Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Courier, 28 May 1868, p. 2

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4 KtuoatheBfgA Totoof PdkaCoirt L tfy 21 T Oaited Stoteh Bqu etill id ftac in the Iteoa It is QOt blown vbeQ the fleet will eSL liOHDON May 21 Adncea irom Bio Jaoeuo represent that jUiericao mm- tr 9nirHriWaige0 Bmil and the other powera to ao- eepi tKe iaedlioSfUtiited 6atit their qarrcl with Paragaay and it la 8d thu le has folii thepe of Bruit that the yni is sooaded the go- pXUie United States wUl iotci- ttne topreVeot forther bloodshed Mr Webb had eeot impoztdOt dssiMtcbby the Uoited 8ta steamer to Mr WashbfitK Uni States to lateTUDOi of Jamaioa has be hdd oacha prefe againalhiBj r liOHDQir Tho Qaecp gone tOiScoUW HertsesM from seat of govepimt the present liaacDtair ab miimterial crisis Is widely censoredW Uie press I theSoaaa tobight the Scotch BtQiun oame under dis- jnmiiirr ijontjttKof ferMajaew billcog ttie Ijoot frifo th9 pajTtfc of fes tioiT of DOtdcisi franchise This araendinent was adopted by Mr Disraeli n4 further consideration of Ihe bill postponed The court require that Hoi sprituai repay Mrs Lyon 66066 and costs A despatch from Bcimc states that the Pope had ioTited the Koman Oathojjo bishops of the United Slates to raise 1000 volnnteerafor tho Pap armyauthoriing th to make Each terms with there- eraits as they may deem necessary aijd proper BiBLIK May 22 ThoZedJeiroinDiei has adopted a rcsohition to adjonm to- C the elhielhffiSrfSel the character of the injnry reoeir by IS Biyal HigheaB of Edii bpigh can be the jution hu ihMiwa tat ofeiiiroriheprtE has been sared by one of tho most xtrfc ordinary escapes which has eTer been corded in flie history of gansbofc tronoda federal fleet now lymg m that harbour L May 22 The despatch coi ceraing the acU of tho goverament o the queQ of the Scotch Befonn Bill i tho Hoosc of Commons last night was ii accurate The folbwing is the oorroc repoifc Mh Baxter memberfor Mon- tiOQ filonday mored as an amendmi to- the Scotch Eerm Bill that the nijunber of Sootcl membwof the Hoose of ComnoB be iiicreased by ink ing tho fianchiso from some of the small English boroQ This amenenl which was pppo by the Ministry pn Monday night bat wbioh was carri on a diin of the was last night accepted 1y Mr Disraeli The Premier snbMqueotJy proposed on the part of the Minisy a pew clame providing that per sons excoBcd from the payment of ratee by reason of fljdj poverty J not entitled to vote Tbe foftl conaeratioa of tfce bilJwasthMi i0frPD tonight Mr Disraeli d aivoleof tiiaJujlo Gengirftiei Napw oomiBftdipg tho Abyssinian E pcdiUon ia STOCraoi May SieelSt o5g oewpcx says fiat Sireen Qtast protist agnst the judgment in the ease of tho British barquo Sfiringl Supreme Court of the bad procodcnt in maratii LoHiWP May 23r cTcning The tek grama Sydney recdved tlus evening in anticipation of the overland in say that Prince Alfred bad leit for Enand in command of his ship the ateam frigate Galatae he was quite well OFarrell the wooidbe assasaia of tho Prince was executed on the 22nd of April L May 238ir 8taffird North- coto Secretary of State for India re- ocived today an officii dcgpatch from General Sir Bobert Napier commander of the Abysinian Ezpilion dated at Ashaagi on the 5th oi May T erd had just arrived at that point with tho rear guard of tho reioming British forccs The advance hsid reached Zoula and the 5th and 8h Native Infantry already embarked for Bo der of the troops and wero being hastened ft shipped from Zoula as rapidlyas possible and the evacuation of tho country wopld soon be effected The wounded were doing well and rapidly becoming convalef- ccnt The troops generally were in good health L Slay 24 The efforte prove nUi7fi in the case of Barrett tlic Olerkeawcll conspirator have failed and his execution will take place at the cxpi ratioaof the week for which he was res L May 25 The Mming Pol in an editoriid toy eavs Uiat it is true as prevjonsly reported tkit Great Britain has officially urged a general disarming Tie Government ofAufltria has also lent Jta good offices in lhj ume dircetipn in thoiroHBOofCoinmonathisvewoK tho Home Secretary Mf Oathomo Hardy in reply to some enquires of Mr John Bright said the Govemmcni had 4ccidcd not to give the ClcrkenwcU conrolrator Barrett anew irid ViBMMA May 25 Tho Imwrial Bent lias been riven to tho Publio Schools aoil tho Civif Marrisgo BUI wbicb ro ccntly passed the Betohsrath LoiiDONMay25DeBijatohB8lroiatlic British Bxpton ia MfBBioui report that tho rear column op May 12 Autido on the return march to Iho sea coast The rainy eeaeon had commonocd but the troops worn diy oealy Btgr and rapidly embarking for Bombay No U wero by tisb atUagdali The Genera Seienlific Si the Moetic Polo has ago of exploration May 20 MiehaeJ Barrett alait JaokMD tho Pebiw Who w oon victed of oaudBg the HorkenweU emloaion was exeood tbls momi VlEit4 Mir 8fldgTMa lijon FOidvea bero ririoi tlu pmonUi of formUiUo tOToU wUdi bu jiut bio- ken out in thoProTinooofBosDiehTnr i e pWy P for- ward from Constantinople to rucU dis- adoed that on Ta Wito being ths on BeboQhenrayhome fromtiie Weet Coast of Afria sosm angry wor oetfledin the of blows and there tho pHfioner deUbmt j aretoM atMBdUnf dwnw9rd41xeoUpad Sbi9hin999oa9fcofca000 it woojd haye takoo it coiadiwiJawM9a to pierco ioi diaiiR aDdiptbo8 orllyiv u an inju to any of tfiiBijera being slmoEt oertain fatal Tltould men wiihwfe evHi lonphing Aoal of the pmtcmew is all but inorodible and fao if Jbr9add aoother iothe in wtioht taka totaUy iinaxpeotpoursc Cases are on rrd on which a b enticc ing a hip came out at boiwi CQreddie tompk ai pag over the bio3 of bM at oppoait9 ode fi Lan ntes aca which a gtain9f 18tfiluiig cj passed fropii side to ado tle oonjun tivai and a easowasopmajatt to Surreal Society of Irdaidrpt a year ago in which a bullet jgwxmoyci fro the heart of a man wbo reqyed it in battle of Salamanca 33 years previously- JUediealiyessandjCinular LIVERPOOL celebration of the happy escape of His Boyai Highnes the De of Kdio- burgh ftom the hand of an assaan the Christy Mmstrel tronpe the Na tional Anthem tho audience jnining heartily in Uio demonaiiation The two foUowing appropriate versa wntten espe- y for the occasion bj Mr a iber of the boupt were introduced Qofali foteceV my QMjTfebJe Widiah aDdfdldadii platuidattot aBdlwQpbtiM al Oitthe tomniiof thelSdtinstiuii thd ship was eitg tfie isf tiade a daring- to bahilst Ofeorotm nd iiioetif th eKWvf at beak6ttHe tore abhis duritutd SrawiiptcTspaiidirirathe latter ladi tht- boai thetf tyi himself to tiM biMthiw him self ovbiajd ho the asdoeoftiieipbtsm adboco Eeeni9nWthis attempt lithe tnatU wb w iTftrrtMUfely rgaVe alarm A boat was ioweredi and etfine ofthe crow and the chief ofib started in poraoit of the itive who had reached a a conaderaUe distanoo the ehis whea hs was picked up in ab exhaostM BtaOOQTaMMd to the Teesol andt itt iron Wheo cbargwithhaviDkill earBonJop he What Ive done was done iAselfdefenco He was remanded for the production of further evidence Oa Thursday ho was committed for trial for wilful murder Tliank THcewHft li 5 Prince a the band A mother fony kin Forpor yooDg Priflee Qod epdcd bim back again With her long to remain And bless giorioug reigr OodvBye 0 Qpn In view of the stsrtling oews frpm Xus- Uia rtgarding the Dnko of Ed the inaaagement of tho Prince o Thentre very wpotly thought tho Qo jUha tiie Nii4Uli9 was BUng withtho asbeii hUy sppropruiifrXSKi Prince Alfra life is Bdved The traitora band hes bmVed Long feay he liye Wclcome him borne again May wo cheer ip vaio Butgnyi mall MiBB Julia MattlCeTj wlioBang the Tcrso wi splcndidpov wasinterrupled at tho menUon of Pruico Alireds name and choers wero giv which continued for mioutos- The majority of the audicnco rose to their feet and ecvoml occupanU ot the gallery took off their ooat6 and wayed them about iu their at The verso had to he ecvcraJ times repeated the cheering each time being loud and prolonged Qneen of the South ThePArfa Loire says of all the pasdgets and sailors who perish the wreck but one bodyhas yet been recovered A sailor Psttison who csoa bound to a plank saw tho caplidiis wife a lady passenger Mid three children who were all provided with safe belts floating for a long time Tho lady he pferlieular remarked kept her head well above water buho sup- poaeathat they were all dashed to picoes agiduBt aiewks Thebody which floated aahore near a villagb on Ac Brittainy ooast oalled La Plaine was found from a letter in his pooket to be the ships oook His skoM was broken hot his features aim and almost smiling The poor was tho occasion of a- con flict between the otsaof I Pl6and the vil authoriUes- The priefit said h would not allow a Protestant to be buried in cemetery The mayor told him thatho had ub rgbfc to hinder tbo intfer- pat cemetery which had cimaeen by tho Catholic BiJgUah AtrooiouB Murder In Russia Details aro publidied in the Russian journals concerning tho murder of he Gomarino famUy at Tamboff Tbo cul prit a tutor named Goreki has confessed his guilt Ho had gone he sam to tho residence of M Gemarino on the Ist of March last to give a lesson to tho son but without any intention of commitllDg line on tJiat day While ho was thns ipied the father went out Gorski then determined to take advanU of tho opportunity Ho had carriod a revolver and life preserver about with liim for a whole week Ho at onoo stmck bis pupil the head and the latter droppod lu- sqpsiblo to tho ground On seeing him fall Gorski was scited with romorso and bis first movement was tocEoapo but fear ing to bo discovered ho again boat tho hoy nnlil JJfo wascxtiobt There wen throe other persons ip the Wuso tJio mistress tho oook and a man servant Ho first called to tbo mother saying tliat her son was blecdlDgat tie nose and when she entered the i6om shot hot dead with the pistol Ho next summonod tho man into tbo dining room and killed him It B same mjuiner Lastly ho fired twice the cook woundiag her each time and her attempting to csoapo deprived her life with Wows of tb e waited in the kitohcn Iwiepcr roturnc and on lior arrival ahot at her but as the pistol did not go off ho ktUcd her by a flinglo Wow with a log of wood Afi the moonanism of tho lOvoTvor liod bccomo doraiigod ho went to got it ropairodaa4 on totumiogmot tho och nuB and the Doreomaid Ho nbt havo killed them both bo BaidbuihlB hand refused to obey his will Uo then suf- ftsred so moch temme that ho wfiot bonio wiUi tbo intention of oommStUns Buwido Uo pt tbo barrel of tho pirtol his mouth but tho Instinot of lifo too etroog and be could not aam oafrAis intention Qoreki dmlts ihabfaUobiMl waa to rob Gemarino Uo Is only nlno years of age but of moat onetKetio oharaetor Ho betoDgs to a OatMto fuailnt doee that bo bimnir has belief crly lady wLo liu Jai Itas Icil twenty poundi 910 5 3iO Saan ton A Bigot when they saw this got way and a servant in cha of the pre- byteiy said beoould out notiimg for tho obsequies without their orders The niayor provided a ooffip the iotel keeper a shrond and wheelbarrow ser fora heaw It wftfl roggcstcdthecuretliat there wore some Catholics on board tho of iht Sovih and that for anything known to the oonbmrj might have been one plied the priest but he was with Prot tanta and there being a doubt I cannot let him enter consecrated ground Melaaicholy Accident at Bermuda Wo ore favored with tho foUowingei- Iract from a private letter dated tho 8lh inst reoeived by a gentleman in this city by mdl from Bermuda last evening which wUI bo read with melanciioly interest by thoBCwho wero aiuaintcd with tho fbrtunato parties Therowaaasadaooidcnl yesterday near Port Iloyal Lieut Mrs FlcUhcr her brotlier fpiito ayouth and servant man a soldier of the 15th regiment loft Port Iloynl to oomo to Ham- ilton to post their lettorfl for homo This was about 230 pm When only about 40 yards from tho sboo the boat capaec and wont to tho bottom leaving the foui poor orcatures struggling in the water The oapsiBing and sinking of tho boat wat inftrrod from an old woman seeing foui she could got assistance ondbofon camp pooplo rcaohod the shore n plflotd as i by it hadv jutaptat Ilamiiton and tho Naval Commander MIrolaiid Is land and as promrttly as could bo thcro and drags brought to mtoniy tho boat was brought np nht In it was a ladjps parasol and flJppor ThlA morning ft is said and I bcllovo tnly that Lieut Flotohors body WM rcoovored near Boar Island All ihe rcsidonta in tbo nolghbotirhood aro doing their bosk to render all ossistaneo Mrs Flotoborwas a NewBrpnawIok lady Mi Simmond of BtJohb and had not lna riod ftlwelvomoiith Iridfcod when I to her a few davs b I did not think sbo was a rtjwnpd lady This is tho KddcBt event that has oocurrcd hero for 8QD19 Umo Thovonlv arrived ia tho Himalyaloat Monday wook Sho appeared to bo an amiablo woman obier belong 1 the IStb We hoar ftom anotlit eowoe tliai the sorvant swam baokto tho ehoro and thca rotumod to the bono of plokbg up Mw Flctchor and io his ozerlioi to do so bo oxhauatcd sank to tho bottooj and loat his life in the ooblo cSiirt staung that all vp LQI lbatialiob of enina BAHWAT irtl gonoi Depart minntes latci j f OBAKD fAVlfSi WEBTf Depart t30 a IJaoiji 1315 a 345 ph ArtTO6404 1160 00X0 fjfc- 0BAM9 EAST W Dudley bDiome a oowioee run out Peebles b Thome ct Hin WeoUfalgb Thometrf BranBVT H Bowden not out ii I J j BDedleybOfllerct HLloyd POST OFPJO HEWkABKSr iU intoiToronto andXettas luiij oi thoiiitlis Wj 8to- 8haa Holtj Hoimt 4wkk Mm made tip forPinc Orehordr Hartmon BailaBtrsieHaeholmLeffl6nTiile Bingi Vivian on Monday are explicted to vaier cm Aioyo w BirfiDg Jt i H Warner b Osier O WvLonnt b Thome ct O Uoyd- b Oslertrhonie raw leujOTartst Mij TnoiusAtBOKi of QUEENS BIRTHDAY TbcQuewjsIday wasdnlyhL iu this plaoooh2pRdaythe26th Th was noi suon a ivge asembly as oa former occaffloja although We- irowd Trianteo fclendid- Ertiiiiif tto AioiUtT ojcty aajwninaihljay- aid jow Theiyanoiw gamcq advrtieod wero entered into irith seet and pesEcd off very well and with satisfiictoa to all who entered as oopjlitors with one slight exception in thoshape a man ooimng some filtecn milu with the idea that he could pass for ajb7 as well as suit his om convmiencc However ho finally got Into 4eht ttack justfh to save himself ijrom Corporation Lodg ings fir his Onsundcrstandings Commenced at timo aaooaobed 10 am and tho AM entered upon w6ro the Foot men over 18 years 200 yards Jtecpfa Ist prize 3 5 J c 2nd prize 1 young men undff 18 years 200 yardsr JIkr8lstprUo2 L Shuttlowortb 2nd prizo l boys under 13 yearB lOOyayds J BbuUlewprth Ist prixb 1 A SbutUoirtb 2nd priio 50 ocnts Hop Step jruTnj For won 18 years J StetUeworth Ist prie 82 J Johnson 2n 1 For young men under 18 y J letpriio 150 L Shttttleworth 2nd prizo ItunnUtg JHfipVoT jroung men ore 18 years J fflnittloworlh Ist prize 2 J Johnson 2tdpri8o Slv For young men under J Roger Ut 150 J Itolloran 2na prizo 1 Running Jump For won 13 years J 8huleiirortb Ist priee 2 T Rogers 2odprixo81j Foryoungmoi under 18 ycarrJIUigorfl IstpriEo 2 J Nayl 2nd piixe 1 Tht Pfton made thoic ap pcaranoo at2 oilook and muvhcd iVom tho Hall throu thoprinoiptl strcots and back again to the Hall wbioro a platform bad bcea ercotod in front of tbo pami which epcipcboa woro dollvorcdby flomo of tbo rags representing tho load ed of the P B but wWtovcr bu hBO was aite B hy tho person rcpro Mating Qao Ilol bo felt thafc both his epcoeh and aetioM wfro bUMrabJofaJlwo Date BaU paino off next and is ODiorod inlo with Bplri 7tho lovon of that gamo This maih was for a biJl and it waa agreed at tbo oloeo that as the playohoould aot fom a rogalor tide guho bo ball bolcll with tbo CVdfTThii gamo was played bfr twora to HolMdXandiog add Nevmar- ltOIubs for a ball and iriekot and oaont jliylpg wos dpno low market took tho bat roUrlng witha aooro of fiO UoUtdd Laodiiig followed and n tcd with 84- It was agd at tho commcQoomont tliiit ho first innings should dcoido hi go if both oould not JfoTsd T Qhtyer aeooaied the igpcamont 186r ibidithai The Coob then iioeeeded W th x Prtscct- T Giovo J Flird John Morton CooneiUors CommTDUoatloQS reeeived and lud Ydl Touii v Hoixi rasT nnintos Evwifl b R Thorae t BMMtKio Vi J Barry b Dad jr C Jafegway b BCultbee ct Peebles H Osier bieHdjr H Jr B J Tlioine b uitbee 9 Lloyd h David ctWamcr J Hardinb Dayid cl W Dndley T Wir8nopbftivld hit wicket J Murphy not onfc J Murphy b Boultbce The Concert in tlic Mechanics Hall io the evening was not bo well attended owing no dqub to fpcling wiUi re gard to tho vexed piano question This troupe woiild havo met with a Mowded house had Uioy on their own rtapon- aibili aa ifc js well known parties havo not only put forth the cold shodcr but did all they coijld to prevent the concert frombcing a success For the satirfaotion of all intcnstU v intend giving 8 statement of the moot reoeived apd expcaided for the present oelebratioii in our next issue Wo fully to hafo been ablo to do so thi week but owing to some partioe not hi i paidtheir 9ubpaipqn8 yctj it willjjp best to fltandOTer for wiber wee4 lluB Council inei at Belview tfe the llih inst according to onnounoemcnt as a Court of Revision all thfe members pre sent H Draper Eai Reovo in the chair Moved by D Willougbby socondcd by J Purfy that ihe assessment roll be re oeived and laid oq tbo table for conddera- Uon Carried Moved by T Glover socondcd by D Willougbby that the unoocupie tho Arnold Bstato bo placed on resident roll as the law direcla Moved by J Morton acoondcd by T Glover thait the N W quarter of Lot 20 4th Concession ho erased from tho non- reeidmt roll and atscssed to Lewis Jewel as ocenpant at 200 Moved by J Morton socondod by J Purdy tliat the afflessmenfc of Sheppard Morton remain as it is at present Car ried Moved in amendment by T Glover ficcondcd by D Willoughby that Shcpparr Mortons 60 acres in Section No 2 bo raised 300 Lost Moved by T Glover seconded by J Purdy Uiat Pavid Spragao senior as sessed for 8100 personal propertyin School 8octou No 2 Carried In tlio coao of Trnsteos of School Sec- of the west acres of- Lot No 17 in tho 4th Copccsaon Friend Morton being testified that bo would if ho want cd the laud bo willing 0 give pei acrol Moved by J Morton seconded T Glover that the said ossceament of J Bpraguo bo rais Moved by J Morton sooondcd by T Qlovor that to asBosapient of OooiiM TomliDB0Don paH of Lot No 14 4th Conoosslon bo raised 100 Carried Moved by J Morton socoadod by T Glover thai 10 acra on tho northwr part of Lot No 15 2od Owoesdon bo Bosscd to Wm AbM at 200 and that 10 aoros part of tho samo Lot asdossod nonresident at 8250 Oarriod Moved by J Morton eooonded by T Glover tbal tho assessment of Joseph Fi doll bo 8200 on bia riul property Carried Moved bv J Morton sooondod by T Olovor ihal tho real property now aa- sod to Wm 8voot m ouanged to Wm Coomcf and that awoesedto N bo ohangod fo Snes Carried Moved by D Willoughby aeoondod by J Morton that bo attossuent roll bo ro forrod back to osoottor irith instrao- tioos to ioMrtaoolajBrsarkeJor headed HouMholders and oner on tbo roll all Uouseholdon and BVoeholders or boh by udng tbo initial letters H and to dea- Mto tho Mme as required See 166 tbo Mnolclpal Aek Carriod Moved by T- Olover soowdod b J Purdy tl tbo Ooort do ooWiB4ouro to meet Saturday May 10 at 10 at Belview aewog to aountaent U Draper Bsq n tbo ohalr All ho members prosoat Kiw WmcLY PiPiR We hare much ticsrtfltotrf 6 erowajiasBro the r rf tBa tot four pjmberifrf the Ify puhUB UwmBobertArmk tba enterpriiliiff proprieton oi the Toronto JilnpXKelieitfntegnpTui pendent paper contains 33 coloi of cIowy LAe CoBOoDi from B T Wiiaoo agentnotioeefsppeto tbeConaM J aUnst a dedsdon of tho Court of on the 11th inst reapeotipg the asseee- mait of he Arnold- land i a petition to allow in M as to fdftn a oon link mth the road on tiie town line that is abontto be opened between Georgina and North Qwillunbriiy Moved by T Glover Mdonded by J itdy thatAeoommonioat4is and peti- D3 md ok the te be reoeived aod teken op in oideri J Morton t Isaao Marntt zeoeivo the sum of 850 fir bis servioes as agasor for the present y imd tiiat tbo Roeve grant aa order on tho Treaaiircr for the pay- mait of the eaxae and also that ttie Clerk lot to inform Mr Marrit tM order and money is ready for ma at any time be may c for it Theyeaa and nays were dc D Willoughby T Glover Morton and H Draper N Willoughby and Purdy Moved by T Glover seconded by J Fpidy that Franklin Irtco JobnMo- Pherson an William ArdeIIdo their stat ute labour in Boad Division No 29 and that L Iraper do his road work in Divi sion JtTo 22 Moved by T Glover seconded by J Morton that Soloman 8taley and David Eves do their statute labonz in Diviaion No 41 and that John NwBum do his fixate Moved by J Purdy seconded by Willoughby tfiat the ovcrsocra of hig ways be authorized to buy gravel at five mta per cubic yard or loads to aver yard per load where provision forgravel has not been laado by Ibe Coancil where there is no gravel to be had in road aUowaooe Catried Moved by T Glover aecondod by J Morton that the Clerk be ioBtmct to nofyapy parties to move anyobstruo- tions they have placed on the 3rd Concession jne of tbia Jwnsbip from tho side road betwn laM and 6 south tQUw presen by Samu MoveS Sji J Pnrfy thai Mt Mdibiioj Wingo nett and Wm HarMsoOi bo exempt froin stAtute labouriwicd Moved by D Willoughby soponded by J Pdrdy that the petition of William Wight and 34 bUibrsj bo granted so far as to allow 10 days labour to bo expended on the 7th Concession Hue Carried 80for clearing the road opposite Lot No 7 in tlio Lake Concession Carried Moved by T Glover Bcoondod by J Morton that the amount gf finc levied on Robert Bradford before HDriporond Moses Knight Justices of Peace amouni ing toSIO for selling liquor wiUioutli ocoso bo refnndcJ and that tlio Reeve grant an order on the Treasurer for the payment of the same Carried Moved by T Glover- sccondcd by J Morton that tlila Council do adjourn to meet again at Belviow on May 30 18G8 at 10 0 clock am Carried UUSINESa NOTICES PiUii by tlic ynrd nl Ihi olKKforunTklDg line w of thsso Tojy fliBhliinablo goods aw yt i hand CVUl oarty at Uo Couaiia ofllco nuiBinPiKonToFBRad PciiclU iu grct triety toRvtHr with cvoTytbiDg usually kept In ttio Btattonory trada uttho lowest pricey At tho C6tnuM olOc PbAU AMD FAIOT 8rAVtOKIdirJuBt r ocived at thoCoDBiiBoqiceAlotof firitcUj Note and othW Paper h cnvolopi match alwvbry good cheap Foolscap suitable for schools D llACUTt baa pifichwd tho Btk In trade of tbo Drug liaelnofa from Bouter A Trent and I lomoVed tho sano to thenow stor opposite tho Oavfton Uoueo In Ai ioOlco will beat the store Boo ad Aloiuioilni Hutlo Hall that la aald to bo tbo be world though hi is doubtod It has one handled and one eiops oJbty CbiUay 25 Couneii Sallzoad Hotel PrcMBt BeeBettyBacfaeandEar nutM of ievlou meeting read and Gotiocit then adjourned to meet a CThurida evening at 8 oclock Niw ToKt Hay Hsfau ipeoia ujit- UniMlflHotalorotl hlnlflHotalo hi Uuted States piM of bis nnde fore prfnt od per and thiT ariUclVg writtjlpjj lill ffarliataaqaer that has mode the swb a irotirfto wbei it has osj IQ appearance and the stylo lecU0tajh is will wo DO t mcctthe tastes of the aiany We vUb them the success with their Weekly they art cnjoyBwU the and in bet wilb everytby thing ihcj lxo nidelakeB In the pablishloglo sl itamencing bosfness The paper Is issued every Friday morning I In advance Rev W Uorely Foehoa This omIoeQt jdagli deieyicas re ceived a hearty reception at Metho dist Oonferonoo at CucagoUst week Be delivered a lengthy spe in repl from which we make the following extmt I do rejoico most unfogncdly that by the kbdness of my brethren I am per mitted torday to bear o yon their inter nal greetings and I assure you in ty strongest language I can use that the en tire British Conference wiont one ex ception towards yon and you nation 10 very beartiestgo will I know for havenad onpunitus of knowing op- portnnities aerived from a Urge expe rience extending over I am afraid to say how maiw years of travellinghronghout the length and breadth of our land that iho great Bnglas ile musde aod dnew all that is best and stronrat in it is sound and is cordial upon this matter I do not come among you to say this as a renegade Snishman eurryb favour with you to secure a noisy popmarity by abnaing my own intntions and exMJjPg yours Tbcre is a Mrt of cbajlatwisih in that work upon which I look down with These are hcmest Bngllsb that believe Em inUy upon earUi Appit cety prove my sinewtv i 0 you a brothaa diant The Bert ton a NewTbtkB before dayjjMedjha ton the pablisher b ton afime four or five fled to the Ptedden ton tht i 8500 WO The republioana honour of the Chiea spatohes from variou t rrVnllarj 8t Louis Ma a ment between the r of OMc ahd 1 bruiser wero forfeit money take place on t miles of here H May 2 ofwar have amve They demand tho i the persecution of I th threaten to to The revolution i increasa PsoviDgRcE R Spooner and so drowninthebi N Y fiay for the Fcoian invasi next sumlies 0 troops He attacks men marchcs 500 10000 men to their time the pedestrian gor Mfine to St I turn foBdf Ne fell you th cutive wacero It Cppla Mr Goodwin still Messrs Wi of your and Ejigeng inoonveniooandwithouffcar Lauh- valk 100 pules ho forti 000 purse andl ijpwbig fiv ouVdftbeewm ate and drandimng ttie prtiriihont and applause Now that is jost 1 tiope for yon not only on aooount of patriotism not only bccauBO of fraternal feclmg but in sheer pity for world do I trust thatc two great nations which we rtsspeclivclyrcpresent may Wofk always mharmonloifribcord IJpufen thmoun- tsun beyond the littieslnfca of Qio hour vhcro the mists of prejudice di not rise nor tho red lightalngs of passion play I SCO in the dear calm light that the dcflliny of tbo world a in jour hands and io ours One blood one language one In liadiUons and a storied pist ono in enterprise ouc in immortal hope and in tiio vows of a common conBcoration let us only bo one in vocation and effort and tho world must sink beneath tho hand which arms us for tbo war Applause Honourable faUiers and brethren let us Outer into this Ijoly and fratrnal bond Tho thin aro shaken only tlikt the tilings whichcannotbeshakcnmayremaiD Let our two nations yours and ours remain in amity and in concord forever Let na exhibit to tho wonder of nationstho glad nuptials between liberty and orto Let us hbor that down tiirough tho ages there may bo increasing rpvcrcnco for lruUt 8ud prose last day Bttall oonsumo all that is fa and unworthy ahd loavo ub with tho light of tho Divine Prcsenoo aronnd us and in our hands tho law of truth and of peace with which wo have jointly blessed man kind VooidirouB chcorit which- waa oontinudd for flovcral miriutoa A Highwayman Baulked 08hawMay23 On Wednesday night last Mr Qeoigo Andrews buUdo offtia plaoo while on bis way homo ftom the neighbourhood of Brooklin waa acooeted by two men who aakod for addmittanco oto his ba Being unfavourably im Sreasod by their appearance ho dotied no of them hen rushed forward and sauod tho rail of tho vehicle Mri An drews resisted the by a heavy blow with his whip- nan Im mediately fired at him with a piste fbo bullot which paased throng the rim of Mr Andrew hat within ono inohftf tjplovThHorjo alarmed by dashed forward throwing down iho first tc8qdMr bat two moro shots fbro ho got out of range It is thought that be man etniok nay bear tho xaark of tho whip on his Otoa and a ho afibrdod for bis arrcBtfOfo May 25 UiMnPimTiaAcoraios i itkbBU f 5 f there were lost or re porieillost daring tho month of Uarch ioB vessels of which Bs bore be BriUib 9a wero Anerfcan laNorih Oennu Francb It DanlBh 13 Dniob 8 Qreeli B Italian uk the rwnaliider offarionaotbijr The nujnlicr of J la tha Mmsponding month bf 186 was 5 ln rtMBa A corporal of Uajestyt sod Regt jont named Odevatine Is lecfailBg In Frcd It Is estimate Scotcmen in Loi FraciAtVMD a beving a groa Tu sudden c created an evld pool freight ma iPr fAiei this boy named aiiidirM Caon Wcdni Hi SruBGEOi Rlglfl toblulBCt rlctori NewDrunsltfk to fall hcQirt TORONTO

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