Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Courier, 8 Oct 1868, p. 2

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THE ITEWMABKEC CQUBgat THPHSDAY OOTOBEB 8 1868 Bttrajtatt By Atlantio Cable L Sept so following is reoeired from Madrid De L CoQcha U It tbe head of the eoTenimait at theCapiul aodHanaelSe I Concha in commwd of aa am ia the Oeld huve prononneed for the rerolntion The people of Madrid d anny gniKmug the cirt hate followed their example A tatute of the Queen been dragged through the streeU of Madrid bj the rebeli Paria ef the royal army who had been marshallii bis forces for seTeraJ daya has bn utterly defeated by the inrar- sentB in the Promee of Cindad Real hie army is dispersed and bimeelfa fogitire Manbal Serrano of the rebel army is rTT on the capital unopposed Geo PatiabaaarriTedj he was badly wotmded IB hiB battle with the revolutioQry forces The Royal Anns have been removed from the pubao btuldinga throughoaf the city by the eoldiew The ciliiens eTerywr lalerize with the t n seTeral quarters o lated Agntoeiynisterof Jostioei OeoPriip Minister i Wdii Oloyage Hiniater Foreign Aind Mt HInistr of 90Uudelmohub 3i deti hiiijUf tis iw Uk The dooiuaetarga4B hai iW hi the to jOte Qaeet doet ber ritfl to the Otrona ao dedares of a Junto established by Tiolesce are not binding 00 tlieppk liOitooK Oct 6 The new deep eea sabmarioe telph direot from Ualu to Alexandria Egypt faeefully com pleted Saturday afooo BRITISH STJUMABY Ht Jko BwQHt M p bM become OddfeUov KU Catholic Csthedra for ihe dioc Westminster la said to be in contmpla- Pftlue T Lirerpool Town Council hare rewlvcd borrow an additional earn of 150000 for the purpOM of improving the public parka Hum UQioiiuie togexpected ediiioQ Mr Brighfs speechea edited by Professor rames E Tliotold RagQts sae publUhed oa r will iher WunVil the urirai at the iapfUl of Gens- Prim and Serrano The batrie be- tweea and Serrano occurred at cala near Cordova and waa very ahi there were but few losses The ancit rhtfi of the House of Savoy to the throne of Spain are beginning to be diECOSsed sad the Duke of Aosta tKe second s Eiug Victor Smmanuel is talked of available candidate A passenger train on the London and Railway ran off the track today near Rugby Four persons were killed and sereral are reported eeretely injnred The accident was caused by broken rail PaKis Oct 1 Za VcKce today dis- oosses the prospects of Spain andprcts that the present revolution there will be followed by a Tiolent civil war The Monileur of this morning gives the following accoont of th the Spanish court He of Spain and the members of the royal family who were vithher at San Sebaatiau crossed the French frontier on the 30th ult They immediately proceeded to Biarritz where the Queen had an inter- view with the Emperor Napoleon and the Empress Engeoie Aflerabiiefdelay the Queen and family left Blarrltx for the cas tle of Pau which has been assied to her most Catholic majes as a residence dur ing her sojourn in France M Oct 1 The Provisional Junta has isued a proclamation calling out the national militia M Oct 1 pa The Marquis of Novalia died in thia clty this morn ing of his wounds Gen Calon while preparing to fly to Frte was arrested and handed over to the Revolutionary Junta at Burgos The city of Madrid is perfectly quiet Jens Prim and Serrano have not arrived here PiBiflj Oct 1 The Bourse is buoyant and rtea are rising Aixiroau Eqym Oct 1 While the Viceroy of Egypt was yisitii Inmlnation in a mpti 5 him by 1 I J i aa iostb jDepart Train leTe Brock 8ti 4rrtTe4l GRAlfD TRUNK EAST Depart 637 k 1207 a 407 e07 p I30TA4f 107 742 100 QBEAT WESTERN Depart 700a5 IZSSfVsSSS a a20p UOOrM later irin U r Buckingham ndaj- eip t tbe niHifnnrEhowfl n nctuuM of aboT foai per cent ia Englhad ind Wales coBipared with the cotTodii eriod last vcat laulU was protebW the tallest Ion He ns sir feet seven t ionedj too and in co Us Gussma bs badan atta holera and hia advisers insigt Liverpool labama difBcult and ra and opccatitea Q and arbitiHtloa e Zoologi- otfe w soo 345 r TnBleaVeWonStatloi POBT OFFICE NEWMARKET Mails made np for Toronto and Letters oing West dally at 815 am Mails made up for the North dally at Malig made up for the South and way Sta- 008 dally at 640 pm Malls msdo op for Sharon Holt Mount Albert Qoeentville Rarenaboe Keawicfe GeorglnafefferlawWilfriedandBeave daily after the arrival of the morning Toronto ils made np for Pie Orchard 5art BallantTaeHaTDiDUtaholzaLemanville Ringl VlTaDand Stouffville on MoUdarj Wedaedys and Fiidays at 1 pm Malls made for the Qld Countries on hnrsdayeaQdSatordayB at 815 am Registered Letters are expccted NEW ADVEBTISEMENTS Newmarket Djug Stoic J Haekett roto Bentley Chemist and Draggigt UtrayDavid Clark Notice John Dallju Ialuable Property in Lemonville for e Falkland Islands iLud place a Gardens London a sea b olf a pair of Upland gee Baeos Bothschud has goB ew purchase the famous wboac vines this year are expected to pro duce a finer crop than has been known dnce Mr Goodchalt and Mr Wellbeloved le of the police conrU a Mr Lear 8ck- r was charged with stealing a botUe of IB building trades of the Nottingham dis- have resolved to establish a BoaM of tration and Conciliation and represinta- I have been apinted from the working filouriv dropping a steel ball armed with sharp barbs upon his head The Vioetoy es caped uninjured the perpetrator ia ui kodwQ LoiDKi Oct 2 An explosion oi rorred yesterday in acdliery at Bhiwaboi eleven persons were killed an iboni fhi4 result Ojf Wednesday last an old y Margaret Cuniungham died at at Ballymagougbj near Kilke best health during her Ufetime rt ten days andtUlwl ynred AfADEiP Oct 2 Proclamations will soon be issued for elections to be held throoghoat the Kingdom to choose mem bers of a definitive Junta and delates to Gonstitaent Assembly to meet at an early Chamber give a banquet to Revcrdy Johnson Uii American Minuter and Lord Stanley the English Minister for Foreign Affairs on the 22na of Oclober L Oct 4 A contract for the cODEtructioD of the nnderground railroad io New York haa been concluded with the EogHsh engineers who built the under ground railway in this city and they cxpecl 0 enter upon the work at an early day t the contract for the approval of the board of directors The rumour is current that the s of the revolution in Spain has had t feet of inducing France to make son portant coDCeeaioDs to Italy It ia known thft the Prime Minister 3Icaabrea ii capectcd in Paris and the supposition is that he comes to conduct the ntiatioi rendered necessaiyby the alleged change in the policy of M Oct 3 Manhal Serrano eloading arms and the amwniUoii foi me now in use or in store at all the for eign statioDS The rifles will on their airi- vl be fonvcrted Into breachloaders on tht uScrSc his footing fell i The and buildings publi 8u jjerbly decorated A large civic and military proceon cscorted generals through the pity The houses sidewalks and pubifc squares along the route of the procession were crowded with cititens who received Marshal Serranrt and the gtoerals with wild enthusiasm The proceMifitv was foHowel by a pwade and revkr National Guard This lias a great pattioiM display and was made the occasion of striking manifeeta- tions of the popular win The troops carried nde by side with their flage ban- s on which the BourbgnsI plel Rclirf inscribed Down with fovcreignly of lh peo- Liberty Frc Edu- oaUoul to other oiottoos of timilx eharaeler At the tcminaiioD of the tetlew Marshal rraqo made a patriotle ddrees to the immense multltude of ottt- itan and soldiers In h course of which he aanouDed that he had united with General Prim in oalling Marsha Espartero the Duke of VittorU io the head of the flute The formation of a new Cabinet hae been completed aa foUows ManW Herrano President Castello Minister of Commerce Topete MuUiei of Marioe Jouaves about tbo beginning of fhe prcHcnl 01 v 101 Irish 60 KnKllsh 2 other parts 7 Aiistrlan ifnUcdfitatesc wtJng the Pre5dlt in leluU committed aulcide by Ing In the North River white Une wj ported King in his conduct towarfis HiM urraisliot himself Her sp wM tried for AMoifa other effects recently raised Iyd vers at wotk on Uio simkan wreck of the teamsbin Junsarlaul was a roll of iroiwlcloth the inner fold of which I good sUte of preservaUon It will bo re- nemlereJ that the ungaritnon tlio paosago ron England io rorlUid In February I8SB buQdered among the pe 8aMe ledges ami hat not one of Ute JiasseDgers and crew upwards of thrto iiundred in numhei sUU continue at work raUng properJy from tlie re lfatd Wp A great pari ot raited the first two i iied Of it the divers have Jeen ei A portion of the skeleton of a Urge slsi wa found not long slnee in the engln not unliksly that of one of the epgin We have received a pamphlet compiled by the Association of Grammar School Masters of Ontario considerii the posi- on of Upper Canada College ia relation to the grammar schools and of a truth me of the facta aa there set forth are of startling character We had always a sort of vague illdefiiicd idea that the col lie was an institution created and fostered purely in the inteiealof Toronto butltenj being well accustomed tothi ftfmtraliging selfishness of that cityj we we prised at its grasping the chief of the fat things Still we imagined that the college was founded in some form of honesty and were but little prepared to discover that it was establisheclj and is aappotled of the wholesale spoliation of the gram school endowment That this is the ca ia amply and simply dcmonsliat in the pamphlet before us taking the allcgatioi up as correct The collie now stands the property allotted to the Toi grammar school while the latter languishes a building inferior to Principal Cock- rna stable Out of the grant of 250- 5 acres of land for grammar school pur ses 64000 acres of the very best were defiance of law and right devoted to use of the college and hundreds of thousands of dollars of the grammar school funds have been illegally uied in carrying college simply for the benefit of the people of Toronto while at present annually spent out of the same funds in paying high salaries tothe raas- f the college a sum sufficient to ap- poiUon to every granimat schoolin the Province Wc liave not a word to Bay against tho maintenance of a high olasa school like the college hi Toronto nor do deem it necessary or advisable to dis- 3 hero the manner of its administration the means of its support except that may say that as its establishment would principally redound to the Advantage of Toronto tlifit city of right should the weightier portion of the burden It doubtless durable tJmt thero should ilfit in the capital of Ontario some means of obtaining a higher class of eduoation previous tothe University but let the osl come from the proper quarter and lot from a lao deduction from the al ready fMsanty funds of the countygrammar schools It is on the latter the country depends to secure a letter elssa of educa tion for the rising youth and it is Intoler able that the funds so wisely set apart for tilts useful and moat needful purpose should b0pplied in educating the children ofthe weaUhycltucna of Toronto io payingMr Cockljurn upwards of a year with half a doten usistast al 1400 each wUli splendid buildiogs and boarding- houses to boot wUea they have lees right to have the money spent upon them than we to have the satae eighteen or twenty thonaaad doUare a year spent on our sohl in Newmarket We cannot well discuss the matter at length here it is far grave a aubjeet to end in mersi aewapaper controver and must form Uie eubjeotof Parliamentary enuiry The only way we ean see of treating the uestioa Is to have it submitted to a mmiaaion ap pointed by Ibe Ijislature Tb college jitorQ tnw lMn doajnoaa iht of ibe Homeumi- buithe power of S Bdwwo tiiBdbeUete i ilU finuu w ilkged ibii Upper O Col if vitaued tod in wwiftiliinaep oat of tte mtmey bokngiiig to tie grammar cbo wUl be doue men tie didl go farther into tbU aBtriwlo impwaJ on ow unportwioe of taking thora too between the college and aotooladito Beaeon we aw tjuttbS interest of Toronto its Urge leadentwpte- mentation ia extremely powerfnl J yet we CwuMtfaiito bdieyetlwt wlieQ the rob- jeot u fully t Legislature and it3 real learning bearing coromiegion wifl be appiea aft the whole matter and report to the Howej when If such state of things eliminated m are a forth in thefpblet before ub a great changepinstrceUiadc Thefands originally for the sustentation of thegrammwscTiools has for a long been diverlH maiQteiauice of the college aadOaiBeedlesalyeiiBsive scale to tte grVitrimcnt ofthegenerid edu- cation the countay and it fill time this lnce should be abated L J t THE PRACTISE OFINTEBNA- ilpNAI LAW The preaen age is one not only fmitful m iDventionSjIbttt is also noted for the liberality of which is rapidly per meating throub the mioda of the think ing and acting men as well io other coun tries and empires as under our own consti- tutionallyform goveniLient Under out own mild lawsthe Uberty of the subject be he ever so mean is guarded with the most BcrapiiloTa care so much so that a man charged with crime ia so hedged round with the wall of defence the pre sumption of his innocence affords that less than jnsticeis often done in the final reanlt of his tiW It is better perhaps that ten guilty should escape than one in nocent man sur However that is not exactly the question wo wduld discuss hero but rather the immunity from any trid whatever which many criminals en joy under the present state of our inter national relations Wo aie speaking now partwolarly on the position of Cana da end the States in this matter j and foi text will take as an example of the ex eme ioaaffieiaioy of the provisions of thi subaistiog tteatybetween the two coun I the esoa of the express robbers- Morton Moore Thompson and others whose extradijjjijias rtly AVcmOl BAtM moalW OTtonfaniihiagppiordJototnots We to iacat lo pat- terwi Auctloaeer 0 SiTTOiT OOTOBB UHr AIfr park lKt 11 4th Con Ewt Owilliabofy bu a atton tale of 7tjm 8tclt Impls- ment ai aoot five tons of eWent together with auacioiu otter arti cles Terms under 5 cash over that amount 18 months credit on nraithtog approved Joint notes For the hay to commence at lo Malloy auctioneer 0 StmoiT OoiosB Sirt at Henderson- aoction rooms In the city of Toronto the foUowiog TaloaUe property rituate at iUmonvrne being 2 acres of the northeast comer of Lot No 8 Sth township of Whltohurch together a roughcast hfluse V the Corauu Office will leceWe a notice at Hjve free of chargc Wpoift KiTbe ntnfhotTjie- uy contained paragiapbstattiiiaiit W Harden M ftUeo dead In ajiBltiiikvHew maAet Th iiwroia i ofantUia Omi generoui neighbour at the north end If the TiUfe lMa Us temper a little in hii last ism and csjls ns rather hardnames he- cause ve gave insertion to a letter from t corresndent In which the editor of the Eu biltnther prominently Into mention I regaM to plaglaiim aad if gniUy ol this crime we do not think Scrutator was hard in his letter but if innocent why doei he not publish a denial We do understand on what principle thi same all ua a sickly print MM UkelywvaUhivedoB had sneh aw easajthe htue of rtertcro twatUng Md abort ttme he itved afUj tiiaattack wooM lead to the sopporitloa ttetitwasQotafit thought H mgU hav b caused by the rapture of Aha hl04 immediately cosected with the heart TerdictThat deoeued to his death hy natural causes Aft the iapert the body was removed to Us lsreetdeaccwheT a sorrowing wife and dro young children mourn their loss eighboBrshot luch reading matter in o columns 61 think of a better sort but would Ittve that for public thi epithet sickly pri shall he glodto recelvc Items of m different parts of the County tcch io mectitjgH fesUvals Council re ports etc AH Communications to be addressed lo M Sinks publisher and proprietor and UBi be accompanied with tbe name of ibe author not however for publication if desired othenrise but as a guaranty of good apply i I paptr ttAee e up Aon the a fortably We do not ci by the RuthoHUes of the tfniW Sutee Tbw and its comminoQ fully admitted by oi of the crimiisijsjyet these men were i lowed to go fr because under the pi visions of the tty a robber can only bo extradited if tie crime robbery waa at tended with viilenpe With the law in its present sbau no other coucee could be taken by ol authorities but to di charge the prismers Still we look upon it aa a melancloly state of tiivnga thi man should be allowed to commit crime whatever here and fly to the- States r a sure refu and vice tJcrsa We cat ideretand and appreetate the reasoning id feelings wiich mako our statevsmei cu refuse to extend tbe provisiona o the present trly so aa in any way t reach more political Dffcnders and believe that the right asylum to them should r bo viold But wo aro moat ngly of opinion so lea in the cUendar are eoneerncd th linal slioul bo rendered to justice without regnrdl to tho degree of erii The yerj tenacity of Great Britain as tho rights of personal liberty under her flag has perhflji retarded other cause tbi airangDmi polltan systemlof laws in thiR bolinlf TVo SCO howev lhat lately alTuck by tbe Homo Lcgislaturo lias bepi considering thfsubject and report matter with a breadth of view and liber ality of idea iftiob will probably result in a general KuTOpean treaty comprehensive 1han tlio provisions of the prccWnt law fw as wo aro ooncerned wo believe it tb absolutely n6ccs9nry for tho wollbeing of Canada and the 8lales a treaty whicf iti provisions will at ODCO annul me immunity from enmo which at present exista tbrongb tho asy lum afforded in either country to swindler thief and outlaw Nor do believe Ibat tlie Sialea would bo fonnd unwilling to treat on tho basis wo suggest CoDsidering Uie position of our natural relations it Is the mert folly contented under the present state of tilings We would even gu further and affirm that situated as tho two eountxles are in Bueh Immediate contiguity and witt such close trade relations we might with great advantage and poet safety make suoh arrangeiiitiut as would faeiiilate tho civil judgmeou of theoourt of either ooutitry tlog cffeot in ibe other without the present tedious nd cxpenaive means neceaawy if atUla thUreauU in pitweed- pal that desire to pretenu eiiocr jrauu aianouwi or crime every mutual aid bould be given lo bring the commlaslon of either under he law of the country where it is oommltted STiron The TickeU oi the of this paper or from any of claw goods well worthy with Mrs Bailey superii advaaccd scholars loBjjcheBot good Englioli ic Xorlh Gffillimbury Foil Show held on village on Friday tho 2Dd insi Allen Hendry took the first at prizes for yicir celebrated ploughi r Wytlic took the first prize for lun rk nml Whitchurch Unii held in Newmarket no IncBflayjin tho Bpaeloun he ining tho village and it outstrip nil former txhll c When you mako yo r Qoods erythii R filled with til all kliuls of D Itilinbles llai reds of beauUful and i ijoitiiespondiiilf hojdo- are supplied ftomn r 500 The nural d like its prcdecest tul on the body of Jlr lent of this pJace ftndei me of his deh by Dr Ifftckett Did lio appear lo have sn pnlci UisttMheforehcdl- eworn saidAm a miller ovneil by Mr Jfarsden Keedles 1 to 1 4 to 8 S to e to 10 Ioel Knivts Hair lirtishes Tooth Kail JJruaUcs together wItJ Paiwr Rrtvolopes etc Accidbkts On Saturday evening about pm M Mr Bowden accompanltd by W Jr was waggon got upset about a milti from Hell Haven on the Newmarket road throwing themoutwhich might tiave provd a serious aOkir The road at this point very bad ond something ought to be done to get It remedied Tho vtaggon vft hadly hrokoo ivnd Mr Bowdeurecelredconslderablelitjury principally in tbe lok His companion aped uuhufl with the exception ithwBter ho lived a tiling happen dui him WltBVs N looked as Ifh thought ho t that d leaned there supporl f a Ter shake About t llflTeis not serious I saw him- did spy aJlli cfAsud had notheen working loo hard during Uo foreman his heart wa beating whe tbe doctot arrived Martin Kayloa swori ld AWalahourerln Marsdensmill eam down ilie station and told Fardy to g R lag of OftUrfM Mr Bogattj he was ahsw nfter tho flour for n winuto or so ud Mayt and I were talking tothor at tho door Mayes went In to see what Fardy was doln Md 1 hearl him call out Tom Tom wh tter Kash called for we ayh dyluK went In and sa him up h U the u Tom wa tviug hold of his I MVf hlni deceased appeared as I had lually seenhlta had not filled tlte flour lit thought he might he in fit 1 acketi snoinsd Kave known decqaaed or a years IU the excepUen ol a mtl thtuma- WM the family physician had ex eA the hedy 5 saw no bruise or mark of Bce on ilo body did not think deceased had a At Wcaiu apiarenily he did not fall TrouWesom and publUl Friday Aui Obtwlttcd by J L 0 was related ards of forty years ago to J lCrj imiyDavla himself who then wwded lix Oly acquainted and was one of the Ciu to hom J h 0 WT his time aad his Ku Neal DavU is uow tho present Clerk of he ae for Iho Conoty of Mayo If ScruUtor would give his Kal name KcupatUiD etc aad sy whether ho cama rom Connaught or be County of Tyrone J L C- will soon And out all hisanUce denta and let the people know wlio this wonderful Bolon is If he is ho iRron J suspects he ncd not hwUt muih of hit condttct U the old conntryaVink U

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