Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Courier, 21 May 1868, p. 2

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Him who etilL Webm awBg with ittMfleait Froni Australia TTEJIPT TO MUBDEB THE P THE A89AB8IN A PHOF ilul8ttpoa of it The eonn BY ATLA CABTl LOHDOK Mij ISiheMoTitxnff l of two kau ate iden the Tote od the eleTeaUt aibtf 9 peachment concIoslTe nd says the dowirU BonUi and loogitode 81 degreed leaQribnms riml dtfeotioQ and Hr Jooee eeooo as ammd I hare had do neva the coast I loat all my medlemes at DTiiDed ttne die it OSiHB rBlIKWE8T aooideat Thrlteff takesawideh differ ent apond ia its oommentfl and thinka thQ Visj0nolnBiTeof the wholecase A respite of one week has been granted H of ntoit the Scotch Mr OTiC-TWIave-EoFtoirilllgte- cnlty wilh the pecpltfj but e have oveito a wing ate IhAiSr forma miridfl od He hasteen- de of the donntrj Jtom JlW8BT8t wflAOTiiSYwsnoM 1 riiiitmiil jiitTMMlAliq JriiTOffi SootlimdlS aVast that while Mr JohnMn is vote was sach as to rendu him pow hereafter Dr Iiivstone Bitis from letter of Dr Living- etone recaved by Mr Yoljtia of Kdly on April 20th 1868 Oonntiy of theChip NflvlOa6 Mj dear It haa bceo qu im- poeaible to a letter ctwise ever ince we left the Itovnmal The Arab alave tnidcra t loUcirliEOoa is they hear that the English arecii the road Lams perfe bbear to them Eight pa ikdled and- last of all mr JoKunanKn fnted out their wits by stoi told them by boys The fear which ttt leJBnh j8Qr54 nioco ZQodnotgo romid thenor e of ihai fotS that n Johua afct of danger woiladbtlierfi Wba ihey actay diCanbemuthernen aBd oijijtwodipiBilon the Ukfi tfcea m t ipiddlfe Bounding BouttiOT nij TW gotTip KirVs aMttr all who have not been bj thatbUgltf tbejr wre yeiy kind and having b worried enough by anwilll sepoya and cowardly Johanna men I fol lows mj bent by march amoDg frieDdlyi to ifhoiii l tried to impart some sew ideas in retiini Jo their hcitality The coastry ia eleva3 and the eKmate cool One of tfie wonders told of US in Bucccsayc Ullages waa that we slept wiOibnt fires The boys havi bltetodid not need fires while the ro- haUnU scantily clad have their plastered insid befel me I have hadijo fem aa ye feobsRtX L tive lemees and trust m thatwatil very abw ht miles a day is makh for ns loaded as the boys BfWW Depart TBUNK BAST finite S ai bnt toilsomelpfnairilQReK eveydsnrajl KatpfnyllBtatyide intals Jppgofljr ridgeand ifpiBl 0i I Bobtfce bat now if ypo wi JOT inigbt cnlate very in yiia mit get for the bOnw 0 bnt I take pn flesh eay and we ajw- yesterday and I am to get 4 at tiie iqardfejBAT UftltenwV fOTrtWtoD Eettc West daily npfOKtJwifprth daily wayBta- tfdiidaU ShaniijrPo Vq fflEyr9iPJn tohardf HMtman moavuieaipgr Received apSreadihepetiUM of Jacob Perkins ao3 ouers desiring to pcorm ihiUBtetaJaboar oo Stoofltzeet Stioffville The prayer of this peUtion of kr Mr-BMoiiUftaUiontj- WMawaULaai two Connoillors to advertise and sell any timber oa andreport the next n ar soch itu will wait a i with the above the sea Wo crossed one range 6600 feet spd near a spot where I grit to WTilit poor pbgdle Ohitane 1 drowned We bd to DBmdr- e too much engaged in kmprng balance to noticc tt ho swam among He bad mm- Sunk to AlbtjaIBt hlmSirSamael Bakers discoverfea had n6fcVitf With thtfimaftidhis handhetbe tbla ipljiiiicte tfC mlsEiag liDraihthedqiiD Of4ak Jtiardto tbe fntnromova mentfloMbj Lving8toiieSinkIeriok MnreWSqS 8ai tht th db hypotheais ujwn which fli BiAt go mining regaidfegHie refe of Dr Lrringstonsi- VOntf that may be indtic to go farther tPeetintoan Arioaa regitHi as yet npexplored come oiitiat tU w coastvUtlbiit Sir Roderick did not expect that Dr icy he hifi almdy liadaiid the Sbto he hasmade in determining the real pbymcall geophy of the OiiroQ vbioh he has touched in to Tetnm to siofeiiijiredbjtbatristito ited home in tiie montl of AIWEAartPM V rl ikowlJellBiiWajwi VOtfnto A bill for plan io Rond No in tbe 3ii C amoon to 1 was ordered to be pwd The TreBorer v feihori to pw the ordu of Mr to aoeed 86 t9tpe4 ui d for James Qormly j Join Elliott WW appt Pifli BoadbiTiaion So ihj tBA Snplaoe of Joha Ayre 910 and Joph damsj doneto8liwfiifegi Coonc in coiQmitt6ef the whole PeUUoni oCormickia the chair iTlved ibat the seve for aid the road arid road laid over to next mwt- From the SydnejTcorrendent of NeiTfYo ffenldiWe learn the following pntilmlara of the attempted assassination oLftg Dofceof Edin About hafpa oneihe Prince arrived a special 8tamer and the people ool- Ifectad at the wharf and cheered lustily WW condttA 6 teand in comy with the pernor of Uie propi g of Ooancil ajid that thia jcoi et previo tosocl meeting an me the roads throQumt the towoship thia cocmiitt l meeting anS eia hxat the township reCgifecf to the eipenditore of money 1 Report adopted in Coonoil Aqd the Council adjourned to meet al Mr Asa Cnrtiss I Yonge Street on Saturday ttie 6tl day of June next THWpi 21bt 1B6S the Khole liemSKm tllhe talDr bar If thodocl Bepfember Tiw third h first io the line thm back to the last and barked to him op then wlteDe third hypbtfe ie4 etoni the waters of the Nile Proin tbi wefi iVoowo diffipolties of that rout Sir Bod- eriok didt believe Pr Livingstone fTOtdd think of hime by that way rWftTICE litfcr Newmarket ki4na for tht dated thStb instant reoved a loltaam Zaiuibar tb say that letters fiDr Liringatohe have rhed rauding Maiita or Zolus Vfe have been to avoid theseand gone zigzag Once we nearly walked into the han of a party and several times we have been detained by rUmonrs of the enemy in front January 1867 I mention several oansea of delay I must mendon the rainy isejon as more potent than all except hunger In passing through the Babisa feountry we found that food was not to be had The Babisas aregreatslavc traders and have in consequence bnt little indus try This seems to be the chief cause of tiieir having no food to spare Thcrains ioit are more oopiouB than I erer sair them anywhere in Africa Bat we ehali get on in time has three stockades around it anda deep dry ditch round the inner one He seems a fine fellow and gave us a cow to slaugh- t on our arrival yesterday We are goiog to hold a Christmas feast off it to morrow as I promised tbe boys a blow out when we came to a plaoe of plenty We have had precious hard lines and I mfJwn if it had not fiteb butliej gflff tomorrow and 1 t the ezpuiment of bending letters a few halfready bn I hope they mareayegi The rns hold OS back but we hope to be at bur second supply of aySnyiky byy Not a Ime has come to me from the coa 80 Lam a ill off for news of you as you may Be of me bave but nmo African boya with ma The Johanna men ran back in sheer horror of the Mazitn or Zulus In fact tKcy did that at the south end of the lakewhich I feared would occar at the north end but we have fewer mouths to fill and when wc arc in a game country I generally secure a beast illsp Bemba I loDgUme ijhis pn tho watershed geographers seek are spme 4500 feet above the sea and the river Simapula Ucs in front of iis This is said to bo very large and rtins into Lake where we hope to bo by May next I have tho anticipation of letters there The Evod-Iiing8ts- sepoys and pig- B aUdftedhlifiind k Ms bag- animals but ht oft- alonojand rawing hunger for many a day and 0 bonu sticking through as if they wot burst the ekin When We were map where game aboanded I filled the pot with B firstrate rifle given me by Captain Proeer but elsewbero wo bad bnt very short rations of a species of mitlet oailed macre wfiieh passes tc stomach almost UDchaoged The sores grief of all All otiier I divided among tho bundles bo tpat if ono or two were Tost wc should not rradercd desti tute of such articles btt this I gave to a steady boy and trusted bim He ex changed for a march with two volunteers who behaved remarkably well till at last hungry marchcs through dripping breeta oold auogr nifhts an fatoiDg days two guns and it was ii them after the firt which feU immediateb The are eo d cannot see fifty yards onany side loss with aU our mcdfeine fell on heart like a sentence of deatl was the case with poor H ahoi bnt I shall try native tely dter tbv left t UMand IMV a is oanyslde Tfc 8 there and a fresh stock of goods Arabs all Jed from me as if I had the plagno and I could send noUiiug to tho coast Wo had to go a long way round about besides partly to prevent my Jobanca men from ruDDiDg away at eight of dimger and partly bccause the Arabs wereofraid that 1 would bum their ves sels on Lake Myassa as slavers The Jo hanna moo did at last bolt at tho m report of danger in front and I wcnt and fooed bit nine Africans 1 of whom are boys from a school at Bo bay for the rooapturcd Tho Johanna en were soch a lot of thieves that it was relief to get rid of thorn Wo have since worked oar way north till parj blai on the maps enough of meat in uo lower lands the rifle but when we got up in tbo Uigh- lands of tho Babosa not an animal could bo seen Tle people all scattered by their own slaving could sell its nothing Tb hoobffiSy op ifmhrooms and by trudgipg throiigh dripping forests over sloppy marshes tho fcot almost constantly wet and gnawing liunger within most of my flesh camo off my bon Here tho pcoplo have something to sell so wo got on better and mcanto rest awhile and ro oruit This yillago has throe etookodos round it tho inner one being defended ono oouli out a preset He sat bj a huge hut and a dozen men boat drumi andsbor rattles so as to mako a toni9 din Iwould not on tho ground so he ordared a big ele phants tiisk to bo placed for me His Iw were like milestones flom the number or rii apd Uttlo bells on them- Aflor knowled a circumstoncc highly credita ble to our SovereigUj and one wliich moA prove cmipfintly gratifying to tho i andfamilyoftho man who as leader of tho Roman Catholic party in Canada ccntly lost his life at the hands of a dii fectcd aasin io czcrcisLDg commai ing influence on tho side of law arid oicr 1 understand that tho last Canadian mail brought out an autoph from her Ma jesty to Jirs BArov McGee expvo of sympathy- and condolence and etatiaghpw highly she appreciated the exertions whiob her husband had made during his valued lifetime to maintain the causo of Imperial autborityin the land of his adoption Tho Buke of Buckingham iad I believe also written to Mrs MoOoej through Lord Monckj the QovornorOenorarof CAada convcyiog ibo rct of her fif ajostys Minr istcrs that so able a statesman and so a citiecn should have fallen nviotim toibe Fenian bullet c OUKBiSBIIlTHDp see that byboenergy of thiBmtut eommittM tHeQaeeni BirUMUiy Ujtf celebrate in ngbt ey sl The committee have been m1geifeffoiiato cater for tttlliand if we mistake 7iSg6raBrfi willprov Webblf lban evtothe last which as a vcrf marlccd 8ucc menta bftveiSei made for hanng the usual manly and athletic gam for their conduction made efficien mcnt Tte volunteere arc under ordere frdrnthcgoimeit topairade on tiiat day wlupb will mnoh to enliven the very taking is tbe In tbe ailemoon a cricket match will be play- between two of tbebest ilevens norUiof Toron al ball Mthe mtbcswill be for handsome priecsno little interest will be excited therebv The concert committeo combining aeveral of our citizens entLi- astib lovers of barmony have succeeded inabwrbiDgO chief taleot of tho northerh country and we Qan promise those who atd tho coilcert in the eveu- ig lilp ooncatenation of sweet sounds as majinever greet their cars agmn made uodor- tlio nuMjftger of tho OUow City and Oasirork for tho reception of lgbt eob and pectillarly CAnitructL to bo carrlM by A Society of ABsafisliis spirit- of Fenianbm is not only diabollcm unapproachable It seems simply ana purely fiendish It bums and slaughters wontoDlj No mea sure of forebwanco and magnanimity seems to soft it When on outrego bos been committed an apj for pardoi responded to only as it appc tha second outrage may bo commUtca unprecedented iodulgenoe of llo British Govanunoot servos no purpose but aa- vatcs tho atrooitice of Fenians Our own Oovernmont too constantly oallcd upon to interpose in fiivor of Foniao prisoners finds its reward in assassinations And the insatiable roirit of Fenianbm Is most mguoDt whoa the BritlshiVIia- nont is showi tho greatest wisdom and sympathy for Iroland In o repeal of tho Cburob KstabUsbment The assassination tf Mr McQeo and tlMt attempted assasai- QRtioD of Prinoe Alfired vo great orimcs primes wbioh ought to induoe laWabid- ing Irishmen to set their faces agdiut Fenianism Belmore been erected- fc the of the eUtcxir the Mrty and away with Sir William dd weident of Bydnw to walk abbut tie ounasa wentldjJBg dfcti 3ip North Gyfiltim eti rccoived Lut isane Will appear in Baltol Ent abott 1801 b to t tbe eioMh- ahd estft Om Afir sviTSoiDg bis stidiM e and tnveUiBg tbro soibe UUle time at Heme Ma bim itod be returned in 1862 lony of Tictoria aiid lesnmed 3j a storekeeper in Ballarafe While at Ballarat he waa geaerally re- as a warn iiiead of the Catbolie prtvateb proreesedio a enter ihe priesUtood The asdiSg hjs bitibeifHS hltB pecuniarily and a few mbntbf ago be came to Sydney where be ployment as a lawyers clerk Tbcee who fewTBjwBnBarwwmrtrTms- The govemMiiiifi bsve uaoflcially an- tionoced tbatitOfBarcell SDde store elidt confeseiCTtJlvm bi Bisliminary examination of riErav Dr N Pearson adye day that be faas opened a dental c Haibkeits New Dni Store 6c NswiiABissr ficd liyadvertl parade on Mon ilsea flltcd npfor iat pnrpoHC opposite tbe DavUon House See advertisemejjt Wins LIDOBS coi and Betail SoDter Trentannonnce 1 days fsttie thst they hwing eold ot tli mg trade to Dr Hackctt purpoat icir attention more particularly t departments of their bueincBS tliucnt 5 izth Batt York tiyned out last week fo tlieir Anuua Drill The Companmustered in good strength and prescntctl a very credit able appearance We understand Captain Boultbee of tliia Company rcccived orders from headquarters on Wednesday morning eo hold hia Comny in readiness for inune- dinte sorvice should necessity arise siVED Just received at Binns Sta- y and Variety Store a largo lot of New tSooOs such as Beads of all kinds Bugle Beads black and wiiite Table Mats Carriage Mats Fansiall kinds of Balls s Chains and Crosses Window Blind Paper i Rubber for lead pencil tops Walk- FarreU Was observed to Tun quickly diately fell forward srg oat i Jd I am shot my back isbrok Sir William MaaaiHg troed hastily wmd upon hewgibo report of tho vblveu and semng that the man who l- just firedbadwmhis weapon tewards CSjiManning he stooped to grt oat of ibfe line of the fire find in doirc so fell This time howeyer the revolver id while OBarrdl was again pistol at tho Prince a genUi man named Vial wbo had tli whole occurrence fan up and pinioned h arms to bis body thus channg the direc tion of tbe wijapon which however ex ploded hitting a Mr Thome in the foot OFarrcilstroggled hcrrf to get free from Vial Bwearirig ficrcely find loudly and in the tnsUe the identity of the combatants became a little confused When there fore the bystanderB who had covered that the Prince had been sbot d in and separi uncerWn which of them was the iin and while the majority of the crowd pitched upon the right Yial was also seised upon and vei laltreated After a while the su cecded in- getting bold of OFanell but not before he bad bei terribly and brut- ally beaten The people called savagel out Kill him I Hang him Lyncl himl and fought desperatly with tbe police to possess thomsclvra oin of his bddy tbe poor wreteh getting a dozen kicu and blows for eveiv yard tbe police progressed down to the wharf The police however at 1 eicooeded i According to assassination of- PrinevAlfied was deter- miiid tipbiiat home in IreUady t2 Fenian organisito atiA itttitions sent out to the branch sueiWy h to execute be taskiW6i wiribua to si6ttotAwlveBit0eiiif0ii nd to- tgein itofinidi thewprk Tlieftwwiwalfiwe all boimd kjift oathsofsetrwyiivi i- 1 ENQ OAIHTWKIS of the Feman that oiganisation pojaktr ioditira took very dewded ftrm Fcaunim became be general objt ofdenmidadoo feeling gpoR assumed a definite and tbe leelwg SpoR assumed a shape In the Assemlily a BiU entprovidi die ewwn andfpr wasjro ducedby the Govenimept providing for ourityof die erown and fpr res80c seditions practices jet further infuriated by a speech which was made by one of their number appeal- to them not to let the aseassin leave I grcd alive But tboMlice was lin victorious and OFarrell bleeding i uijlnBeiou8 from tho injuries he had scived was conveyed to WHITQPURCH COUNCIL Tho abov6Counoilmotat Mr Sex- smiths Inn Sallantnu on Saturday the 16th inst H MemTers preaetit Ewye it t chair Minutes oflast locoting rea4 and ap- proTod- Tbe Reevftlaid ontjiq teblo im extract of the Bf liaw of the Home Bistriot Coun cil of lilatr6g to tho title of tho Roaonl4oUo6iu tho 2ud sion ai mtoox Liikeri surveyed byJotm NplsoD Baa Surveyor Tbo tpteMijt to investigate w James Qormly 1 ported that uiyfoQDd him in need clothing anil ixooompieudcd the Council to mako ifrtnt for that purpose Tho report waa rdlvcd and adopted The oomilleo appointed to examine the road between Lote 70 and 71 in the Ist Conoossioi reported that tho road Mnd on thsaid tJIowanoo ran on ji tion bf Mr Biinbams farm ibr which ho eioimed oompensstion as hohadformany years been deprived of tho use of said land On niotion this report was adopted Mr Qeorga Playter reDortedn the case of HC017 and fiunily to tho of feet that thdy wore sending thoirobildron to fiobool ao doing wbat Uioy oould to support bomsolvee and tho owisUnoe gifted bytbooouDoil Report Voluoiteers tor Frontier Servloo CsptAijis of volunteer oompan adopted Rooeivcd and wad tho petition of B W Lehman an others for a Tavom Cortifl- eatefor Saiauol Fiodrier at Ujngwood with tbe names of Samuct Lohihan and Stephen 1 htniuo assurctioB for the same Swiw accoSM- Also tho applioation 9wo9hua BartfortfieofBoeofoollootor nuning iho sureties for tho sabe wlilcli was liud ove Ar ftarthor oodoration Also ft obQinnioatioD ftoiQ the Clerk of BaBtQwiUipibuT7fltUiig that that Coun cil had granted 50 to oxmded on tho Town Line between hoBO Townships at tho 6th and 6th Oonocssions on oondi- tioD that Wbitoburoh Couooll grant alike Sealing Wax Boys Wheelbarrows Waggons Ifooiis Liaee and Floats works Tissue Paper Inkstands n vei pcrlor quality of EnvclopcH Work Bo iid l tropir busjocssflnoi9 loD was verified to tbo fuUcst cxtvnt roadingtlio bright Wea put forth in thoi inrograpli for Qur patllQular benefit tdncd in the smnll portion of redding in In his littlo paper last week Wc give verbatim for tho fun of tbo few who may bavo Men thU last great effort of his sho ing tho manner ho practises xtrutfy ai thinks right to deal wlUi tho nrticlu la n Othor paper ho has boenia discusalon wil and tbo way ho takes to crcop out of a 00 trovorsy We should like to know whotb anybody can see any point with regard tho quoatlon at Issue In this extract as be has put it vlsi whether Aurora was the most proper place north of Toronto for u oatoffl savings bank Wo have handled type agood many years for all sorts of itwms and artlelos but this beats all Wc odvlsu him to try eMviwe mime prorewUMwl Myl TniM are seven hundred racohdrses In traloing at Hewmaket I I9 rumored in military olrcles tha lengths system of purchasing coinmiwioas in tho army will be bollshod Tnaii tenanU of the Ute Mr Eothe Haugh are in custody at llHUlngar c charge of being concerned in the Burder of the better aceui thebelter suppn and attempts This Bill was passed through- three readings and receiTOd1he assent of the Upper Houe and of the Governor in twentytfous hoBrasrJbe ordinary buanes8 of the Hoebeisus- ponded for tbe purpose Thetiia has been extlymtfly short OFarrells counsel rested their defenoe wholly on the ground of tbe insaaityof the prisoned declimng to dute tbe fact that OFeli rely atteinra tbelife of the Prinoe or to discuss tbe qutstion whether the crime possessed any palliat ing features In suprl of the theory of insanity bis sister and eenra of bid larat acquaintance were eallbdj bot their dence amply proved that- OFanell had a veiT hard drinker that be bad been in a state of delirium tremens qb two or three occaisioiu and that besufiued om a form of epilepsy TbejiuWabtafaoat to thenTelumfwitb a verdict of gnil The Judge in pag sesteneeof deatb addressed tboprisoBeras fiUo8cnry James OFan thfejnry bavofovnd you ilty Under the inftrmatioD wMcb tho own preferred against youthat is of from the grbnnd and convcycd to his pri vate tent He was evidently in great pain and once or twice askod the gentlemen who were bearing him along to carry him man to insure them that he much hurl and would be bettor presently An examination of his wound however showed it to bo a very serious ono and indeed it is strange that tbo bullet enter ing where it did an inch or two to tho right of the spine about the middle of tho back did not produce instant death or at any rate more serious results than it has done In describing tho sensation bo felt when tbo bullet stmok him tho Princo said it seemed to bim as if he were lifted froi tho ground The day after tbe panio Henry Jami OFarrell was arraigned before a special court in tbo debtors prison Barlingburst Jail Mr II H Vosa presiding os mas- trato Most of tho members of tho suifo of tho Princo together with tho Governor and soverol of tbo ministry wero present Tho prisoner presented a very horrible lulsivo appcaranoe Tho loft side appcaranoc of his nee was ftightfully swollen and tho right side cut and braised in eeveral plat Hlsr olosec only partly opened Bis crably swwlenwd distort down the front of thatfiguro outopon His lips word also Bwollod A very few witncssM wore oxaminod and their ovi- donoo gave tbo sameaccount of tho afiwr as that detailed above Tbo euperinteo- dent of Poliw testified that after ho had taken into eustodytbo prbonor had said Ive made a mesa of it and all for no good but it oant be helped now ad ding subsoquontly i am a Fenian j Iyo dose my duty and am not allVaid to die aid may Qod save Ireland It was twtifiod that io addition to tho rovolvor with which bo shot at tbo Priitoo and wbioh W found on tboicnio ground an other six shooting revolver loadod was fqund upon him afUr bis capture Tho weapon wbtoh ho firod was an Amorioan rcVolvcr bearing to name of Smith Wesson Massachusetts After thb testny hidboontakon tho prlsonor was tRd to stand up and then askod if fie had anything osay replied without heutatidn I have noth ing to say but that the tau of oxoouUi the Duke was sentout and alloUed tomc Tho eirown solicitor asked him to jtiim tho Princo sent out to mo but I failed and am very sorry that I d ftU That b all I have to say OFarrul wm thou formally oommittod to take his trial before a spoola court H J OFarrell began lifo asa storo deUtiv ridiul to murder bim and bappilv for yen in ibtf portion in which yod oraplacedyiyoubaTO been ably defended by tbeiceaDsef who ap peared for you The jury have well ton- have fell tbemsel bound toietura a diet against you from tbe evi dence adduocd I know notbii nor can I know anything of your previous life which might surest to any remarks I can only see before mo a man In health strength and tiger who delibwately at tempted to toko the life of a food and youtiiful sou- our beloved andrevercd Queen Before I procccd presenUy to pass the sentence of the court kt me be- seech you by every romemtamce of what has been virtuous or gpod in your f V be in your heart to reflect upou the wide amount of sorrow and suftringwbicb your cruel band would have caused if your murderous design bad been sacceesfn Consider what unutterable horror and shamo would bavo fallen cpoo thu cohaj if tbe providential care of Almighty God had not defeated your attempt Coolein plato tbe awf gri aagviab of tlio Quoen if one of her beloved and innocent children innocent evenofauyertlthoui against you or any other human being had been thus torn by your ruthlesshand V ftom her widowed heart a anehTeflections a 1 especially it ibilfty of hot have originallj led yon to your crime Although happily your mmdcreoa in tent was not accomplished I bold ontto you not the least ho of remission of tbo sentence of death Tor not only aibl un ablo to disoover any oven tho sKgatesI ion like you whose evil hoarts may he harbouring and nursii umilar mu derous intentions aad traitrcua dosiCTs shotild m taught by your sad ihtenpw swiA onomBgaDd stcimis tho punisent whiob all dvilited Dations must inflict u such a terriblo crime as youTB Let me again exhort yoQ to make tho best use of the short time that may rwain to you b life end at onoo apply to those ministers of religion wbo maj willingly asBbirjoja ia- yourfeorrowfiu modltattons It oqlyrin fbr me now to pronOunoo tho of the bnr A tho crime which you have been coo- victOd j The prisoDcr while the Judge was a dres htolisteDe with perftetcalm nesi 011 berMlit aiBoftica being the jpiw of4iU kve and sow and then alli ireUuloui quiver ef tba m 4Mof the lowgr pari of the Ihoc Ho 0xpT0B8MideslTet6tiiidce9ee6bbk rcmaiDod throughoat I I 1 I ARCHIVES OF QNTARIOI TORONTO

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