J mjrH Sr Lows Jul ItIlj 7 tinoM uiteBS62r- SO fhm sossinkMM tiiA iwiyiiigiJiHiL wia defeated and w Tanoiu to take u Uifi dead hadtiroooijpaai99iiiM67i diaoB were well fbrtofled Tbe oipneea oQ tibe MiBgUBip9ffl- jSfiertoatralE PhelSiftfiiMiti ntfouiad f ib wa vonlpreycBt IwwAT JvR ITTte bwb of La Crosse aeoomduhed hu t of ing oae thoosaiid7ailiotjr4wd iiSfdafB EtnwAio July 17 A terrible pra der occurred about 3 pm at a abvity Qomber of whicb iuLft9Ttfae Hiagan Ftlfi railroad dt The miir- iiir43iroaiaa irat bj t aefTiab BndL vattod in onete JobnaoiL seised an axe and wi 8i7erii WaWiej serered the bead from tbe bod of her victim Tbe mvdereas vuanted ai locked op Coroner WdbhiaWdi3g an ioaoest Tbe bodjpteflesfs most tuir- nwe aqeet N YoBfCfvly i8 oclock e reported at tbe cocon a cffice CraciHXATi 0 July laTbere were tto deaths from 8unetitke here Thors- took place at pbattaoooga yes- terdaj A Catholic cboi was etrack by lightning and three men jrere killed Philadslphu July t8 The ga etrikers hare Baceded in accomplkbing their oleet the trostees of the gwrb havisg compli with dem wds for inerea compoisatioD Work has bera resumed and there viU be enpugb gas on hand by this eieniDg to light np the ci New YofiK July 18 The retumsof death thia week show a record of 1142 ao increase of 528 OTer tbe totid deaths for the week prerioos Oyer 50 per cent were from sunetroke and other jaosea in cidental to extreme heat Boston July 18 Obed Jona read- iog in Canton M was found dead in hia beoom on 5th July wiih a pstol near him He was suppK ta haveeom suicide but subsequently Mrs Maddeo hia motherinlaw and his wife were arreted for muMerio hijDj aad the erideDce isseid to be very strong against them Cincinnati July 21 Tbe threemen named Phil Clifton Charles Rosenbeny nod Val EUioltaiT8sted fortbeatteinpted- mour It was stopped by a mob from Sey mour and vicmity the guard OTerpowered and the prisoners hung More than one hnndred guta of hotda in Otreofiboro Ky were poisoned by drink ing milk at supper on Saturday evking Theyareiuafairwaytorecoer TTiere w fifteen cases of sunstroke yesterday and toay of which fiye proved ily tge and tei grocers and hi in the matter to tike a decidd action The Bufiaip hnunernal Adcerlisero the 16th hag the following remarks upon the late proceedings of the Common Coun- 11 of that city in aid and entonr- B Monday Aid McPhersoD by nnanimous con sent offered the followiog That the aewper called the Fe nian Voiunleer published in this city be authorited to publiah a synopsis of the proeings of the Common CoanfiU and aball receive compensation therefor at the raleof81200peryear Ayes 12 noes 5 Thcee who are familiar with the recV- le partisanahip of the Democratic party have no trouble in understanding the full intent and meaning of the above action It is not only a barefaced fraud upon the Uxpayers of the city but it involves de liberate insult to our Canadian neigbbonrs and to Great BriUin and all for thepiU- ful purpose of propitUUng and sobsidiiing commg elecdon Ihe VolunUer ia in no sense a newspaper capable by its circulation of conveying lo information of tbe doings of onr W- mon Council to any oonriderable nmnber of the taxpaying citiiens Itisthcorgao Vof an afflooiatiottwbich is mrowedly seek ing to violate the lawsof the eoontry and which threatens the peace and proper of our neighbours The petaice of paying It 1200 a year to publish eynonau of tbe Coonoil proceeding is the boldest sub terfuge unaginable Praitically it is a municipal cootribuUon to Bustalo Fenjap- im but really it ia a subsidy to Irish Democrats The Council might jost as weU hay appropriated 1201 to buy I for ibo PeoitnsM tb have tbU rotioD Considered witii reference U the municipal recognition of Penianlsm which it amounts to and tbe hoatUe feel- nwtt our cititeoB We hope that Se Mayor will have a euffident sense of pro priety and enough mdependence to veto Ssor A lUUe bojr abou r tbe tomtsblp of Huntley Accideit4aiy ibot by be discharge of Iwked gqp with which he M pUlD The cWW from the effecUof the wound Twoii1ilt iBdled UDeiwi9t to a Uift faoiue BU Euge p U not long goad aOer robbing her made bw get tapper for ihen Bbe putafewgnlAi of ttryebnine In the ceSee ud kiUed tbi m CowwooM VxntHMftT win beqneatb kWj7000000 of property to bU VedrtlItnofrPrelden HarUm BallroadCompanv Manw WlLi oMtngor imwlll 5 rote of MMtiitt i omom rf tM on same ronto and other places Former efibrts to do away thp aiiTerniBtooe w fitott foidaIirviiedbQtto1rlKT rQ qoil- fideiji 0fS8inraitotpiBrati0B daMbQday BpwxAOTiii At A ffieetiog the boanea raof be told ia tb Council Boom on the l6tK inst- to take into oonsideraQon the Qustim the foUowu rutjon waBfttrried unani mously That wo the inpbnt8 ofitte town of BomnanviUedohff6lpIedge ourselves that on and a Thursday Jufy jflst wel rTeud pay oat SUver at Ihe followuigdiBcbuntc for 48 cte 25 ct for 24 cts 10 ots for 9 c 5 cte for4 cti the English aha ling for 24 cts and the Bndish sixpence foP12 flf V WklTBT A mMtii of the merdiinta was held at hoton Tdesday 7kbtotkeinto eonadera- tionthe siiverqaesUoi Theiblloiriiis a of the eohanaon- the meeting came to which wa adopted That fofmgd silver shall be taken at the ite of four per cent diaeount on all mounta of twentyfive oenta and upwards and one cent be deducted irom all amounla under twentyfive cents except five coit pieoes which phalj betaken at par when offered singly in payment Godkrich Joly 21 A resolution siiar to Toronto one on the diver question wt idto operation here yester day arilia a pt Farmers and others have been notifiof the ar rangement and now demand and get the discount for thdr produce Kb dMoulty whatever is experienced B Joly 21Tho diy goods icrchonts in Brantford hejd s meeting evg and dded to irapt silver diimt of four peF tall The also moving They meet this evening the spo Committee appointed meeting to obtain handed in weement8ignedby7 merchants and business men generally agreemg to receive and pay American silver according roTuuling CIcnf The death is announced of Edmond I aie the leading Bpirit of tbe peace moi that a lion a few daysago carried off a youi rab girl of fire years The Supreme King of Slam lias coofern upon Sir John BoTrriogthe loeufaof tl Order of tbe Elephant Nikelcitff CouritT announces that tl baitior of Sebastopol will probably be coi pletely from obtlracUon by the end AWmti he Is glad ijueeU that oBur- tbey be eent soon after the re be divorce ia applied I ticcs spoiled la this way SfLCSDiD pickerel welgbi pounds liaye been induced lington Bay by the enforcementof the Babery Fine specimens are Uen daily persons were injured by a knife in tbe hands of a ctasy man on the Grand Trunk BailHsy last winter hare brought ult agalrut the Company laying their dam- at tenthousanddollarseacb Tbsetils commenced in the Supreme Court at Bnfhlo K T on Wednesday 8pBFioiorsTA Detroit getitletoau at pre- n in St Catharipes podtively states that veral thousand muskets were wtd by aQc- tloa in that cWv certeji Parlies iyhfl arte believed to be Pen agents and who are siopuzchuealuec nnmUfof camp ketUes Our inforpiaDt declined to be more particular in bis etatemeuflfring per haps that he night be marked down as a traitor on ieturoing home Our readers iberefore must draw fhefr own cooclusfoiis from abovorA CctKarlnet timi POBDOV filLATIOKS Ot T9BBTrrbe ConstanUnople correspondent of the Pall Maii OautU writing on the 131b France has taken the leadn comUi to an understanding jdth thePqrMiiuhe light of foreigner to hold property In Turkey The protocol was signed the day before yes terday by Foad Pha and Source The ooo- I agreed to are not approved by the agreed toj Itaidd that the pHriyatti tndeaaiumed lir EfUott prevented aU undentodi av a dof cowif leneial Igoatleff wm as obstraotlre as pot lible BInwUr Joy Uorrts baa ipreHhtd be United h Porta tha American epresentatire has talien np a rery Active line f conduct gentraily on tbe side of Bniata derlo8 QUld bf hb fifirtirilit Bat there wa nobody o teituy agiaiut Un tat his secoad irife and tbe law holding that a wife cutterti agMaietushaBi he va- UlowaaUkel to escape puidtibuatwlila It was dlioorered thM the wdmiia biid r tau band Uvbg when she married tiiisi conseqaenUy that she was not his lawM tentiary for life A curious iUustwtlon oT good condng out of evil Oauuuub FtCLFOne of the largest and most desteictfra fires occcred la Toronto- on Thursday last that has taken plM for ttany years I originated in U rear ofthe teddence of Mr- Mwaford bnt- Cher on the east dde of Tonge street but U playing with Inoiferzaatces as they w seen to hare them In their poeession 1 principal portion of the property of rari kinds covering an area of ahout IW square yards has been entirely constafhe total lou U Is imiipssible to estisiate sent and the principal portion of it 1U upon pereons Who are hot ill able to bear It beinftvr harfworklng juen yhO hd evfryiU tlwned i-Qieprenjis- Iluoal H Melhuish schoolmiatress of Exeter was charged befo the City Uagfgtrates on Tuesday with cuttii off the hair of one of her pupils The pppii a boy had a fine cuily heftdwhen 1 wi defendants school in the morning ij l4sh frbn fejiiess as s thought mie cufld looked better without the curl than with them Themotherwasofadlffer ent opinion itwasagreat piece of impu dence she said The defence was that thi id therefore the de iQdantw asUed what she nttlng c arket on Saturday the 18th ini Fall Wheat 9 Spring Whea Barley bushel ybnshel bushel d Hogs 100 lb lOO IbB Slieepeach Hides Sheepskins each Potatoes bushel Good Graft Apples h liter a Eggs dos gtlDrtiOTirtfi Uasons Labourers now AKD OTHER MAGAZINES ust received at ihe Coumisa On Newmarket July 16 1868 MONEY TO LOANl A BOULTBBE A Cottage to Ldt SITUATED on aorhamsireet Apply u Mr Charles Oorham or to Mr lyilit Cook Rlngwood PO April 1868 JSJp 3Sr IEAIl03Sr DENTIST EVEE grateful for past takes thli opportuDltf of Informing his friendi andthe publlo m general that he Is about opening an oince Newmarket om iBAQSsrrs ssvo srosi Pitied np with an eye to ooibfort aod ron mience The bestmateriaUIaysnsedand All Work Warnnud Office up siatrs Bntrahoetho hall door nth of Dr Ilacketts Drug Store Uay 30 1880 334f OA0S8 FLOWCft VASES WALKING 0ANE9 WlNDOWBUHb pjuBB nd numerous other varieties recefrinfe al r- BINMS VARIKTY STOIIE Kfwmarket June 101668 36 i3fiS yTTON andininvBloek Btwetrtd W drawn ty Henry IQU In all contain KTecfland 81 parcel Two Jiirt Three wtimie U itMbiifoicme of the mot sonrisMDg yiUagei Id ii situate tbereHno ne tbu a 8t twAy Jjyr If one or two of tlw the amount- of the Plaintiff aqdSefend Joseph Shepi pard the eldert olti tr or other inilirt he sold ii The purchaser shaU0fte Umeof sale paydoima dept In the pfotion of ten dollars forWfy one bundled doJUn of his purchase money to the Vendor hls Solid- condldoDS of sale are the stiiinicoiif of sale of the Court of Chsfiei Further particularemilyheobtiUiedatlhe AttttdBonitbe Esquire in the iMc lift n 3 S K LAEGE QlTAHra- OFtSSWSMi UNDi n Ffflcy DRssCfoo tf f k f TaSSB GOODS WBlB BQaH FOR Wiinfoiv rH a r jApd fcipQfied Ciwdj we yi8 prepaw offer J Totie hBying oiBaeo SIGN OF THE BIG T aiTXJLi7ihn3TTr7n T At tlie Bgofof 1 a HW stock 0 THK MOST fashionable HOOP SKlfiTS 3UBE k SijBBISOk KewmarkeVHayF 186 Tv WlUge ofewnurket the Vendors soUci iseph A Donovan Thoma IUgg8l Hodgins Esquire and UettUec M A NBpELt BdlltT6i8E VOLUNTESERS P0ETAB1E SODA WATER REFRESHING BKVJ5RAGE SUMMER MONTHS FAR SUPEBIOK TO ANY SODA WATEB HITHERTO IN D8 pig HOTEL KEEPERS id lould always have a supply on hand ONE PACKET MAKKH OTARS OF SODAVATIfi SOLD BY Th GROSS AT DBUa STOEE the Davison Hpuse Sco hours fom 8 to 16 to 8 pm arket Juno 17 18QB SOUTEk TRENT NE WMARK5T J to inform the public that tbey ha disposed Qfithefr Drug Stock to 1 llackett who hu removed the sane to Ketr 6ore fijcd jp purwHly tor Mm by V86n Surgeon Dentist The Drugstore xutty opposite Un Bands andthe Davi- BbtJTER ISNT o wouldJufpnri their twds and cui lere thatthey have ioad urge B4ditlo to their Sk GROOERIESi TEAS TOBACCOBB WiNBia AND BPIRITB Which they arc prepared to soU y i ir Tirs vjtny lowest priohs Newmarket toy 20 1889 Mtf FAN81 FANS I FANS or- ALU- BOUTS AnV SIZES- Cheap at i BIMN8 VASlBilV bTOBB Hewiaarket Jnne 1009 rtu For Sde or to Xnt FARM near Hewsiarket 160 Acres 34 ies8 utr for diije aBCoWbHAwF LtMEATSD it i M 6leVil1for iifAlg Jbewilo thprtofi tteiBowtir The VP as oifcer tUixon SOUTER TRENT MAIN STEEET NEHMAKKET CANADN NATIONAL SERIES READING BOOKS I ulkorifed hBtuiCovncil if Puilie FmsT Boorth 31 iUustraUons strongly bound Id Ump cloth Five iU- F 50 UIulnMon sfeoSsly waid 1 cloth boards Fifty cents- UANiVAcjirQsss OP IN Q- E R w I isr E OEANCB TONIC SYRIJPS Try Souter vfe Trents Try Souter Trents Try SbutM Trents Try Soiiter Trents Try Souter Trents A SOUTER Ginger Wine Syrups Groceries W TRENT BRITISH WAREHOIJSi NEw s OjOoDs WM A B ORR STAPLE I FANCY DRY GOODS LADIES DRESS GOODS CASHAfERES VELVETFES STLKS JiEPPS BROADCLOTHS EMPRESS CLOTHS yESTlNGS mmBJTioN cLoms TWEEDS DOESKIliS i ix tc c A LARaE STOCK OF CLOTHING HEAVY STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES 1 irAMrLY GUlOOEItlES Aec Which we will SoU Cuup ros Cisu SOME VEIiy OlIEAP JOB LOTS IN 8T00B Courier Oj J H JOHNSONS Sash Blind ldor and piinii iiGigiY CALL FBOil BUlLDEBa SOLICITED MO U L D I N G S Always on hand Cutlom Planing done al anutinie JDST PUBLISHED The OANADIAW SPEAKER ELQCUTIQNARY reader EDWARD HARTLEY DEWART M Bs Money to Lend Money to lend at Reduced Eafcin on terms made advantagcoiui to tb mg Community SSlAi WARES W tackxe PIH5 WOHKS AC THE BEST COUGH HBDICINB I Dr JODINS FRENCH COUGH LEVERS gHODLD be reeorlcd I Colds Asthma Bhoriwess of Ilniul andall disorders of the Throat and Luogs They arerecommcndcd wltiicoDfldenco to Ministers School teachers public Spiikerf Singers Auctioneers 4o The Levers havo READ THE FOLLOWING JlaUfax N8Nov 10 J867 IlkRve giVeh Dr Jodins French Cough UeiurtrtolheR WQI Frcnch Con u and c Tfo reasons why WW tc A n Oar eon and vill sell Cheaper than houses giving loni redlU First We buy for Cash in Uie best markets Sccond Wo sell for Cuh and nee 20 large pnefits to cover loMcs tr tliank Our fheiids aod cDStomers for the very liberal patronago siiown uaand 0 doubly to merit it this season arket and Button Uarch 20 1 OR 3E o js t v E A LABQB AMD VABIBD ABBOBTNjjHT 0 GERMAN WINDOW CORNICES OtJIPAU7 BAN8 ALSO Another Lot of Cutlery Plaled GOod AKD A rew GBTO THB aimJiNE RooHESTMn cooper truss liopps i 1 3aao- Pateiit Xiiopks QliS iJAINTSi VOODWARK o OXjiEt BTOViES TIIWAilE WlTB- TUB ABOyS BtJLt BjqElH Ht QOAlITY ANYJN W SOUtNIQN iV tte Und eitough to call aadaKLrlainrpHoesbefor purchasio srKBs BLvijwR- narket liuch 11 tees t 13 JoDK STSm Toronto Febrn used Dr Jodins FcCongh ifort before uiatr speaklDir Some of jnv friends tried Ihei also aiid there is but one opinion tla tbe are Invalonble to singers and publlo Kpiaken I consider y r Please ecd Thm Levers are prepared with thu grealou caro as tocleanliness being enUrely free from grlUy substances BLUtILT8 TBraxrUOE Tbev are Jugtly colebntcd for tbe expui- alon oY worms ftom cbildre and conQn only vegetable Ingredienls tbe most wOn- delil cures have heen effected by hem and theyexcelaUotbersaiprcscntknoim tt Uy child fifteen noqths old pawed worftil ifler tUlng your wopa candles all the slse tjnslx tohirteen iiieties loni URJAn BiAOtlrr Vermifuge tvHuij thentno made to oipelvonoi besides they 0and heat ever made to oipelvonni r besldei so pleasMi 0 he taste that tb6 u diilicale eldld will take them wlllnglf BU9JU o II 61mpsra ITewmarkoL n4 alt Buif irfsta tbroeghofat the Dominloa OF QNTilil TPIIONfO