Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Courier, 25 Jun 1868, p. 4

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THE KEWMABET 00BIBTHTOSD4T JUNE 2i l8i8 M Mlf Ike eiltaiB V MMiuZlMintfn xc itf du tf Hi iatirfTHtful AB ito ttmgtboB bafe IM U im hurt m toon tfaaa id Mt tlie Proraoes bto Baoezv imh tttf UM Stolik hu not 1 Oier t4e tte tbtttion k m maha- led tad UBmeiy grhranees T w o ifl tnnees of uk merco- Tbe teTQTte of th increased b- tooBMaUji Tbe te trMSMMbasMt beat ftatfer the r wfaii costs Met It u wrAf tai svdloira op be ttUN ifiooifte It has Ite ottriee tbi manofu- taraj YaekeeNotioBs wbkii were profit- aUj exchanged for OaeadiKi prodaoe and ito iogatob bas reTived the old UteRfajMl eboat Ute Fierjr A fbr tbe CaBdiabB tfaey hare ibaad Momtletitt 41m West Ittdiea of ihit ecit ta tbe QaM States Aa the were forced to Fro Ott 19 Fall Aasues iriU MM A U0 Snd tsf 6niiBmb iiot WbelaB trial tiH edia off ttnf militt rde in to iB aaMUflaem ootaoaaffivg eorps id battalicma ax nqoestdd to W ptiV lidy on the fizct parade eP theU oorps or btahoBS after reoeipt of dw- tbe foUowiDg extraet ona the enatiag VolBnteer liufitiaUXlte TolQnteer fotce and eterj oer aod man bBgti to it shall be subject to Queens regu- lationaand ordeis for the army and daDj from the time ctf bdi caU imt fot actoai aerrke and also daring U pgd f Minmal drill eeeribed bj lib Act or bj aojr Act amotdisg tha aaioe or by any orr of tbe OonnnadetibCt imder the authority thvec sd tlao daring the tinaance of any drill or parade of his corps at whish be diail be piwent be ebjeot to the Boka and Articles of War and to the Act ibrpuniahiiy and desertion i4i other Uwe then ap- rJinaMe to H Maty tioops in ih aoe and not inooQistn vith ths Act A ptodamatioa ts deoidias that pauper ininiigcatioo not be pennitted to land mthout a pcrotit from the inqwoV- BaigUsh inportatioas of goo i artieka doited States the EHgUsh mer- jlit fotad U pntsUe to Uke flour nS3w other Oacadum produce in ez- Of coarse the iaerrtiptioit of nterest bat fafor Wis leea ia portion thui Uikt mu Mstained by aa Both oQUntries WMld gbdi hail the teatoiatioQ of th Beeipttjr Ttea bat tt must be ad- nlttad that the Oadians exhibit less anxiety on the subject than the Americana I view of the manifest blunders coa- MMed with the repeal of the Treaty the I BOWbeCbie Cgnes iotrodueed by Ifr B of Midugan for a partid rartoratlon of reolprocal trade is a step in tbe right direction It provides for the istQ tke United StUs at a duty of fire per eeflU ad talorem of breadstuSs BOltry fish butter chcesc maple sugar lu Sit oU coal and gnnd- 8tMie the paee of British NorUi Affloica The coalitions are that amilar atdele the growth and produce of the United State shall be admitted into tbe to citueag of tbe UaUed Btates lwreaee and caBals without dlstinctioi of tdls Qoods IB bood may be trans- voried duty free from Portland He to if a similar privilege be extended tbe St Charles river aj transported back on the departdK of the vessel thepeoal not to exceed 400 for allowing paupers to land without a permit A report is to be mule to the Collector of Customs w tbat vessel will be allowed to clear without plying with this regulation its proriBons have b duly ratified by the two goreiQmcsts tioi bUl goo4 as r as ifc goes BBtitdoesootgoikr enough No pro- viiioQ is made for the admission of Amer ican maattfaetorea into the Provinces Thisis oversight Bat it may be remedied by Treaty stipulation The biD is ebiefly rBoble as an ovure OB the part of ingress to the New-Do- minion for the re-eetablish- ment of reeiptoeal tnd Tbe aucstion is KHie tbatproply bclonra to diplomacy and Scereta 8eward will bo doubt inuAediaieeommanieaijs on the subject mth tho EogUah Miabter as soon aa Con gress sh bare taken definite action oh tbe salje ahd it is to be hoped it will not be criooked in the hnny of legisa- tioo towards of- the sesaian It is to be observed that tbe Cana newm do not take veiy kindly t overtsres of Mr Beamane bill They oleet with what show of reason rcmi te be coDsdered that the advantages ati a favour of the United States and that the privilege of iravigattng Lak Michigan ts sot a- sufficient for the Amerleaa ose of the Caoadian canals Sbey also that the use 0 tbe New York caoais by the Canadian weald be a proper cqoivaleik for tbi Amsriean as of the Canadian canidE Thejibrogation of the free porls of Canada anid some other points in tbe biU ob ject to an invasion of sovereignity thateaiiDotboiiteedto However Mr BeamMBibillis only a preliminary iriea- ens tikat reuira aswe have stated to blBwroved and rendered efficacious by Devolution All we ask is a trekty of coaneree oo torms UHitaa- adyantagco us to betioauDtries and diacasnon and a frank exhMige of views on both sides arc tobe ieAwaraged as a meaoj to that do- ApvRESisijsr XB OVB or ii- SUCCESS 1 BUSlNi tOU WANT TUB PUBLIC TO CAIiL AND INSPBOT YOliE GOODS OJVS THEM AN INVITATION TO DO 80 f SEND OUT YOUR INYIJATIONS WBEKLY And the tcclenls will on you wtreA thej zequire uihing in Uae Su llptts B june SO boiler of Beads diBtmei7 exploded thU aJUrBoon about a lock doing coosidenVle damage to tb buUdlDg ud scalding tiie engineer Wm Neil eo tererel that no hopes are enter- lftiaid of his tecoTe Lqit7JAT OaowTB The Seaforth Etpoi- lor vu handed lut wek hj the ptoprietoi if the Italian Warehouse a stalk 6f Dg- lUh Giant grown by Mr Shannon of LcEUlop The etalk vhed 2 pounds and the loaf Ifj feet in circumfcrenco oii le extreme outside edge q June 30 An accidental fire this tcmooa descd Hoovers Ltvery etabte Victoria Hotel stables with several frame Iweliiogs Bhops c en Qaebco and Doug lass streets YictorU Hotel suifered in the roof and tbe furniture was damaged to some xtcnt in rcnioval Our new and efficient iteam fire engine did excellent service and teas the means of saving the post office block ind other valuable property Amount c loss sot ascertaiued Fatai AcciDfsr The Lindray Poil sas A mclancholf accident occurred in Emil in Sunday l4th Instant As Mr wd Mrj Powers 12tb concession were Betting out fc cbarch their horse taking frit at the opci parasol by Mrs Powers as she etep- oUtub f before her cable isiand be slaritd off Mr d shoulders from which he is rcMr B ov Ha majestv It Las now t to be inade known tlmt Her ipress desire of her medical advie licre and urge that air as pur and coDstaatclmnge of it trill q attended with much prostra ncklbtiUle It h to ward the U poStle and to diminish il DIRECT IMPORTATIONS S I btafivmsmraioit woluatmillflubiaivxor bodvoxhiiijnnb Advertise ijQ the Courier ALL KINDB OIT JOB FBINgQjjSTG I SUTSO m THB HEATEST MANNEBAND AT LOWEST BATES BU R K H AR RISO N Be to announce to tbalr friends and costomers that they have imported direct from GISehOWi MjdJVOIKEJeKIteil AB OTHKB U1EKET8 A tAEGE QUANTiry OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRESS GO as THKSS goods were BOBGHT HQE OiSH And Imported Direct we aw frvpSniuii offer SXilEBlOB To those buying from us SIGN OF THE BIG T Wlat every ieede I t i- ijroBfclsSribpr b manufKtering Ann FiiM tal Diiilei Eaimr tumd and made to order V Coil and eza BriekaXtmUaii J Newioarkc iUrcb 1 ORDERS BT MAlLpOMPTLy ATtfiNDEO TO SuKwrt your Lo Paper and etibectibe for the ConaiJSB lbO a year if paid inadvanoe ly V Briggs Esq 8t 6tep- 1 23 Were drowned while t Lake FANS PANS FANS 80BTS AND SIZBS BINH8 VAHiETy 8T0BE Baggy for Sale SECONDHAND DOITBLESBATED BUGOY C Newmarket June NOOB DU want anything in tbo Stationery I Fancy Goods 1 MALL WARE LINE Or anytbiug in the 6hapc of FIBSTiiASS JOB PRINTING Dont forget that Q U BIMMB AT TOS COOlKa OFFICS an furnish anything in his linu of trade at he very Lowest Priccs Newmarket June 10 1B6S 25 H PIPER Co Ql YONOE STSEKT fint dOor aboTe 01 Cawiagea Perlmbators Refrigerators and Meet Safes Fiitcra and Iter Ooolersj Celebrated ArelllSda vS and Smokp CJondactcc Tinware 4c Wholomle Dealers in Pubs PalU Brooms Brushei Hopes Wooden W japanned tin ware amps Chandeliers Coal Oil 4e H PIPEB PIPER TorcntJae3 24 N PEARSON dbntist gratcfol for post fsvouri takes InsV M 8 about A Cottage to Let IITUATED on Oorham Street AppJy to 5 Mr Charles Gorham or to Mr PhiUip tbat Li opening an office in Newmarket OYER Dr BBW DBUO STORE Flt up with ah eyo to coajfori and Ihe tiest materia olwaysus and Wort m TO THE LADIES monet to ijoan apply A B5nLTBBE c Boyal pbysidans is now cced a ludcrtdk xtrciance with tlcir express injunction 8 titc fajoppoilune occimnnce of one c attacks ufaich caUscd her Majesty I C personally her eubjccts for sfrsiiort at thu last Drawing Iloom ijtxefelttL lod hareiy left tiie Throi sjtcnt that she could proceed no farther tbi iiiechaiqber irhere nbc remained nearly an hour before she could lc mi ipartmcnts and all this Ume the tU- lei w0ro loudly gcumbIng Iwcause Utelr piceentation was transferred over to The Fenia Eald BBtQUTOff is oa extract of a letter received last night by a gtleman ia Briitou ftom pis iubHer who rcstdatb Oswcgp dated IBCS rDcar Patter YbQ may It sfriuige at rooeivibs an other lettftoqi me eoBOODj bat as told fdn tn my thatthm was aMncthiDg you to kn I now talJs the bbejr- of tii yon rod thatr ithat herp r Petniurraidmtde on Cana- da iHf eotke fboo- between Pibtor an Cd boorgj mi aa mu as I on leani tiie plkoqUiiiiteo tb land at is Britoui 1 haVeajIiifimation iVoni a w a ttgb poritiotf in amy Tbe tijmiwl bo betifeeo- I tbe tthcf Jvly I think yoji had il Bother and the ftraily baek into the conntiy mj- where they irtU bo eafcL fbr are Uvlbg tberofwill be nd J iod that beftre Iba Signed- Your affiiottoiate DAuoantk of foreseeing their occunancc wliich I the Queen eoreluctant to appear and indeed ealSvG to tio expediency of undcr- any functions fn piltUc Sporting W ipiaanUo plocof fw apiwutHn lug peiith AmMican advices brongbt Im the It taras out tliaV the iMingeni on twat Brlttab thlpHripr wblcbjwar stransed to have fosndtr about ei nuvitha ago off the Orenadines Islands iiJ Indies ate living on tlie co Main but In slavery ENGLISH LAVENDER geranium rose YEBBENA WATERS EAU DB COLONGE FLOIDA WATEB I Hair 0 OMADES COCOHENE AM2iR0SIA BANOIJNE liestorativcB Ac for the Hair Parisian Tootb Faste Zozodant TOOTH POWDER DENTAL SOAP THOTTBBB TOOTH POWDBR AC magnolTa balm ORIENTAL KALIDOR ULY WHITE VIOLET POWDER o BOYS WHEELBARROWS AND WAGGONS roysr ajJ small wares An asBortment of flrstIass English HAIR NAIL AND TOOTH B H XT H E S Hand Oiasscs Perfumed Essencss COLI DBSAMB MP SALVE o POa THE ttflLET Hafenta I It is under these attacks added to tiie ii B fre- Opal SarMi if NWHABE1 DB0a STOEB J HACKBTT opposite tbo Davison Iloi y barrel all WbcatVbuiiiel Spring Wheat boahc Barley Qats If bushel Peasybnslier 1 DrestedHogsf lOOlbs Beef 100 lb Wiieegeach Hides V IM Sheep skins ccb i Potatoes 4f bushel floodOmft Apples ButterVft Cheese BSperdojson i 70 00 3 13 iloet battel Wheat bushel Spring Wheat bushel Oa4rbnbui Barley bnsUel feasboibel pressBogs loo lbs 0 00 BtitrlCT 0 18 n rool pa and O to 6 pm rmarkot June 17 I SOUTER TRENT main strbbt newmarket BBO to lafomi the nnblio that they ha disposed of their Drug Stock tb 0 Uackett wlio has roraovvd the s New Btore ID purposely for him by Mi earson Burgeon Dentist fho- Drug 8to is exactly opposite Urs Bonds and thu Davi Touso- 60UTBB TRENT Also wonid inform their frtends and tonen that they have made a targe addition to their Stock of GRGOBRIES TEAS TOBACCOEB WINB8 AND 8 Pin IT a Which they are prepared to i AT TUB vsnr LOWBsr rnioHs Newmarket May 20 18C0 At the elga of Uie Big 7 a nbvf stock op the most fashionable hoop bkiets BUBK HitISOK SOUTER main 8teeet newmakket fe TRENT t newmakket GROCERS TEA DEALERS CNADIAN NATIONAL SERIES READING BOOKS uMorwdiy Couhcii FublielMtrue qbt B with 31 lilustraUons stronely boiml n limp cloth Pl ccita EST Booi nd Part 5 1 lllugtratlons sUone- ly bound in limp cloth Ten cents tcOHD Boot 56 illostratioiu strongly bound in cloth boards Twenty cents toSD B 41 lllusttations strongly bonud in cloth boaids cents a B 50 lUustratlons strongly bound in cloth boards Fifty cents HAHDFACTUaBS aiisraER WINE OEANOB TONIC SYRUPS c id the public in i Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents A SOUTER KovoiaTket May 6 laca fDrnackeUs hall door 22f BRITISH WAREHOUSE ToLet 0 lethat handsome Dwelling I t ocCpicd by Mr N Itcid ilicr Lamp Mats Carriage Mats BIRD CAGES FLOWER VASES WALKING 0ANE8 WINDOWBLIND PAPER nd niimcroUB other varieties constantly C0ivlllK Bf BINNR VARIEiY StRE Tor Sale qx to Bent A FARM near pfowmnrlict iW AcrtB cicarod Ko orthor portlculiirt apply Urcha4686 BO W 33 3E3IjX AND OTHER MAGAziNKSj Ju6t received at tHo Cottnisa Orici Juncjoieoe 1 UfPOBA TO rpHESObserlborcontlnucstbmssufacluro X his faNfamed Hteel MoUldboaVd and- Btoel Laode o o I mi fiy ttio thopsand 83 Ptotrpus Pprheoonv6hloncoaid wcommo ft nis fronds and custoiiiTt lit ttu nolghbourh6Dd bf Netrmarketi- whore Ijll Pinnrrii khowntot suDoriorto tlioseof nutkerstJie has esttlldied aifMonoy- aaMDBNwhom haTeaway on hnndA laTgsuptfiV Of Plohs irbtqh ui will sen KtntUrii priKrer diOff cost Of traMAiititoetherTor Dill on Orediti Uti attention tOhl OOUBLEiVPR IGANrtOMa TKo lOMribrit of IM PloughferWlI other aatigoughinnbereddllf lefln Slieh of tbe Plough irmifl tnthlkherihan ottien s loss mhlS to dW wlt ly if hitvtitfveTM nlied at a llMQMBy lhFI rejtiUtMlo sotAnoren crropnd or rldgli- Ite levers aMso cpMMcic4 tt rioosg cwU lu BUTTBRPIEIiD Jtn4 April 16 leOB 1 Tea Coffee Ginger Wine Syrups Groceries W TRENT J H JOHNSONS Saab BUndi Boor d FACTOIY Is now ia full opciaUoa L FROM BUILDERS SOLICITED MO U L J I N a s Always on hand Gmtom Planing done ft any time HOP Comer Mill Raglansta NEWMARKET JUST PUBLISHED The CANADIAN SPEAKER ELOCUTIONARY READER COUPRISINO a Choice Collection uf dra tions Dialogues and Poetry suitable School and College Recitations and Puh- Dialogues leading i tbo Principles ttoM Mon to L IONETO LEND atltwlncod Rates NEW S IOODS WM A B OR R STAPLEI FANCY DRY GOODS LADIES DRESS GOODS CASHMERES VELVETEENS SJLKS REFITS BROADCLOTHS EMPRESS CLOTHS VESTINGS EXHIBITION CLOTHS TWEEDS DOESKINS dx c itc dc A LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHING HEAVY STOCK Of BOOTS AND SHOES GitOOESHrES c Which we ecli Ciaip ron C J W COLLINS SUAIiTi WAHES FISHING TACKLE SIRE WORKS AO THE BEST COUGH UBDICINJB I Dr JODINS FRENCH COUGH LEVERS SHOULD be rce RrofJitifl Uof jsome viiy cheap lots in stock ti why Vu wiilevUC nd Wo sell for C ry liberhl patronage i cditaFirst Wo buy Vort tbo best inatkol 10 larguprofltsCo cover losws Wo How thank our friends and till strive doubly to merit it this WITOlESAlX AfJ RETAir Wji Newmarket and Button Uarch 0 1609 A B OKR J U T 3Efc- 131 C33B2 I V E i A LARQB AND VABIID ABSOnTMBNT or GERMAN WmDOW GORNICES otnEiTuiM o At BO- Anotiier Lot of Cutlery Plated Goods i AND A PW BBTO 0 TUK mumE jioouESR aoopsis TJiussiioOPiS Oie iEKeVisible Xjpolid OfJjg PAINTS WOOWABB Ao OUK STOVES AJSTD TINWARE I tfrWit rris ABovi Bftii SX0BL8 s QVAurr Afro onsAritBB Iff tUb ooMitioif I 10 Bo kind enoughlo rail andasoertain trices boCore purchasinf SYKES k BLVIDOE Newnutkot March It 1888 131 Jntartli Coughs Breath and all SligereASiSe C pmctlcc am nanysimilai READ THEFOLLOWINQ nBilfasNljNov 16 1807 iiavo given Dr Jodius Prcnch Cough vers a full trial and bave Uttlo hesitation Nnpnneo November 28 ISO I hiivo used Dr Jodiu French Cough with great salisfnvHon and can contl luntly say after testihg them for weclia la ipcclal services that I tijink them better than iny other Joiis 8 C WttUyan Jfinitler Speaking also and there is but one opinion nd public s disotdcm Thomas UcUoaaav PWase sind me Agent and Uetui AJliantf- These Lcvors are- prepared with tbo ireatest carons to clMnlinose being inUrcl Tree from grlUy substahcvsi BLASTS VZBianoX OAHSm They are Justly celebrate for tho expuU I- irnw nom children and contain ble ingredients The most won I bave been effected by thi sgetable ingredients The cieriui enrts bave been effected by the excel all othora at present anown- M child fifteen months old passed 83 after tiAl worm candies all the targe sise fotn six to thlrtMn Inches long Has AioaWiSMV JTcpsiiM Otit Ha JAifSB BtiAoiT Dear Blrx haVo tHed yonr Vertnifun Cbnea aevera tlmea and fonnd them the best ever madetoeiMlworatst lieslsthey atoK plet to tHe taste that the most delfoato child wQl te then wtlltngly Bubn Baioe JVffivarr iifelMrs eae rsF Pornle at Benltey6 SOuterA GcVand H Simpsons Newmarket andi Drug archives of QNTARIOI toronto 1-

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