glorioni stoteof Nsw Y June Vigilu Co tdienare n ftallpp KIO miles in 1000 oonecQUf cmpUsh ids SSitb He iriuisd stiosiglj an 41D pm ne wiw tiioo Tsonfimm ODD A to tbedisQ pestwiieteTtf ttOt wf lUe the hocuii seUls have jut Dtier ADd iU irUob say tela ahortij at Cbdr effect fowe Ith by way of ed to orders le of Qaebee parts first io Toronto tbat tto iioat notice p ritb Uie fact i tbe chari ad ameted ition The Ametieao Garden by wd 1h J Notra meowalk- Boochard Wbea op- wnedCok and iarcely liit rew Us ro il eDtaiing r a Tbd Bating for amiitd 9M and mfment iMwerer litibdoo noting The SavUePt XoniloB speeiai- eayS enl Napier will lvea detaduppt of Britah troop is The fferoU if it is decided ia lie ijeioocratio cooTentioQ to take a Boldieras the gtaodafd bearer there is po doubt bat that UoOldlni Ml be Ute choice of the Democrats The Hor2fWafihiogtoQdeepat6tatee inUnded thatahltionwjiij theD 0 the house afl Butler still seises upm tdegnma and th6 coi cf tKeatyd Tehgwb CiiM iiaM iutfflelilliio qraifon of the power of Ocgress in the matter The 7WuniWadiiiigtoadeqatehsay9 the arreetpf Capio FAkaid Chunqas ofBiMon Qfoisana bv Gaeial Buchuun in ooQunftnd of Kew Orle baa creaticd intent fii ia loyal dnlea in Nev- OrleADS and eral Qraat is appealed to for redress This acLon of Gen Bachanas is scarcely j Republicans are of he oplnton ihat Bachuan is merely eairying oat the whes of Preadrait Johnson They think that it is a scheme concoctod by Johnson to t the State from being admitted A beintrodaced in house on Bfcmdar calling on Geo Grant for all the official oorrendence Despatches received hereirom New Or leans sa that Union men bomplain bitterly that wle Capt Packard has beenarit- edx tri commis- eioD for attemptiog to Eoharge the duti imposed oa bim by the new constitation hundreds of rebeu who are believed to haTe murdeied Union men are allowed to walk tbs streets aomolested by the military Senator Grim friends si iateticQiOtgeaVBc t enterit Bnib aDst the New York Tribune and Cin- ciaaati libel The suit against the former will be based upon ehe in the Tribune that he Toted for aojua of the PreffldeatnnderooTToptinfluenwa and against the latter on a charge that he was goilty of comptioa while Chapman of the committee of Naval Affaire during and since the late war Washington June 8 Id the House of Uhdaja piUifMintrd duc by Mr Beaman and referred to Committe on Ways and Means tor trade jOthe poera frontier which virtual revival of the Eeciprooity Treaty Whe Cfqieyaes an workaad tm lere is no fitd r emlgnnts Accncsto ordea ir4eeiv In Qtubec ffomCaptailn Brngoyn Conmiodore of tba Lake Sqiwdroo another party of one bndfed andQd fifty men of H U SCoktewiire told off SatoidAy for eerriM the On Tuesday et4iUiVbile K Hugh Bahoerman vae fistalng on the 41 dyVr pp tte Sidifee headehj- U nto1he tirrsnd wa drowneij rang ladina about twelve years of sg le melancholy occnnance has cast a oven ilie hspf luisebold of An WM hd Uie Vody of the decd yestery ud we imderst that inden iro rovmed 8oe Ifew- June i Eagleton a merchant of this city who was irowit into gaol nearly two months ago by direction of Sir J A Uacdonaldjou a charge Bcqwnce beriff has iimhAS beenrulned li Hte credit was desto and ti stepped in to complete th- afbirs This is ia aerioiu nil thoula hsiirg this monmg i the mach prwtjratcdbyfata beiogafflicted with eeverc pains and dizgiqess and his feet and legs are badl swollen Sfe hi lost 37 pounds during his tramp E will challenge Weston to a trial after r cuperayon A- r A Stpry ot Crime Eugene Lefevre a Frenchman imp Eoned in San Qacntm California Ibr high way ipbb was arrested for murder re cently on the day his term of imprison- ment expired A year and a half before Jio committed the highway robbery he killed a brother woodchopper in Virginia city Nevada He was pot in Jail to awa his trial bu mth di coyed ttie jailor an old man named Gri gory into his cell strangled and other- wi lym so that h died and lie he lay IMPORTANT TO DBITS OOHRECTIONEBSi AHP OTASfft iHTBJiTITTUI THE INDIA CHINA TEAOMPY F71TB appUcstlona from Dngslsts and olhen dena tonMMBt the Ocanpenr W Towna and Dtoblcts not yet occQided These fuaout Teu haft eettd Sy the Cmpay Jbr JTJDIOIOUS ADVERTlipGW 18 ONE OP fHE 8UBB8T AIDS TOir sue Q I N gB u s JiK e s s i Spring Wheat bushel Barley bael Oats if 1UEhel i srbUBhc Bscd Hogs 100 lbs HidfslOO Iba Good Graft Apples b barrel Vheatbaafael Sjwing Wi boebel rbaifliei 9 buehci y bnehel Jjreased gogs 9 100 lb U6 Let To be let thatbandeome Dwelling Horn situated on TecumBeth Street at pi sent occupied by Mr N Beid There it den nard and Soft Water and every p J iijaite for a comfortable lei pply to vUege e r asvebtuiho tou will b L 0LABSB8 IH IBS KOQ MABITZR SEND OUT TOUK INVITATIOKSWEEKLY And the recipients will call on you when they reqoire anything in your lino Advertise in the Courier KINDS OF JOB PRINTING NEATEST MAfNNEB AlrB 4 T OTE Sf BATES ORDERS BY MAIL P R 0 M P T L T A T TE N D E D TO Support your Local Paper and sabsoribe for the C 150 a year if paid in advance only 125 lade hu For three i cealed on the and from his biding placc both hi raw the pursuing parties all arot Drtrm lorth t hunger h made liis my to Che eabiaof a woodcdttcr and fh theabaen6eof thcT occupant pbsscsd limeelf of a large loaf of bread which he ktirried away with him Then bis wan- Icrin commciud terrible they jijuat have been his hereabouts fearing to apprh any hu man habitatioD hn went on concealing himself in the day time and travelling uoder the shelter of the night with do oiher provision but thiwcuttersloaf for iwy daysjvThoi i NOnCE anything in the Fancy Goods 1 NEWMAKKET DRUG STORE JUST RECEIVED FRESH DRUGS CHEMICALS c ftc o c Also a supply of thei SYRUP OF QUININE IBOS iHD 5TRyCHI5R Syrap of tlie Fhospbates Saspensary Bandages India Eubber Pessaries Blistering Tissue o The attention of the medical profession i solicited to tlie above as well as to the LAEGE STOCK of QUININE Which win be sold at AH imvSUALLT LOW J HACKETT raperior to thoe ISFOBTAKT TO FABSEBS The Subscriber continues to mannfactore his farfamed Bteel Monldboard and Steel liuidsidB XT S By the thousand Hi bold 02 Plodrro nnr n For the convenience and accoiX n of his fiends and customers in the ighbourhood of Newmarket jughs are known to be auperio jer makers he baa tabllshed th Mb MABSDEN who will have atwars hand a large aopply of Ploughs which he II Bell at manufecturer8 prices merely ad- ig cort of transportation either for Cash on Credit He Invites attention to his DOUBLELEVER QANQ PLOUGH The superiority of this Plough over all other Gang Ploughs can be reddiiy seen The head of tlw Plough U oneiflcKhiglietiiito 6tha to clog with Bc5 and Isftrong- ly bd It LaAwJene can ed at a time and thePlough regulated to uneven ground or ridges The levers 6o constructed that the Plough can be ed dz inches out of Uie ground and thus from one to anofteewithddt danger of breaking L BCTOERFIELD jBradford BOW AND OTHER MAGAZINES What every Farmer Needs Or anything In the eliape of IR8TLA8S JOB PRINTING I an furnish anything ib bis line le very Lowest Priccs Newmarket Juno 10 jtere4Jfippctli99tabbomly r himself to a certain allowance of bread which he marked off day by day Thiu bo at leng worked his way out ofNevlMlaaod arrived in Calreras county It was then he committed the highway rolibery for which ho was under thraiiof JnleaDatia Aahort time before th of his n detective suspected him to be ideptieal 9idordlf Grata BStisfy ing himself of thaC net caused bis deten- tioa unUl a reaauition oould airiro he was told of Itus contcmpltcd cliange ia his condition hd compluned that it waa onf to nave allowc trm to expire before letting him wluit wu hung gvr him lie ebse laeotly obeeired that bo had nevcrj had any peace of mind nncolie killed Gregory that to ose bU oiro word rdDoe was a bell to bim The ive gets 1000 reward for his i I ITIVS OF ALL SORTS ANi SIZES Cheap at BINN8 VABIETV STORE Newmarket June 14 1868 ii ifnrhaastei why he kled 0for7and iie is a hlei hat employed by him pcUed to pav idi bis money away in lie also said that since the nurder he oltea talMd aodhadlald Up cisbefbro thorn by to ascortab their oj of these oxpoiimcntfl wa otiDviotioD he ooald not bQ buged for tho ori pat at the most wooU only safer a ieopbeaed imprisoiimeat It is alleged that prior to SOUTER TRENT UAIN BTBEPT NEWMARKET Beg to inform tho public that they bare disposed of their Drug Stock o Dr who has romoved tho samo Y Store fitted up purposely for htm reooi Burgeon Deniist Tho Drug is exactly opposite Mrs Bonds and tho Davi- Lamp Mata Carriage Mats BIBD OAOBSi FLOWER VAES WALKtNQ 0ANE8 WINDOWBUND PAPER tonty And name receiving i roiu other varict BINN8 VARIETY STORE BOYS WHEELBAEEOWS AND WAaOONS TOYB AND BMAlh WARES Al Rays to be had H PIPER Co Oi TOMQS first door alioi OX RldoutBro BaiaRooKUrnias A UapnfKtuie rf Gftirlwto PerabnlatDrk I Befrfgentors and Keat Safes Fliers Water Cooled Celebrated Arolmlaeao Ton wjapsffi MWiras Srubsi Ropes Wooden Ware J4PANNED TIN WABE Lamps Chandeliers Coal Oil Ao H PIPBB B PIPER Toronto June a 1668 347 SOUTER TRENT Also would Inform their friends and e that thoy have mado a large to their Stock of GROOERJBS TEAS TOBACCOES WINES AND SPIRITS Which they are prepared to sell RETAIL AT TllE VERY lOWBBt rRIOBS rmarkct May 30 186B 82tf PEARSOIST DENTIST- Ever grateful for past favours takes this opportnnity of Informing bis frie and Uio public in general that he is about opening ari officb InKewmarlct OTEft ir SAonrrs nw dbiio noas Pitted up with an eye to comfort andcon- veDlenee The b8l material always usbdaod Ofllco up Btairv south of ur RackotVs Drug Store All Kinds of School Books I NEW AMD OLD SERIES Atr tho Conin Om BTAVlOmiP I BTAtXttirBBYl VEJtV GOOD AND OHBAP At the CorsxEB Ornci DlMetMPOTAHWF HAIiRlSON wd owtem direct from MJL3VC3jEdEiTEaEi AKD OTffBE MABBf8 A tARGE QUANTITY OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRESS GOODS AS THESE GOODS WEEE BOUQHT POB CASH And Imported Direct we are prepared and will offer SUP BE I OR uying from ns SIGN OP THE BIG T At the eigD of die Big a NEW STOCK OF THE MOST FASHIONABLE HOOP SKIRTS Newmarket e 20 S OUTER TRENT MAIN STEKET NEWMAKKET GROCERS TEA DEALERS tlA2CACTGBB8 GINOER WIHSTE ORANGE TONIC SYRUPS Tiy Souter Trents Try S outer Trents Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents A SOUTER The best e I kinds 0 fails to C01 I the ground erelgned has tho solo right for m in this part of tbe country a cheap as any other Harrow NB All kinds of familng Implements 01 hand and made to order and or yourttl al th JX86 WiTEERKLI Sritk Shot wmarket March 18 1066 7 BOOKS BAP At tee I CoDBiss Ornoi Uonrning Paper Enyelopes OP EVBY DBBCBlPTlON At the CVBiia Orioi CANADIAN NATIOrlAL SERIES READINPOOKS 1 Aulkorittd 6y th Ceuneil Public nitruf Hon nf Ontario FM Door with 31 lUtutrations etronglj bound In llmifclottv Five cents FfBstBooK and Part 6iMu4tmUonB strong ly bound in UtnpolpA SiooiiD Book SO iiluftratlonB stronglv bonnd in oloth hoards Twenty eonts TflnD BooijAl nstrailons strongly bound in cldtn boArai Thirty otitis e F Doluss strongly boood Pfytn Book 00 nioitratioDB stroMly bound In loi board Ftfteents d U B1M Ooutitr C Howmarket Feb 3f For 8alo or to Bent A- PABliAMrifMitt4o A jtl cleared ForftutherpMUoalariappIy 9ttUa office March 34 1808 A OottMS id Xt aAviiibal dwimttreki Chftrles florhrai or to Ur Blogwood Pp IM I3P Tea Coffee Ginger Wine Syrups Groceries W TBENT BRITISH WAREHOUSE NEW S aOQDS WMA B ORR WILL SHOW TUB CONTBNTB OF TaiBT7TW0 PAOKAOES STAPLE I FANCY DRY GOODS LADIES DRESS GOODS CASHMERES VELVETEEfS SILKS REPPS BROADCLOTHS EMPRESS CLOTHS VESTimS EXniBITION CLOTHS TWEEDS DOESKINS ic c ftc c A LARGE STOCK OF CLOTHING HEAVY STOCK OP BOOTS AND SHOES 1 GmOOEHIES Sco Which we will Sell O roa Cisii SOMBJ VERY CHEAP JOB LOTS a for the Very liberal patronag no largo profits to ci We now ttankour fHehds ai will strive doubly to morlt it tJ WilOLBSALB AND RBTAIL Newmarket and Sutton March 20 1609 JTJST nEOEIVBa A lAUOB AMD VAItlBD ASSOBTUBNT GERMAN WINDOW CORliflOES OUXlXiLISf UNoiS Another Lot of Cutlery Plated Goods AND A TBW 8STS 07 TDB aENUINE ROOHETm OOOPEB TRUSS HOOPS I X Patent OIIS WOOBWAUB o OUR STOVES AND TINWABB I WITH TBI iiBOVl BftlL SX0BL8 IN QUALITY AND 0nSAPNS88 ANY IN TnS UOMtNION i0f kind enough to call and ascertain prices before purohuing fM 6TKS8 SLVlDOfi Msrch 111 1898 124 ARCHIVES OF ONTAil0 BARGAINS musreg onr Piemiaes offer Tsiwiierof ST O V E S I At Oost BVEfiTTftWa IH THE HARDWARE UNE AT PBICE More Satasfkotory be obtalaed The Whola mutt Potltiveiy b Cleared Out xpense of moving STKES ELTIDGE Money to Loan J H JOHNSONS Basil BUnd Door and V L 1 I N G Planing do Mill Baglan NEWMARKET Village Lot For Sale IEE undersigned JD8T PUBLISHED The OMADIAir SPEAKEE ELOGUTIONART READER COHPBISINO a Choice Collect tlons Dial and d Social Readings with Introdu tbe Principles of Edited and compiled by EDWARD HARTLEY DEWART 75CBN1 BINNB Money to Lend M0EY to LED atBedQcednate8flna on terma adantageou8 to the J W COLLINS Or JODINS FRENCH COUGH LEVES SHOULD bo resorted to iu all Brocbitis HoarMucBB Cat lliua Shortness of Breath and nil Throat mraendcd with School teaclters publlb Speakcis Singera Aucllooeers c The Levers liavo thoroughly tcated in ptacUce and witl HEAD THE FOLLOWING Halirux N8N0V 10 1867 Nniunce N used Dr Jodins French Cough with great satiifaetlou and Ian confi- Bpcclal eervices tbat 1 tf Ink them better tbon rooK 8 CuBKS VitiUyan Bd Dr JodI with grot comf Cough Wl mjr fileds tried the alao And Ihoro la bat ono opinion t they aro fnvaluablo to siDgersand pnblio speakers I consider your LoTcta the best remedy In tbe Aamt and Leclurr if the Canadian iimptr AllienuJ prepared with tho greatest caro as tocieanilnos8bolng enUrely rtom gritty Bubstancei BLAKELYI vsBidruax oiioin They onTegetable In for the eipoN hlldreb and contain The eidbyeinand hoy ozool all otbors t present known Uy child flfteen months old passed B tlxttUrte Mas Avs A Wii Nt Ha Jambs Bucnr Dear 6Uw4 Uavf rat times and room IJ E that the nort oblldivllltakoithemwilUagly I BuionSMOMrif Vtn sHs eM trM Bentleyf Souter Cfo iM 0 II Blmpaoas Mewmarke nd all Drug guts Ihroughout the Dominion Hatch It tM8