Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 2 Jul 1869, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA JULY 2 1869 Now Advertisements I J MM Ijf FRIDAY JULY 2nd Our Toronto Despatch I MM Am wait a Count It arm illttVulo Couritll A special meeting of Newmarket Council was held last UK- call Reeve to ac tion of County Council Present Reeve Mr and Messrs aid veil and stated ob ject of the meeting and in doing called attention to the fact that County Council bad refused to equal ize thu assessment of villages as in hia opinion statute provides lie further observed that shortly County Council was con vened be submitted a resolution re ferring rejwrt if the Equalizing adopted at January with provisions of the Assessment Act which was carri ed committee adversely to making any change and Council sustained Committee question now would iliey submit to tho action of County Council the as- of this village been equalis ed as bo conceived statutes pro vide it would make difference of upwards of in amount of County rate to be paid by mar ket lie would briefly bis rea sons again the action of County Council submitted by him to that body when matter was under dis cussion Subsection two of section enacts that in equalizing It lls of towns and villages County Council shall take interest of tbo returned on the rolls at six per centum and capitalize the name at ten per centum and such capitalization shall be tho valuation for such towns and villages for tho purposes mentioned in section plain and distinct and he rcxpoclfully suggested word being in the number must bo taken to include and embrace all purpose men tioned in preceding section If this jKMitiou bo sound and that such capitalization can no other purpose supplemented thereon under operation of does it not furnish the key of the section and its sub section so far as their ply to towns and villages He con ceived that a careful examination into and determination or d woo very of alt purposes of section old determine the of a of its sabsection lie fur submitted that the subsection alluded to provides that such capital isation shall be the aggregate valu- i for alt the purposes of the pre- capitalization Axes aggre gate valuation for towns and villages When County Councils have or decreased aggregate valu by Assessors such in creased or valuations Uio established aggregate valu ations for County rates Capitalis ation fixes Uio aggregate valuiition for the same in all towns and village municipalities and such by capitali Tail was his construction of the 1 and ho backed I opinion where they fool aggrieved at ac tion of County Council Bat be lore laying before thorn the legal opinion he bad at his own cost and charges obtained he would give them a of the case s submit ted 1st Standing Committee Equalisation in County sphsecttop of section of tbo Assessment Act of which re port was adopted at the January Sua sion Im I At June Session n motion was regularly made and pass ed instructing the Standing loo to amend its rvort make the tamo conform to accordance with obligations of of ft This to Council thorefi were these In event of tbo said Committee disregarding such instruc tion or of regarding it and the disregarding the amended report and failing to its lor County rates in villages for the in conformity to the provisions of unit mi section of said Assessment Act will an appeal from tb aggrieved to Judge And if so when mus appeal brought And when will tho fen days within which it inu- brought commence to run Or claim Welt founded It is further claimed that after the assessment villages for County rates has made in accordance with tho first subsection of section and so made machinery thereof that then may bo raised by tho County as it may raise the Assc- of Townships is this claim well On these various points the following legal opinion was ob tained from McK Esq the Reeve submitcd it for ceding soction yet if such aggro- tats wis or as gate valuation shall be iiwressed or decreased by action of the Goon- ft will H fcr at It will Uien cess to be the aggregate valuation created by the sabsection for all the purpose of the preceding section notwithstand ing subsection two declares such capitalization be aggregate valuation for towns and villages for sdl purposes mentioned in Use aoction If County Councils increase or decrease Uio aggre gate valuation so made by capitaliza tion then first sobsection of Is thereby rendered nonen tity and of no practical effect Councils fix Uie aggregate valuations fat levying of rales in Town It will observed the rules are rapidly increasing in village municipalities and ho submitted thi matter for their consideration principle involved not only alTectod village to tho sum of for this year but fir years to come Moved by Mr Mr Caldwell that the bo instructed to such proceed ings ho may ihink sdvisablo in mutter of from action of County Council in regard Assessment Act and Uiat he is hereby authorised to seal of this Corporation for Uio pur- The Council then adjourned Township of King Agricultural Excursion Colonial By the Atlantic Cable North P Society The Donation A large and swublid In on Dominion Monthly A sort WW V m will with Oral July WHS BMW Mtsm Mpr of part of M sU ISM aaHy of Us Tartu pan and on his arrival at concealed in Uiis city and named years of ago of a British resides charg ed with carrying correspondence for insurgents Heavy skirmishes hove taken place in district It is ro- that and been killed in conflicts It is known that largo sums of money are forwarded to the United Stale- for purpose of war material and to aid Cuban Juntas in fitting out Juno arrived tint morning lie was quietly received lie issued a proclamation Hi which ho says Uie of his of conduct is em- raced in three words Spain Justice and Morality Tho insurgents strong attacked an coo- garrison of Puerto on insL and captured Uio entire force somo men A number of fillibosters who landed from Uie schooner GrapeShot and subsequently fell into hands of Uio troops had been executed there Among thorn woroCbarlosSjteukmnn if Aurora Albert for merly operator In York and others Marshal Barlow emphatically do les that any expedition has left this ity at any time for fjie invasion of Cuba except Uio steamer Peril Havana Juno late acting Capttoncml gave a din ner yesterday in honour of General latter made a declaring that he to Uio Island counting on aid of volun teers in suppression of rebellion Complete harmony exist between Uio now Captain General and Uie volun teers Spanish Admiral has re turned from a cruise Gen is auivoly pursuing bonds of insur gents in Villaa Jmtrict and has frequent encounters with them The says he places Uio volun teer cavalry composed of native Cu bans in Uie front rank as defenders of Uie integrity of island It is supposed that ihuinsurgentsexeeatod the company of Spanish soldiers at Tho char red corpse of a Spaniard was found in ruins of of houses almost Godforsaken place They arched to a sjwt a little out of city where drinking- tents candy and fruitstands and various kinds of amusement wore provided for misguided men and Uio thoughtless mob who followed Uiom All day long they ate Uioy cursed they si at last and fought and then returned in Uio evening just as people wore going to church to Uioir disturbance What a contrast to conduct of your firemen in London and how your men mot to listen to an address from Mr in City Hall I There no loss than drinking saloons and 160 groceries and other places whore strong drink is retailed of Uio saloons are open all day on Sunday together with lager beer gardens ana bowling alleys where bands of music are provided tempting and drawing away tho young men to ruin Many of the stores kept are open of Christian Sabbath I verily that words out of five ut tered by a vory largo part of men are oaths Nor do 1 see much chance of any change for bettor unless Church of Christ bore awakes from of death and bestirs herself Tho church Accommodation hero is very limited but quite as are at present a all the churches tho thinnest con gregations anywhere In the evening it seems almost impos sible to get of a congrega tion together are most inveterate min ister of Uio Presbyterian church whore I attend chows tobacco Uio time ho is preaching I would just say that everything is very dull hero Employment is very bard to got living high Iargo numbers have come hero to seek work and been compelled to leave and seek it elsewhere I mot have told mo had travelled hun dreds of miles looking for employ ment and could obtain Nearly every part of these Western States is in same condition Thousands deceived by tho highlycoloured ac counts published in papers have come out hero socking for tune unUl tho State has a far larger population than she has any for money market boing tight ono will employ labor beyond what aro compelled to Tell your young men to stay at homo and con tout themselves with less and to themselves free dom from temptations which await them at every turn in all these West ern ciUes and which ruin thousands There is class thai may do well here viz farmers with health strength and capacity provided they arc not afraid of Uio rodskins and can keep grass- hoppers from eating up their crops There are countless millions of the latter in some districts that eaten up all them Two ago wo hail ono of heaviest rains I oversaw millions of grasshoppers Thoy lay in heaps sending up such a stench that I thought at first there were dead mules or horses near I convinced myself it was grasshoppers washed together in hoajw a mass All is not that glitters out hero Neither is this country that it is cried up to he You mast not believe one half you may read in ihc papers send Savage wellknown here now of Loo- don is from a genUeman at once observant and reliable It will bo of interest to readers of Uio Tbe extract first appeared in Loo- don I fear sometimes I have boon too roach like Lot seeking Uie goodly watered plains and thrust my self Uio midst of wickedness greater than that of Sodom Leaven worth is a wicked city I some times wonder God not visit it as be did cities of plain or send tome other judgment down upon its inhabitants for their vilo blasphemy and A few weeks flnsnen bold their yearly pic- oo Um Lords day About a m companies met in front of the writer describing musical festival at Boston refers to a side show exhibition near the tho crowds that hustled to catch glimpse of President Grant over tho bonds of those tall people who al ways get in front row had known the most remarkable human being born to live was displaying herself a few stops dis tant perhaps they would have taken where it was due This most remarkable human being is Miss Christine Millie a young lady of African colour and lineament We say for brevity for are two of her in most respects two beads necks busts two pairs of arras shoulders and log- and out one waist As exhibitor says in brief ad- dross which ho delivers thrice hourly you may call or they bat he has always called wonderful girl and thinks he shall always do so Miss Millie is of pore negro blood her skin black her lips full and protruding her nose broad and forehead Tow there is an intelligent cast to her countenance which would have led to classifi- block Indeed it is said in Uio palmy days of childhood and slavery was her price but this was her valuation as a speci men of deformity rather than in trinsic worth Sire is short of logs being somewhat shorter than other thougb difference is hardly noticeable tier arms are long as also her hands fingers possessing slender formation and those little movement which seem to indicate an aptitude for manipulating currency Iter hair is glossy and though comparatively straight whore it escapes from gorgeous coronets of black velvet and jewels which en circle her heads falls about her shoulders in close ringlets Which earing a ploasant expression settles when at rest into a look of morose or sullen discontent The happy face sells photographs the other dispense biographies Both sou ofnimblo fingers money and long arms make change for each the common waist giving Christines five dimes for a scrip quarter and Chris tines half returning fire without grumbling minute Chris tine Millies two are joined to gether at lower part of spine back to back ono set of organs sup plying Uie lower part of body upon wbicb two perfect chest organ izations rosL They chat lively enough with two different persons at one time they think of different matters and only in stoop ing sitting down or walking when proceeds backwards or doos their uncomfortable unity up pear Thoy sing a the lively bead taking soprano and other a lolorable alio and thoy ling very nicely to tboeo who a posed to criticise They mill the rich negro voice and with it Uio deficiencies Uio same As lecturer furred to remarks there is no bug about this girl She has cortai ly got a doublo supply of organs which go to make up colored girl of period and is certainly joined together in a in substantial manner near whore Grecian bond begins better favored females This girl is about 17 years old though as there two of her sho might bo called without violating figures and is a curiosity which seen it is rare American taring establishments and places of business was about three fourths de stroyed by fire yesterday Loss Padre and Las Tunas The Spaniards strong under wore defeated lost their convoy and re treat si to Tanas Sax Francisco Cal Juno In formation from principal grain yield per acre In Oregon crops aro greatly in excess of any previous year except in Walla re gion A despatch from Portland Oregon reports Indians in Alsou re servation aro arming and leaving be cause of their dissatisfaction at tho change from civil to military sing along by a Locomotive of Harlem train breaking tho rear platform of car and severely injuring Peter Wagner a German and killing an un known boy about 10 years of ago St Loris Juno country west of J unction City Kansas is in undated and in many places houses stock crops Ac been washed away It is reported persons been drowned Chapius Crook and town of Abilone wore flooded and two persons drowned Washington Juno The public dobt statement for June will probably show a reduction in total amount of of about Royal Canadian Bank Bill The following is a summary of the provisions of Bill recently intro- into Parliament giving power to tho It llask to amalgamate with other or to go into liqui- The preamble son forth that the Bank is at present to moot in upon demand the amount of its bank notes in circulation claims of depositors and other debts possessed of asset more that suffici ent to pay all Its liabilities in full if such assets are properly realized and applied whereupon It is enacted suspension may continue ninety days fnm and after tho passing of tho Act that tho directors may amalgamate tbo bank with any other banking in stitution subject to approval of agreement by a majority of shareholders specially called together for that purpose amalgamat ed bank may thereupon increase its stock to an amount not exceed ing the stock of Royal Canadian Bank and stock of such amalga mated bank and that tho amalgamat ed corporation shall forthwith property and be liable for debts of both institutions But in event of resumption and amalgama tion being found impracticable shareholders within ninety days may determine on liquidation resting for that purpose property and effects in bands of trustee Iwo to bo appointed by tho shareholders and ono representing tbe interest of the creditors to bo named by Uie Court of Chancery except liabilities at timo of determining Or winding up shall been reduced to within the sum of in which case the shareholders shall appoint third trustee also There several sec tions and subsections relating to mode of realising and paying of obli gations by tho trustees and it is de clared nothing in Act shall affect present liability of share holders to creditors of bank A Incidknt Im mediately after vote was taken on the item in Supply Hill to in crease salary of the now Warden of the Penitentiary which resulted adversely to Sir John A pot scheme to reward his supporter Mr and speaking Minister of Justice in a passion and moved House do now adjourn Tho Speak er ruled the motion out of order member for Laval having floor Tho irate Minister shook his fist at Mr and said You pay for this the menaced member roared out in belligerent tones Mr Speaker Minister of Justice moans mo I will not stand it I have supported honorable gen tleman through thick and thin have supported bis measures agatnts my I will not do so any more I will not be menaced by I will vote and speak as I like When Mr sat down Sir John again with Sir George Carticr laid bis hand upon arm of his titular chief and desired hint to sit down Sir John flung bis colleagues arm off with pas sionate violence ant immediately moved a third time that the House do now adjourn whick carried But when Knight and Baronet af terwards met in Speakers room took place Sir Job and Whenever you wu course I shall Is perfectly may do it suits your pared for such a step and satisfied Tho estimated produced from a Scotia aT Hon seven hundred thousand A- A petition for Father McMabon tho rents confined in Kingston is being signed The Roman Catholic of ore erecting brick pastoral clergyman IS Tho wires of Mootiajl vgraph Company been toColdwater via Ori Ilia Thai is now open and ready for Boston papers say tss from sale of tickets Peace Jubilee were about which will nearly cover A royal proclamation cos that copper money of Britain coined of bronze coinage current on of December new Cathoii is to have the largest of bells in country bell will weigh three tons aggregate weight will be twelve The corner stone Memorial with appropriate religii Cornwall on Thursday by the Bishop of Ontario June raising farm of son a young mac Jos McConacbio was killed tonioon by falling of which had not been A ambition wad to bo to consolidate into one mh company Hudson River CssS Lake Shore and Michigan Roods The- combined capital waft Juno 25 Walker wellknown to the Tarsal and pissing Railway killed last night falling man I led at a loaded wagon and tho by all a of the Abyssinian so greatly exceeded At time of war Gorss estimated its expenses to dor but it is now fls9 that were nearly doublo Tbo of Tennessee eulogizing a friend had mo loan untimely Ho sank to death in the soils juy of his own blood wo shall rial him no more till the chaotic iabriel wakes to living consciouaasfa dome and we shall M ourselves as others see us in flfl bourne whence uo traveller In 1851 India and imported British goods to something over fourth trade i lMii their tm United sumption of amounted to ling imports in fifteen raw material import Groat Britain from while in lVM reached This owiM money value of colonies to Ha land Hon Malcolm telegraphs Globe about his being opposed tt Grits as ho was a Reformer I not a revolutionist to quote the vigorous tbe telegram a found We are glad to hear it volutin istn in Canada just knows Coatitionisti organs London Masonic Tho union of all bodies in Nova Scotia on Wednesday night under me of Grand Lodge of Scotia Hon Alex Keith F of Legislative Council wase Grand Mator A A Stevenson Master of Canada presided where religion I cos were held Ltscs A singular of nature was exhibited this in the market being a goodsissd OBJ the ground color of which was die but bearing on its an representation of wilt skill of a dappled grey So striking wss resemblance I It was diflleult to believe I skin had not boon sewed on tb of original or the I was not thu work of the brush of I clover artist Catharine On II and Messrs Christie Sheep and Wilson and Shipley Ira tnents and Poultry Messrs Walton and White Judges and J legates Messrs Mallory Rykertfl Christie Arts and Auckland tioultural and Agricultural July to October I860 I tariff daily average I of mevtagos was ceinl From No- to 1st tariff the daily August under the J the average of messages was receipt from I 1st 1H68 to May 18C9 tariff messages I aged 218 the cash rOOJ to So thai with the rates public increase of rate of i lias not been less titan a rate of

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