mm cjUMJijjf m inKbxMkiiyVlm BTny booM ia iBhfop rprtS SlS55SRtL aST mmm WttMollfIS9M4tl WrtUBjtand 88 K C8MBt iKk brown vus i Jdrf tiw oeeex UAe efiu AMw K thTwUS ne oMb gyrezoi Ui rMetttiuBis iu lielaf rouTt tnoUiimiRiA- Motaad SmrXice twetal vjiaR rabiWcbiwM ali iTodf ifR BtUdtoi tcvbotefBMtM ireu Hled i For on rkaevoald Orer tiw pelUe ftikt mei b16w AU OT the buk wm m Of thfiTioleUgUstenlagiiiSi And thick as BtaraLn the jeweled On Hamsh the meadow an orer the hill Br the palh that led that mj OnthToagfathemttdowaBddowsbr the mill euB the fot wboH 1 waited then I knew so tot W9nld Sweet d aliir Twin UtUe hew daln they t Bright efei glancing dogn Tean hare gathece ibe aeeds they cat And flfd lik a romd of dmas 7et Chat April day far buk in the post How wondroQai it sevms 1 Where thepaaiUooinaitd thevioIeigrowB ABd the liTOlet wander by 0hrlghered flowery do 0 liiod is bnsth store chill For the sweet fomeyesaiulegold brown And the lp tMt aR buhed and tUU i bTitezttmdjreooBtaDtoharsottfr Coarse liirnl whisken indi- gte powerful injisd paeaA vitb tfae higbeek capaiaty for mootli and bau denotes smea enta FiDeBlWeapeliairiBthemaik of tdeUoate and 8aisttetajieDent and speaks iaftTOor of deootfe lymftio and iadolait oonsUtntion and ire may add thafe beside tbeee there are cbemioal atiaUiiea reeidingu tile colouring matter of b4irtijbe wbich vadoabtlf bare some appa ihe- duposition Tbna redhaired people are notonoQslypanati ifowrdhair tis prOT by abalysiff to conain- a large amooot of snlphnr nbilo black bair is coloured with almost pore carbon Tbe preseaoe of these mattera in tbe blood Pisftllatcoits The Engliah and Irish Etoldier A writer in the JfonUeurdttSoirvea foUowmg deseription of tbe Enisb Irish Boldiera of the British EDishman properly so ced has bnt little taste for tbe profesugn of arais bat be sobnffi into the habit and for tbe abpre all oere hjbitsoonTecoiae8sec6bdaatuie Once drUl ioBtracty he db admirably tell vhyer be do He marches with perfect nolarity ilnidgt like anaatoma Ml md he mwrai HopderM preciaoD a marksman be ts astODish- ing true powder is abundantly Applied to himfcfr practiw He obeys with re- marlqe ponotiulity he is actly njUed to the port he is put j he nerer stirs from it With respwt to ib perhaps a dieter peBculdgite a shrewd gness at the madir of a man or womans ipoaiticA by only seeing the back of their what slow pn Ae ofcnslTe Ue rMoirea to commuded and directed He baa inspiration tinder fire B mi get prwBe orders which fie will en cute punctually He is somewhat of grambler whicih by the waj is ho great laolt He ia not expaDsive yet be is more noisy and bostiing than one would suppose In a word he is a solid com- batADt and one of the good soldiers of Europe thooghit is sot bis vocation that hiB brought him under colon So muQb for thfe Englishi for the IrisbUau- The IrisbmoD is more warm and im- puUive in bis iotfirconrsc with others than the Euglishman He is quite as braTc but he 18 a little too fond of whiskey he is very ignorant consequently supersti tious fantastic and rough Bat he has an excellent heart he b devoted and does not want a certain ardour which tbe gene ral temperament of the army prevents utilising Moreover le has the intelli gence of the cowbit and gets quite im- passiopd in it It is to the Irish soldier that are owing certain chan which no body expcctd so little are theyin the British character The cketch would not be completo without the Scotchi and we gave hu eketch in a receot naiu- Chlldretu Children are tbe dvilisers of huriiaDity I upon gag has a omile and a kind word for the small curly pate who calls him Father Tbe most vnlgar of mankind immersed all day wd gry of pal- meat shows grains of good wncn dancing bis little ones upon his knee at home Their preaenoe ts better than that 3 ell lis that it would be better to hare a mitUtone tied about our neck aud be drowned in the than offend against Ihoir inuocenoe No gentleman no man worthy pf tbe namei bnt feela himself re- strained from violence of words or actions Their simplioity is far ntore nCtractive than the acoomplisbmenta of older folbs their igDorance more deiigbtfol tban meos Uaramg there is Ho j joiU iiid withoulTalloy as their ec Is bo pathos like the reasonableMOf a ebQd Tbink for instaiiee of Mme little me it is a common ease enoogh lottlo MiidoB greets du vitb the rotr tnd Sof tb afV4id to inoV AfriEd to IooUbi la orm pusbg for bar nether a only a tttfttf geri preMtA tbsi eentre of kn pitffwime nerdy MMowvHi ltertlesss ttMtterease-otWdtris- the jt jm a9 wUt be beloved the more for be who xouiti pUei cian and CatlgueB Us lr t otber articles of known antiqui have already been procnredio Abysar the Bridah Vosecm T labour market of Hew 7ork which has been inijcdepressed for a long time It cannot be enforced President of DeMJ Cpaunon Cftwcil le a good apelier oer day he on hldroU heftb i pnbUe prt ne are tdblgffOMiuW Is threatened but ot among the Eitnalistio ptacticei lyt agUbarmchMlaiMm Hin4o8t n 9oniVteseitiitwdd fentoiigSeKei Qirfs toopjj and discipline is said to be serionsly imperil Atbby wsedeaTODrgto cross the truk Ivms We like that strong robust expressioD No 01 having attired it in sincerity was ever i mein crying man The pigmies of the world did not troable him though they rose in masses to pull down He speaks and the indomitable wiU pre- HU enei fail before him H9 ridee forth a coiueror Would yep be great Would you be distingoished for your Bcientis or literary attainments Look not mourpfblly at your lot bat yrith I will bribing from yoiir barsting from a peat h prevail ghow ns the point yoa tfcaj gropins fugimioh who trembles at tbe appnh of a and faints beneath a thunder cldnd Let the fires of ener play through yora veins andif ymrthoiights are directed inrigt els you will i istarUe the slumbermg How to Cook a Hnsband As Mrs Glass said of the hare yoa must firet catch him Having done bo the mode of cooking him so as to make agood dish of him is as follows Many good haa- bandsire sroil in the soine ife goabdutit as if their husbarids robladderSjand blow them up othei keep them constantly in hot water whilst others freeze them with conjugal coldness smother them in hatred contention variance and some keep them ii pickle all their Uvea These women a ways serve them op with tongue eaace Now it capnot be supposed that husbands will be tender and good if managed in this way But they are on the contrary very delicious when managed as follows Qet a large jar called thfe jar of carefulness which all good wives have on hand place your husband in it and set him near the fire of conjugal love let the fire be pretty hot but especially let it be clear above all let the heat be constant cover him over with affection kindness and subjec tion garnish with modest becoming fa- miliarity and a spice of pleasantry and if you add kisses and other confectionaries let ihem be accompanied with a eufficieut portion of secrecy mixed with prudence- and good sense We shonld adviee all good wives to this recipe and rlite how admirable a dish a husband is when properly cooked Speak Kindly to thy Mother Young man speak kindly to thy mo ther and cortcously tenderly of her But a little time and you shall see her no moro for ever Her eye is dim i her form is beut and her ebadow falls ward the grave Others may love you r fondly but i while time is testy boyhood ahe bora patieitly with yoor thDUghtleetf rvdesa etf DQfs yon safely through a whole lion of Ills audpainsaDdmaladios Herhiodbsthed watohiog sleepless by yonr oooeh as nooe buUhe oald watob 0pe9c not her darner lightly for yoa eaoiiot live Mrsaswonld suffipejlfiyDK hrough reekless and linpatleat is your eouoseUor tird solabe uJ s sank rapidly and died the athlete of extnordln ntade hi ipeaianee all eBofboi Theatre London He makes a fall swing t 9nly byJOs teeth J add hanging by hU feet head do be sma three men depending the strengU pf big wnstp A PBDtTZBs Toibt AtaPrinterafeetiTal loweU Mftfs ttie foljcwing toa rent tradea B he 4arwnter i The Printer the r with 1 Bettioj I hi r olumns be ndthe doctor in a 6 big cases and brats the parson igement of the devil BGBist Davy a dUtingnished English er at the time of Lojd Manfleld being called to acco his bretberri ireBtem circuit for diagrulng the i fesalbn by accepting silver of a client he pUed I took silver because I could not gold bnt I took every sixpence be hat yonidint call t dMgjttSjjrofes Newspaper can drop thesamVdtitintoa thousand mJnal same moment A newspaper is i viserSrbo does not reqnire to be sotgh comes to you without distracting yoi vate affairs Newspapers therefore b more neceisa in proportfonasnjen become more equalindiyiduals andmore to befea To suppose that they only serve to profisc freedom is to diminish their importance they maintain cldlization I SIT mister did youseea dog com by here that looked as if he were a year c a year and a half or twof years old t said Yankee to a countiyman at the jotid side y JeBsaid the countryman thinking bin selfqnisged He passed about an hour o an hour and a half or tWp honra ago and i now a mile or a mile and a half or two mile ahead and he had a tail abont an inch g I and t ja or twi Thflfll do said the Yankee j me a foot or fwt and a half The strike or lockont of tbe op mouldeni of Scotland after lasUn weeks li 4600 or an average payment of jCsoo p week aid throwing upwards of 1800 person out of work has terminated by the Unjon ai ceptingthe MudiUoi Association alaled in i uarySnd The employer ia the judge of tb kind of bands and of the number and age the apprentices hesball introduce Into h foundry and of the kind of work whethi piecework or otherwise at which laborers ither hands shall x employed jAU shop in e Uniot Ironfou 3 io be ree of all rcatrlctli I whether they may be Scotland i and open fi Unionists i Tiu Lieoesr Desobibid Sbasi Mr Speke in his work on the discovery of the sources of the Kite thus describes the death snake of the boa species shot by his tra ing companion Captain araot- I shud dered as I looked upon trcmendousdylngstrength Foryardsatonnd where he lay grass and bushes and saplings and in fact everything except Uie iore fully grown trees were cut clean off as tho they had been rimmed with an imm scythe Tbg ootistrwhenmwai flftyne ft two Md a half inotics In pi tremelengib while round ihe tbfekest por- Uonof his body the gWh was neatly throe ffet J thus proving I believe to be the larg- est serpoat that was ever autbentlcally hi Bwjinpt WoBTB O Taomm Douia Hie Ohio OuMiator sayi the following ccfptiflworthone ihpoeaiuldoUarsto every teei Tih Dnt jpftniid 6l iaijoda and half A pound of unilaeked lime and pot them lSjgaJleivof water mlii utei let it sUnd till cool then dratn off sinillJag orJlr soak your c clothes over btgbt or notll they are throQgbi then rintheia ouaod ret of aoAp and iti one tlieof ihi old well covtwith water add one ieacupfbl of boUbiiiranhonrlriIv then thorongbly one ituds risA aild jam Uothes Srill bek old w7 of washla0 twloe beferM Is ft tTalvtbl sd stdijwomaoionldtTyit iTEATtS BXEOtTTED at NEViAIKET COtlMEI OFFICE I IM IV T jE3 aft toKSBISER STATIONER alciUTerylaai Cutlery XnwaiufflBrfraSmS vUllvJyR Aiar i- r ii Alatia graertl aubrtmeniof 4 CABINET WAKE TBIMMINGS MAHOGANV Iron Steel Anvil8 Vices piieigv Clroular Crosscut Eeyliols Comgus Vellpe aaVeh FIRMEB SOCKET DUCEBILI AND TDRNlNa OEmUi VLiim IRONS BBACM AND BITTg AMS HAB 8CW 3elxelTai JbLaiXdwaxe i QrindstoneiOrswW- OH PKM StreKbiH totter B8ius Pip AW Coombs TOOAJ and Soop Shooeh LeteU Moicela fec COOKING PABLODB AND OTHEB f Steaix Engines aid Boilers Gearing A17D DEALEB IN AU EINDS OF Ooods W aree C ttCf 9 GAN AATIOL O T B JE PUROSASEP CHEAPER IN NEWMABEET OB ANY OTHER PLACE Ltdgert JoimaU iDaBooktaUtize9 Blank Boola School Book NoU Booki Copy Book Exereite and BookKeeping Book TinttBopki Rvled Letter Pap Large Medium d Small EnvelopepaU Peror Cardboard White and Cojoiffedf Bookmark- AUtort of Plain Famy and Coloured Paper Card Poitardi tc Blotting Paper BiU Paper Letter Pile PenPin Point d Broad Poinitj PencUi Penholder Waen Sealing Wait Mvcilage JnkRed Blue and BlaeJt 2nkttandi Several hind Pocket Book Pvrte Elattxc Band PencEraten Paint BffJxtjCameVa Hair PenciU Album in Great VariUy Bead AU Sizt 6 7ok Bane Wood and Steel Knitting Crotchet and SeiDing Ifle Tatting Shuttle Pocket Dreiing and Fine Combt in variety Button Fattenert Ladies Portolio Work Boxe in variety MarbUiCflaii Stme ami China Top Boll Toy Fihhook Line and Float Belt Buckle dc THE FOLLOWINQ AND SUPPLIED ON THE BBOBTEBT NOTICE AT LOWEST PBICBB BOW SELLS LSistrki Ms FAMILY nSBALD GOOD WOBDB LONDON SOCIETY ENQLlBnirOHANS DOUBSTIQ SVifPAt AT nOHB YOVm LXDIBS iOVRNAL aVNDAY UAGAZINB BNQLim UEQBIC QODBY SUBbBUORET FRANK lESLIS BALLOVS MONriTir BOtJlSTD TO ORDBB WAC N if A ibkiiir o b c li i e bMatbw 8J 1867 OFFICE ItI BiUJind t greatly to your adoantage to call and tee thi ttock kers Planes Ac heoTt purckatingi Straw Hats Cleaned Dyed and Altered Trimmed Bonnets Trimmed Hats Feathers RibboDB Mantles MILLINER Mantle and Drees Embroidery Silks Embroidery Cottoni Berlin Wools Braids Beads i and Childrens Underclothing SHOP CORNER MAIN WATSON IVewmarlcet Out IVE WMRICET NELSON CORHAM MANUPACTUBEE OP Woollei Cloths of Every Description DEALER IN WOOL THE BEST YET J J HODGE RE SATISFIED PROM OP THEIR BUSINESS THAT THB d Cheapest COOKING PARLOUK HALL BEDROOM In this set Poundriee PoundrieB f thecouolr- Selecting as the do llhtf FJrt01aeeStTea tbe bes vace they are eatidcd that not equalled b any other Pots id Dlpp liowK OalTanjEed Pails Boup LadlUB Bpodhs Spring I Skewers o Japanned Tea Trays SerrersjreadSerrerty Cash Deed Cake Tea and Sugar Boxes Tea and Ooffee canister Candlesk Ao STOVE inTJIllVITrrUaEJ Is indisputably the bfst you cau get anywhere They also kep the TUT COPPER SHEET IRON JAPAlJll AND PRESSED WARES- PIMN i FANdY SCaJtS Dish OorrJcjfirotIdA- Planished Donblo EoMleA Ssaaelled PorpelaJs Xinaedwd Block Tin aud BrIUnala UetalTeaaud Coffee Black IroQ Saaeepaas Wiougbt IrovJTtaned nd Untlnued FiyJngPanSaidor Bmooth Ing Irons Sad Irbn Coffve FomuM Wire StSTei Seroen sitd Fly WTMCoW and Sheep Bells Sheetaito QrA4UaBrts Seed lIoppoM Cast IroBPdmps Blaek wd fiUok lAd V Iron Ham Bbllets AgrlcQltat Tea Settles b Enamelled Porcelain Preseirl Ac Ao Ae Liibrlcatlhfgr Coal Oils Lamptft BURNSSa OntMNSf WIOKS ui In i v U All of which they wni sll as Cheat jU else They areyreifiitd jtt Improieo riaas- idone m a t Hr Pyllonlar atteoUpn paid to iohhio Farmer B iopper WM Lead and taken In exee- Cwb palfl for f- I9 A OAtit SPKOIAlLT SOLIOIXBS AND SATISPT TOTOByWgp Wirt IB8T BBiaK eTOBB OF ifS W WIIilli V Deceoiteraitestc IaRCHIVES of QNTARtOl toronto