ks go uvsodtoftbUBd B Sendftar u OMUOgit au0f U wt nort obdentaad bbmd U rbAt Tkiv tiHqkU r jfcO 2rSV C vUlMlta no aotle of lettM Scnitatot tur mlto ustU lie pro iacei ibe bod in which the toi7 ofnM Ottifer Outwitted M written by L 0 9 N C J 0 pAil Company started fim Bro itreet stuioa up the rod for pupoea of distrfbating the empty cms and bnng- isg down a tnia of iMded OQes tweeo Allendale fire of tbe ors vere distiibated and hea4boQt thiee- quarten of a mile aboTe that sutioa and befo dijligh tig caaie in ooo- taet Tith thre wluh had fbtmd their way to the track from neibonr- iog pasture field in oonseqnenoe of tbe gate beiog negligentlpr left open Two of the animals were instantly killed the engine and cars passing orer their bodies and tie remainiflg tme waa so hadly ia- juMd that itfi detch bcaaie neceuaiy The eogice and its oconpants the driver an4 stoker passed over the brolten bodies of the animals without being moTed from the track bat the tender and all of the caia except two were thrown froip the track and piled upon each other in almost total wreck Atance va tIraphd for at once and in the meantime an ex- uoinatioQ of the debrit was made to aacer- tain if there waa anybody bjored as one of the brakesman Uwey was niieamg After Bome search the nnfor- tonate man was found crushed down into a marshy place with the huge iron axel of one of the trucks resting on his spine Life was not then extinct althongh he mast hare been dreadfoUy crashed for he tamed np his eyes to the light of thfrlamp with a glazed and imploring loot Ereiy exertion was made to extricate his bod as sooD as possible but when he was lifUd oat life had fled The body was conveyed to AUandale station where an iaqaest was held daring the afternoon Decea leaves a wife and three children An ex cellent system by which all the employ of the 65mpaiiy who are subject to risk are compelled to hare their lives insured leaves a handsome provision for the lamtly of the deceased A policy for 81000 in the Travellers Company vt life the premiums on whicb the Company and deducted moDthly from his wages When the in formation of the occurance reached here gangs of workmen were despatched to the spot and the track was cleared of the wreck as soon as possible Mr Monaghan condnctor of the first down train due here on arriving at the Bcene with his train and Godlng the state of affairs had all the asafitance available in reqmsition and by hard work the track was cleared before noon By fast tunning afterward the train managed to reach here about 130 oeJeck The trains are all rannlag regu larly again The loss sustained by the Company is said by some to be between three and four dollars other calculations place it under one thon- aand aa many of the cars can it b said be repaired at little expense Glche Ocl 6 eidbj wAaaiaoni in- ftom th mn of as Uto ewi- lt U fc KWto tlio tteDtb ana Pen he artillery batr tahon Ano weK at emu TriUx the tnbuted Mong Iha poor i Anca were felt u 29ili Sow fMple Tcre W Jog gut of tluimiiij jlive One poot fsUoff WoDg Uism ha been eotogledot til dljt Iiiigiae his Wifes eoTj A maenificpnt meteor in the northt part of the hpavens last mAtwhen abont half way ojn its conjse part it eioded remainder odotin- gaito coMBt fin also exploded Washihotos Sept 30 It ia not de termined whether a new indictment shall be pfepared against goratt in advance of the decisioa of the Supreme Goort on tho wmte raised by the District Attorney No warrent haa yet been isEued for Surratta rest CwoiNKATr Sept StOA train often care of the Atlanlio Great Western B R was destroyed by fire near Urbana yes terday The fire wia bau by an explo sion in the forward car which is suppoUd to have contained nitroglyoerine THe engbe was comjJetIj demolished and the engineer seriousW ihjnied and the fireman slighUyhnrt The cars were loaded with flour wid pork A house a quarter of a mile from the wreck was demolished by the concussion Boston Sept 30 The International cricket match was concluded to-day- The All England eleven won after sharp play all round The All England eleven scored 109 in the first innings and71 in the second The American 22 scored 39 in their first Qinga and 37 in dieir second Boston Oct 1 The base ball match between the English cricketers and the nine ball players of the Tri Mountain Harvard and Lowell clubs wis played to day the selected nine defeated the Eng- ifih Bine by a score of 21 to 4 The English cricketers leave even- Dg for New York and take the afternoon rain on Friday from Jersey City for Phil- delphia where they commence the great ficket match on Saturday between the U1 England eleven and twentytwo native of Jolm Stewart Northeast Hope got one of his legs torn completdy off and the other one broken in a threshing ma chine this morning No hopes of his re covery Hid Geobqztown Oct 2 About five O today a fearful accident occurred at Glenwilliams The upper hents for Chas Williams new woolen factory were being raised and between twenty and thirty men on one of the benta were pre cipitated to the ground about thirty feet by the supports giving away One young man was instantly killed Walter Bell and Joa Wiswell are supposed to be fatally iajured and about tenmore sen- oualy injured among whom we may men tion Wm Rodden merchant of Glen- williams This gad calamity has created a profound sensation to the neighbour- From Montreal Oct 1 The Customs Revenue was 1077051 for the quarter endine 30th BepUmber against Sl3i731 io the same period last year The fall trade sales are going off well A fire last night did some damage in Dr Radwaya medicine depot Dr R presented 100 to the firemans funtl in acknowledgement of the mens prompti- tude Oct 3 Another fine pnblio hall is to be erected on the oomer of St Peter and Craig streets by a Joint Stock Company Mfc pOI uwwiagSmtht let Artha- The house of Elicar Qui haaka was burnt and His wife and children buried in the ruins Mr OFarrell addresses the Local Gov ernment through the press insiating upon an official investigation of the rooent at tempt to upset the train near the Tanner- ies alleging that a clue to the guilty party haa been ducorwed and that h is not an IriahmaD and that eiufuiry has boen dnrnped by Justioe Couraol The L Governmeiit Is taking mea- uies for having a survey made of public Unda OB the Ibe of the Intercolonial for the purpose of colonization Several prominent cltisens- hare been foe4 in the Queens Bench for ingaajoron OCT 6 I for the Interoolonial for the same road are to be boilt at the Dominion foundry OoT 5rAnotbcr exteorire ftre ia al- blea has Uken place oocamencing in those of Roscaire Booaventoije atreet and ex- tendios to those of thje DomiDion and FrankllnBousos Tbisj w well as several late fires of the same kbd are supposed to b the work of an ioceodiary Cap Ui9zprefli trua netizunb tweeaKibgBtott and ujipitithe looonotivfif aod I trams after- Aults- of the ezpta wards nnming iato ille ddayed the here tall 30 On the Tih huLMthe Ifaose NewsiarkM ftheF- I 7 JCtssl of Kins ki tbBisidcnQ9 pf Bishop on the soth ulk ihe Jtev Mr Brown am Ta J I4um t Koa Lcvtu W Btsr all ofKewmarfcst brei Soddenlf in Kewmarket on 3rd Intt TnoiuaFwr pi W years r At King on the 6th instant HkWic Cax KEWUABEET MARKETS October T t Plottr barrel Fall Wheat bushel I l6 SprlngmeatbnBhel I 00 IS Ostay 0 OO Peaaf baihel 0 00 Barley 9 boihel I 38 Beef 100 Jbs B 00 Drened lOO lbs 0 00 8heep 3 00 Lambs each i 75 Hides 100 lbs 0 00 8bepskiieach 0 00 pdtatoe8yiniirvV 0 00 QieenAppUttfbaAel 0 00 Bntterft 0 00 z Cheeae ft 0 13 a Eggs per dozen 0 00 Midge Proof bushel Fall Wheats bushel Spring Wheat bnahel OatabUfihl Barley 4 bpshel Peas V buahel Dressed SogBlOO lbs freshtt tnblb Eggs do Br Sadways SanaparilUan BeMlvent a sssTz sv ss fraiiral efficacy ihroojtitho IJiWD rdiiii7 dtcocSioM ud SrniM tr B of thi ortSiSly pwp u uiyremedy never poueswdihe ctcBdeoce oT intmia nej njd all iher bj al3o Vitne4 d ihe BammiilU ARlliLlANueciuedaolbnHirtilolirblaiulu9odaed Washih6ton Oct 1 A company of Fenians uniformed in blue pants and green jackets carrying American and Fenian colors yesterday paraded the streets N Y Oct 2 Roman Ca tholicSynod in this ci have enacted that no abeolntton must be given to Freemasons and that marriages must take place in the to prohibit absolution to Fenians was lost N Y Oct 3 The horso disease that haa been prevailing on the westcri end of Long Island has made its appear ance in Suffolk County and Idlled some of the most valuable horses in that neigh The Herald special eays It is learned from good authority in the Treasury de partment that the pnblio debt statement for September will sbOw an increase of nearly four million dollars San Francisco Sept 29 One of the ost destructive rain storms ever known Arisona commenced on the 7th of Sep- Gila 1 and Hupper Cos steam fioi at Runo village were destioyed ber of cattle belonging to Texan emigrants jra drowned in the flood The ship brought on from Glasgow re ports having etperienced heavy shocks of earthquake at sea on the 11th and 18th of SepUmber rHnDELPHlA Oct 3 The Inter national Cricket match between the All England eleven and the American twenty- two of Philadelphia was started today The Americans won the toss and sent the eleven to the field at two oclock The game continued with several interruptions Cadwalader and Morgim the former by M6 and the was veiy ef fective Th9 play be resumed on Monday momiog PflitABBiPHM Oct 6 International ricket ilatch was oontimied tchday American twenwtwo finished tbeir first inniDM for eightyeight rims Tho English eleven made nintytwo in their first innings The Amerins commenced their second innings and had made one with the loea of ten wickets umpe were drawn for the night Meupuis Oct 6 On Saturday night train on the Misaisaippl Central Railroad ran through TresUe Bridge ne West sUtioD precipiUling two coaches and two Bleeping cars Into a ravino Ope coloured brafeamaa kiiled and serea passengers p Oct 6 International Wcket Match Tho AmerioM twenty- vwo were all out in second mnlDga for tbirtyfive The Bnrfish eleven brt eight wiokeU for thirtyope runs making the game a tie and made the winning rua without losiag another wicket The eleven winniog by two wiAt- CtAttofadwghlei MABRRCI On Monday the 6lh lnt at Woodridc near at Ih wldec o 0 Vnrkibire BogUad to Mv Mooiov youDgeat daoghter of C Uogaboom THE HEWMARprt J868 J J 1 of Kile bu tii JOBJtDALL October 43 TTUPEB a power cotttained In a mortgage U to ft tlms ot tae jiiHi oi4 br uiciioir Atiiii BenitiK t bh bc twou Tons Tonoatimto 31rt OcloiSr IM8 the northe comity hot Number eUhV oacwBiw ofe ship of WhltchQifoataistog two and a quarter acres mun or Jeg There li s wogb- ct house on the pren soiUble for a coimtry store Forteroa apply to HcjnaimiY 4 E4E i 8iifti9rt Terni October f 1858 43 SARSAPARILLIAN pfe Can ttnpoood of iheenraeu from Ihe crade roou I prepared cpfficinaUy Min lie ptxUar dvenud air- 1 in high perirmiiii of Eope SouTh Amirilifef u BSSUutpanp ritating wralent dBctafe 1 dTertuemeni is rapidly cured by tin remedy 80 Rvont en ite tirenloiij FTOorpenline Jnmpui Gin Caile Onliebe Urinary IHarrticiiu Ci e pTmlewer lhEjerTiIoDrpiiy5dM ii ul UoodjiicpQre anxUllon wattt c Oie by feVaLwe etc hroa1i tbc uie of UiU fer bh Radway Samgirilllan Rewral JOHN an inrgeranl of J in the 4th Con North QwlUimbury on or about September 20tb k HEIFER TJie 1 renueaUd to prove property pay BCB and tako her away DAVID CI A JOHH BENTLEY Chemist Druggist WIITE apiBIT MESCHAXT tie Has received a fresh supply ofWlnesand Llquora couialSng ia frt of lititjfi fortign and JomtUc nrxiicyi Funth Otandy Handinant Old Port UVru Cranp SuUtt nhtrru Wiiu J4KuypimtUndainti BmUdrohtTmiodi auintuti BoUUd AUiit All liiqaore are womnted pure and notwith- standing the recent advance la duty will be ftoltkt reasonable prices by the quart barrel Dyi Stuff Chtap onJ o Bft Q FRESH GOOEUIES Teas uneualled for Parity Strength Oigaro Fine Tobaoooes Pipes Ac bo he CbMp or Cuh Bemember ibe Bronjui UorUr near the Pott Offloe Uain E W M A R K E T STOVE Tll HARDWA IRON WA SYKE8 dt ELVIDGE8 the only plaj where yoii get firiWlaii vidM tor yonr p those thatai in the market sjainst bnyiD etiJos whet NBWMAEKET DRUiGlTORE AREFBIT injl wUlted Stocl of GoodgaY on hand comprising D E U G S 1 0 AL S PATENT MEDICINES I ERF TJ ME R Y HAIB Vm AfD TOOTH BRTTBEZS TOILST SOAPS SPONGES TOOTH POWDERS HAIR BYIS HAIR OILS Trvmet Saitgniihnlitr firoee Syiin Horse and Cattle MediolneB I Balls Horse Blisters Englieh Coi OUB STOVS vAre acknowled by the aiding to be the heaviesi most durable and d They are aU warrant and guarwt to be 8DPEBI0B IN QUALITY AND 8TBZN0TH Toany tnfcctnred We would beg to canUon yon that wanf stoi np entirely for sale a not for dusbUIty- as yon dont iii rou bsy these ipurioat wafer articles that are got op and are dear at any price Oor thimble skeins ilso of superior quality aed for strength and finish are second to n foctured Our cutleet and platfd goods ilso the best value in the Dominion Dont foiet to call on ns as we can von half a doMn knires and forks for as cents and upwards Our jack knives and spoons noirn to be tho best and cheapest in Nemnarket and together with the Stoves and Tinware excel orerythlsg in tht market for QUALITY 8TBENOTH FINISH AND CHEAPNESS eariDg competition In the ibade And to yon blacksmiths- I receiviDg and have on the way for you 40 tons of THE GENUINE CROWN BRAND OP BAND HOOP ROD AND BAR IRON ther Tdth a large and splendid stock of Cast Qen Slelghshoo and other Steels Is Garglin er Ac DTE Cochineal Solntlon Tin Madder Logwood Ac Ac 4c Wilsons Itch Ointment a certain c fiverdiesiings Soluble Cayennajpepper in bottles Fine Fre rOil Pancr Jnglish ticiane Preteripfiont and Fa Cartxflj Frtpared The most TifTectua Scent for entic kinds of wild animals Tcmip Ac mly by J James and sold at the NbT Price M centa per bott t October 7 1868 rug Store PERSOlSr DENTIST EYER gratefalKipast faronrs takqs thl opportunity- of IsformlDg hie friend theynMitrfa t he iBahont opening an mcejn Newmarket OVES i HACiK SBVe Fitted up with anjeye to comfort and co venience Tiiebe material always used ai AU lTork WarranUd jfNitrogi ealthing out for fte purpose It fcctual as an anicAhctic oe Chloro lither without the danger or nauset NitrAs Ode GaProtoxk MmnUoly called Laughing Ga BAZAAR TUESDAY WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 13 k 14 181 iglish CI r Ulc g Jtefrahneni at all Ilours THE BHARON BIIVER BAND IlM leen engaged taenlfren tho proceedings Any persons feeling disposed to contribut to the abore will ftrward Uio same to Mre Carry of Holland finding or to Mrs Thof Selby and Mrs StoWs of Sharon September 30 isep 411 Volunteern Attention No 6 COMPT HfOJlK BATTALION This company wilTparde for drill at the Armoury eyery Thursday evening at 7 oclock until furthn- notice By order A BOUITBRE ENGLISH GRAMMAR AUrilOBlSBD KDITION PUiCR 60 GENT ADAM filler publisher 01 Alv reretil Toronto August B U66 33 Farm for or to Bent Tiut weHknown farm the property of Dr J J Hiiatr is now offered for sale cheap It Li compoaed of part of I No 3 In the 4tii ConoeadoB of the township of 1iogcoBUlnlog 180 acres 110 of lieared arul n a high aUw of ot Juildii it will Oulldinga good will rented ii Inquire of Dr J Csiapbelt this which iltivatl sold within ten days ic or tWs j j J Bngffy ibr Bale AhECOiiDHANiD BUOOT Cheap I W TRENT At SvUr Jfu irket June 14 Sfi Eaotory than a choppers that your hemlock knots v eof the celebrated Burrell I 0 be I XL Our s they FLOUB FEED OBNERAL OBOCERT AlD Provisipn Store WraESuQUOBff 4o HASUB a GULVEBWELK respectftill Inform thjilr friends and the public Itiat they lave pur chMd the ENTIRE STOCKINTRADE SOUTER TRENT And intend keeping a choice stock of FAMILY GROCERIES WINES BPIBITS HAMg PROVISIONS And ererything required by families in gen cral which they will gell at the Very Lcviat Pnca fm Caih BUTTER ECVOB FARM PRO D U C E Taken in excliange for Goods floue bean oats hand crosscut and drag saws e also the best value mewmarket and stand unsurpassed for superior temper farmers and painters e haTD for yon the genuine Scotch Lead and are sole agents here for that article paints and oils e of Blandell k Spences saperior manncture and are too well known to need further sportsmen iuperior Traps Shot Pouche ether with a large a trade and we Respectfully solici f goods belonging to the Han iueficial to all of you jure respectfully STKES ELVIDGE BRITISH WItEHOXJSE ti es NEW FALL GOODS W M 68 A B O R R Will this week show tho First NEW FALL GOODS And continue to receirc WEEKXY ADDITIONS THROUGHOI7T THE SEASON Call ftud See OUR SILKS DRESS GOODS French Rapp Pareppa Cloths Lyons Brocades prints cottons sheetings towelings Imported direct wbi ir Fine Slock of Olotlis REABYMjVrE CIOTIII3SrO Neat StyHsh and DHihI We hare now secured the erricta of tno jnl First C Cutters and can guaraatee a Perfect Fit Wo will show tho Largest Best and Cheapest Stook of Boots and Shoes I Ever brought to this pari Together with a choice lot of FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES Ypn will saro Thirty I 30 per cent by buyiog at ORRS CASH STORK vjtijA AROinU- DIRECT IMPORTATIONS BURK HARRISON Reg to announco to their frieids and customtrg that they hare impoitcd dtrcct fro OXASGOW IMiATVCH3BSrEH NI1 OTHER MARKKT8 a large quantity opaplb and FANCY DRESS GOODS I AS THESH GOODS WHRK BOUOHT FOR CASH Aud Imported Direct w are prpared and will offer BUT E B I OR AX I op the big t At the ngn of tho Big T NEW STOCK OP THB MOST FASttlONABLB HOOP BKIBTS BITBK ft EABBiaOH Kewmarket May l8 IOt Card SOUTER t TRENT in returning l to their friends and the public io etal beg to acquaint them that they sold out the whole of their stock of G ies Wines nnd Spirils to McEars Hai BIRD CAGES FLOWER VASES WALKING CANES WINDOWBLIND PAPER BINNS VARIETY STORE For Sale FARM near CANADIAN NATIONAL SERIES READING BOOKS iid by lie Counell of I illustrations strongly F B with 31 i bound in limp cloth 2ndrfttt54illu6lmtion8 in cloth boards Twenty cents Timn B 41 illustralions strongly bi incloth boards Thirty cents PoTOTa B 4MHu6lralions slioiigly bi in ciofb boards Forty cents F B 60 illuslmtionB slronglv ix in cJolh boards cealB Or JOOfNS FRENCH COUGH LEVERS SHOULD bo resorted to in all cases of Brocbitis Honrscuess Catarrh Coughs Colds Asthma Shortness of Breath and all disorders of thu Throat nnd Lungs They nreeconinicDdcd with confidence to Ministers Bcliool teiiihers public KpcakerF Singers Auctioneers Ac Ths Levers Imvo been thoroughly tcsled in practice and witli- out a doubt are better than anysimllar mcdU cinc yet introduced to the public RBAD THE FOLLOWING T Please send me one box more inianilMCtuTfrlfa CaHadiM atest careas tocleanlincsbeingcntiri 6 from gritty substances BLAKXLTfl TSKKIFUOE CAKOIESL herwe Justly ceiebraUd for the eipi y vegetable iogredieats The most wo derful cures have been effected by hem a artAklng your lelaiosiie T hv ant to t tAs s besides the williogly laUtrM BouUr Newmaxket sim the Dominion Ai