THE NEWMARKE1 EKA JANUARY 16 lo6 R of Convict Attempted Arrrit of 1 Jan On important it- ibtM oclock Tliwl uAwbMovila 11 P Booth Staph the Mutual at jn a from lhit the in tint went pro pared the rftaetlom Of the ImiiM the few Cam on a mi bent warrant and Chapman for I ami Iliaiima bnmentealiii and Jui Julpol in within in and il hat of were am ith t little kaafaatlo ad Sir in their i1 iclirln which Uallalajr in tin- hide a at hot entertained of their hot were fired provided and Chapman male tl The latNr a i the ann Several the proceeded to i Iador I jap iVnuel NEWMARKET MARKETS nan trial ur f all per rimnial y of I ft n who may iji PROSPECT ST Oil TWO A0BKT8 MALE lavlhci with a mem olid gave wa centre for mine a gate of wlinh The J third floor Alter re J b the tunc il The licoloolal Mattel ill t TORONTO MARKETS an a I 1 ll I a a ii Is a FISH FISH I White Fish and Trout AND teah- iled an all ih M art leav gamut it IcMaprJ ijiirv at it fijhii CHRISTMAS Is Coming LoGkard Just the Thing J JACKSON JOSEPH HALL MACHINE WORKS Jnapii Co I I iataia the mode of in- the W I 1 An in all At ianoru Cudi The Chicago he true lonul States b a or lor tariff i all foreign freedom of fmherica freedom of navigation and the coasting trade to of both coun- The protection of colonics from all raid and or tho military and val power of both New pipe- era of treaty violations tinK and periodical took on January lit A circular ha bee from tho which pj The Kingtton the awfully Midden death on tho the of the yoang of Or Maclean daughter of Mr Jamet of Bank North Tlio Mr Maclean appear was from York Papers BK2 tho English Magazines Shitty BeIs Mother at Home that I and after pi- and in order Butter by pt in Canada will ieiii in tlie night be to charge and that the enjoyed by certain I ace agricultural educational jKoninif within the GREAT BARGAINS AT I P SMITH The circular tin January IHbS therefore all thrvegrai in Canada and to any place within ihe minion lo Prince lalanl jndlanl or the Unit ed with the herein after nut bo punted prejiaid lo lane Of of her gave a doae moqdiia with vir relievo the of igloil out the iiuwdcr by a and dividing the itityaowu weighed into aix por- half a grain Tlw half grain adniinUterod at ten clock but the primary of the by poatige the ghlof package When husband awoke anjfouiul I packet of periodical o He ftn mediately xaddnsicd by the to any M hi neighbour and to Largest Cheapest and Best to 10 Par Cent Dry Good to be Appreciated Must be Seen In sad aaJCaajuliia BROAD Ac la TO aad a liming and ft Alas UiaU LaalHtr ami at the medical gvnllcinen attended lockage and the no dilnlme the evervllnig in their power to bring furlhi lo the individual the delivery to ifortunato of all Ihier j Her hauand may be and much led to refer migration All inquest held on Of charge of p and the jury alter mall peri- brief consultation returned the i an ounce That the Maclean died from toe Boots and Shoes r aaJ a iplaaJU Mantlet Tic a aacUaa Cull and rr Canada doe rut cot 1 or American a know lo get our ailver back lhat ginloman cannot the of ng of thi January infant 4 if a Bam Mr M left Que- laat week having aifctiay baari iWawaa Iho Hon Mr plead before Privy important ault Mr and other in relation to tin ad li validity of will of late ajjfpkr Ml J MiablkM if atoclli Iliad I Fna km A largo and varied 1869 ST7BSCEZBE J u At Cheap as in Toronto A nEXDBBSOX JOHN R SMITHS Chemist Druggist l Show Rooms a Open for Ihe Season SUBSCRIBE FOB London Tm Iif Tm a A Subscribe for weekly and daily TKLfiuitAU And all Iba A 115X011150 SPECIAX NOTICE American At Wholesale Rata by Clubu a At HENDERSONS Fine Pipes NEW TIN WARE repaxrtfallj ROYAL STREET Tinware Stove llrrnj Vnc on Short Vli A CALL IS SOU Subscribe for A Monthly A IIEXDERSOV JUST RECEIVED GOOD CHEER ENGLISH for Do Won M Ml At HENDERSONS IMPORTANT TO WaggonMakers hand Tw Harris Culverwell TEAS OF ALL KINDS At a Harris CulverwelL Brandies Gins WHISKIES HAEBIS CTJLVEEWELLS Bran fca at HARRIS a CCLTERWELLS General Groceries CUTTERS FOR SALE fy SUPERIOR at BLACK TEAS I Choice Fruits SPICES PEELS A J VILLAGE LOTS FOB A I I I POULTRY St FISH AT HARRIS CCLVERWELLS ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES Oct I 18C8 S I Maker and Undertaker Coffins Beady Made Facts are Things GEO FLINT of it a fact Ij liaa NEW MACHINERY Change of Location I NEW S TO RE Main- St Newmarket ENmE NEW STOCK J ITCHES LOCKS tit M LOWEST PRICES DEI rata ALL I CHILDBEN8 TOYS Below Toronto Amfit to Clocks do A Treat a r A till Ma ran 1 fain ireo jn1 or variety noaaaJ JI ad- Horse Bake CHEESE BOXES 4 oirje supply of Smoi constantly on hand and for Hale CABINETAKING Kept a t il at MDftUa bolitiaa mpw any fa he at SOLICITED It trait New STOVES SUPPORT Home Manufacture Not Dead Not Sleeping TH0SH0MPS0N TTaS m a atlactioa of SUGARS FRUITS GROCER It tailing at ailrtnlj lav Cash or Farm Produce Wines and Liquors BUTTEB EGOS ctehuf fcr at HARRIS b So Cooking Hall Parlor and Bedroom Stoves Competition Defied VKKS bt Moll aaw rf It IU j4 of STREET NEWMARKET I r Aa itL us- U ppll THOS ATKINSON Asm T thay offer to at price thai cannot fr REOPENING REOPENING Ids STEADS MILLINERY Dress Making TWO the House FOR CHEAP A STYLISH GOODS Newmarket Oct Dm Newmarket Brewery PREMISES anhacriber having rolcaaod the tike per aid ALE ON DRAUGHT A rood of Heavy Glass Crockery Stove and Rarthenirare Also PATENT MEDICINES am JUaa a- t ribV an it will I July If 68- hll N PEARSON HMD a of A GASOMETER Si Nitrous Oxyde Gas Ale and Porter a KM and UpitM I itrtM of la lb State IL tell wnton aav JTui far Bailer SIMPSON LIME LIME 0 and in LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING In the war feKraS Just LABOR aafplj APPLE PRICES MORE Tbaa HONEY TO UPON HEAL if