AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER GIVE LIBERTY To KNOW TO UTTER AND TO AOOORDrNO CONSCIENCE ADOVB ALL OTHER NEWMARKET ONT FRIDAY AUGUST 6 1869 TERMS IN ADVANCE THE NEWMARKET ERA Book Job Establishment THE LATEST STYLES PLAIN FANCY TYPE ORDERS high degree of excellence in Canada but the readiness of people to knowledge and encourage enter prise of newspaper conductor should annual meeting of will be to good addition to foster a kindly feeling id personal on the of mei politically ranged wo can by mutual of the profession a be it is for the mo to say 11 permit me throwing reflections of a the opinion o be accomplished by ore with freedom matter for tho men naturally Lion whether It individuals newspaper pro prietor must in respect to rates of price for advertise ment wagon paid to compositors and and the like be loft to fo meddling in such matter is duo in no small rapid growth of our association and the among of that etprU which makes itaolf felt porter to make good sjieechM for bad speakers his duty being to dress op defect i grace other walks in that which flying in fa- fir have the tkm to occupy In like manner I hold that to extent possible within the limited time at our dis posal we should strive to present everything appearing in our column in the host possible aspect rounding the periods oven to letter of cor respondent to say nothing of cutting down to most of such effusion hare to be sub jected and improving the anno of advertisers for whose pro- it permit ductions answerable How ask that tho Time readable to an educated rely meets with a slipshod in any part of it It annual meetings i merely but in imumerablo engaged puuit a f tho ro wo feel in being able y i of those ii Canadian to bo presumed that the multifarious productions of the various wri who supply matter which filli broad pages come always to Printing House Square in the exact and often elegant language that wo up in our school books as for the youth to imitate Most of them are no doubt cut and carved and perfected to tho proper standard of scholarly excellence by the editors themselves I often think that we Provincial journalists might with ad vantage take a loaf out of the great book- Wo may depend uit in mere are thoso in com munity who are capable of marking difference between carefully and carelessly prepared newspapers and a word of commendation from them goes a long way in favor of the even with less of discriminating neighbors At ho thus I in the able New York editor jibe of an old book- worm at tho disjointed thinking of the newspapers when he says that the thinking of newspaper is much like the thinking of world in general which seldom determine and of the qui put forth their tender leaves of remarks of which tomorrow blossoms and hear their blushing honors thick upon them we owe ft to the Cana dian Prose Association Among other similar societies the United State to committees for en deration and report I it can afford noticed the following editorial tfIT the newspaper office as the great fo cal centre from whence they are again distributed abroad by the aid of the power press and railway has hail wonderful effect in stimulating and journalistic enterprise those powerf remained idli over- widening circle of intelligent readers jealous for the freedom of res proud of its achievement and patient to glean from broad pagoa the records of the stirring events as they transpire from day to day the world over Where there is a reading and appreciative comma w ni certainly be found a enterprising proas and of these presupposes the istenoe them of an enlighten ed public opinion May in his ad mirable chapter on liberty of of this public opinion as dicoco of the peopl their own acts to worm The sphere of the proas he goes on to remark has largely extended Not writer only hut the first minds of the age men ablest in council and debate are daily contributing to the instruction of their country men The influence of tho press on the politics of the country is acknow ledged by the ablest statesmen is it less powerful in its effects morals and manners is in reality the popular educator the great of the people to whom the newspaper ha become an indispensable requisite not giving themselves leisure to road a volume and but rarely a magazine A discerning Frenchman has aptly said that the world now need a new book every day hence the news paper By and by it will become a matter of comparative indifference who govern the people if able tem perate sod their public journals It fa I think titling that In pint of vainglorious boasting but with earnestness of mind as men feeling the weight of the responsibi lity resting upon them ws at time recall considerations such these with the endeavor to make oar solves worthy of our vocation Jour nalistic effort has already attained a ethics on awarding of the boat madeup paper and tho best managed local journal on J a wholesome presses and printing materials on jShrflC influence upon Society plans for print- offices on collect- m sinews and the arrangement miitokeA ewiiper I afford flt b tlem leisure to discus topes it would operate bone- m admiti of the fession and increase j and it seems to ftS to injustice by within our control By the inter- ron0OQS mo rn hangs and weekly toWEnJ than to suffer wrong itrol without a protest each others merits and demerits who would lute perfection to which the kinds printing machinery have been brought by the latter as an in centive to the printer to make in reality of the art all art i as in fact leaving carotesti and slovenly workmanship without justification But I must apologise for having travelled so fat out of the track usually followed on these occasions My excuse Is found- belief that it was possible a more practical turn to our proceeding and that if subject did not afford scope for tho of the same lofty thought and ideas as would a First of July dissertation on psesent and prospective great ness of our New a few hints to newspaper men on papers even if expressed in poorer language would not bo the less I have spoken of our country It is the of all good and trtio that the diadem of tin shall glitter with many a This year two more member fa been added to the constellation effect of tho acquisition of the nor is to little light which the The the individual you was in part int mental in kindling in the heart that distant country ten years ago still burns faaj last performed in great part it m assisted by the pre in forcing llto claims tho territory it neglected of Canadian and it duty will bo in nclion with tbo other journals which w influx of population will be th established to aid in of country and hasten the great destiny lies before bo sharers in larger promised to the We I ttlement of that r part in promoting tin groping gradually 1 l the form of the writers naity the press would imitated there an error to be avoided The careful and observing journalist is always comparing notes contrast ing the results of the labor of others in the craft the fruits of his handiwork and learning something from the process to benelt both him self and the public But it i only by personal intercourse by conferring together that many of the practical dotail van be communicated illustrat ive of the manner in which the lyprinted pithily- written and fully edited journal well tilled with readable report of local that has so often glad dencd the eyes of the fraternity has been brought to it present stage of development And this direct and pleaaant style of intertouree is a produce work that will with the critic For although it is our prerogative to publicly praise where we can do so with a clear con science we are not so deficient how trying the provocation a to publicly condemn An amusing criticism entitled A Review of Poor Printing occur In the number of an everwelcome New York serial published in the In- blonder so often met with and which we are free to confess are to some ex tent excusable in pubUoatioDs produc ed with M much haste a newspapers It is however unquestionably more annoying to meet with stupid srrors in orthography than even in typography trying is the latter to the temper of the exact and careful printer And if my brethren of the permit me to expose little foible I woold have an abiding place in every well regulated printing office get more than I even one In being mo fre- quontly charged I look upon a newspaper a good farmer looks upon his farm every ooght not to permit dead stagnant matter in the paper The soil requires to be often stirred in order to produce good crops and so needs your columns sod mine to be frequently filled fresh matter to merit command the attention of the beat and most io- telligeat class Of readers It is as know the province of tbo re- all It may be various loose and even coo trad torr but at any rate it is not timid and dishonorable acquiescence Aa a popular educator imparting useful lesson to inform and purify heart while perform the events of the day the wellcon ducted journal is a welcome visitor every family circle with thin doublesided of character it pre- sent to men of lare and pub lic spirit another feature which In their eyes la of equal importanoo te the others and equally with them entitle it to tho fullest recognition support I allude to it effect in giving a character abroad to the lo cality in which it is published The newspaper is a sort of epitome of the place from whence it emanates It is an index so to apeak to the people Stranger have but rarely any other rinaj of the character of a If they see a lire healthy vigorous newspaper they conclude that the immunity it nails from are those hose acquaintance it is desirable to cultivate if on the contrary the organ of public opinion i poverty spond Taken in a wide and tended sense the rule here laid down that by the fruit of a people in the appearance presented by their news papers the people themselves are to be judged is singularly correct But there are occasional exceptions There may be rare instances I believe them to be Tory rare indeed where the journalist is not ksmself worthy of the liberal support which In other circumstances those among whom be labor would be willing to extend to the honor of the profession however parsimony of men with contracted to be able to value the benefit he bestow on the communi ty and whose constant thought ap pears to be both in the municipal council in their own office and other place of valuable assists not rendered the typographer by the type founder end pr builder to the new and exqui site design so frequently by the former almost hampered by tow obstacli and general support beyond those of making The press can cause agency to felt through- I length sod breadth of land It has no stamp or advertisement duties to curtail its circulation licencors to step arbitrary power rob it of its influence by depriving It of the right to express free and honest sentiment The reimposition of petty and vexatious charges newspaper passing through post- office is a notable exception to general legislation of the but is hoped that been ful during the past year in getting justice dono in the matter of postage rates on nawapsper correspondence we will succeed before long in effect ing the removal of the tax on newspaper themselves There exists in Canada utmost tolerance of full and fair discussion and the judges give the law a liberal and wrie construction in actions brought against press It is hap- in all probability alike by their duct and duty we owe to sot with the consciousness of deserving all they received have shrunk from a fair trial before a jury and the cowardly means of waylaying an 1 attacking in order to gratify of revenge Our own or any correspondent or newspaper aught with hie ear at a key bole cannot plead the freedom of the to save him from a kicking the right to discuss questions of public interest la to be determined by the rules and j suttee f the ring candid outspoken II hardly dare venture abroad by their scientific The notion of wrongdoer arraigned by press before the tribunal of public opinion to the irary it seldom that journals liberty Much it is the case that ring to lire in pear with neighbors journalist are disposed to extenuate rather than condemn and frequently where they feel it bent on them to bring an offender to the bar they end by making the quarrel own This resolving of matter of importance ultimately Into issues between i an difficult to be but it i ono against which we ought to be OH itantly on our guard It ia the chief blemish I bad in- view when I sail that Canadian Pre had few to contend with those of their own making already ioned we are placed by May in tho position of advocate arraigning 1 and their critics before tho tribunal of pablio opinion Advocates belonging to the profession of the law which they are retained 1 order to help their clients and by should we do so Depend it the more we avoid squabble among ourselves Us greater shall be respected and stronger will bo our influence A future is opening up to the Iry wherein the newspaper press will play a part whose importance can bo exaggerated In the goage of the foremost pulpit orator of United States Henry Ward at the funeral of Henry J Raymond tho conductor journal aland in the that is now known to modern society The lawyer has bis of forum and the prosentetivo the close walls of the legislature The minister ha hi parish ami the walls of his church speak beyond But pulpit which hat in this day no limit it is that of the literally the voice of one that speaks that cries in the wilder nil creeds and for all populace throughout tbo entire terri tories to Pacific Ocean the papers speak and there not in modern a which can com pare with this Lot the trumpot- voice that goo daily forth from that pulpit over all the land proclaim the eternal principles of justice and truth pesos and universal brotherhood among men and then will bo realized the noble conception of Milton who with hi luminous mind piercing gloom which en veloped the press in the age he lived poke of those who were t essaying to slay her than a life Discovert or A Corns sun Yesterday forenoon the workmen employed in excavating for the foundation for anew warehouse for Rico Lewi A Son on Toronto itreet came upon a coffin containing the skeleton About three head bone after digging nearly three feet deeper one of too men who was using a pick upon a wooden box which proved to be a coffin The lid was torn off and to thp horror of the work men a human skeleton was found In it It was evident that the man had buried in hi clothes and had even fan- boots or shoe on as two sole of leitbor pointed at the toe like a moo were found at the foot of coffin The workmen knocked tfae bones about without much ceremony J collected and canvassed instance The pre- Adamite theory was fainted at but bones present enough confirm tho truth theory a subsequently ascertained that about year ago the old jailyard xtnded St far north as the spot hero the bones were found and that man named Baxter had been hanged for the murder of another man The former it seems peeled Askin of being too intimate with his Dexter wife and him climbing fence- ng whereupon he seised an axe and killed him on the spot Dexter was tried convicted and banged for the order and buried In the jailyard Tho principal bones and skull were carried off by some curiously disposed medical men who wished be able to say that they had of a human skeleton SO year old Leader A About the last act that Sir John A Mac Donald did before the prorogation of Parliament waa tho spppointmont of Mr J editor at the Toronto Freeman Emigrant Agent to Ireland at a salary of 2M a year On the Hibernian Society of hearing of this appointment they immediately sent circulars to every quarter where it was likely Mr direct his labours princi pally in the south west of Ireland minute account of the bo had taken concerning the and other trials in Canada These introduction John A to allow him to hut In London west end of his own Isle and to be allowed to visit Ireland from there by proxy It can easily be imagined that the number of emigrant which the valiant can induce to come to Canada will be very fowl We would suggest to the Minuter of tion to the assistance of this martyr who should accompany him his peregrinations through Ireland lis search for that hardy band of who he was sure to induce to Canada Verily royalty wholesale store of Messrs John Boyd A Co on Front street broke open cashbox which was found to contain nothing to pay him for hi trouble and ransacked about the premises good deal bat without doing any material damage to anything- a warning to others to keep a look out for similar visit Toronto