Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 15 Jan 1869, p. 1

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I toe Newmarket Era OF AND NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER WL XVII NO SSSiX I NEWMARKET ONT FRIDAY JANUARY 1889 TERMS IN ADVANCE If Book and Job Establish Sent fa LATEST STYLES raitir business CHEQUE BOOKS NOTES CIRCULARS BILL HEADINGS lJWGKAMMES STAGE BILLS MAGISTRATES BLANKS LEASES LABELS A To Alton BddtfBtnl to lialtr satst Dental DR M f BIB Jshair s v Noble a B PEAR ON M D Physician Surgeon A Boultben Strttt DENTISTRY I p u si nunlrd a IrSO if J ill WELLS David Rogers Blevin Severs Victoria PHYSICIAN -form- and FIRST PHIZ I DENTIST SCOTT K LICENSED AUCTIONEER Hurray Jackes IirnlirsV Law Whitley BARRISTERS ATTORNEYS MiSTnlnj Ball j SI M I7ii JACKSON Coroner County of York licenses John TStokes Caada j a si I Mr J CAMPION P WINES ROYaL HOTEL Stoke iBkiit ffcbiiBi IE OR J PECK I ilia will Uil IheSadofeach whsre thea bad ien fin TEETH INSERTED Teeth Filled so a to Preserve them for Life Aural Mar Tlila la la I A Carol for WrlrufaotlwaCbrUUuM with fed rig that thy flWrjt reached Albut his wife wag before him PL letter came to tbo deacon in haps some subtle prescienco helped handwriting but the inflexible old to prepare her for what was to man had brought it himself from the nee for did not cry out or faint at and in presence of bis tbo night wife hod laid it unopened upon the tho doorstep lay still figure of a woman holding in her arms a little child enow was drifting over them both but light from the Mazing hearth out broad and red and tinged with rose ate bloom wan face of he would hold 10 with one was none of Jus riamo forbidden to be mentioned in household A to the deacon shearing was at onco dismissed and poor Mrs Haines having been betrayed into a burst of leant by coming sud denly some article of clothing which been last worn Mr child reecived such a dreadful admo nition that she did not get over btlu for a week Haines one of those gentle clinging creatures who ought to bo loved and cherished by true tender heart but who usually full to the mercies as just such ironnaturcd men iw Haines It is a law of nature I and who shall gainsay it She submitted to him in everything and would no more have thought of disputing his would It thought of dis puting the right of the wind to blow 1 the man but si her arms she bore her into tho kitchen and laid her on Ufa rage tho deacon strode toward his wife And laid rough hand shoulder of But for once Mr- Hair brink from her husband rage John sho my child I will a The Deacons Christmas hail ken En cold last pressed by the bead of her darling would away t9a heart he hoped always that some letter irxn in iho might come to her she would risk the deacons anger and write just tittle love to her daughter but hoped in vain their No v rtn t- and weeks and by oh be pitiful they will drag by whether we soar to height Of or sink into depths of despair as they have dragged on creation as they will go path Again and would have dragged her door but Mrs Haines stepped before Her was white death cry rtln out like cords upon forehead Deacon Haines do this thing and though you wore my husband I not remain under your roof one moment after she thrust out and may God judge bo- Just then while deacon lytcd with amazement stood motion- loss before hi- the little child pt to his side and pi soft bands around his fingers grieved with GRAHAM Conveyancer Qi a Sutherland KOI NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL HAS BItELSFOBD BIBLE DEPOSITORY and Testament the ItiMa I B B Joy Tin Guru if T raitad at hair an raj AU ml to ad 11 R P B PECK SURGEON DENTIST da 11 ilia lima fc- I Jo l ait oolli WHl aT of his ACCOMODATION OF GUESTS JOnN DAVISON HENRY r VETERINARY SURGEON I tl inhati vry Saturday from oclock A BnitrJi Vwtl RESIDENCE AURORA tfr VERY PRIZE Joseph A Fife M P1IYSICIAN SURGEON Ac SIECML aUaatiM Ik A 88 1jS8 JAMES County of York I the Era attended to ItW itit J JOHNSONS SASH BLIND Rooms Enlarged And Door Factory S snow in Newmarket A Call from Builders Solicited SlJJSJJJiy Stock of Furniture taut Case Chain in Mtn Tables ROVER RAKER Sewing Machines WEBS I Ell BOND Bala UKO BUNS 88 if International SOCIETY SPRAT WUloa of Tooth MARKET Jt4rh 7 trs Proper FOR SALE al a At 1 af 9 Bank I 87 Hi MARBLE WORKS NEW pH hntmrtU Timb Slonei Table Tops Ate llji rfalrrkaio OS Call and Set af a KID 111 Jaa Arfaa Parlor First Class Instrnment As Dental Notice GRAHAM TJlSrBCTFCLLT X in foroTor This beautiful Christmas mi bt hero Mrs Haines won about her pudding and her chicken anl her Day dawnd bright fair sponge and other delicacies with and cold a heavy heart never dreamed All the hills little of ommitting a stogie item in the village of wen- white with Christmas bill of fare for tho deacon snow The roads were trodden hard was a methodical man and if there and the prospect fur lino sleighing bad been much aa a dish of p ro under light of a nearly full moon nerves missing he would have demand never was brighten led the reason of it Ho would have Deacon Haines wife sighed as she looked upon it as a crying against put hock the curtain fkom her bed- the faith of his forefathers if Christ room window that morning and look mas had not been kept in tho way bo oat had kept it from bis youth up Five years that very day the So though the mothers heart great snows of her life bad come to full of sorrow and heaviness she her How well she that quantity of spice fearful morning when though the to bo put in the mincemeat for the sun shone gloriously and the heavens pies she kept in mind just how much were blue and cloudless all tho light shortening mart go and joy went out of her life and left the chicken pie arid ahe trussed the tho world a blank gloom almost of fat turkey and filled him full with arid watched him tie Twentyfour years she had been was roasting just solicitously as John Haines wife and in all those she waa not ready to sink down years had never repented of her weep her dear life away for her lost choice- Thro had been many times child when mans nature had By four oclock la the Wounded her sensitive but everything was ready Dinner trusted all things with heaven and on tbo table and filled great uttered no complaint I kitchen when tho was sot oat and upright in all with a savor Deacon Haines was a man who never The weather had changed sudden erred in his own judgment and ly and heavy stormclouds drifted mercy won a word unknown in his across the sky driven by the fierce vocabulary If would lire as wind and the distant hilltops were was near and the low beat of the waves on the broken beach came over and anon to the car it wail of despair Mrs Haines lighted the candles the tall silver candlesticks and set them on table which she called her husband tod and trembled she waa wondering if had a Christmas dinner that day or if indeed she wm still they might hi ily would it need to bo forever crying for deacons right band bad of- him he would have cut it off us obeying scripture literally No atonement for any sin be might have ild have been too bard ike indeed he would in it forgetful that Christs death has atoned and that Heaven requires- only religious to a fault for is such a thing as carrying even and A dweller i Western Assurance Co land where Christ mas was remembered The deacon sat down at the iabl bat bis spectacles on hi of a blessing In the nose and opened the simple faith Of obedient soul which lay beside bis plate It was is and rest but in the bigoted always custom to read the first self- righteous man passage upon which his eyes rested fanaticism of never mind and not a HEAD OFFICE Capital 10 RHKSUBso9a7il at low Pramlam TIM Money to Loan Hi A It 88 II- to Lend AT ntada a Charged Moderate COLLINS Deacon Ham- had only one a beautiful fair haired blueeyed rl and in his stern ascetic way he idolised this girl When she was ighteen years of ago she fell in lovfa ith ClayU is of Mouth TO LEND A of When the news of this reached tbo detain bis rags wis terrible He struck his foot upon the floor and with what waa almost an oath if ever spoke to that of popery again he would disown he I her fathers own spirit and she loved Royal with all the strength of her fond young heart She knew that her fathers prejudice against him was unfounded for Royal was not a Catholic and she told deacon without hesitation that she should follow lore instead of duty I do not endorse her course I endorse only tell at things I see in the world without for or against There is only one Judge be knows all Fire before on Christmas Day Emma had left her home with out the knowledge of her parents and become the wife of the man she loved Immediately after ceremony the young couple bad taken cars for the West and only once had any yo Heavenly Fath but if yo forgive neither will Father yod your trespasses There no softening of theater he read those beautiful words no tenderness of feeling over his at thought of loving Christ who uttered them But Mrs Haines eyes ran over and she bowed her head upon her bands a little felt tho weight daughter as lifting did blue lifted to his stern mi tit have melted anything human heart said she please poor mammal hailed about the matter but mo ono afterboon offered his and away wo started It was Wednesday curse tho almanac I but wo never thought of it Going into town devilish instinct it into my head that it would help my case along if I marched into church with a rail on my shoulder seeing the deacon and girl would both bo there So I got a rail and we came into town shouting and making to dogcncrally As wo went by church windows I caught a glimpse or her bonnet and plenty other bonriota and I waa happy I and marched I houldered my houseful of all quiet and tho old deacon was stand ing up in the alter saying something Splendid I went booming op autlo with my rail swinging my hat and whooping Hoorav for Old Abe for the Illinois rail never yelp out of that deacon said Sir wo are engaged in addressing Throne of Grace exhibition is illfitted in solemnities of a prayer meeting I never felt so sick in life John I never felt so much like taking a walk And dont you know aa I atood there before that Id have given a million of dollar for somebody to take that rail out for mo But no 1 had to sneak out with it myself I threw it down and went up to where there was a board and practiced climbing back and from the We give our readers latest iteni of news from the satellite which ac companies our earth in Its around the It Is nothing less than the Or a nearly total change in the appearance of one many and she has come so far in volcanic craters which Cover I the word he bad expected to hear addressed to measured seven times in by Moodier at Bonn and a memory went back over half ami more to the it ttleon man hi had lled grandpapa the j on the man who wax always to him of the moon in longitude east 11 ho Inm mode him whin- and wooden horses and told him i Lories of the old Old times whon the was ndw and and diaM plenty as blackberries- and latitude This crater is described a very deep precipice without a mound in the centre but surrounded by a high circular rampart which threw a re markable sharp shadow in depth of the craterlike precipice the dews Of wfta Mm 1 that homogeneous grey or green lake Mr gave the name he stood beside that kind old mans dcathbed and felt the ithered- trembling hind cold with John of d around j which blessing The change in the appearance bed and comfort you in J Schmidt the director of the Obeerva- died t of in llroogll In hi own mod L j2 doon Aruk from in- 1 ineclion For with IUI himlf an of but ihtMotd- in J in llTliuilc down on hi and Jf hi in tho clustering Jbl depth goMon of hi wondering gi Jfe h firrhort hart mned and i cam of Do you and may God aCTjT no the mercy I hv ahown to fltlloa I at Athens to a great eruption aimilar my i to those which originally mult bar Clayton tto moon It was daughter loved for ortipUon for a ho And Hula And does not loro great danger of being W II 1 rf been fldid melted which that it not only unbroken peace An by indulge noticed S3 la grew ad lh forgiving- and hi players in the pub- it dry nd he were HO longer of ro not permitted to think vindictive Threatening St llk Etna or Vesuvius but sinner but wore rich in mild ono likeMaccalbaorsomeof rnid genii inUmAUonAto try mud volcioo of the of Sicily- the of God Royal was dead and Em- fo the family ever after in a of n unbroken I the purpose of studying this new phe nomenon with some tivuchangcsonthcsurfaccdf the moon Oh7johnahe cried think of Kmmafive years ago since of many of the luxuries of a f void comfortable bedroom be not Heaven only knows if she was aont there as it enabled J is still amon the lirfngl Ob my overhear the child my child I I told by one friend to another in an real h The deacon rose slowly from his adjoining apartment Ob aha mer seat his face pale as death his right wouldnt marry me you were extended solemnly to heaven formed It broken off add In the Martha said del Writ saddest way I was not in the least if were not my wife I would to blame my word and honor yod from my door Bach pas- j though neither the girl nor her father sages of scripture as tho deacon ever believed me or even reference to wicked and disobedient forgave me It was during the big children who persist in going to ruin election canvass when Lincoln ran the in spile of counsel and admonition finit time Twothirds of the deacons from their legal honest was in religion and other There wa a faint moaning third wsa in politics Lincoln man at the door and the quick ear of Mrs I never was a scoffer at religion in my Haines caught it at onco did the life but he half believed I Wei old housedog for he leaped from bis there was to bo a political warm corner by the fire aod sprang id village church where he lived to the door with a cry of welcome on a Tharday night and he to The deacon took a Hep forward I never thought anything and other spec delusion At Hong Kong the fees for gambling licenses front to per annum atsj- It is a curious and rather credit able thing that General Butler tho leader of the Impeachment movement paid a New Tears visit to President Johnson and met with a cord reception sjjr Several hundred barrels of cider have been manufactured in Prlnco during the fall and hipped to Montreal where it live demand for making id other apecimwos of

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