as Wed lay night last when return ing home from the House din- This is considered the most as nishtng astronomical phenomenon Gentlemen who borrowed swallow- for lift a House mutual ad party are requested to re- in order thai may be at Woodstock The They had a nice bill of fare at the Hincks feed There were Irish stew for Hibernians roast beef for the Englishmen and haggis for Ex 111 report and map There wan Mr Mi Messrs Hughe- the Tbe weekly present the chair- Bride lbe Mayor Cousins Stewart Barker Partridge and Glackmeyur The Building Com fr s sheds had been awards to Mr Jaeob Saunders for tho sum of The and poultry shed are all complete j j horse has been rue ted this week Luke Horn will be ono of the work of till mo need imi sheep sheds finished and the under way three cattle rings in stead of six will be constructed and ia been decided to reduce the of pig pens and to enlarge from to lb the titling up of the Palace is nearly completed Christie has been- awarded the tract for the erection of the Agri cultural Hall at a cost of and work on it has commenced j black smiths shop and cookhouses near Barrack ad manic On bun bis life In the connected with what was called the heresy the Apocrypha Disabilities of the Roman Catholics Voluntaryism and Dr Barns took full share Id 1843 be gave up his position a parish minuter and cast in hoi lot with the Church Along with Principal Cunningham Dr Burns visited America in order to interest the churches on this aide of the Atlantic in the struggles and of the Free Church The to Canada contributed largely to disruption of Use of fans arrive- Worship the Mayor clock yesterday AW T Partridge junr rooming this being the quickest pas- was instructed to mitadetailed statement of finances at xl meeting to include amount to that time and age ever made port Col Pickard At ten oclock the steamer c the wharf when the Ijotuion Adv Lt Ang 21 Commodore jTof by Honor from the Highland large of people Audit Department at has ever been through a bookkeeping or kept a stttf and that all them are ask of the principle of ing a the of America This accounts for thepi sibilfty of New Vow Coagresacommenritaeecrets today with a small attendance says that Savage wilt resin Presidency and bo succeeded younger man James of has obtained rary injunction restraining Fenian funds from any further si lion thereof He claims at tnlnitor of the money recovery of which he sssj The Century Plant which ft Mayor Corporation and member of the press wore so kind ay to show their visitors the the Piess as that city forming greatest curiosity perhaps ever America Tho lower branches tiri ami those above but ire the top buds have those below have gone is aid to be really grand naturally attracts great persons Tho plant itaelf is Toronto Markets TfStHita Thursday An ISI IDS lb Newmarket Markets Aug S3 OS if aw SIMPLE SAFE I W iUc Ha Put Mm iulbJlSlCawl I ICE O Oil A ADMISSION HAM MECHANICS HAIL lea rot Mt I J SMM 0- J i iBTiMi a 1 BAT Hon of York ud J lrod thiornorrrriwnd crowd hurt he left complied by Young Sr odl of ton- I 5rl id MM otf t the to Watch ttendl J only dugter Im J 15 oclock p Bo- Mobile Lost I ric IS- The it to bo A mowing tb nuriied thiljMr leg littlajrirl who i mad eugred in P I other day it