Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Courier, 1 Oct 1868, p. 4

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THE NEWMAIVKEfr COUBIE THUBSD OCTOBER 1 ruri If but Uf lot liad beei ir my poverty ome dark spot graifl igbt I hope to brigttcn rotma inee then find in others loss my highest gain ethe thoDgbt Iwonldno Ifieh heart that such a wigl tld I give mj treasnied li e beloved by ail the world bcdde a yon hill the langbiBg eunlight glows le all around U sombre cold and gray ay heart thy presence breathes delight could hide dark ad some cold loc Bky fortl will c Yet waj I bless the beam the while It lasts And when the cloud comes hope till it paMty Hope and for what that I ma df earn Fet may I love though darker slmdow wind Uowiog bniricaoe Uie Teasel ebiick ftsd conld sot be off Siu bdd tb- geOier loog en to enable the pa 8eagentlM8tonDlTiU6dftttolA toasboreintbeboat BobertStgib aoa Udd in the of SewTt in 1827 iritb little more tbtn tbe meaja he vote aad ou of Soofli JkmerieaA nuDerftk He borrowd aome raoiji bOTdrer aod nude a pedestnio tov of the State of New York Jd Canadas The reader may be oariooa to knov ffbat the greaigiDeer thoot of tu On entering York be wrote felt oareelTee qulQ tA borne AU oatward appearances of tbinga and per rere ladlctWe of Engltsb nanneis and costoms bat on closer inTeftigation Boon discoTered Oie characJtrUlie im- pudaiee of iht peoplt In many casca it IS Qotbing sbort o7 dlsgostisg This was a bad begiing bat when he had got into the oountry be took a cheerful view of thinp were much dehted witb the face of the country wbiob in CTery direc tion is populated to a great extent and affords to an attentive obserrer a wonder- ful example of human indnstry What astonished him beyond measoro was the hospitality of tba Yew York piHt4llanwu9 Robert StephenBon Roboit StepcQson the celebrated rail road engineer born in England in 1803 was tho son of George Stephenson the gKt mwbaaic who perfected the loco motive It was in an humble coltage euch as English coalminers usnally in habit that he first saw the light for his father then was a brakesman to a coal mine By the time the boy was old enough to to school George Stephenson was beginnbg to prosper and was both able and disposed to hia son the ad vantages of Vacation which he had not bims enjoyed This child of the coal mine had to- face a good deal of ridieole when at the age of twelve he presented himself among the daintier boys of a Kew Castle school A thinframed thinfaced delicate boy says his biographer witb his face eovetcd with ecklea dieascd in coiduioy trousers and a bine frock coat the bandi- wyk of the tidlor employed by the coal- roinerS the newcomer presented many marks for playground satire On his shoulder he carried a bag containing his books and a dinner of rye bread and cheese The clattering made by the heavy iron- cased Boles of bis boots on the school floor did not cscape the notioo of the lads The master was on the lookout to se be was not improperly annoyed bnl- there of courtesy that concUliated the elder school waa out and the boji began to talk to him hia replies made them langh ontrigbt for be spoke with the deep guttural tones caught ftom the Northumberland i conld i VARIETIES Owuu QOffht to baT 6 jet as well se anno Tbk b4 ti aaewHitom la Urt wek A 9inn ndnd Ulte other bleaslngs is mors to tiiiui gained axetooa In Northern and B mage on hog not thyself by thy njondng sba- jw lint by the extentof thy grare It a estimated that In four conntieg In niloola DO less than six thousand cattle hare dleawith the Texas riadsrpest the total dnof which was 260jOM B law in Epglaad parents who tieglecbJjheit children inay feSent to prison foriilths That ought tote ttte law in eTeryfi9ttpunderth0 8UD Nnr Tobi papers ate teassuriog fearfol yFtcr lovere who fear that tho supply will foil at some mw period There Is said to t the slightest danger of Boch a calamity that values himself upon conscience pinion never heeds icpnuwhes mien ill spoken of I take it thus if 1 havo worse if I have I good breakfast in be morning would harness their horses drive them ten or fifteen miles on their way and then positively refuse te accept compensation Upon bis return to New Castle in 1828 be reentered the iron works eatab- Ushed by his father where he carried out his fathers ideas for the improvement of the locomotive The celebrated Rocket igine which took tho prise in 1829 bemc the model of ail Bubaequent 1 as constructed under the hourly superintendence of Robert The snccess of tho Rocket gaye impetus to the railroad and made the fortune of both the Stephcm Robert became the great railroad gineer of Europe The first of thq jig railroads of England was that bfr tween London and Birmingham which i a hundred miles apart As the gineer of- this load Robert Stephcnsoi ly be said to have created the art o constructing railroads In boring a tun nel the workmen came upon an nnex pected accumulation of water which long baed their utmost efforts The directors consternation advised him to consult other eneera No said be the time has n A for that yet I have decided whi to do I mean to pump the water all on and then drive the tunnel under the dry sand All I ask is time and fair play If I cant get rid of the water Ill thee think about going to other enneera for ip He went to work By the aid of 6Q Bteamengines two hundred he be the rate of eiteen hnndrcd gal- ions a minute for nine months 1 Then the supply gave ont the waterwas gone and the tunnel as completed without difBculty He died in London in 1859 and his re mains were depoated in WestminBtei Abbey Jamet Parion imend md Mor tJaiDta ptoTisloas ans hjgh and tho j e beginning to suffer Ths latest London sensation is a brc le Rocky Mountains f e Drilieh fronUer whi f earthly paradise SARSAPARILLIAN THE GBySTALIINE PRINOIHE OF all the Curafiw properties of the rect resideU other parts are inert and useUssif his important Curative Agent by Z new process extracted from the root and enters largely into the Csition of Br Radways SarsapariUiau Resolvent DOSE for all trdiMTj Skin Vismts ONE TEA SPOONFUL Chronic Hiseascsld Sores Ulcers and Eruptions Diseases of the Glands Nose Eyes luth Ears Legs andKiey and Bladder QmpUints TfVQ lEA SBQQNSEULB Sarsaparillian and its Associates K commamoating ils curative properties through the BLOOD SWEAT URIlbf and other flaitifl One tea spoonful in ordinwy oct dose Two tea spoonsful in chrwiiodiseaBra that have affliotw tho patient for yeajs li is a powerful Remedy but is innocent of harm It is unlike all preparations of Sarsaparilla Therefore always ask for Dr Eadwajs SarsapaiTllian take no other soethat the NOTICE OF REMOVAL Suss r o o E gs to Intmat thAt the hu nmoted he Buoets to NEXT DR TO DR BiSITIiEYS DRUG STORE Where she i prepared to EXEODTJ ALL ORDERS 1 MIX- L1I ISTERYI MJNTLES I AND DKBS8MAKIHQ Newmarket June 17 lass 26t PAIN TIME AND tCS LESSONS rwCTfT nzn Eiftrinif W Stmh in Pirfioing a j I XqVBOTESIEnT RADWAY8 READY RELIEF Dr Eadwajs newly discovered proeeaa for secnripg medicUal extracia in vacuo from vegetable snbaunces adds greatly t the im provement of the Ready Relief IN AN INSTANT It atopi and evres the lent PAIRS A01IB CRAiOPS BPASSIS Witt eleetrlcl r BABWAT8 flftWATATtmTftW HESOZVEST 7Ju ProperiUt of Ut IngredittUi 8AB8APABHIIAW properaa of KSSSSIS KSTpffiliWE OB POffTOLIS TBTTHHS ACNB BLACK BPOTS -CTalmpartlDgbeaotifnlcleamef- SYKES ELVIDGE HiMAIN STREET NEWMARKET ONT AVE received Large and varied addition to their former stock and are now enabled to show FAfiMEBa MEGHAHIC8 BUILDERS and the general public THE BEjT CHEAPEST AtiD MOSTVAIilED STOCK OF HARWARE AND CUTLEEY Xie and Tight Joint SutU LatcKa aiwftedr Bandli dkc tc c Trim- Cutlery Cutlery Dinner arid Desert Knive and Forht Carving and Butcher Knivet Seta A large toch of Pocket Knin wtmming chaiapJoQ- childrcn waa married to a widow witli f children neither party knowing that I other was Wessed with responsibilities ui after tho wedding A more badly so conple it would be difficult to find A COTOLB of neighliourB in Attaliapas I Judgment became heated called one other liars and fioifihed with a bowieki fight in which both were mortally wounded course of eight hours L minds i Puzzled and ashamed be walked away another part of the playground and spob no more until they were recced to th esboolroom Gradually however he and his fichoolffeUows became good friends and he gradually eTcrcame those pocaliarities of dialect and demeanor which had called forth their ridicule For a long time be walked to school every momujg a distance of five miles and walked home again at night At length bis father bought him a donkey upon which he used to ride to and from the Newcastle academy He was not a bright boy at school and gave BO promise of muie eminence At sixteen ing prospered ticed to the series of coal mines with which hb father was connected in the capacity of machinist The apprentice we arc told never spent a peony until he had asked bimHClf three questions ItisworththemOBCy Dolwanlil Can I do without it Twice a month he accompanied bis master into the coalmine traversing evcrj part of it and speoding Ihe whole of i long morning down deep in the bowels oi the earth During hb apprenticeship In made with lua own bands a mioiog com At sixteen years of age his father hav ing prospered in Ibe world he was appren ticed to the engmeer of the extensive Fifteen PoUiea First To think that the mote a man eats the fatter and stronger he will become Second To believe that the more hours children study at school the faster tbcy learn Third To ooncludo that if exercise is good for the health the more violent and oxhausdng it is the more good b done Fourfi To tmae that every hour taken from sleep is an hour ged Fifth To ontho presumption that the smallest loom in th hovBo ia large enough to sleep in Sixth To argue that whatever remedy lauses one to feel immediately better is good for the system riard to aUcrior effecfa The soothing for example does stop the cough and does ancst diarthojojonly little later ali 10 mote fatal inflamWtion of the biain or water on the brain atleastj always piottacta tho disease hich 5 and died ii ijcpb0babiiit7a vo frightfnl wor iligent and wise men they ara general found to be only the excuses of idleness an For the most part they lie m in the things ihemEcIvcs but in mens liili id City lil ad captured and tarried into the Bc It is described as being larger iBch with a snowwhite body ad yellow bill 24 inches long sinewy legs four feet long and weighing 1 ponndB iDiBSEsa is the nursery of crime It istl prolific germ of which all rank and poisonc 3W days 1 ihich it h eaUng 0 Robert must wtrk wark said h as I liae warked afore him His BOP- however had difplayed i much ability during liifi anprcnticcsliip that lib friends tlse old let him go to Edinburgh for aix months Short in Edinburgh the h sideraWo advantage Uj him lie had given KUch filriking proofs of poascssing engioccring talent that at the early age of twentyone ho was offtrcd tho post of engineer to a wealthy company formed in Kngland for tho jurposo of re- opdtiiog and working some silver mines in ffcuth America- salary fivo hundred pounds a year Hb father giving a re luctant conacnt he acceptcd the pl and spent three years in tho vain endeavor laybo done in your ease witi Eighth To advbe remedy which you havo not tried on your self or without making special tnciuiry whether all tho conditions o alike Ninth To cat witliont an appetite oi continue to cat after it has been satiated merely to gratify the ttc Tenth To eat a hVty supper for the pleasuic cxpcrieBCCildbriDg the brief time it is passing down Hio throat at tho ox- renso of a wholo night of disturbed Hloep md a weary waking in the morning Elcvcntlfc To remove a portion of tho clothing immediately after excrcisc when the most stupid draymen In Now York know that if he does not put cover on Iub horso tho moment he ceasi work in winter he will loose him in a few days by iws tares while men sleep Could w te histoy of a large class of vJces wo 1 id tliat they originate from the w nployment and are brought Into supply its mple has its saluUty inftneni Asachild elghtocn months ig near tho gate of its reslder HOW TO iSPLTT ra Rub tho part of tht body wbte pain eiists freely with the lUady Relief 8oak a flannel in the ReUef and lay it across U14 pwts where there is a pain or InQammation If the ire too scDsitiTcfor rubbing batbo the CONQESTIOf OF THE UUNGS IknnU IUi4nil in aU CSSC3 J Inftammaljou tbs ndij Ehonil bo oppUed tiody either rith tha hana hj rqbbiog r a eponeo by lotUng or ty CMiUil ioeisA witb Eeliit ana lal4 acrosa tha Tainlifl Jl paljwiU cwaJ aid the TAKEN INTiRNALLY tcpeitoi evci 15 laSwiles wiQ ciOT UwwoT f ormJ fEVER ftauiroiriiis s fever If exposed to the malaria of thb poison take 20 to 30 drops of tho READY RE- water two or three times a If seized with it rub the spine of tho hands head feet o and take largo doses of Radwiiys Pills G to 8 every night ccrtain euro for Pevcr and Ague It is better however to- prevent it by taking tha Roliein water and ono or two of Radways every nigbt 2S Centt eady ReUef SSfcents con tains moro than 3 10ttlc3 of the 15 cent Pain Killer onethird moro than tlic 25 bottle of Liniments Pain Killers c jedy for it can bc used with tho of doing good in alf cases when suddenly seized wi sickness or in case of acci Jen Burns Scalds Sprain Strains Brui5 Bites in fact whenever some accident illness takes place tise the Ready Relief at oneo it will dwaya dagood Price 2 cenU per bottle astoiisLtog gPMom EUn DlKsuoa Ajatpcciati6UklneJreme- oomplj whemo waa founded upon most information On one occasion tho young engineer spent several days in follcfwinj a guide who promised to bring him to a as- enro in a rock filled with Thofissuta was fqund andj heholdl tlic quickiiilver wai there Ho waa unable ta account for ita presence until ho yaa in formed that several before a wagon- load of qulekcilvcT had been npon that spot I After atfuggUng for three years he ab andoned tlio enterprlno and retunied New York WUl t uidoigljt the Mirtiest ciiiiurcn m tuc etrcet or on tno highway aro hearty and hcallhy Ihcrc- foro It is healthy to bo dirty forgetting that continuous daily cxposure to tho pure outdoor air in Joyous unrestrained acj tivities is BucJi a powerful agency for When tho Jmi- heiilth that those who live thub aro well in iOmo as iitmal to dinner U va spite of rags nnd fillh Thirteenth To ptesimc to rcpct lator In life without injury tho indiscrep tionB exposure awl jntcmperanco which in tho flush of youth were praotieed with impunity FourtceothTo klicvo that warm ait ia Bcccssarlly moro healthy than tho oon- fined air of a closet and orowded vehicle the latter at moet can only cause fainting and nausea while entering a c after walking briskly lowering thus whilo still exposed to a drail will give a cold infallibly or an attack of pleu risy or pntumonia which will cans weeks and months of sufTeriog if not actual death within four days Fifteenth To Remember tho Sab- bath day by working hardor and later on Saturday than on any otiier day of tlio week with a view of fljoeplng fate ai morning and staying at homo all day consclenoo being of not feeling well cap and c R R R SAKSAPARILLIAK RESOLVENT People who havo to tako racdlcines for 1 Icngtli of tiino to removo Chronio tliseasoa liko to koow tho ingredient they aro taking tho formula of Dr Radways Sarsaparillian Resolvent is published in full in IALSE and TRUE a new medical publication by John Radway MD that may bo had free of chargo on sending ono 3 cent stump pay postage to John Radway MD St Paul Street Montroal In this advcrtifictncat wo give abrief explanation of tho ingrodlonta that enter- into tho compo- Mtion of DR RADWAYS feARSA- PARILLIAN RESUliVENT Tho uniting of medicinal substancCT so to eecuro an harmonious action and nr slat eaoh other in thoir curative rango ovc disease ia of tho first imporlanco to tli Chemist Many persons question tho ei rativo powcr of one- remedy for so man disease not thinking for a moment tliat of all OJironio Skin and OTi m bo cured only 1 blood f Wo hero givo tho chieflngrcdionta 1 form this wonderful rcracdfci tho pro perties of caeh ingrcdiettt ko tho inicUlpcnt reaCei may at onco sco Jiow pfcifcotly il is adapted to the euro of tbe diaftefl named Tlio moment Dr Radwis SarsaparilVmn ls taken itcowwciioea its work ofiwrWi- it ontors at onco Into tho ejroulafion stiff a lUt paier lying tlio cdgo nrouad U 1 place a loard so that tho rats ma luvvo cosy acccM to tho op epiluklo vhoDK liftrlngs or other fuod for rata on tlio iaci for several day until thuy begin to holloyt Iboy liavo a right fo Uiojr daily rations from thUscourco Then pIcKo in tho bottom of rtl a picc nl7ut s nehcB hlgii filling with waUr mUI only nomsU of It pit3ct aWve water fc o lodgo on Now replace tho paper firt mtting a croM through tho middle and tho Imt rat that comej goe through Into th alr- and climbs on Uio rock The papc back into lt place ahd the accou at foUor the flrst Theu begins a SgLt foi be poueulon of tho dry place on the jttone he noise of wLlch attroclfl tho rest who sharf cf uropo u adlurcto dWioicUc 0 BncboTDigllir- Ojiic It coraa i tn thaBUdte Bcrpp ttasloi ez coMtitneiita CABINET WARE TRIMMINGS MAHOGANY KNOBS Castors of all kin Escutcheons Plated and Brass LiftingB Handles Plated Iron Steel Artvils Vices Files Rasps FIRMER SOCKET DUCKBILL AKD TURNINS CHISELS PLANE IRONS BRACES AND BITTS AXES HAMMERS BCREW PLATES 0eiieial Havdware Hoes Shovels Spades ilaniuo Forks Scoops Pitch Ifork- Grindstones CrowLars Cast Iron Pumps aggon Boxes Furnateg Saucepins Shovila and Tont Sheet and Bar Luad KuUlwStoolyaTds Sadirons llookH and Hinges Dinuer Bells Steel SnrinirH Axles Patent Stretched Leather Belting Lead Pipes Ac CoOPEBS T Adzes Broad Asxt Holloioinq Seadina Staveun Pmmninn and Eoop Shovds LctU Ac COOKING PARLOUR AKD OTHER OTuit- wi hUh Important to persons advancod In Tears Ttoubl64wlUCiaiypatfc4 BoweU kiA diSeuity ofpauing WaUr Imporfeot PlgeetiOQ Jood Cflavertd to Waietv As tho former agenU for R U U- Relief Ati are imtUng up proiwrat ona uuder an Infrlngomcnt of our Trada Mark wo notify all partic yantlng Uio genuine R R R Ueino- dies to go only to Mii 0 H Siupso our only authoriied agent In Newmarket lJly What every Parmer Needs Tub Biihgcriber la manufacturing Anmr sons Patfflt Rwrtfe Bnplei Hamw Thobett ever madft ot kinds o work It never falls to corer ail seed no matter how unevifl tho ground j The underaignl has ih lo right for making them In this part of the country They are as cheap a any other llarrowa NB All kinda of fiwmlog IwplemenU 011 hand aad wxAi U order tMmituer youru tl t4 4AS B WSTUEBKLL J H JOHHSONS BAH 10011 Blind and Planing Factory Is I30W Iti full oiorallon A CALL liUILUfettR BOLIOITBD A Qool luaortmcut of MO U L D I N G S I Steair Engines aid Boilers Gearing sTcry dcscriplion for Mills j Scrapers Carpenters and Cabinet Makers Planes lc Ton will find it grcalhj to your advantage to call and sec this stock bfforepurchasing WATSON watcsmam IVowmarlset OUT nbjwmahket o NELSON CORHAM MANUFACTURER OP Woollei Cloths of Every Description ALSO GENERAL BEALBR IN WOOL Newmarket Decomhor 1887 Jif THE BEST YET J 4fc J HODGE Ani SATISFIED PROM THE INCREASE C t and Cbeapes COOKING PARLOUR HALL BEDROOM BUSINESS TIIAT THE mtry Selecting na they do all tho Firs o they aro BaVlsficd tliat tltclrSloveai lonoCawJadi- Reftrtn wind tl cUonofth d6 itcMrtn tn iuio of these Sto STOVE FXJIMVITXTI13S t Is indisputably tho best you can get anywhere They also keep the Besti TIN COPPER SHEET IRON JAPANNED AyDPRESSED WJRE PLAIN d FAiG SUOU dS crs Jolly Moildri n and Britannia Mof KCiues Aiiamciivu iioaeu uu Black Iron Saucepans Wrought Iron Tinned and Untlnoed Krying Pans Bad or Smooth- lug Irons ad Iron and Coffee Pot Std Wire Sieves Screen and Fly Wires Cow and 8huep Belts Sheet ZIncarainMeaorB Reed lloppcnt Oast Iron Pumia Lead Pipe Black Lead aud Black Lead Brushes Cast Irou BuUers AgiicuUQra Vuinacet Ten Kettles Bugaf Kettles Sinks Sap Pans Block Tin and Britannia Metal Tea and Cqffoo Oalvaidsed P and Dippers SoupLadles Kjioomf Spring Jaiwnhcd TeaiyayflServorBrol Servers Cash Deed CakclNTta a Kogar Boxca lea and6ofco Canlstellesticks 4c BraAB and KuvmcUtd IorcohUuPtcservlng Lubricating Coal Oils Lamps Lanterns iWryAWJ OJiJiyJiyS mOKSy AH of which thoy llt b as Cheap as anylody else They aro prepared to fit up Bok Air on tho kt ImpvowUlaus JSave Trwghing done in a Superior Mamer A CALL SrBWALlY BOLICiTKD ANB BATI8FX S0VB88LVS8 laruiuee Sc ifSkiTabirtl

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