ropait BT ATLAKTIO CABIJh AppoinUneota SaspMWry BUI psBKjd b kfl first teadiug Lord Cairos declared iifl intenUon of oppoang the Bill Lord StralbeacB the petition of tho peojJe of IfoTa Scotia agaioet the Caa- Jo iiiai which he says My feet I sm getting yery viaak I expert tat if ProndcDoe docs not sead ns a Uoioa Act In tfaeHoufie of CommooB touigfat the In Committee the purchase b Iri Bcfc The BiJI prondiog for the purchase 1 Uio Govemmeutof all the telegraph lini IB flio Vingdoi be no fflorB and I yery much few I jill be tiie fir tictim If so yba Viirndt I am faniiahiog the 208 I took f9t TOe dripls wnUr nlf plenty of wafer Iknow I would iiTO 1 fpd a dfeul fejc read for the secoDd foiTfie final dispbsitico of the art tiures at Venice Jnne 19 midnjtii iIn the HouBebfLohJfl thicvCTing the Earlof EDcnborough in eonje lemarka on the Abyasinan expedition gnggested that on acconnt of he uuuBual chopaetr of the ncrricc performed by the tioope special IioQonrs be paid to them upon their return from the scene of Uieir exploits The Earl of Malmesbury Lord of tlo Privy Scsal in reply eaid tliat the ilimstry had not yet coosircd the point The Duke of Cambridge commander-in- chief of- the army cxgressed Hlf I I hoiulEiknit shortly appear before mv God Whilst I am writing this nuder tho Uttle bit of can- Vi I am BhjFering ith watnos land cold from head to foot I dont know how have written what IhTe but this I can icfactears Krep I JuiTe Theodores last Mbm The purp m Abyssinian veBieu oTUSe last n f Theodore The rep pniieing theyalaod that he avard of unusual hi members of the Abyfsn bo a bad precedent 3 the The 6 Id bo a bod pi then dropped The London Telraph has been 9C0 for the publication libel P June 19 A solemu Requiem Ma was perfonued hero toay in com memoration of the death of the Ex-Em- pcror Maximilian it being the anoiTcrsary of his execution at Qucrelaro Tha Em- pres Orlblta General Miramon and a laigG number of Mexicans were pregcnt S Clusarb tditor of the Jountalqf Art has been condemned to two months imprifonment in gaol and a fiino of 1000 francs for an articlo published in that The defeat of tho Irish Church Appointjncnts Suspension Bill io tho House of Lords is considered ccrtain but ft is believed that the majority against the Bill will be greatly reduced in coDsciuenoc of the abolition proxies TfiRTH Juno 21 Prinoc Napoleon lias Icilfur Coustaiitiuople It is believed that a iait to the 8ullaQ is itc main ob ject ofliia present tour Trieste June 21 Tho last advicca fromAli8 report thatthc Cretan rep I that offered an address to the United States Consul On the occasion of presenting it the Cretans and the eitkcns of Athens assembled In large numbeiB bcfoie the officers of the American Legation and made an enthnsiasLic demonstration of gratitude for tlie frleadship and sym pathy of the America people Loxdow JunG20Qiccn Vktotrt reviewed the British- Volunteers in Wind- Jariipbeiogthe Slst anniversary of the Geruian Pnrlimwt pacific speech L June 22 The rert ofthc death of the Queen of Sladagascor is con firmed Bamona success her General Napier and Stiff and Ir1nc AilV liAVC embarked at Atcxaudria foi Enand AjiTWBap June22 A matiny brok out yesterday on tTie American clippci ship AfeiMwhilq lying in this port dnrio rerely handl which hei by tho I and i but getting vcrrfc 1 hinds 5 withthirBtI Dei OKAND TBUNK EAST GBEAT Traim leave Union Statbn five minot8 laer 1 gener whilst 1 t moments iencinb opfuluctof regtetUng the ir friend and who tality we must ren der homage to the courage and skill of the conquerors On learnbg that the Eng lish bad disenilwk Jlieodore thonght they would roar oil hia capital by wy of the fertile planesof Bambea the en- trance to which he was prepared to dtfcnd G regarded the ocoupation of Scnafe as ruse de guerre to make him abandon the forniidWesijoiiB lip did Wt move Thjs ia why thciaish austd him ofindiion HeireVused loMisfen- spica and when doubt was no longer possible it was too late His aly je- Amarsha and with 22000 lie marched on Mflgda Ho tried to defend the defiles bfat tKdro was no longer time the advanced ap peared His genetal too were diEcoijr- aged and goied with gold they aban doned their chief in his extremity The of Abyssiniins buried amounted to757 whilst 2130 were wouaded To tiio riflo and tlie steel gun tbe victory miisti be in a groat measure attributed but whyshonldwe not say so tho LEnglish soldiers Jfnglish is underlined displayed iloody reprisab the Abyssipians expected 0 be maesacrcedr The severe discipline if the English army in preventing excesse and useleascrnelty has won for itself the admiration of the conquered Amongst the dead were seven balantchcros or men blcd TheoaDrcond wore fAYSII GUlDBr fNOBTmELyAT Q sayiflitttoi of York to that i aIiiQldt 105 AJtS fSO lins luavt Brock Street Stat Ipterj gran39rrak wst i jo AXi 1316 r ot PicB ElLiRKlJT tfcsJf nly8l C40 pm UniJs wadij lyj ftprSlwroa e Ibcrt Quecmvilltf KitvebshtKi Iefferlaw Wilfricd imJ BallatitTacUauuiittsholnLeiiioi d Vivian and Stouffvijle c iretltiys and SaturdiiyB iit 81J Oouvir property caupod It to be foreseen that nnder their administration there wodld be Hbeity tBDfr- od- piotuJfijiK indyandagrlijiritjjfe Thej fear6d anarcby if fho country lyew evaftit atcd Thepdore did not commit roieid Hawng witnessed the dealrttqdqn of his army and hsvmg searched death to THE NEWMARKET COURIER WiUi No 27 we bommence the new half- yeirly volume Wc are extremely thank- ful fpVhe Yc libjral tbc papoj htis received einco Its commenocmenf and hope our friends wUl usCht endeaTOurt to get up a goodly list to commence the new vblnme If each subscriber will take the trouble to show the CouniEU to his neigljbour aqd think L will do So add thus double our present handsoi PfiVOLUNTEEKS jrly overpowered The police wore notified and boarded the ship Tho United States steamer Tycon- throQa which was lying near by sent some of her crew to the assistoiico of the police ind after a desperate fight the muuity was KUppi June 22 The Iriph IVliti- cal lleforot Bill was agreed to toniht by the Hoaso in Committee Pabih June 23 Lii lAlmie newspa per publishes a report that Mcnotti Gari baldi is raising a body of volunteers to make another attack oil llonic BELUttAUR June 2a Alexandtsr Kara Georgwick Indignantly repels certain jn- binuutions which havo been circuktiiig against him and denies hat ho Jiad any connection with or knowledge of the plot fir the asaxxination of the late Irlnco Michacl JiONDOff June 23 G P Train has igaiu liccn arreslw and was todny brought the Court of Bankruptcy In Bas- ninghaU rtrect lie vchenicnily protested aainsth arreM declared that It proceed ed frejm 0ttical motives and ipcalud to the United States Artuy and Navy for ft checrcd by thespect- Torrible Suffering fa Ships Crew Mr 0 T Benncttj a Newfoundland joerchant of llristfjl Ia8 rcccived details of the sufferings of tliocrcw of the Quant nf Swansea which waK lost off Cupc St John in Dcconiber liioiwnstruck on the Golf Lilandou the uomingof tho 12th Dcttcnibcr Tho cnpuun and Icii olhcrii git on ehoro by ncan of a hawser the other four went off in tho ship and must liare inota walry grave On tho morn jng of the 2lHt April tc schooncr Srlin- WIH off tho Inland scang One of the mm In a hunt wounded q duck which he followed intothe cuva he Ihtrc found of the urjfortvnuto people iinid ball nud shell when hcsaw the head of the enemys columns crown the brdach 16 understow that his last hour was he saw thai resistance was Impossible and that about to be made ptiscV Thisrfleotion made him rou nfQ If the English captives bad been still m his power their death would have been certain In a fit of fury or neas ho ordered their oxtcrnj getting that they were free iu the English amp Onsceing his power fleeting from im wi th tho bloed of his soldiers contcm- platiog bis empire destroyed his dynasty ovcurncd his reign finiflhed- twosti of tears courfiod down his cheeks the clcs of his face and chtst wero conlractod with pain nnd his limbs writhed ui I but liUlo doubt hi bayo nuhHixjjpd ujion human Two off the bodies IKrfict fikdctonif oil hj flcnh bciof from the bonps AnolM one jaJ M near the heart Wj a nuniUr of tTtcts had Ijiicn cut from his hroast and arm On ihc cniou Ctal Owens ivcro found two notes In Uth of which bo tpckH of tho drcadfuIniffcrihgB hiB ncn were enduring ind tells a had riven up oil dcUveianc and G Iloskinv a lettor to fatiicr and niotlter sistorfond bni Haytt Wo havo lccn fitting lOfi but do not grifvo for usi Wo uro OUT dovotioiw to fraycr There is uitchc ffcringa tihould many of hia cHroca Two 1 pifitol In hand stood silently ing his order He gai Emghcddo Crong his i breast he prayed j then voice he repealed several times Elhiopia Ethiopia my wife 1 my children The Ming bencatli tho blows of tin was giving way Proudly rais id Tlicodorc drew hissword perish like a Buropenn Jp tho boaou of tho Trinity said ho to thobalantchcnui firtj They both aimed at his head but Emgheddos couragcfftiledjandhis arm fcll incTt Area alono obeyed and his bullet broke tho skull of Africa bravest warrior Tho balantcheras re muined by tho boily of their inair ci jKCting dtatb AV this moment llio gHtcs wcro broken irij and tho English soldirf druok with blood and oumago rushed for ward Kmgheddo showed them the life less lody nf Theodore At this sight Ui soldiers stupifiod let full thoir arms and the t s copic noipei fuithfui TiiEonoBTB Wim In tho tho Trinity Thoodoro lost King of Ethi opia To confuor Thcotloro God said to tho nation whwli holds tender jtssoicpth more than hair tho unlvcrsc Go and unite your iirmieM nod flcelo shall bo witb you wo will fight together and will crush nim It- has dbn Should Englsn Locp the emiiiro ofrty Abysainiair war riors war to the opproAHoni JfJItoy io- tiro I dosiro that invson mi Jiuccwd we nud I ISmpcror say to Mm- Bo tho fricn4 of thoso o whym God has KivoiUjoltfiyfor iltoy kbow-liow- to protoct their IVjcuds tho friend of tlioae warrloni for hey Invincible tho thy ISHghB father and fear tho Trinity 4iiisarraUvo ix olK0yCountn du Blsson a trnvoller in Abyasinia who was always on jriondly tofmK with itfa Into ruler and not la favour of tho KngJish th- ToroDti gnition Tfie 12th Battalion mMtered here ttie 15tli instant as we bnt briefly noticed r last isauo on accoDot of all tho companies not having arrived as wo we to press in order to completo its effioien ehoald OQtowstfa esiiCMmalnnwa compel banaoalled into the fi4d In our mind etion of the authorities was wi prudent Wo have graw reasons for be lieving another raid almost inevitable an consideration demands not only th ample provision should be mndo to repel iny attack but that such of our volonteers B may bo called opdu to risk their liros in ihc dcfenco of our country should bo enabled to do their duly under tho most ravourablo conditions The 12th Bat- preciation of ioie who eftorifioe much on our behalf who are willing at any momt ijprii Uves la the same We are not awara that aa yet any diapo- ition is showTj in thigcirantboourige flia Tolantceroroe The principle this parsimonious inacUoa evolvos is that illing the Toluateers shall fight for sad qolte ttisy for the privilege besides This is not as t should be and we feel aegufed the people of Torkionly rousing to act in this iattr with tbe liberality a fhe sis- sr comities InPeel we see the county not only pays the billets of the men while puttiog io thi drillj but pre8eDjlt Bat talion with lowrdslta fcmd fund We beliero as application to oui CoBnty Council by 12tb Battalion for aid to CEtabUsh a bujd was refused in 6o The 12th Battalioo was declared by the jjQfpcctin affioets and other military au thorities of EigU standing on Wednesday bo one of the very finest they ever saw d we bftVB loen ipfopned that Colonel Jarvis waa hjgbly compUmented by the AdjatantOenal upon the appearanoo of his command who warmly congratulated OQ hi good fortune in heading such a stalwart soldierly body of men la Mdisang tHo Brigade Col Rad- cliffe remained in the most flattering terms the admirable movements of the 12th Battalion in lino This waa no Email com pliment when we take into- consideration tlie long experience of Col Radoliffe as a ildier the uneven character of the ground passed over and the meagrcness of tht opportuflityour BaUalion has had in this ipcct Colonel also dwelt upon the adiness of tho men in the ranks commended the silence and attention prevailed throughout The people of the county of Yorkhave reaiwu to be proud of the positlonattained by tho men who have shouldered the riflo from among them Praise such as was heaped upon out Bat talion coming from meA naturally hard to isfy in the matter of drill is not with- significaoco It only with them to encourage and facilitate in vcry possible way the volunteer ment If our couiilry is anything ur independenco and national respeet rortli haT if tho traditions of i 1 of bravery and consequent victory wgai BMcly tten it U m a Bcarlyfclt aacrifiocfor dntanee cncourage- yOIUJTeE O the 17tli Ibstut Uie Tolusteer com Moj of Sbanm was pited ia thmr 141 ehedi by the wi a drum and The oeeaaon of heir march to hadqoartm to meet tU oth compaaies of the battalion ot bat- taloBdHll ym embrao as a opportunity fc thie preaentaUon The djdied oontaioed a oomber of visitors ftiendB of the volooteerB and others i had assembled to witness theix departi The following address was read by Miss ad the drum and fifea sented by Miss MayWiilson Captain Joim Selby made the reply when the men gave three hy cheera for the ladies of Sharoo three as hearty for the QaWn and three for the late oapbuo W Selby aq- wbo was on the ground and took part in the proceedings The were then faced to the right and headed by the Sharon Silver Band menced their march to Newmarket ojaaios D wUl be here nest Is anything gjng to done besides ing op aU the ihopst WouW it not be welltogepageQeralpknlojnBoaie grtve near by hare sone mnsic swingj 4c 4e SomethJjig like thli aUgbl suit a good manv- outelden o inritaUon to come and Join In the days reweatlon If anything bai hare been endcavo the fijo inspire you while on the drea the etrcijgtb of the Battalion is follows No 1 Company 48 ofEccra and 8 54 9 44 Tiio staff consisUng of Colonel Ji Major Norris Major 11 AdjutanUCapt Peebles Surgeon Dr Bovoll AssistSui Dr Hillary Pay Master Cawthra cr Master N A Gamble r before been 1 boastful V of Ibis t filirlt of fulsome ain- glory that wo 0 never saw in tho volunteer forco r tlie mother country a finer body i men and what rciidcfa tlio corps cspe- tially valuable ia that the mental calihro of Uio mcu Is fully crjual to heir physical condition tlieir progress under iaslruc- tion being fiomothing marveiloua It is Iruo Col Jnrvis has lecn most assiduqios and untiriog in bia to pcrfl tho discipline of his men but do efforts would have produced a like result with an Infe rior inatcrial Tho Colonel U much liked by botholBccrHaiid menhcucclicjitiRtrlkft tho iron while it Is hot and every demand hCJ makes upon them for jnerDOscil oxov tion and improvement meota with a chocr- ful aiid earnest response and wo botido tlint if our Battalion has to meet tho foo m aotual warfare tho county of York shall have no ovil accouut of her sons On JIoiidiy tho Battalion went to To ronto to tako part In a field day with tho lying column of which it fomf 0 part consisUiiR of tho 60th Ucgimcnt Capt iJaifourfi Battery of Artillery Capt Ilar- riwnatn of ISthJIuHiara witl liio Qubofifl OVD 10th lloyais and 61U Bat- tajion thoxuluinDbciDgUudur Uiocoin- iiitid of Col lUdcUffo Wo givo an ox- tract olBCwIiero from the Olatf JTucs- day I Thoday warf ft Ivory eovero onofor tho men who were wo wmy sny under arpfs for nearly twenty hours but not a mpn itliiir fIvd of full but and what ift cBiccially Botowoflhy ovtry mon m Iho BaitolloOjotl tQ heodunrre 1 am oh Tuesday morning perfectly eobor Ihiawodo say is a wobderful instance of tho good oonduot of tho tncb when wo consldor tho wAlsoine nnturo offtlioir dut t Uio day By tho kind- ocas and ooiirtosy oi Col Cumbprland who hoA ovCT boon tho friondnf the volun teer forco ho Battalion wm onnvoyed in great coinfort to Toronto and return fcee THE 12TII BATTALION This Battalion went to Toronto on Mot day to tako part in the programme of tli day Tho following extracts from th Glohe of Tacsday shows how they wot received and complimcutcd by the military authorities The different rcgimenlaoa atrJtiQgat tho rendcsvous deployed into line and were iniipoclod by tho AdjutantGeneral Colonel Burie AssbtantAdjutant Gd oral I Col Andersou CB Commandan of tho Loudon flying coluimi Capt Moorom ADC and other officors being preiscut The troops wcro in admlrblo trim the regulara as they always are on pafaelo in their neatest whc tho volun teers vory liUlo behind- sdemod tho ad- niiratioi of all from their Bodiorliko and steady bearing Psrtlcuhtflywas this ap parent with rerorcHco to the York bat- tnlion a body of men wo may say that took our city voluotoor by Hurprlso by teir nartial air aud led Uio regulars l Qiako use of otrosoQii of the atriogt conGdcnc should thoy bo required to tako tho field together Col Jarvis tho oom- nianding o baa every loaaon proud of such a fino body of uion tolligoot and ablobodled they aro a men oorpH Though only uudor arms in batteUooiBM Wfldnesdi thdir tho higliOAt 4ooniumsand without an intended disparagomont to tho Toronto battpnflrWO must sayitlint ineas and order was in tho highost dei prajscwortliy Tho Toronto lattalTc and tho relar troops all iKipoorcd on tUo grouod in Havolooks ana tight order without knnpeaoke tho 12th in tho ordl aary Ibragooap bat othorwiso ia heavy marohlng order wUh knapiaok overooal havorssoK wfttor bptllo and onp dta oookod prYitioiu 00 band Under Uiotn trying MrouuBtanoes with a- hot sun bcanilD Bonrobln rayp tiio IStb nod uniorwoht k work that would havo doob orodit to any of Her MJoStyB rcglmoQta of the lloo C On rcturotpg to the ground origlaally hbld the brigade halted and rbooivod th lilgbesb praise from Col Iladoliffe for tho manner tn wMob tW iad bobavod To tho 18th ho was Hpooially oompllmontary thankiiiu thou fir tho spirit thoy had shown III coming such a dtstanoo and a tap of tbatdiiun Ojio fifes and a drum May invaded our soil you wil iio lrong arm and nerve you lur I in belf of rigbt And nuvr in t Kennedy the by the North York and WliitoUurcb AgricuUuml SocJetiug which took on morning Ly Northern Bailroad f the day above ioci 82 Alter participating in tho eojoym Iring f tie above all e teafisig the wbai the first place wc callLd at i esldence of Captain May t inivlDg Bt ptillitt at 250 pi Ams B June lnTbdwalkiaeiaai 6r Um a uillMTfea Weston wiomono lliij lev his btl Wentjran isjS s sjead prWston 6veiplwwfiitJ- tbr tomutes and fortyx KGod wmiuDg the firat thousand doUata kole matob u 009 hose e tboosaud doUa 13 wad twentyfive pules PHILADSLPHIA drade oged 80 died sndt in bis office He diedi estate amountmgio about h will dcscend to relatives in AsamoiON June int MUDt m the new iDtnit agait H Suxratt chafes him with oonspuiw with Booth Paine Herold OLauriOin Arnold AbsoUo and Mrs Sorrutt to mur der Abraium Lincob The oonot cha him with conspiracy to capture Mr Lincoln and deliver bun aprtMoer into the possesion custody and control of certain persons whose names are unknowa r the r like t the Grand Jury The Navy Bepartn id the Executive Department 19 on Lsnd On our return we made a Ewfttt at e20 Btcpping on board tl thtn waning the company were soon wafttd to their homuBjaftertjingtt most delight ful and htalthiDvigomtiDg day The vrea- ther was all that could be desired and all appeared to enter into tbe various games wbilc on board ship suitcd to the fancy of the roaoy Begom inU cait aetmed to Vie esseli to the P auee it would bi i KWfTsspecial says the delivery of the m Government be- olation of our inter- Dreadftil Disaster nd June 21 ttiug Star c den commanded by Capt Edward Viger left this port for Detroit at eight oclock on Saturday evening having on board forty passengers a crew of thirty aud 200 tons of pig iron aud bar iron with light freight additional At about eleven oclock last night when about thirty miles Irom this port aud some sixteen miles from shore she collided with the bariiuo CorlhnJ bound for Cleveland with iron ore and having on board a crew of thirtoeu persons The night was dark and the weather thick a northeast wind blowing and a heavy sea rolling The Morning Slur It is argued by eminent lawyers that tho resignation rf Mr Bollins takes effect at once upoa the tcccpUiace thereof by tbe President and that the conditions attached to tbe resig nation namely to take effect when a successor is nombated and confirmed is null and void as it is not in the power of an officer to make his lesigDatiQo depend upon such TOuditions or tennsl The President has vetoed the Arkansas admiision bill and the House repaased it Ill to 31 TheSpeiierlbenaiiouneed that the bill had bn passed by the con stitutional twothirds New Yobk June 20 The British ships in harbour are dressed in buntitg today iu honour of the anniversary of Quecu Victorias ascension to the throne The tug boat that exploded this mort- was the f Leverghxe of Albany with lumber barge in tow Ira Lynch of West Troy was drowned J Lewis cook as kicked up with a leg and arm broket- He will probably die Daniel Loutmaa r was badiy scaldcd but will re- Lynohs body has not been re covered Tho wth vessels sunk i oanderB we hope always to guard un- d tho homfti of our birth or adoption order9crry those Fepian hordes ilofWinjunctIo liidgeway Our wc shall not be unmii D We shall strike wi nd we shall remcml iod and our Country ope that no act oi ou II briug diegraco uponlt WniTCHUBCH The following ie the aggregate assess ment of tbe txtwnship of Whitchurch for the year 1808 with such fore five miuutes The boats of tbe steamer and aportion her upper works floated off Many ot the passengers clung to the floating pieces and were picked up by tho boats The barques boat was smashed in the collision In this manner the passengers aud crew sustaiued themselves through the night and four oclock this ir It N fftcf running nd on alternate nights with the Morning Shr camo along bound thoboalaandim- bringing the boats ICE through the night as nearly in the v of thf wrcck as possible but by mi werc soattered several miles Oni Is sUll unaccouated for but it has been blowing a gulc and iiothiug has been heard from it Both vessels wt iu aixtyfcctof KeYmat 80nOot Mr J If WlddHreldof a Idfably credltibb nmlnntion ot the lufnutrj- Keliooi of Military fustnicjioir Toronto on IuuBilRjflftftrbufow Col liindnnyftimington CoTOniriudcnt ai Capt KKnuubonc AdjulAwt and obtalud aflrBtclnsscortlfivuto Uo was comiilimcnlu by thoCol6nnlwiio oxprcssod- saUsfftctloi at tho ho acquitted himseir iu tbo vntl 0118 broliclieB and tiie Jiuowlodgo cxhlliitci of tho intrlvato movvmonU of n bfttlulion and A hrigido Nbwvarkst Cuonoil Tho Council ntcl n III Court IlontiO on Monday the 38tul iiut Mimhoni proMjnt MvHrs ItachCf llontliy and O Klvldgo On Mccouni of Uio Itoove not dDgpriwintlr UentuyM callc to huchalr Minutes of pVevlous mcbtintre ind niiproved A commutUeaUcu froii tliu County Clerk wiunml sUlinK tbattho viU Ingo taxes for county ptiriwes for tho prt nentyunr would he Thero boln n furtbor hiiBincHH thu Oouiicit ndjouruvd 0 motion of Mr DucUo Bocoiidod by Mi Blvldgo Corarv GjiAUtfia 8onooLTio written c ominutliin of pupils at thuobu va School cor luenood on IuoMlay last nnd continned u til Thuriday dvonlng Toroorrow Krlday tiio on cxaminntlcm will commonco n hnl pHtono oclock nndajAtpalltaifpoatqeTOi Ifen tho pul vlted to attend Tito pApbrs for tho writtoii cxftrolntlpnwr pwiftredtjy ptTilv Vn- In other sohooli nnd therefore turei toidsoftho pupils proflctii7 than thtugii pre pared liy tho Head Muter As nil tbe piiplln rofiiKsotfuily I d yetfc thcr noticc until nojt w for Clevclaud aixtyt Quo of thee their of tho barque ed by the collbiou but killed by the blow Tho loss of life is estimi 20 to 30 AU the officers ol wero saved except Mr James Morton tho elcrk who lost his life in endeavouring to save airs Hackett wifeof Capt Ilaekett of Detroit both of whom wcro passengers Among the lost a md 1 Mini Thaddcus W Patciun formerly rcsideuts of Buffalo and now of Troy N Y They had been in Cleveland to attend tho wed ding of Mies Bello Tiffany and rviife for Detroit on a visit Captiin Vigor rcmcmbora assigning them a state room In the upper cnbm but though that part of the stojinicr floated off all these who wero oliuging to it were picked up by tho Ji N Rce and tho Miscs Patohin aro not among tlioso rcseucd No other Buflalonians aro known to have been board From Montreal JuNE 20 Two brothers- Thomas ac James Wells gallantly rcsoucd an India woman who fell into tho eaual On Suuday laat at St Gabtiels i Brandon an old man named Saraisou wi kilted by tho exptosiou of souie powder which Boiuo boys bad loaded in an irou weight uud fired in houour of the fete Dieu A boy named Pullier aged 10 years was drowned this morning opposite Uie sugar factory General Wyndjiaiu has ordered aiilry into the ew of tho soldier who diod iroiu sunatroke on Tliureday whilomareh- ing to Chambly A ohild named Marin Ah ribly wounded to the abdomen by falling through n skylight of thu Merchants Ez- ohwgo morning JiniB23-Col- Peaobok has taken com mand of tho garrison hero during tho ab- Bonoe in Knglnnd of lilajorGenersl Rus- Tho boiler in tho oarpentor works of A flioPonald Si Sotib LianolieUoro lroct burvt lliis morning lebiolishiug thoondno- rooni and buUilng No lives werolosk but n firoinaoyhad tho riba of his left sido broken and n daughter of Mr Somervillo 3 090 908 lontli ioatyoar Mr Dovlia Is going to apply for a writ otifabaei OfTput on bdialiofamoi Uio roan who shot Cullen At a meeting of tho Board of Iloaltb it was resolved in Oonueheo of tho prova- lenoo of smallpox to Jpforoo still mr- strietly the law rospcoting vaccination 18 Protostnuta and 81 Cntholiba w buried lost week e safe The tug boat Larcg exploded off tbo Buttery uboMt 8 oclock this monuog blowing three mcu overboard who were drowned iber of deaths this week 388 iTi Juno 20 The Supwkw lecidcd that the fire at iPoot Nash Cos whisky cstabligbmenthaii beeu caused by an explosion of tiUi vapour the United Fire and MariJift l mnce Company are not liable T June 20 The eaetwariboimd spress train was thrown ftom ihsi IriA r early this mQrniigid Jtaj- W June 22 In tho Sur- ratt case this morning tho District At- icy presented the new iodtctmeut cborg- the priDcr with cuntpiroey and sUtted the United States was ready to pro ceed The indictment waa read and Sur- ratt pleaded nut guilty Tho prisoners coQiisel said they were not dispossed to proceed with a new indictment until tho old one of murdcrwiis disposed of Tho prisoner should be tried on that or bo charged that was his right Tho Dis trict Attorney claimed the right to eloct which of tho indictment ho would try Tho Court admitted tbis but the Court had made otde to try the iudictmeni for murder and it was his opinion the case should go on It was unjust to keep Surratt iu guol He had been tried wee nd tho jury stood eight for acquitiol to four for conviction Tbo Dbtriot At torney gave as rcnsous for delay theabseoeo of material witnesses and bo bclioTed tbey wcro secrctiog themselves Tbe Court did not think tbo reasons sufficient and cited authorities Ho concluded by di- reeling that tho prisoner dischaig under the iudictment for murder It is understood however that be may be ar rested again at any time under the indiet- ment Tho District Atlorney then moved for trial ou the chaigo of conspiracy but tho CopQsel for tho defenco said their duties bud been discharged and that they had nothing to dp under tho new indiot- lucttt The case mi tbca poatpoaed UU rxod at ozpcotod tbe ai be forthcoming N Y June 23 Tbe Tnbtm4 special says Thad Stephens has pinid new arlicfeaofivipeaohmentagWB8tPNt dent JobuBon vybvhie wiU import to tbe House as soon as die Amendatory Tax bill is disposed of Be has written an ela borate specch iu supjforl of the articles PelawareMurder Thj fWe iVf stho pi Tliomas Jones and Ehsabctb da contlHuo to attract maqy vaK daUy to Uiegaol to satisfy inorbid ouiiositj in regard to them day yesterday tbe man was alone in hifl ocU hia Coobrflne haTing boeu jiooyo tIi 0 1 hoflring of our roporlcr to sense of JooesomonesB afi drod might have company talk to wieda book Of BOwsupfir Glass garo dircotipns for hw aorife lo oo oomplicdwltb nQstroodeuesliATlDg had anythiog to do with thonnjer lay- ing that time iHll ptoTO lus ionoMue and he will be nUy exniiato4 still sat silent and vltk oyoa oxprcaea no dearcB and aniwan na nuestiow Sho does notim to tnc diBluTbedinmind SbieUiwheciUblda were vtsibily aff9od by tbe tbo hordooed ertiira ocoupjlog the aamo ward and atonobamonroosBiiUy stddsn was oompletoly upsotandAo bad meh adotoBiuprcesagoodgft Bbe makes no fnrtbor seeret ofher orimcsudliM atatfid tint ebo did it uded b I father It wiU bo remembored that i litUo bw Thoma a nio atata ho saw Ilia aister alriko hor o0auQiij Ilia flilbqr waa at tjiotimoetidllM lliickc iqr waa at tho til i nolAirlVoia tbon I ARCHIVES OF QNTARIQl TORQWTO