THURSDAY OCTOBER 1 1868 ari BsssBBariMBiibdijBifaaaaM G M BINNS PaOPMETOR 1 liib Vol II iVo 15 clotmtr 4lL4lf BT G H BifiHB myoia QENSRAL PTNtiifSliJifFICB letter I HeUoz Da 1 Devon bwa birth jw tricU nor met wr opinionfl BekraWde- aqjlpitied Het- d tba gentlmea eftfifed faim ss Ab j t I had wUci w oorrect dQwhyjicceptiDg Bqes Oui of Te9lIaeaiid nn der per v U Tbe following be charg t5 chuts aad otiienilHm adreHjsdy the y dj nhered 1BfclIie4rTrtng Ifftind HetCine seated near fcfsu meoths tirel pnUiogtho e Ca the Diala Lead reetLog fot of pleaflttfOBoB stotoTer hia ouafcftand te asclaimed iiWiiaf yen have really fellow yon are I fairlemlitiiig ae be beg iH me theOB wiea I remc h YOHTa Carriaev Coolerl t impksioDB bSBieTeijtluDg 0bbo6bl Yw5eiaSelle lwanwrd iSUacajeleaBbffhand way 1 Yotthad btter bmeh np BUSINESS GARDS J H Philips Co JAPARPB 5her pipes Ton Epeakimoat with Tho mnal way with yon nlwaya to cdtj us ifflfymvyyon theBOwt ViHow simple How ia it to bo takeaJttclainfediJobba mfe gaitoad4yforten years I DobBBj S- A gentleifiaii Odin author foond him at ho Heiemaikco tba great healMApartnent and said itiwai as hotiuM OTSn Bo It gilt to be replied the aubr for it is NOTICE FORTES CABINET 0BGA8 srtii F Pianot and Melodtoni Tuned d Htpa Fancy Goods BOULTBJEE Banister Attomey-at- aytbiug EIRSTCLASS JOB PRINTING SOLICITOn IN CHAKCEEY CONVEYANCER iBBcripti SAMUEL ROADHOtrSE CABINET MAKER OTTDBBTAKEK MAIN STREET NEWMARKET My bellows too have lost thfiir wiod nd viMis laid Id a Uttio Mi creatuce our washerwoman is I Indeed GiUEENS ELIPTIC SEWING MACHINE NO HUMBUG Everi Much GOOD CofflM heady Made UNE Warranted Ferfect funded THE OLD ESTABLISHED HARNESS SHOR I doSt kn SADDLES C0LLAB8 And eeery other ArticU in the Trade kept santiy recalling tliough I conld not Jiclp fanoying ho did so with a half sigh in li trolled along gui Helton old follow I ani geing pioco of impcrtin lighted by Bb o THOS ATKINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER alex budge BLACKSMITH OTST OPPOSTB UEGUANIGS UAhh f ld h LfwrvJi ft d been lying inthoeetho INSURANCE CO JJ0E8B BIIOEINO ON REASONABLE TERMS gS A nitlo of n race In DaU UMtiKUtcA hd the follovflni TbgiilBlion MAIKBTEEET NEWMARKET OKT DOAN i years If no Iobmi Tho not ad vocato high premiums JiOiscK prompt- AND FREE8T0NE MOTVXJMEIVTS HXABBTOKES Tables Tablets Pottg dp Tho Oomfortx- I Uiy neck wh CATirAUINES At Prices taultth A aUBoUclted before youpurchaao elscwbere All Work W Butibntl the ruilo llltle eUeetboys It may Bave you my own fin a cruel c Ot Bk tcttlWe cotl Ja yoot Uead ofJIOOP Em tOalhAri tias Wood 3 President JAi T NEWMAEKET BEEWEEY THE 8DBB0B1BEB HASOBBAT PIEA vre ia ooUfyiog the public tkt Jte h INSTOANOE OOMPAHX 1 retpoiulbility am f Um wlicle at moderate prtceato merit OnUrio WhltMin PORTER AND VJNEOAl Ooartaatly OS hand HTlie liigliettprlc ilTetdidl 1 ejaculated Yes ever didj which I doubt Bie4 Helton Aod yoiir own fteUngs I asked hesltiktiiiy not entirely bamah them without Qret ob taining a decidod proof that they had no w my duly ly loro for my Wflili Oh y he replied gdly world is laade npiof diBoontcnt But ooipQ I willow wuyour room vPe diieO i ban to rearrange my drcsBWtich I hadEcay finished whei thinnferbell anidnioiied mo back to thi whpre I found Mrs Dngald email dighl graceful figure I was fully of tho gentlemens opinion that Eettor deuced lucky feUow Indeed hei T was most fascinating whilo hei kind reception of me Bccmed to delight Helton as much as it did myself and didi- for all haying juatuUted Heltoa withRpromiBe to be up early on tho nlorrow for a good days shooting I bccamo involuntarily nare that thcro was a decided change in ly old friend In whi it lay I oould not explain but there it wu and despite tho absurdity of it tliis was my last thought before I fell 2slc and my first on waking Tho troublo of dreeing how ever banished it from me for a while and hurrying down to the morning room I found HctCon already thcro whistling ii a high key and fully acciounled for th days sport A BubstanUal meal was pro pared to which after a hearty greeting we sat down lio apologising for Blrs Dygl alda absence by saying as yet she oould not finpixrt tho frcflh English mornings Themcnl concluded wostartcdand banged away for some hours havtbg excellent sport and enjoying many hearty laugha at the fun of old days whioh Helton was inecs- le I phoold neyer have known this had lAe not broken the illtmon But there enough of Buoh dismal talk We shaU be late for dinner Bctuming to thhal and changing my I- deeae I -went- into the drawingwom wh I believe ww untenanted until 1 perceived Mrs Dngald seated in the win dow half shaded by the cortaio In her hands she held a letter over which she leaned a faoe that startled white yet fierce and eager though a tear trembled on her long silken lashes I about to retreat softly when she heard me and sprang up thrusting tho letter into her as she ted fiercely rouud But the neit mome she recovered herself and said with short laugh How you startled me Mr Cuherley I I did not know you had relumed I I took you for something dreadful Laughing also I apologised for dis turbing her saying I had but that in- ant entered the room whereupon she plied rather brusquely that it did not latter had I been there an hour It was a day or so after the above occurrence 1 on descendingto the hteakfaatrioom ly surprise I found Hettona wife in Heltons place It was tho first time arrival that she had honoured that meal with her presence On inquir ing after Hetton she informed me that slightly indisposed and had de- take ks brealast in his room Then I rejoined a good sleep he said did not succeed in removing tho headache of whioh he complained No indeed it appeara not shore- That morning I staid indoors in case Hetton should come down but be did not and near upon lunoheon time Mrs Dugald came to me looking quite pale and auzioaB Mr Onlverley she said mako my husband outhegets no better I want him to have advice but he refuses so I have oomo to ask you to use your per suasions Will ily assented and hcteninj formed my plan of actioD I returned the house Going to mj room I remained a prey to much oervotts agiution lill my wateh which I set exactly by the one in the library pointed to fiv to nine Then leaving my room wWy croeaing the corri4or I liatcned st Hettons cham- beidoor iUmoBt ioatanttteously the clink of glass reached my ear wherenpoi I knook Hetton called Come in and I entered Mrs Dugidd was just pre paring his medicine which he took All right Here Nina dear take my keys and in my desk in the library yoi ill find some papers endorsed MoGillee ring them darlmg The medicine cai Mrs Dngald puttbg down the glass took the keys and left the room Your- draught need not wait I re joined laughing I can it you foi ico surely Approaching the table in a few minutes I handed him tho medicine He drank itj remarking afterwards with a languid smile that it didnt taste so nice as usual perhaps omng to Ninas not having ad ministered it I answered No doubt as Mrs Dugald relumed with the papers I took them and soon after waa riding full spd to C- a large town fou miles distant It was past eleven when stumed yet I found Mrs Dngald in thi drawingroom She told mo that Bettoi appeared extremely restless and had ex presBcd a wish to see mo I immediately hastened to bis room and discovered bim to be far more exoltcd and less languid than usual I was not surprised at it Sitting down by his side I at first began to taU on trivial subjects then asked steady a voico as I oould though supported by pillows and making an afc- tompttorcad He Eeemed much changed all bis energy usurped by a most oppressive languor I was more struck by his appearance th I cared to own but instantly urged a using the old proverb Prevention nftoT thnn niira in nil rryt Anfrnifino id my last trusting howover in your forgivoness and feeling that yod will rccize in it but a sign of my sincero aflcetioa for you I know that Oharlcy bo fire away with your impertinence I forgive bcforo- hand anything you do Then tell mo Hetton is your morried life ahappy one Ho itortcd and his faoo as Iio looked doubtfully in my face then turned fjuickly away I feared I had offended him and hastened to say t I know I would annoy you IVcil why Hhould I noi confess it to you Charley you who I rrd as a brother Your affeetionato thought recMOting mo is correct I am not happy Ilikomany another have made an irrevocabloauiirtake in life There jwtftWrdl Let ua Rend tho keepers homo with Uio gamchags mid I will tell you A few momenta liter by Heltons sido I heard U story of tlio past Igivo it in a few words Dugald had firt liemo enamoured with Oie splendid face Naconi a dancer fondly his too generous heart togoliod by a long stry of distreas ho had married lier For the first year their liin fcppy oaoogb then change r her which be attributed to her family annoying her eepeoially a hrotlMr who had returned from aea therefore he every feminine action showed tho deepest anxiety Hetton still declared it was nothing he was all right bnt for the heaviness on his nerves bat finally per mitted me to rido over to Exeter and sum mon from tbence tho most skilled practi tioner Not a moment elapsed before I was in the saddle and during my rido I could not help thinking that Heltt disposition would at least have one good result tho removal of his doubts abou hia wifes affection no woman could bi mora attentive Tho doctor I brought back treated my friends malady as a trivial affair which would speedily oumb before the prescriptions ho would Bcnd But Buccocding days proved that he was wrong and I soon saw that he puulcd as muoh as I for Hetton grew iMSlter indeed tho feeling of prostrati inoreased and if at one time ho appeared to revive tho relapse was only worse aft wards This being the case I could i help hinting at other advice Not yet replied tho doctor lo fcss this langour which resists all nw forta to overcome puzzels me still I v wait a day or two longer then for my own sake shall request a consultation f io hasany troublo None I answered readily having nly tho day before been tho confident of Ilotions reonnlalion rcspceling his wife want of affcotion which her prcBcnt attei lion had entirely removed It was a fei s after thisj and Uio consultallo nun u lako placo on tho morrow that hav ing taken coffee alone Mrs Dugaldbeing in her husbands room I Hi a cigar and went out tbroujjh tlio glass doors on to tho lawn to smoke it My lime to Icavo Do- Ton was drawing near and I felt verv un easy about doing so a presentiment being upon mo that after onco leaving that house X should never see tho dear old fellow aliv again In a moody state of mind I iace baokwkdfl and forwards occasionally glanc ing up at tho Hull which looked peculiarly dark and solemn only two- lights one Ir tho room I had lofttne other in Hettoni bodohambcr relieving thootherwiso total darkness It perhaps was tJiis added to tho gloomy night and tho wind niHtling mournfully among tho few romainiiig leaves that acting on my nen I made mo dispoaed to jump at riblo oonelusions from apparently slight eautes whioh oerUiuly at oUier times would 9oarcelyhavoatlraoteiuynotke Itwi then during one of uiy glances up at H tons window that my attention was osuk adoWnly a ahadow performing Bimple aotion yet it brought Hvmatkt Pee I UOt your Towi of fidelity And after marrisg loma nJght at the club Till Ut hour you kr iampUd to roua Round your neek its warm tornb may rooina Of a comfortar waiting at home I SinoQ when added Helton from many inaldent I feel furo she no longer lovoB mo if eho over did thought like a flaah of light into my brain Uiat oauaed a oold perapiration to air out over mo while aiok and giddy reeled for aupporl against a tree There I watehed ull the shadow diaappeared when reoovering my Belfpoaaewion I felt Uiat however abBti in eooler momenta my recent thougbta might af ear I dared Whole No 41 table Whether she would have struck with it I cannot tell had not Heltons ce deep and calm at that moment inded Madam the proofs oour gnilt aro I strong to be denied HUven forgivo and have mercy upon yoo t Go instantly r rooml command you I Do not feai exposure for you are my wife rtiU She turned to hun her bcm heaving too much for uttoraQoe Then suddenly ri in harsh shrill paseionate Helton Dugald i poisoner you call me in yon your glances So be it you ly heart beat wildly whether he thoughl himself strong enough to bear a great a t H 8telat ran 14 per plcjuty and I added One dear Hetton that did you cerely lovo your wife I believe X could not find the heart to tell yon Great Heaven I he cricd now thor oughly aroused Charley what do you mean Is is Nina false In ono way As you thought she docs not lovo you Are you strong enough to hear how I have discovered it Dear Hetton will yon bear itliko Yes go on Charley ho said through his white compressed hps Donotfr only in pity end this maddening suspeni Then in low but unsteady tones I poured into his ear tho melancholy truth- how his wife had caused his ifineas ai his strange languor which were intend finally to remove him from her path for I not enter into tlic ptr fellows poignant suffering at tho sad intelligence I communicated Truoho had discovered sho had not loved him and that his own affections for hei waa not great yet Tiovorlholegs the Wow was a severe After tho first shook all tho noble gc ous fellows thought was how best to his wifo from public scorn I had divined that this would bo his chief desire there fore had told him and no other how my suspioiona aroused I had while Mrs Du gald was from tho room changed tho mcdioino and had had the draught sho was about to administer analyzed which had proved it to contain a most deadly foreign poison which however would defy all detection after death What is to bo dono Charloy Het ton murmured Tho world mi know thin never But how plan for my brain refuses to I door w heard to open Sho is coming ho added excitedly What aro wo to do Will you loavo all to mo HoUon Yea overything Without waiting for mofo I quioklv turned tho lamp half down then took my pUeo behind tho windgw curtain I done so wlu M- Di gald entered sMing It is time for your mcdioino Hetlr dear I did not know you wore alono I should havooomo up sooner Approaching tho tablo on wlioh wei Bovcrd phialtt and glasses eho slod her back to th bed Willi a uciselora b tho terrible uoocsity ovoreoming tho feci ing of shamo at tho act I drw near and watehed First aho poarcd tho prope draught into the glass then drawing Buiall bottle from her pocket added a rev drops to tho modoino Thi letu the iha iku I hM ohtrnxd ona M U fore ort the lAiud Theiiaitomcnt m hand was upon hen and as I felt the phial Boouro 1 said with emotion 8ty Mrs Dugald and thank Heaven for saving you ftom oommltUug tho ter rible crime you meditAtel With a CI7 aho turned upon me Never would I have believed thoao beau tiftil featuroa oould look so do K defiant Give me that nhial airl she oricd hoarsely her flnt thought boing ita pofr sMalon Itlamlnel Realoroitl right 1 Turning sho fiew to her own private om and wo heard her lock the door All through the long and weary night that ensued poor Helton planned for the wretched womans future eiistenoo how they would start for the Continent to keepupappearancesbeforetheworld hat there th would separate be sending her back to Italy with an income suitable to a his wife He need not however have given himself all the trouble for next morning Mrs Dugalds room waa found empty She bad gone no one knew when how or whither She must have stolen away ia the aiient night takmg with her jewels of great value and a large sum of money from her huebands desk An hour after the discovery of her flight her maid brought Hetton a letter she had found ad dressed to him in her mistress room It contained but a few brief cruel heartlcBS lines stating how she had never loved bim having only married him for bis wealth her heart having ever been tho Italians who had passed for her brother and by hose instigation she had been urged to ttempt the crimo she had been detected 1 Sbeendcd by saying they would never meet again and she knew she was safo from justice as she bore his proud name For the ensuing month life was despaired of The poison andhia trouble hadproved severe blows to his system and when he it would have been difficult to recognize in the pale gravefaced man the former lightihearled careless Helton Dugald It waa abont two vcars after the above that Hetton abruptly entered my obam- bere in Furiuvs Inn I have just come from Italy ho said taking a chair From Italy I ejaculated Yes My going was quite unforeseen Look this will explain it Chariey lied And he handed Times in which at tho spot he indie with his finger I read oinong the deaths At Nice on tho insl Nina the wifo of Hetton Dugald of Helton Hall Devon esquire aged 27 Sho is dead then 1 I said putting down tho paper Did you know of it only from this No They sent to tell mo she was dying and wicd much to sco mo Of HcSSwas bring I tho last ance that- from my heart I forgave her and with her I prayed that the Great Judge of all mankind might do even as I did 1 Thrco moro years have gone by and I nm still a visitor at Helton Hall Dear No English face 0 i Helton Hall Deai o hiiusclf ircly tho pretty iling fail I Dugald speedily obliterated nil tho sad rcmcmbranccs of tho past or what part she may havo failed in must cer tainly have been moro than effected by a handsome ruddycheeked rogue of fifteen months Heltons heir I often stroll on tho lawn after dusk with my cigar hut never dream of looking for shadows on tho blind and did I tho most peculiar would that which had seized mo on tho previous occasion now five years EWV snspicio tho pre huried in the past A Horrible Sorpont of tho Amaxon Uko their riao iif callcd the fri do capplofri being tho Spanish or Brazilian for h Tlio snako is dceoribcd t tho back of ita nock something Uko that Bometimos attached to a ladys cloak It crawls up to A sloepidg man throws tho hood over Uio sleepers face and then qnioUy breathing its poiBonoua breath therein tho sleeping man or animal inhales it and dioa Such is the account given of thia horriblo reptile by partiea who havo wipbrod ita native haunta A company ofcxplorcrs that went to the head waters of tho Amazon fromNew York ii 18645 reported thai thcy loai several P 18M6 reported tiiat tncy ioai 1 mcmberfl of their party in this way would find a man doad in Uie morning his My livid and awoUon and showing aigns ol poison but no mark of a bite or a sting upon him They oould not account for anoh easualUea until tho nativea told then of tho fH do oapplo and explained ita mode of operating Thla anake ia aome- iimea represented as growing to the length of twenty bet T most exuberant ecoDomiat turns TlVr faoe it while her diuk eyes di- easily into tho most invpterate censor i