Newmarket Era Morning JACKSON S3 AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER BITS MS TI7K TO KNOW TO 1TTFR AND TO FREELY TO CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTnER LIBERTY VOL NO- 12 NEWMARKET FRIDAY APRIL 1809- TERMS J 130 IN ADVANCE Irs Book and Job I LATEST STYLES j FOSTERS HOOKS CIRCULARS BIT stage tes LEASES Aiirrst At no CO JK tin Or Beetle H Noble Notice B F PEARiON M rfronAcuol HUB f Bo True MRS A ALLEN RITORER DR f David L Rogers lit ft Sri Snuray of Kirk bmMiltwnih NT ii r I T C ADAMS Color mill Hair Hi laitirlint The mo Idle Willi thorn ordinary modi They are desperadoes or resisted if make an arrest It in well known lliat the dcicclivi go armed and have no delicacy in the weapon They selected for bravery no than for their intelli gence and Integrity The detective with Iho button in his pocket visited more frequently 1 1n- haunt thuii bo was mi uatomed to The burglar knew something was mutter but at tho detective nothing ami no one the rogues were not disturbed One the detective Mood at door of ci of I S SCOTT M JACKSON J York 131 in I in st if it Severs LIQUOR 1 I bb a iar- MM the 1 wax taken furnish- by the partita A at the removal the gentle- BO unpleasant entering bin ruttm- A in In- hair who ItiiiiiJed heavy nil I bad liar buttons on tbo one i hit jmckct id hi man lie to hit sat down d Matbod intent on the not intent that the parte ha ballon faai 11 Murray Jackcs lan hotel hi and lr on tbo and itivilcl Hero acorn of wait ing lo and he aw that wai tho man could not bo held an hour with no proof hut a button the werk to get tin- tan of bow Hit done and hit tho caw exact I that tho burglar believed mhoo of ton fed era I bad made a He led spot where ihe ere concealed The parly wai tried and sent lo IbeStatfl IViii a term of year button did more than that The arret of tint put the detective- on the be did jliey up tho mattorfor with irge oft den of the robben The little folium- wai very rooelilv keep any of them in jnon anion bnndle1 in continence Ihty dnv I be whom wai the firaout and requtitionod He lb- iitiiy titled I hut ah with the He iiriiitutv I did iit it M on board and linWK alrvvl itt bli father alone had him and rVl of neigh oft hien him food which ho knew where ho inaleriili of At tho male wearied by the icniprwl in aamo ol No were taken out of ill York when they wet utile 1 They wore removed from Iho of vice and and brought under gonial influ- f religion They were the black pathway that trend to the narrow way of genre and purity Tho young men were lru in the dark chamber- of lower New York where the depraved by They life a training that would ban them loBweMtherrowdodrnnki of the under which they pcrLapt have ended their in or on the gallowi Hut a kind brought them wilhirt the reach of thcao and they were saved totbem- aavol tothoir Saviour for all of arc devout member- of the church of in tbo work of iho city A A Scene at Ssa ib the i quest ionod a to object of being aUiwctl away and who on the bad a face and that like very mirror- of truth replied that bin father did because be could not afford to keep him to pay paiaago out to Halifax lio had an who well oil an 1 bo going The mate did MM lieve tho atory in the winning faco and truthful of boy- He won too much of Mow away to be deceived by them I it hi- that the boy had been brought on nnd A Money to Loin Drllll A StjrHERLAND children arc and a little Their are I ho one day collar dragging him to inch vermin ol iltcd to the bo truth in ten minulci from that he did what be aelioiN Their arc in bo would hang him linll have done went in the hn and Mews of the where yard- p House Bold ll I a a l ha Stokei hU OF GVESTS l JOHN Til CON c JAMES 1CFNSKII County of York I Money to Lend ff SSSm taaMaUttMranaaitatataamitf I wdI J A Commotio GRAHAM Convpynncer lUilli Teitamonta mar and ruling and the value ho put name- waidrggeleoi he lor large They monoyj Im vtu threatened with and xMire nil to almoot befcgaix Im did what bo noUfa I I lavdrie lint wcntiothe ihe den- and atcwi of the where yardarm Ho then made hi headquarter made a clean the thieve vagabonds gambler and under it on the deck Allan of it The chief of the tie tec- murderer dwell With the early bim the and the took thecaie into bin own it of morning they are driven from the midlay watch and in front In a demand for money being their home to pick nun and of him tbo the chief a collect ateal in ill band and tin friend lo ace if a lenient till the gallon of low theatre- officers of Hi aide could not he made that victim are with every form It the finest a by a certain num might he of wickedness and crime As tljcy that tree from further annoyance The grow up they the rank of the K0 proud chief worked up husband He langcnin Our thieves noble boy up too conveniently not to las burglars robber rioters who are the eye bright with a rogue He tracked to moil notorious are young of hat aummsl them When 8 mi when- be bad a wife children foreign ten had fled mate told him bo bad but living The marriage seventeen year of ago Tho degradr minutes to live and bin The blackmailers were women who tramp in to the truth and nave life met at appointed hour The viler part of the city wl fill but ho replied with the aim demanded agreed upon and the the row danco ami wait nod asking chief ready to pay the money a tend in mate if he might pray face of file boy head erect the J COLLINS SHAROV EVERY I TtUy Each 7 I o pr I HENRY SANDERSON VETERINARY SURGEON SASH BLIND And Door Factory IS now toll D A Call from Builder Solicited S FOE SALE iir 1 M j A J A c oar International SOCIETY CAPlTALHala PEARSON DENTIST ROADHOUSE i12 Cibiicl 2- A GASOMETER A n I bit But la fcaarlaadUI COtfinS Made J Oxyde Gas m J fth will aid at I It Perfectly Safe l m w 7lWrfU Ilea I WALLACE BARBER Oatnt L paper and detective and eighteen can be found in the with trembling like a roc I with the to the money which he held in Water street To wind And there all eye turned on hand and threaten- HUM and doom those him bravo and noble little fellow to have no effect on the forty thuand children are Mi poor waif whom nociety I roaoluto friend The handle of a All around this children can not and own atep father could pistol conveniently peeping out of who up dally from not rare for tbero he knelt with and the cool brothels and of infamy which hands and eyes upturned to manner of the negotiator indicated they call their where women heaven white bo repeated audibly the that he knew bow lo mo it and black white Prayer and prayed the dear attempt together and where childhood is to take him to heaven trained op by daily and Our informant add that there then ly fare to cruelty and oecnirod with the money which be hold in li rogue knew at once waa a detective principle one claimed the woman an wife and aaid he had a lawful right tu nettle caae an he pleased if that woman is your wife the detective then Ill try you for bigamy that of I To rescue them thi Mission Homo broke from hard heart as They are made clean be mate aprung frwanl to buy and learn awl incawcotnongaalamt Saviour kiaI him and bleated him and told and the better land Nearly twenty how aincerely he now believed blistering and to be an old offender Graver crime honor Not a few are fiwtcb rone up againat lie waa tried ebanic Home of these Sing Sing The victim the world regards them since Mission was found- his atory and glad he wai that been rescued from hot- ho had been brave enough to face of wickedneae ami place1 in death and be willing to aaeriuo his good homes here and at Went for the truth of his word Many through the kind id many tbreala he waa friends sent to seminaries en J Tomb He waa foandj from which they hare graduated with I 01 relieved further extortion by money gone could not be regained A large in New York robbed of anil velvet valued many thousand dollars The burglars- hired an old building adjoining tho store cut a hole through the wall entered the atore and carried away the good The job a of tho robber their heada feared they left The nd mere wined One of the detec tives had the ease pot into bra hand nod the premise carefully The hole in wall waa a amall one and the burglar squeezed himself with difficulty In a little button found of a very A little bored to it indicating that It had been nibbed off aa the robber through The detective put the pocket lie had a clae very alight bnt still it a clue There are certain resorts In this city for and rogoea Here can be found off dnty and place of trust Little girls picked upfront the streets found in the gutter taken from don of in- 1 famy brought to the by drunken women many of whom never knew father or mother re now adopted daughter of weal thy the wives of fintclass me chanics of lawyera and princely mer chants They owe their deliverance disgrace ami shame to the out stretched arm of these Mission On Thanksgiving Day four young an and their wives met together for social dinner One of them was cashier of a leading New York bank one of them was bookkeeper of a tilo bouse fourth was lawyer The wives of all were in accomplished moved in good society Th dinner wan given at the house of ono of the party It was a genteel residence handsome ly furnished The band of taste and liberality adorned the dwelling and presided the table Those four to the Sir John A Macdonald atnted hat were in r- latins to the Criminal which were before Parliament last with alteration which bad been v mcmUr of the Judicial bodies in Province ing the recess Sir John A alto intro duced a Bill respecting Insolvency year with a lit altai which shown to la called for He knew one which would excite a great leal of interest in it did in the country and thai it one winch there were a grca many opin was that a law of insolvency if carefully prepare was imercial In that opinion bo concurred The complaint that had male gainst mi Eat generally found to apply more to working of than entirely any ayitem by which parly d ii with at giving up everything bo had in World not be kept a member of society to him- sell hit family and the community by baring a debt roond hit neck which he could make no Mr Gait gave notice for Friday next of an address to His BxcaUeooY for of all with Imperial Government relating to tho outlay incurred by Canada il f- frontier of the The 11 J Ottawa April Tho Sneaker took tho chair at 3 oclock Senator brought up mo tion of which he had given notice re garding Canadian copyright pray ing for of all between dent and Canada on the subject of a previous address to the praying that Canadian reprinU British Copyright bo placed on the footingaa foreign reprints in the Domini The motion was carried Senator had enquiry to make of the Minitry wero foreshadowed in His speech What nrupor- of If any were likely to be introdueotl into hat House in the instance At hat advanced period of the year it was lalairofinr by that House i tpaebae the Interest It very much I thai acton be taken be to Ibis question without the I of placing a notice on Senator was to ha in reply that aom- of M would immdiaclv lu that branch of I -g- submittnl Ottawa April 22 The Shaker took the char at3p the i Mr Slate in and also arising of the Huron ami Ontario Ship anal out of the threatened Fenian n Company for amend to their at constituting a claim charter and for other purposes for indemnity from the United Stale j Mr Brown presented a petition He said hit object in giving this no from Trenton for tho rejwal of the lice was to afford the House an op- per cent duty on books magazines portuuily of expressing their opin- and pamphlets in the very extraordinary Hon Mr Wood presented t ie lings which took place in from Flection on Monday last when giving their final unanimous do referred to the Committee that sitting member Mr on Foreign a reolution of Gendron duly elected whereby it waa iptcil that all the British rth American should given to the States in liquidation of tho Atibimx claims He thought which eiuld he discussed in he hail therefore Sir John A brought passed by tho I ami Assembly of Newfound land atating terms oh which they woilld it expedient to join the J Limn reply of Canada Mr Mason to make any recommend In exercising the royal of mercy MM prise Hon Mr Row moved that on on Friday next resolve Committee of be whole to cot resolutions declaring it it to confirm the agreement by the Government and the Great Railway Company for settlement of the debt due by the to Her Majesty The gave some explanation Hit made with the Great The total amount which laj jKiyable by be W fal be the limit of Govern In addition to capi lould pay including posl Unary retained iho leaving a sum of about which it was proponed mi i it would be aeon bat tbe Com bad made a variety of propoii The nil should proceed on this principle only that Company should pay Ottawa April The took the chair Mr Workman presented a petition Din Montreal to the effect that listing Insolvent Act bo not repeal ed but it bo amende as therein Stated Tho following Bills were introduced and rcaVl a first time Mr To declare the lirst thomsotv davofjulv legal holiday percent of interest from 1855 to the Mr Mills To authorize the extra- time It was true hat dition of persona from the Dominion bad only been receiving of Canada charged with having comnn average of2j pcrcont it had milted in the United State Icn held to be only fair to add to J Ross To limit rale of this the am nnti of interest retained from tho and assuming full and that concession ahould arrears of interest ions in this thai the of 5t3000 sterling paid in full and the Government regorl la arrears of interest stand in precisely positioi the shareholders of the Company from to 3 Mr Mills To render members of them tho Legislative Councils and Assemblies of tbe now to per ineligible for sitting or voting in House of Commons Hon Mr Rose Respecting tbo Fi nance Department of Canada Sir John A Bills re- larceny and other of fences respecting malicious injuries to property respecting offences it had been arrived of Parliament waa arrangement Tl 31 could lie no loobt that settlement because already the Com pany paid stg and bad given payable to bearer atone two three and four years for the bal ance musing them a first charge on the revenues of Company There danger of pressure for The following bills wore introduced arid read a first time To the counties of Juliette and for electoral purpose Mr To provide for tbo improvement of ihe navigation of the river Mr Mills To facilitate ho removal of obstructions to navigation of the river Sydenham Mr To limit Ho rate of interest In reply lo Mr Young Sir John A the report was not true that the Government had employ- any person or persons to act on its behalf to endeavor to secure the pas sage of a new Reciprocity Treaty through Congress The House adjourned at twenty minute four to OsjTAiio In addi tion Mr Whites appointment Government having prepared largo bills containing as infor mation as can be put into thorn and a map of pro- the route of land in various districts terms ami torn it ions upon which raids a bo in free grant t everything indeed which ciuld in encouraging imra thitherward Those pamphlet will be published in and German a largo number of copies will be plat abroad in such other ways as may be useful The government is about to address immediately a series of questions to the different reeves of the province to the num ber of persona who would Is likely tit find employment duri tho ensuing season at rates of Wages for ships of the luir n to late renflrt to completion The work is being carried by French capital under the lircdioii of French engineers ami by French workmen when com pleted will under the management of a French Company to report of tho engineer on ihe ince of Wales staff in his journey canal will bo nearly 100 long 20 feet deep feet wiiie tho and from feet wide top There are ployed and the canal is expected to btf open for traffic It is reported that the father brother of late Ensign i Quebec this month containing one hundred and fiftv slaves have been ptured by British ship ar Madagascar An Indiana maiden of forty- years is hot twentylour in hear high and weighs only thirtythree