Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 15 Jan 1869, p. 2

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THE JANUARY It I8f9 Bowl over S3 tor a I alter time all Iheilnin I iiiil will lmity 101 ol their credit 01 Editorial Social The friend in 1 IK- I pa ISA ISM Our Toronto Despatch vm I mi 1 liinljiiior1 1H Society 1 V The above it annual Mini li rnwliiurnl Folk- leliuoennllo in Tleeli 1 lXZTXT Association though not improvement ihe 1 r llio chair and pec with funds aflor reading clauses of miit in bearing proceeding or i meetings culled upon lJiT j report ad The meeting then proceeded to the of Mr Ur the resulting Jacob I Council Meatlnga The li Mr Trait Mo- Migrating A number of young Powell tad rial irnluling a 1- Tmatte County Tax Silo paid working expenses ace Site in tint none a and mil low which i it of County jnanlJol Wind Church The anniversary mediately alter passed through rough committee did not such procoodin Walla a reading I Corporation Tort to way of Imnus an completion of Port Hope lmday way to lor a ihu- reading Mr j Med Iho hill on tho ground that matter tho town of Port II in irtenwad La the country by a debt which thoy were unable to discharge ho town of Port wont of ibi- tiy mill off in of tho H the cac of Port ami which j i to aid the and Huron in butter that Port ltoiHt laid tlio live cento in Annually on tho debt art required by mm ho thought the muuiciKlity to the ot tin- Port Harbor which they could nut ue held tho opin ion that tho town of Port could it in that way if they ilinu Port Mid ran ftlnott the only places indebted to the and no long they paid live on dollar the no ground to prevent them granting to a railway Mr said that the indenture bo handed over tho rail way M a bono were a charge Upon tho harbor and not he town Harbor Were constituted a separate body from the on to keep rotted Clingy 1 btuiu or it eoaOMiitT were at the la Hamilton hare I obtain their yranhna 01TMBbfkisC bare officials and officialM and the I alleged VnrUMl- 1 folio hip rilbgl illimlmrj- 1 ha be regarded week are to the annual r Cotinc of alleged fact iide denied the other leaving the matter fa Mil And that Tic landed security t inonlertog very the l be to A meeting of the Astwiation l we w ft hM was held in the Christian Meeting- rfw l mm or ifih on on evening and was well attended by the members who in its organ ixation The President of Society Mr occupied and with Devotional Bit- jiiltr the Managing icrnu i wan presented J e- in the i the The t Me I MrFinl that the such an advocate of economy favor Liking away tho by the town of Port to tho extent of Port Hope should lirtt pay her honest debts when they found themselves unable to defray their liabilities to the Government they would plead that tins bad iiMlf authorised the The Treasurer who was also in favor of bill owed hi election to the eople of being to the metit it advisable to have a Hen the an I the Tr this argu ment upon he fitUtVa a the time of the election Mr Wood that bo ever claimed tbfiaBpport of hi em its upon ihisgroun I Thcgen- by Mr Its etho Asso ciation against ultimate it its the whole indirectly almittel Now comes another lingular feature in tbe case and one which not a little complicates and myelitic tlio ifcAlJ altered and tilted up for the far Ac and it is hoped will be ready for occupancy in from ten to fourteen day at most Pro- gross is being made in obtaining table bed It the plea the of Mr 1 I tl10 organ of the Society being made public a meeting the i 1 has been received is tho it the VI of the auditor and Upon Mr White publishes a loiter in llko having been which he certainly vindicates his re- as Donation to the funds in with supjwrtod from lo This well as facts and conclusions to justify all the Audited leged follows another letter asking tho public suspend judgment for a few days at the time claiming that acousid- portion fl38 of he tally entitl ed to as Treasurer of iho beside the claims not yet adjusted J be set forth by himself is follow In a to 18ty be says tnan goes on to Udes salary bovo to charge onehalf per money and paid out by l Tb amount Col that is J it totbopuU whether ths was charge or We must Mr ii strikes us Col trios to crawl l of an awkward dilemma of salary voted by be Board was iuate to remunerate for bis the future of the undertaking Wo have also to notice that proposals for membership were made at the meeting consisting of Active 2 Life and Associate The next meet ing of ho Society will bo hold on Wednesday evening in the Christian Church At his meet- jug the President will deliver an in augural address it is also expected that other members of Socie ty will be prepared to add interest to ilie meeting A has our best wishes and wo trust that it will prove as successful and stable as taking an active part Legislature of Ontario TuiasDAT Jan The Snooker took chair at three oclock Moved Mr Pardee aeconded Mr That do resolve itself into Committee of Whole tomorrow in order to provide for tho attendant upon providing tor a correct registration of births marri ages and deaths and ensuring a legal record of the samo and to authorise the exaction of a tee lor each registra tion Carried Mr moved the House in Com mittee of the whole on 11 lo amend the Act imposing a lax on dogs and for protection of sheep The House accordingly went into Committee of Whole Mr Hays in chair Mr Pardee was opposed to 2nd TIkjibu Tbompsoa Hew Publications- 0wnr published by May tlllr Mnjle No yearly llluatnlMl sFSS rrrTyt Writ imi Tubs 1 earth and MX for the Farm niiTisH1rrlu A ml larfrly tlluMraleU Mew Yurfc Terr- I w Whitchurch Society The annual meeting of the cbnrcb Agricultural Somiety took at on Saturday when foltosring gentlemen were elected officebearers for ensuing year Mr Walker Lloyd Has Mr P W Mr Messrs Fred J It- Brown David Baker John Irwin J ft Wilkin Allan Tool Chan Lloyd John Jami Acditoi and Peter Kribbs Wo regret to learn the financial oq I v it liinSt dostniy such dog KS The remaining Cl SU- The Newmarket Vol onus ax rta ta pn- Tho clause camo up for discus- the of sheep destroyed should not recover more than two- thirds of valuo of tho in cases where owner of the dog de stroying such sheep was not discover ed As the law stood al present the man who recovered full compensation from municiitality for his sheep no to discover and prose cute the owner of dog Dr Mr ill thought that a maximum valuo should be placed upon sheep more than which should not bo paid by municipalities Mr Ferguson said that a rale of compensation should bo by law After some further discussion the clause passed Mr Ferguson on the reading of the such dogs should be entrusted to one as tho owner would not do it clause was accordingly amend ed by authorising any justice to ordei table of municipality Mr sail tint lary bad certainly said at from the platform when speaking for Mr Wood that the of town being indebted to the Government bill was then read a third time and bill respecting Adelaide street church property Mr Lauder was read a thirl lime and passed The then adjourned 8 took the chair at Fifty eight petitions wore presented praying that tho proposed liquor law Petitions from the townships of Scott and Clarksburg woro presumed against sectarian grant The moved sec onded Hon C Cameron That the Speaker do issue his warrant for the election of a momberjor South Lan ark in placo of the lata William deceased Carried Mr Hays movod seconded by Mr Ferguson That Mr Grant bo granted leave of absooce on account of sick ness Carried report of Committee of Supply Hon Mr Wood moved the adoption of tbo tirst item for of the LieutenantGovernors office Tho item then passed Tho succeeding items to the Ti item of the of the Crown Lands Depart- nt was to stand The 10th item of for con- sti action and repairs of Una Is was received Mr objected that locality where the amounts to be expend ed had not been indicated They should where this money was to bo laid out voting it Tho Treasurer had not given House the explanations ho bad promised upon this subject and ho wanted lo retain the power of spending it where ho pleased Mr asked if tho member for South Bruce expected Go moot to have an special survey made of each proposed road It was impossible for them to exactly ay where money would bo spent as it would in a great measure depend upon the nature of laud through which they ran item of for repairs Ac to government buildings was taken up intermediate items be pasted Hon Mr Wood explained that that item had been cat down from the balance being placed under hoods to which it more properly bo longed Tho item was passodt Hon Mr Wood in reviewing of for completion of LieutenantGovernors residence explained that after giving the were passed instigation ho had re- without alteration an I Committee J Maa and the bill The reduction ol would be Mr Clarke moved nous Into fcctod by tbosaviug the style of Committee of tho Wholo on the bill lo furniture The the stable also repeal statu lory enactment respectn would be reduced to The fur- protection of sheep from dgs it Was intended to porcham said it was singular would cost leas than find forward Mr Ferguson trongy to A J regard to MilleFs case the House not todiagracotlc country HUH Cm by on the furniture ol a house ill which the mast illustrious for the By the Atlantic Cable I in i rrisTiiUUc of llu waTuoihin- te referred to for the be nxWataO Mr Oliver builder and large norito fir ihcTi works Mr expected that would cover everything before the lor was rejoiced that it was ptMsihlc the to enlarge on heir econ omy of two weeks The Hon orable Troasurur admitted by his re duction of that bo hud then asked 2t percent too much Mr ihu government credit for reducing tho item 10000 and announced bis intention of the Hon Comoros Would have boon quite prepared hold to the original amount bat as his col leagues thought tit to reduce it 10000 he was willing to go with them Mr Gow in support of tho amendment and denounced the gov ernment for extravagance in this par ticular though ho was in favor of giv ing tho ti a good residence and one that would be a credit to the Province Alter a few remarks from other members a division was taken and the amendment was lost yeas 28 nays foe the Govern ment 13 Yeas Baxter Bloke Boyd Christie Clemens Cronby Fin lay son serGalbraiihnwMcCoIl Norfolk Me- Munich Oliver Pardee Perry la Sexton Sinclair Smith Kent Smith Middlesex Springer Wil- Ham i I ton rs Cameron Carting London Huron Carnegie Corby Coyne Craig Glengarry Kyre Pernor Graham I lasting York Greoly Hays der I Hon Biffin Head ltykert Scott Smith A Swinar- Toll Wigle Williams Durham Wilson Wood It Tho item of for new wings to Lunatic Asylum was passed On tho item of Bat a new Lunatic Asylum Mr w information Why was this large sum asked II A General said further for the lunatics and must Iw provile1 It was to put una lor thai would totbopiAnt that plan and of the I lings be tad Do lie sum bo voted a dobae the Iment on tho fvllawtag yea- o iiii Me- ma lur w we Tact Act to effect the and would he uuflcd of which there will he the wo tootu Christie ln Gaknntli rich Oliver Pardtw Perry Sinclair Smith Koui dlesex Springer Messrs Cal Cameron lii Huron Carnegie Corby Craig Ferguson Ferner Graham Hastings York Hoys Noi folk Read BJcbardi Grey Smith Leeds and Granville Supplo Swiit- Williams Durham Wilson Wood 3a Mr moved another amend to elect that it would be in jurious to vote the money unless lV House wore in possession of mora formation A vote was then taken on amendment and was loat yeas nays 41 main motion was thou carried The grant of 15000 for the Deaf and Dumb Institution was then taken up Mr moved an amendment to the that money bo granted until the and tbat but this it expense and Iu tliat wodlZ realized to fullest extent the duties of the Grand Jury lie to a visit to the gaol ttMstr visits His Coo imiKirlanco in creating a greaur llie pinejofflciiL than would prevail without tiaftpa The Jury in tea true bills against Jano Wood Tor win and receiving The Court then adjourned mm iii oclock this morning January at ten oclock His Lrfihirt Morrison on the bench An action on a note issue for plaintiff vs Burns- In this cartUjr brought action to ttemt niunges alleged by him to iT J The plain while on his way to visit a met by the defendant knocked him the without prvocation kicked broke two of hi am of the injuries the plaintiff who is a poor man obliged to support himself by was con lined to his bed Ibr a Iortc btigtli of time He therefore clotted people of 1UDU damages Verdict for Jl Dr tor American bow a ii iwJ aihl fur pullUed St Jan Last night about ten oclock the aleil the Montreal was blown open by burglars and robbed of dollar in Canada leai lender notes The quiet into which our town was alter the was uj lait evening by Iho report that one of the most daring robberies that ha i ever happened this vicinity took place in the St Catharines agency of tho Bank of Montreal and fabulous amounts wore mentioned in connection with it The following appears to bo the case as can be judged from the traces left of the rabbet Bel ween hours of nine ton last night some parties by means of a false key entered the bank Their attention was immediately given lo the safe the outside door of which they appear to have had a key Nitro glycerine it is supposed was then applied to lock of the inner door Before ihecxpIosLnthooutcrdoorof States safe was closed so as lo deaden in ton real report in a great measure The Canadian productions explosion appears to scnttorod taxes and large be made known the gold of which was quite tbo House quantity over floor The Avotowastakenontheamonrtment however paid but littie i follows yeas 21 nays this coin original motionwas then carried a system of treat by patch states jsslago country numbers members of toe British Parliament a signed by one hundred maatont of Parliament has been pretested to Johnson rvqucliag to urge tint American to adopt sy of penny be i a eon the Intel Gnat Britain and that tlni SI prints litem nil thereon consent of the Jan News received banker who bent to tract a loan tor President Domingo has retort Hi lda downfall of he al A proclamation by the General abMihing fbf trial of civil eases The decreed abolition of sUvsrafcoV in their lines The Spaniards bat consider it a desperate an indication of the growing of the rebel cause The proclamation of liberty of ft press has gone into fall WAsntNtrroE Jn 12TbajlH of Treasury to to day the reixirt of the Hon of New York upon the relation- of the with the Dominion of Canada re ipnical J roe trade gives great weight to itty thousand dollars bills winch their escape A boy named Ken in the bank about ten clock following items wore then Improving navigation of in land waters End surveys and drainage of lands Government Buildingsoron Salary of Housekeep er Departmen tal Building 400 do of Fireman for do 305 House cleaning Electoral Division Ag Socie ties at each 1 at 550 each at 350 each Fruit Growers Association Agricultural Association Mechanics Institutes Mr C Cameron brought down returns respecting Crown Lands grant The House then until 11 llirx Jan 8 Hon Mr A- Archibald late Sec retary of State for tho Dominion is mentioned an likely to succeed Judge perceiving the gold and dohris of explosion laying around quickly gave alarm and the building was soon tilled with a surging crowd superiority producers which J the free list in lit aged throughout mate carefulness Nothing was loft which could implicate he Thus morning the excitement around the bank reached a high point but who were curious were unable to obtain anything in addition to what is already known Coanty Assise- years which have lapsed the termination of realyJ lected 1400000 without trade He discusses the channels the west to the seaboard Hudson Hirer and St Lawrence showing of American over the route even for as exhibited by the natural J trade He speak of the tl Canadian in duty all materials which ihecsmstnictioiiofrairjaJaBdsf placing Anerean disodvonloge Ho advocate Canal a free as the Ha river from the lakes to that subjecting property to the such tolls as may bo f brief historical e on tiie llili the upon Mr JuIkv that nncollhoGnnUervireSiiiniileJ Iliilin million An Mi lUiglM llier van VTS Win Jln Hie rigil of the nJ hold rtei Win lVa State for the f J lliner il that Alex lie Winn I Wik- Krie the Win Wood WillierKi on nor WnUce loo Boa would WrCbV ilrl 1Mb Grand Jury nd bipfw thill lh tiro id lint ho had now in oiiinlon that Judge mid jloaure in lliein that the a niileh Council cannot agroo on tho calender an the m I lull Tl Inilv thoo From piece of wrerk mi it that man i drine1 at it feared fur an I that million In the thai A It I la I 2JwU Won ri Iir nnio itlonee- IblwJ JESSIS from io iiainax lias morning Mr wa Iho only l in the M All troop in Hi ihe I A J Ere JJ by Gon lr inarehol Oily AUo an ho through city a one prinei urt a bow With of iho

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