Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Courier, 28 May 1868, p. 1

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S Q M BINNS PBOPBIETOB ITeBs Rpligiotis IjibertS and Etual Biglits to all men THEM8 ei25 STEIOTLy IN ABVANOH ViOL I NEWMABSET ONTARIO OAJfA- THURSDAY MAT 28 1868 No 23 81 Sronmrt4t ntrlr OBNBRAL PRINTINQ OFFICE D HAaKjBTi 4BBDTT HILIiHBVMARKBT 10 as Newmatkeit lec 1 RATES FOB ADTBBTISIHO HARRtAfip I4ICBNSJE BARGES in DffT ALWAYS OJV HAHD WILLIAM aOE TheMotherteBfl QMtd I eawlitt0 orphan boy si Itt genU elsep repo5- U J ffiirmire cheat wm ciMtWin BiiKhlwasTua Mtbrown bale flisfeneaofiaowywte Then marWe was more fair Lyonflrthfl capital of the depMt Vf the Bhone and Loiie is Beoonil Apmnt of beaaty oommeo and to Uia grtat metitlirf of PnuiljbeUa PariB There are maoy intctaiftiDg SBsooiations la relation to ite histo and old Boman origin ite foundcrs made it the centre of the commeren of the Gaols aod Two Cents pwXJne for each oolzietiimg all should Enow and there are antiq 1 he sought that breast oahe hid his pretty blow Aod lulld himBelf to rent Again he saw that m I iieard her aoconta mild Again That I gaEed upon bis Utile form hligUli sacrcd blv fincy hid telUDgof this tngient eTolotion there was that EoSered eq sey the wild hloodthire reigped eoprrao Daring the PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY door SQBth of Hodges Tin Shop Ma t Newnjvbet where he Till be please yonaj here popmation of 500001 Alas t dearly bought once and thy n its throne Not long Bubseqnentlo the close of the bloody drama of the nenoh revolution which caused al to irembte that period the history which chills tho blood qflho mddem incidents f the following ocouri There redded at L a rich family ppelles ofo particolar note hat theirtenflive wealth wildly tbrobbd my speUbouad could hat I njingkd with my fcryent pray o God cnthroDd on mSTJRANCE CO necessarily gave theip yhe father waa still at the opening of oifrtale a merchant althoogh advanced iaBcrs and alieadv BUSINESS GABDS CNADA pjs8aBing aa ine migk reaaonafaly rap- pose enough of this wa weaJih Yet ho still hdd on the pde of con- J H Co on the md sideredthe grtest ooiiDercial house toosedob tadTOcate bighp Lyons being too wdnbto admit of his retiring into the boanipf his family to enjoy tho close of long industrious and honourable ihenantila signed to acoumnlate Qztcnd bis b It nnd lumot lady of ehtirelj wrap- ishh match 3t willing to iakoT the world on her ahoulde Larimer AttomeyatLaw the belle of Lydna Paulino was the slant themo and care of her motter and spai 80LICIT0B IN CHANCEBY CONVBYANCEE e c SAMUEL BOADHOUSE CABINET MAKER UlittEBTAKEB eS MAIN 8TBEET NEWMARKET A GOOD Assortment of Fomlturc always on hand THE OLD ESTABLISHED HARNESS SHOP HEWMAEKET Saddles Harness COLXiABS TBURKB And every other Arlide in the Tradt Icejpt W wallis N ALEX BUOQE BLACKSMITH INSURANCE COMPANY OP HABTFOaD dONN JJEAD OFFICE JoHS G Gcner R CONNOR rosT 0nc February 12 1868 8ly nUigttcet Toronto G M BINNS KEEPS A GOOD SELECTION Note Letter Paper AND ENVELOPES Together with a large variety of Ccni H SIJOEIHO and all Unda of work In line csccutd with id despatch ON BBA80NABLE TEBMS JDDOE FOR YOURSELVES All kinds of School Books CII Al thcCTouncr I LADIES GallfngCardfi CHEAPl Al the Courhr r BOOKS of CII UNRULED and Ruled Paper CHEAP Al the Couritr T jyAEE ityoiirbIocKstocaU at Uie Cour- as CHEAP and a LHtie Cht trade tHaaJde tU of Onti fiSartlo WAIHBTHBBT NEWMARK o edwabd DOAH BEOS reapeciMljr to noUfjr tb pubMc liiat he It amply prepared lo majiubctitio MARBLE AND FREESTONE MOIVCJMEIVT HAJ ROHEB j Towb TableSt Tableta At PH to ultll TtoMWl A call soUclti before yon purchase eUewhere Alt Work Warranted trV NEWMAEKET BEEWERir Thb subscribbr uas great plea- Bure in notifying the public that hn lisa Beopned ttie Newmarket Brewery entirely on hu own reBponaibillty and hopMbyvtrict attention lo busineu and furnlshliig a fifat fliju article t modente price U aharo of the public feror ME PORTER AND VJNBOA t fVulaotlr onhand paid or Biutr and other grain II B tfcffinarkvt Pc 17 1967 imiAL MsuMCE mm 3000 POlfCIES IN FORCE WITH A BCBIBESS EXPERIEltOE OF 17 S8 WILL Insure iaolatcd Farm Properly for Ono Per Cent for Uireo ycare with- Prcmiiw Note and not compcl tiie as- inuiis in ibii vicinity to submit lo a re duction of oncthird of their loca on contnt ure no more Is al riak than the sum named tho polieytho CI W pnyiog tbi BARCLAVH Celebrated Sewing Maobines Which are eaaily learned lo 0Kirato on and not easily put out of order are on hand and T wile Intending purcliawirB woii 11 to call and zamino tbem befor tehtion jui tefoto been precipitated from the height ol illy The ruling paaaion How is your jn todayjaskedafriendof a Blockbroker Ve ill replied the old gentleman slrug- gling to maintain composure tears coursing downhisagitatcdfeatufes very ill 1 would prevent freUing lioKelf to death for tho S6 of poor dear Charley toaCounl One day after returning 3afttournmentthc Countmet his valet on c high road and asked liim where ho was find Another place Another place j cried Uie Count i wliat then ms hapiened at my bouse Nothing monseigneur And iCBidca Nothing much I tell you our dogia dead And bowdid tiiat happen r Your pttlfrcylMk fright kiJiea ad WM drowned And who fright of a topwiivdow It QoU eavens I my son I where wore hia nurse and lotherl Is she injured r Yes sir lie aa inaUntly kilUdI Wlten the news was brought to her Indyaliip she waa aelccd wUi a fit and full dead withoutspeaklng Scoun drell inst of running away why did you not get hulp and remain alUte chateAU liow could I moneeigneur Marotto in watebliig by the aide of my ladys corpse fell aslonp Tho light upset and tho chateau ia rcducedloaaheai The QU omo Kittens And then to fight One had a mouse And tho other had none And tiutfl the way Tho quarrel begun Weit tet about that I Kin Iin And swept 1 Right out a And stormy night When these little kittens Ikgun to fight The ground was covered Tbiek with anow They had toil tlie mouse And had nowhere to go Bo they lay and shivered Reside the door Till tho old lady Hnlsiied And cold AKlco Thsn fight iifflthi rwder her as aocompliahed in mind aa nature had made her m person She waa snrrounded by ali the luxury ingenuity could devise or wealth procure The IfiandoD of the family was ono of unsur passed beauty eontiguons to which there wore grounds and garden of tho most en- viable beauty The DeschappoUea moW in tho first circlca of tho society of Lyons although in blood they were not noble indeed at the time of which wo write thcro was no acknowledged nobility in Francc no lords no marquises but were simple eitizcns for tho revelation hadid the shepherd besidd the Boeptro Ono lonely oftcniaon Hadame Dcschap- pellcs and Pauline sat gcesipping in their boudoir when a acrvont announced Mon- 3ur Bcaunt a rich tnd courted gen tleman and only son of Ihe lato Morciuis who lost hifl life during tho reign of ter- itr He entered and fiund the luother and daughter together Paulino admiriog and dissccting a moat rare and boaatifui boqnet while hor mother goasippcd about upon her appearaaooi ing on which occasion he met hor at the ball fViinlcly declared to hor Uiat Eho had confjaored hU heart by offering hor his hand and fortuno Paulino oooty rejcctod hia offer but Beauseant was not a man to give up hu purpose so llghtlv Ho appealed to Mad ame Dcschappolfcs tolliDg her of tho nd- vontaga of such an alliance stating that his fortune was not czooeded by of any person in tho province and indeed that ho should bo noble but that tho rovo- tuUon had robbed him of his titles Tho mothor of Pauline had formed brighter plims for her daughter thanthalehoBbould marry tho eon of a marquis and ftaokly told Beausoant bo in reply to his a- mentA sayins she should uarry prioco Beauseant left tho house in a irago at being refused by a merchants deiute determining to hido himsolriu hisohateau for he doomed aright that tho eton would Lyoos ho proud Madftmo frame of mind which may bettor bo im- anod than dceojlbod ho hastouod the house and oo hb Ibll la with an old aoiuaintn mao of gontto birth and a bosom ootppanioD Qf BoauBowt aod whoso prinoipid trait of oharaoter was an ostravagontly foppish dispoution Tho maat name was OUvt he too hod boon reftiBod the band of Paulino not long prior to tho ODooing of tliis talo Beu scant oonfidea his QortifioatioD to hU Vlond and lomod thb fiot ia nturD whoreapoa both vowod Tcgoanoo opon the proufl girl and they road side inn io n viOago near tho olty to dine tho public hoosb culcd the Goldoa Lion they witnessed sonu which Bkyoaog peasant of noblt oeariug won the pne and whom his oom- pawwifl wdlod prmoe a familiar name they hftd given him aa he was the leader of aU sporta and the avenger ot all their wroi He waa one who though young inyw they all looked up to on woount ofleitrardio attainments an4 the and noUe that fiUedbis breapt vd proinptod every action Beaantl6d4lmnigh ourlofflty to rnqmre rdative to this young peasant Olaode Motiand learned from the Ian- lord tiiat he was prompted to aoquire all these acoomplishmenta of which heis said to be the master through the deep love he bdrefor Paaline Dasdiappelle the only daughter of the rich merchant of Lyons Beauseant also learnt from mine host of the Golden Lion that Claudes father had formwly bean gardener in the family of the Deeohappolles but had deceased about two years since leavmgto his son and wi a goodly property A change thei over Giaade ho took to study b feneing to dancing mnsic learned to paint short strove by diligice to acquire evere accomplishment wiUiiu his power until he had indeed become tho wonder of the villago lord he 18 proud and yet gentle looks so like a princo no wonder they all call him BO and itU al for love of ixQ beauty of Lyons in whose fafliers garden he has worked wh a boy The ready wit of Beaust took fire at this relation and a plan for his revmge immediately struck him He took Glavis aade and proposed to him lo seem to hu- love of the young Mclnot to ate with himj money dresacs retinue Pauline as sue her hand and then leave her to find her self the wife of a peasants Bop o ae Olavw oonscntcd to the propoadly availing him of any means whereby to avenge himself on the proud girl And yet sooUi to say he thought far more of the eport of thus miflufacturing a prince thau of revenge while the latter spirit aloneactnated Beauseant Theyproonrcd writii materials and forthwith sent a note to Claude to meet them at the Gold en Lkm relating therein that the writer BeaaseaDt knew tho paeaon of his hi should realise his bhtest and most sanguine hopes Come with ns reader to tho humble ootta of the widow her son has just entered bearing in his hand the prize of the games a bcantiful gun which he has Though the good mother loves weJJ bor noble boy and is even more proud of hiui than she is willing to show yet she chides him gently for thus employing his time and thoughts and aaks what these things aid the proudspirited boy 1 everything Glory is pricc y Claude but wliut good c c toIcam Latin and sing soi I love for sent tho MotJier What is ribbon worth Wortli- Ay do thcc toIcam Latin and sing songs play the guitar to fonoe to dancc to paint all very fine my sonj but what docs it bring in 7 Wcalthwealtli ray mother J wealth tho mind wealth to the heart high thoughts bright deeds tho hope of fame tho anibition to be worthier to love Pnuline Tho mother knew her the biMuty of Lyons and TiQCO him of its hopeless eharuoter but his faithful heart could not dream of ht but final succcse That very day 1 be poured into verse the warm aud ardent promptings of his heart a tribute to ita idol Ho was emboldooed to do this by rcL8oa of Paulinos having worn upon her liosom tho flowera bo had sent hor anonymously ouch day for tlio Inst sis wocks the rarest to bo had and it ono of those boqucta that engaged at the opening of tlio tale Ho had to Pauiine having siod Ills own name to them and now impa- tioiitly awaitod on answer and tho arrival of his mcasengor Soon his comrade who had borno his mossco returns and hands him back the- paper ho had sont his verses were returned to him I aod with insult too for his messenger bad been beaten and himaclf throatenodwith alike welcomo should ho show his faeo Claude perhaps might have boroo with some do- gm of patience tho return of his verses though io told his comrade and messon ger In answer to his qucation What oould you havo emt that should bo havo offended them Not a word that serf might nothavo writteotoan impress But blows to his mossengor and throatfi to himself this ho oould not tamely nibmit to and while ozcrtusod by tho passionato foollogs thus ozeited bo tho letter despatehed IVom Bean- aoantand QlaviBt at the Goldoo Lion na do havo before moatioaod IIo wildly at any ohanoo br rovonge or at any rate to aatlafV hU own wishes i nor dould ho tell whieb was etrongoat in hU hearloro or revenge whoa bo read tho amiraaoo that Paulina ohw plo must follow His honiist natnr at first in oontomplatlog tho propc propoMd plan and marry Pau- lino diciguiflM as n foreign priooo Tho plot was well conocivcd and con skill and Claude amjeared in Lyons and at the house of M DesAappps through the introductioa of Beauseant as the Ptinoe of Como Well did he bwme his splen did dress and nowall theaccompUshmenta whidi he had so indostriously acquired servedwellbispurpose Handsome too he waa very handsome and no one could woo Pauline as he could do for no one really loved her so well Day after day the deeeption was Buooeaafnlly prosecuted until Claude was at length cnged to the beauty of Lyons as her future hqshtod Pauline loved him with a depth of affec- tion rarely found in high life True she was at first caught by his noble appear- fintse and tatle but she soon loved him for himself alone Each day Claude felt and more that he would give the world did he pceseaa it to be released from his guilty oath and though he en deavoured to persuade Beauseant to re lease him from it it was all in vain The oonscnt of Madame Deschappclles was easily gained indeed it rather cipated the formal request for she completely taken with tho title and style of the Prince of Como whom she pro nounced to be the most accomplished rer- Bon she had ever known There waa an honesty rough old gentle man a cousin of the family and a colonel in the French army resident at this time m tho family a man who had a rapreme contempt for princes and all dignataries other than those the army recogniied and created He was led by some cir cumstance to believe that the Prince of Como waa a humbug or rather that he was no prince at all j and m the course of some conversation with Claude in which tho latter outwitted him ho becamo so en- raged that he challenged him to fight Claude at first refused but being preesed he at length took the proffered sword pro duced by Col Damas and after a short contest disarmed him but sparing his person he returned him his sword This gentlemanly act on tho part of Claude was a seed which took root in tho colonds heart and bore fruit in afler time to Claude of doep and honest friendship Mclnpt in the practise of his character as a pnnoe scattered ihe wealth that Beauseant had placed at hie command with a lavish handj sooretly enjoying the irrita tion that it causcd Oioae whoao loolhcinQW i hnirnfl TnTMndMhbgffifaiBrA seiutiHGla to releasatilirffifM oath Having now enjoyed the eociciy of Pauline her cpnfiden and affections he loved her more defiy than eyer and would rather makclalmost any saorlfico than to dcccivo her into an alliance which would perhaps break her heart and at unyrato render him hateful in her eyes r after But at each I although he was obliged to support itocratic character yet endeavoured to iculcato tho principles he would havo hor governed by were ho in his own station and thua without her realizing it thcro were placed in hor heart tlio germs of an honourable rcud for merit bo it found in what class it might Ho taught her tho ibily of being a pensioner on tho dead and that brave deeds were tho auccstors of bravo men Yet oil the whilo was he de ceiving tho bcautifid and gentle girl who had learnt to love lum with a posssion near akin to actual devotion Ever and aaon hold swoot converso with her and listen to her dear and devoted languago his oonsclcnce would mito him almost be yond endurance Concluded IMZI wedc Loves Blind they Say An English divine who has since rlscu to eminence owed his marriage and a long and happy domestlo life a ootporary states to a mere aocidont Ho had con- traeted an affoctiou for a lady of tho neigh bourhood in which he first proachcd but through dread of a refusal oould not bring himsolf to tho point of a dircct proposal Tho more ho thought of it tho moro ho booame dismayed at tho prospect Ho not of that kiud of man who can quickly Interpret a woniaus fooling from her loQks and manner but was overcome with fear that she should never love him IIo had almost resolved to abandon the field to a bolder if not a hotter man when ho suddenly took a deporato rosolu- tlou to know tho worst Ho carefully p paxbd and sealed two letters oacft ad- dreeAd to tho lady in ono of whiohho mado an earnest proposal of marriage and in tho other mordy roqucstod the loaii of a book Shaking thom together in his hat be osllcd his scrvaut and bado him take ono and deliver It Whioh ono akod bis sorvant Bithor was tho roply and tho itau took no at random and departed Tho tninistor throw tho othor into tho firb witiiout oxaulmngit and fbr tho nozt hour nacod tho floor of hia etudy anxious and mi8ble Ho had roBolvod to abide by thoent of this quoor proooodiog aod that If the book camo with tho Mrvant ho woold Ibr over abandon all upiraUons to tholadys band At tho end of that timo tho man rotumod with a noto aocopting his offer and Invit Inghimtotoa Thooveijoyadyonngman told his Uttlo osporimODt to his betrothed over a oup of toa that evening and waa BMndly ratod fbr hia dulaees in not com- wohendlogtho rignalsofdiBtiofis which nad bow oootlnuall dliplayod to him fmrtlmo to timo But Boroo men aro wonderfUll etupld about thcso matters Only a Womana Story Rich heavy curtains ara they against which rest my head and they ahoiJd ha to mate with their surroundii for everv- thing betokens wealth idlenen and ease Of the costliest silk and lace is the robo which falls down to my feet Diamonds sparkle on my faod and hands Mykmd indulgent husband has just said to mo You are vcjy beautiful tonit Laura I am so proud of mydarling Is not thifleD0Ugh to satis tho crav ings of a womans heart How many say that a life like mine must be a happy one no tears no heartaches I Ah I how little do they know of the weary aohing heart tho ever loog for years iong since past I have been dreaming of them tonicht wMlo looking out at tho bright moon as sho peers down from amid the fleecy clouds dreaming of a time in those paat years when I looked up at her unsullied purity but how different from tonight I Then my feet pressed natures carpeting and my head rested agdnst tho trunk of tho old apple tree which stood beside my fathers door I wore no jewels then but May roses were braided in my hair braided by his hand not my husbands but the hand of ono who fell by pestilence in India fie is now in that bright land above They say that there are meetings there and no heartaches Oh Gerald I you wUl forgive me then I Heaven only knows how I have suffered It seems bo long since that May night when we stood beneath that old tree Geralds dark eyes looking down into mine and his lips uttering words that were so dear to me and I placing my hands ia his promised to be his bride Oh how I loved him I He was so good kind and noble and I was so proud of his manly beauty and grand intellect His simple had been a hard one but he had fought it bravely through j and now with nothing but his profession as an en gineer he was about to proceed to India to win hia way and a home for me Yon will wait for me Laura dear said he Remember that it will be the thoughts of you that will cause me to uso every effort to make me a home for when it is gMued I m to claim my bride My homo is to bo your home And I promiped that I wo wait untiihe ahoold heads whito if need be I was very happy and I felt the kind ness of heaven in bestowing such great upon mc and then I in my iful Bclfish pride threw it from farm honse as it was when I was one of ita inmates But there ia a great differ- eneo between Laura CJayfon and Lanrac Lynn wife of the banker Ten years havo made tho change I was a careless light- hearted girl then the only child of kind parents who gratified every wish of their child that was within their power I had had a taste of the world and it cansed mo lo bccome tired of my farm life I longed for something higher and to gain thia I had learnt Uiat weth was one of thi greatest rulsitcs It was very bard to part with Gerald but his letters were so full of lovo and hope that they helped me to pass almost pleasantly the days Ono year had glided smoothly by and then the tempter camo Theodoro Lynn in pasang through our villago saw mc was attracted to my pretty young face and asked mo to bo his wife Then I waa false to Gerald false to nij- sclf for I broke my vow and took a false I wroto to Gerald a short timo boforo I was married wrote as I had ever written I did not tell hira I could not Otiicr handsmightwrito It other IjpsHcU him not mine My husband brought mc to bis Belgra- vian manalon I gained what I wished I bccame mistress bfapioud dwollbg sur rounded by every luxury that wealth could obtain My husbandsposition placed mo in tho highest cirolcs I never saw Gerald again IIo never married and they told mo ho died with my namo upon his lips My parents went to that long homo tho first year of our marriage and last suuimcr for tho first timo since then 1 visited my childhoods horiie Tho house was lonely anddroary Tho rosoand jessamine that I had trained over my windows wcro torn down but ono of tho dd lilacs rcmainod and the path that rajr feet had trod so often Imd long biuco with grass been over grown The trco that dear old trco be neath whoso branches 1 had sung talked laughed and utterod tho vow so fUflcly brokon had boon uprooted by tho wind I sat down on ita fWlcn trunk and wept toara of bittor sorrorf I shall never go back again until they lay mo down by my Ja proud of mo proud of tho admiration I havo won and helovesmo I have tried to do my dutjr towards him vot I fboi that I havo wronged him and whoa tho time oomoa I abail tell him toU him of tho past D BBaniE8 6f Intucky baa pub Ushod soma b dpoa the rosulUof risen blo lel admitted Into the various eharitable iostl tutlooa of tho Udtod Statoa are lha I of marriages of fli ooualna Tns paipnt who would tnn np a child in tho way bo ehiould mutt go tho way lio would traia up hia culdin 4 II ARCHIVES OF ONTARIOl

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