Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 8 Jan 1869, p. 2

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THE NEWMAKIUT I JANUARY 1809 lai an I La Id Th rl pliant I established whatever impulse you desires and jutsion direction in i likely to continue the beginning Of lift has been vanity it scarcely li any other vex ation of spirit Therelore if you Mh Him lie will If I you but I mm reject Him he will cast jm off for ever Ami you who are advanced in years I beseech of you to bo al ways faithful ample to the and to conquer thu may he a star in the firmament to guide the tempest tossed mariner to knows I that eternal haven of bliss where farewell let I hope it may not forever We nail knowledge that lav lb Hut I be II 1 1 lb Mm an o I tod valaM ill in watcher which writer bo xelaiw it in morning it iwirlv Why be I fee loconneeti gold- Jliir under f aariee anil are gone morning for the lover thee tour Editorial Summary- therefore member the annual mooting J and an ornament Mr CvnttUMAJt i Social Arrangements about Intwtnair lull who ha- been the Regular Co Grammar School Co Tlic The i Art which ha It If Do worei English jvijht bo mr to the Mimiwi O of tin- j Murder illustrating it by a happened ill Geneva A Woman 4iijjjuJiiuiiiiaajaMiaiiatTrniM0 thirty two years of Mo whose employment was that of divon- beUtowhichU niinung the sick has just won found this guilty of nine She- a loan rtwxi clover woman with a highly nervous par currency organization and the American to have i OUMf than a love of the j a grim do- I J fc fight the of by usual fatalitv of I nursed by the doctor alt or Lut year p j Three itihpluiiiiterdnyofilwti of the Tory her IfJltVtltllly BIX belladonna She did not deny that had given narcotic and of pleaded that hc had done so to sleep and lull tho no waking of ma she no signs of horror and went through her with and tho woman no more raon- of Ontario The the fourochtcktbts afternoon the Speaker in tin Mr Allr- A very large immlur of the mviniwrn were absent not having arrived from at and a bare quorum being of victory Brethren again say Ja Cameron the farewell reminding you to be return to the loyal subjects o Obituary We deeply regret to Governor lor of correspondence Jiiwrir tt- j relation that though you are with me you are with God ol number May the all prevailing arm of the and the amount received from thai to it for A kind of gambling had taken that direction and bad gained mas tery of her Tho is a rare lui by no means tiniqm example of the iiorutibility that all feeling boh For such generally some form of indulgence and it rarely that any human being is callous to indulge a jiassiun for murder 1 The to and f the utltJast to that abode or the Printer anil I and Brother The records of all ages in the ifrwjriir The AttorneyGeneral said ho rose rlth deep regret to refer to ence from his place in the jTMiriwiii from whence called irri tiwi of one who had lately sat itw hem and deliberation Ttioxlar last James the Mr Shaw lie referred death had deprived llilnc tnrat The Annual Mect- Centre Wellington without opposition For Township especially for The iron George Brown having and Councillors there was a hip bat people finally to for this and daring of the a maritv of 14 in favor of their Hiding the Reform Party has selected matters were kept pretty lively former representative at the County Mr former before the It became Henry Draper For Iscarvr Tho ident who lilvlv anccessful rand idalie following is the result Fur Ed 151 Total majority for HI Tho three were elected who with Cane and Wilson field Deputy constitute the Council for sweet little time the electors of this municipality rit new election was received by the quite a struggle and wo observe by last the names of sawessful candidate- On the the loading that Mr was the only member reelected who served last year The following figures give the of the at the Rtere Henry Draper John Majority Draper Councillors Elijah Prosper John therefore is corn- follows Draper Esq dy and Barber Councillors result of the contest in this Township as else where carried rejoicings and Albert Bar John And r- JoipU Glov ed together last Monday and the result not so much a test actual and personal popularity of the respective candidates for the Ilcevesbip aa it is the expression of public sentiment to wards a few taking an active part on either ride Mr Lukes wan named originally with view to aerre tho ends of those whose reputation had gK actual voles polled hi become impaired the not reached us but we learn the summersaults of the principal candidates are as follows For actors not with lut knowledge how- John Itandall Esq who was ever The public meeting following opposed by Mr J Patterson For nomination exhibited the niyjer ltoevo Philip i the fence most distinctly and al- and For Councillors Robert Mr Lukes was defeated Esq Mr Robert Smith and be regarded rather a defeat of Mr Joel Three of last years principal supporters The trap Council were namely laid b wirepullers to overthrow one and who bad served them in many a try- and in place of Messrs and boor in the past resulted In their Jones wo find the name of Messrs own and now being Smith and Baker The latter has fcated by a gentleman who of all served one year in the Council hut other in the Tillage they moat Mr Smith is a new man mlxca wormwood and the gall Had Mr for is of constituency assembled conclave to decide on an but after duly considering ir chances of success wisely not to oppose tho Reform a i nee lacing their political con- with the that Mr not likely to give the Gov- fuel opposition What buncombe But then something bo said and done to let the party down easy wo presume not quarrel thcji in consoraliun Roaa i leave to r field of labor we extend to parting bund of friendhip re that the position you one mould- Is of the youth ami the works the mind is the that the impress of its it tlnnliiv behooves a I which will beneficially in life remrmlNring that it in linn- that character is formed and not actions from character In i nor yott refer to our coun try yc wo would bow nun lender recollection- how many en- dvaring associalions how it ivid tu lor the future with a no apparent cluster round these words sir finds a home in every human heart even in the J many of old world their brilliant but unsuccessful at tempts to gain their independence and it was palriotim that led the of the earth to sym pathize with them in their deleat it was patriotism that inspired our brave of and k of the li if them lout their valuable lin look forward brother to and prosperity of rtt he no reeorl at a member that jiaratively short a- it it us met the approval of those whom he represented That constituency hail previously sent to the Parliament of Canada such member a Mr Win Morris and Mr Malcolm Cameron male their mark in that body ami judging from the ot Mr career so cut short there was no doubt that he would have reflected equal honor up on his constituency a did dis tinguished men In conclusion he hi- hearty condolence and with Mr Shaws bereaved liiiio until three oclock tomorrow Hon Mr laid that tho adjourbmont proposed was a tilting tribute of respect due to memory of one whose sayings doings since they had known him mutt have en deared him to He was sure that his loss must be felt most deeply by all Mr Shaw was liberal in his views ami lorward ami conscientious in all his dealings Without saying further he inly second mi sympathy The wad then put and carried and tho House adjourn halfpost four Colonial Before tbe Coait of Appeal ThM yon day before was again heard yestoi object the ance which stand- high among the IM us strive to her light good soldiers of may wo yet see unopaddsd cause of sjnad far and wide in this our Canada Let us not countenance the customs out of which so many evils spring but rather let us espouse abstinence principle proved as it is to be an effective auxiliary to Gospel Some times cause of temperance appears like a small stream spring- judges who of Apjieal it having been derided unanimously that Writ of Error was proper method of bringing tho ease to the notice of lite raw l argument was rthf able and simplified by Mr Camerons action in abandoning the errors ho Th isvi on the former occasion which related to the jurisdiction of the bjTzrtlr 53 and by statement of Pros it am sstaS dent that the Court did not re 7 question of the prisoner right to challenge for cause before his by the Idaho aa Quebec is artisan being thereby Columbua is dividod in heart is buried in Havana Brought i corpses lirJ wuptV Foster ha beaten Jo disease which hat to prostrated Mr John said by Bowrnn3 to bo brainfever ami Frontenac re said to have now above ipwnrds of tons of ore ii what is termed mere rorlc such as sinking and I I innay very day in and chapels Groat Britain seventyfive tbousud mon which is at rat of four million per annum Mr Price who lives was cutting hay a lew Mclanciiolt Accideit A melan choly and fatal accident marred the proceedings of yesterday as far as a A turkey shootingmatch during the day was held at MeFarlaiies Hotel six miles from the city on the York and Vaughnn Plank and had almost 1 when by an unfortu nate circumstance one of the partici pators was deprived of his life It that the lust turkey had been shot before all those present had dis charged their rifles and while crowd was awaiting the bird being brought up a rifle on tho shoulder one of the party accidentally went off ball entering the head of Mr Caleb of Windsor street in this city immediately over the left car and making at exit at his head All that could possibly be done lor tho wounded man was tried but with out avail and ho died at seven oclock two hours after tbe accident- It was some moments after the occur rence before the exact cause of tho ac cident could bo asccrtainc but search developed fact that gun on the shoulder of Mr John of York township near bad was easily discharged An inquest will be hold on the remains at the hotel today Mr fiiles leaves a wife and three children whose New Years projected happiness is unfortunately darkened by the sudden bereavement Mr Giles was a member of the Toron to Rifle Club and a keen sportsman South A suit has been instituted against Mr Isaac Carting who was lately sealed for the nig w Huron to recover from penalty by law holding contract from Crown The salt is brought in Court of Queens Bench and will turn upon the ques tion whether Mr Curling is aa emin ent lawyers bold a contractor with tho Crown by virtue of the bonds which he gave as surety for two pub lic officials Mr Sinclair has served him with a writ for the recovery of 12000 for having sat six days in tho Assembly contrary to the Statute in such case mode and provided declaration day for Northumberland was Tuesday when the numbers announced to be Hutchinson nigh majority for Hatch Mr Hutchinson made a speech prossing his wish to bury past l challenges were exhaust- Province Mr Mitchell also spok 8 S as they were of accepting Mr Hutchinson of the Court to work with him After this a strong Tect Tin- personal altercation took place ending Farewell Address If P Officer and Brethren It is with regret that I have to farewell of this Division whoso walls I have enjoyed ippointmenta figures of friends and extended hand of friendship But tho time is now al hand when we must separate For tho six yearn I have mingled with you in society and enjoyed your hospitality kindness Yost kind which I shall forget Lot it always be your aim to live in fear of God to forward the cause of temperance to live in unison and harmony with your fellow mortals Brethren let us that we are part of a great foremost in the ranks of civilization and tianity it therefore behoves unto ex tend tho of tcin iKTuiico to 1b harmony with other dutiful allegiance to our Queen brother lovo and christian charity towards another giving up all reckless- former Mr J remind you that some of hare been tmared this Todd ami Brandon Councillors it rolls the sands of which would fain drink it up growing at it advance until it becomes a mighty diffusing and i Jr wetim ealing it goes and it is ai now extending its conquests In many sou Imuc lands Saving conviction passes from Jwi Joel heart to heart the cry of mercy rises that the jiuigro Bench was question is therefore act at rest by in something very like a disturbance the highest in land and amidst which a protest against Mr any prisoner may challenge for cause Hutchinsons on tno ground If bribery corruption waabiindeil Sheriff A Capacious Stomach cham pion eater of United States I looking at his left hand be arprised to see that all the lam smoothly taken off According to the York city between tbtet and four tons of hair at a cost of per annum for iUwEgiaa chignons In New nan named King who has had no by one prououncos mid patriarch It is said that tho only infalwVat ja a certain that death with the exception oft i is by holding a candle of the body If the blister gives fort a fluid has not takon place tted death has occurred Wo ve hive brick of gold worth 1750 result of weeks crashing Itichardson Gold Mining Manager Mr statejl i few tons of rock takon frosafl haft yields much more than thsjl MABKETflp I irKiatu Issprnsf Imt TORONTO leer If 1I MM If MM- ax j Iff y If tit Llaioe a on in t Oh- of v tji bB- ltr before ho has availed hi peremptory rights The qneitons then wore down to these Were the trannctiotki which in regard to these two challenge ground of er ror and if they wore has prison by acts waived or precluded his welcome reign shall ran- number T nners from the ruin of the fall himself from takng advantage or his fit hallowed era revolve so won aif u to nod m rights in this respect argument on those till that derful and yot so when ki dred and cclebrato jubilee ant hern of a regenerated world singing hallelujah for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth Wo bid you farewell brother be faithful to the cause ever keeping in tho emblems of our ordei Love Purity ml Fidelity By order of In vision It Dec We regret to learn of the ami kept broad day IlsiiL A numb effect as the former one Crown found it moat convenient to treat each ground I error and each challenge on which it separately and distinctly and the for tho prisoner wish ed to look at the whole record to their case It was conceded that i what was meant was not expressed by Mount tbe waiver Mr A Editor a Em our report shows claims that the prisoner exercise of right perform a of ibs has excluded from claiming l another which be might have chosen in the first and this ejection is waiver spoken of Judgmentwillbegivenon the instant and in appeal in this country Globe IS have that white of an egg given in sweetened water is a sure cure for croup- remedy is to bo repeated till a cure la effected The St Fracas the young man who had his broken in the affray here on Chrislniaadiedof his injuries on Wed nesday afternoon it in totality its sac I as lbs The York and ottered to eat all that any one would pay for having been be disposed of following articles Ten pieces of apple pie six cakes a quarter of a pound of cracker six of peanuts thirty piokled clams four lemons an ounce of candy and two bowls of clam soup He then drank six tumblers of water and offered to oat a hundred raw oysters No one doubted his ability to accom plish tho feat but no one was willing to pay for tho oysters and so bo went off grumbling that ho wasnt half full A BiMDaa Last week a lady arrived ly the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway at Buffalo and usual on American side tho bag gage of tho passengers was Boarders Wanteds THE subscriber has RESIDENCE PROSPECT For apply to EXCELLENT CHAMCE T sMStat- I OR TWO AGENTS Apply a a sag Newmarket fch a W A EST rUCJl Annual As lady had nothing but a small reticule but her figure was so curiously developed alter the fashion of what is called the Grecian Bend that tho Custom House officer concluded that all was not right A female Detective was sent for and lady searched when there was bund secreted about J her twelve yards of black silk BALLATfTKilEf velvet six pair of French kid gloves 9tk fifty yards of lace and four while is JssUck Ostrich feathers forming altogether j rather valuable Grecian Bend They were ail I l

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