Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Courier, 7 May 1868, p. 3

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f regr joldbomlTBre8ponslble foithe rersaiT of the natal day reign Qneen Victoria u 1 bamblj isUndfiiitpon est that the iDhabitats llage ahotad bestir tbem- uigement for a JabUmt got ap by tie villagers last yea ftrndi were collected to enabli denonshaUon sjiitable the balance might I omniittee could o tlittthfie avtibiisedfibii dying out ud that force L on the What th It is to be inferred th no method of otginiring volwitiBis ppaaiTaeTthst the YOQih of Canada Uclt tiie pride of coon vhich is only solid foundation of milita system If this were the caaej aU aiiemes of defence might be abandonfortjith for defence would be impeete But qoeries do not indicate the truth The re pause of the abatement of interest in tiielloes of Btwoof the Tolraitcer Bystem a now eaistijigj ia the want of Qovernme The Militia Department may not have in- policy has been to discourage andren the TOlunteeM Ijetpoliy reyeraed let the Tolunteers be susaiin- and stimulate aa eaalj it may be by asures much lesacqatly than conscrip- n or fortification arid Canada will eooi possess an organazation quite equal to aoj probable emergency Beyond this protis ion any parade of defenaire meaaurea will io more harm than good d that the good loyal and inhabitants oC tinpUted object- Proceed t Gajiadfi and its Defences many of it pablic men persists in ap proaching the question of defence froin a point of Tiew utterly uasuited to tht positioa of the country or the habits anc circumstances of its people They seen to forget that it ia possible to cherish the most profound attachment bo British iu- slitutions and the most devoted loyalty to British connection without accepting infallible the dicta of statesmen who trith its system ideas incompatible cieocy and that the first f the Dominion repeata tbe ider and aggravates it by an maive and futile policy in the matter of fortifications We do not forget that a certain expen diture on account of fortifications form one of the articles of the agreement entered into with the Imperial attthorii oectloQ with the scheme of provincial Union That however is one of the mis takes of the notiatioD which the con stituents of the provmctal negotiators may properly submit for revision The Im perial purpose is undoubtodly patriotic It is intended to interest the people of the Dominion in measures of defence which directly conccra their own welfare 1 objection 3 that the particular measi proposed the constrtiction offortifieatii volrea literally an cnonnoos waste money The fbrtificafions may be built but they will not protect Canada froi of perhaps spoi They may increase the Becuflty juple of places and may of retreat for the Imperial Uooft bal county they will be worthless 7 then it is duty of the Dominion tore to carry out the compact ente the home authorities it may with perfect propriety ask them for a re eration of so much of the bargain evidently agreed npon in ignorance side and under the influence of inconsid- erate impulse on the other The sul is Bot one of life or deatb It may out detriment to anylwdy but possible iractors be postponed until next j And Parliament may meanwhile direct the of correspondence with thi BxlUsh Government with the view o showing tbt as wurcca of eecnrity for the Provinces the poposed fortifiicatic will not be worth the coat of construti The bcfife Byetem of defesce wh Canada can adopt is a policy that will tract population arrest the steam of em- graUon from the Provinces themselves promote the contentment and prosperity of the population and encourage the spirit 9f patriotio and milHary ardor whtoh has iTorkedsowondrousIyio the United States Whether Sir George Cartierrealites these considerations or not we presume not tn say But most certainly the Mili MmMoaieo iB M yerty impOTUat tliU aftanoon ui tlu oanut of Bfidolpls ind Well sti ltndifietoiBad TU peixtimof ate thj voarably iaaceof thai may be 8t entraaoe to the hall and your moofitidFemu ricke fil- correspondent ban to m hhtaa Several flights presence of the F Bl The dir and ncsleoted appearance of the interior of the hwaf a BigiuficahiQdi- cation of what tEise patriodo Irifllnnen were willing tq endure for love of the native country As you cloee the dooi after you you are brought face to face with s staring advertisement headedi- Bally for IxeTand annouBcing that a this vnll be the only chance to hear th distinguished soldier Gen John ONell who humbled the British pride upon the crayon picture of an engagement between some Ii and British soldiers with one alajo on each side about a hundred bayo nets a haversack case with the inscription Who fears to speak of the Irish bu lie a tumbledown stove a writing desi A Brilliant Campaign The New York Timet speaks in this way of General Napiers success in Abys- i OntoMagdaa haabaiout- is loudly by someof theBngfiahpapera ing the last six months as On to Bichmond was shouted by some of the jan papers in the early days of our fen Napier however who is by one or two brilliant strokes he reaches the climax of his remarkable cam paign and brings the war to a victorious So far as we barebeeh able form an opinion of the conduct of opera- ons it has indicated co i-mili- he New York Serald says- The meqcement of this druggie was due idrely to the folly and barbaric of Thcodorus Folly and barbarim have again and in a very emphatic manner bn taught at what levelto place them selves in themodem world The supposed apregniible fortress of Magdala has been iptured the prisoners are at liberty and Theodonis the fool and the tyrant is no All tbb has been accomplished id difficulties believed by many to imountable without the loss of a single life so far as we know the facts the pm of the Invadlisgftfreer The snlt triUmplinbt fiplj tocivilization but to something within civilization to ikilful generalship and firstrclass military training All the world rejoioea that the prisoners are free few ret that Theo donis has perished and fewer sUll have sorrow that the original objects of Uie ex pedition have been so easily accomplished gtr Bobert Napier has eanwhile won golden opinions and ha ored himself not only worthy of the illustrious family to which he belongs and I gen ration bu the front ranks ofhe military commanders of all has proved himself a master of the grandest of all economies the economy of human life The New York Sun say It is said that the English will immediately retire from the country satisfied with having defeated the army and killed the Kin We trust that this will not be the ordi of the British Government The presence if an English force and of British influ- nee in that part of Africa would be of dvantage to civilization and coulc bably 1 made to pay We hope misu that the authorities of Downing street will csolve to take permanent charge of Abys- fmia What an attractive idea to add th dominions of the Queen of Sheba to th ih Empire The opportunity onghV not to be wasted general scope promote the t principle it is the n I like ibat scheme iU tendency is to deler strangers from seekmg homes in Oaoadab add to he motives wbiohal- ready e numbers o Oanadiana to try their fortunes elaewbere and to discoarage nd crush out the volunteer system which Mone is compatiable with the genius of this coQtineDt Ewept wdftr the of totuaj war there cap be no excuse for importing t odious obaracteristio V of the military systems of Europe Coa- BonptioD u subletted to there mply be- cauae there U nojeaoape ffom it it endured like oUier ev6 that ore foi time bevitable But the podtioa of Canada the spirit of its pwpfe aod tho case with whfob migration is Coming Again General ONeil is stumping thi for the purpose of stirring up the Fenians to make another raid on Canad Hewaa in Chicago the other day and the Post thus epiks of bis visit The exdtement was intense ai not subside Gen ONeil stepped for ward and commenced bis spccch which was an urgentappeal to Irisjbmm to enrol themselves again ready to march at upon Canada In appcaliog to them to take the field he said ready to plaoe onr army in the field Are yob if Chicago ready Cries of Yes Then if you are when next we unfurl the green mg it shall not be Airl again come back Shall we give up the cause because we did not Bttcc in June 1866 The men wl thinkso are not fit to take part in such it and the they leave oi ranks the better We want men who will not give op even though defeat and di- r ftare them in the face In coDcloeioD the shaker sd that the question wanto bo testdj aud the names would be enroled of eam aj ready jand williog to joiotheamyatooce Uow many are there hero who are willing to us Immediately At least 400 hands wer raised Bach sbali not tiienueT8we wfst to form into a civil oigftDisatioa to take care of the wives I od ohildrcp of those who go Tho til wbi I wished to enrol tbdr names were dt 1 to todi-FipiaDnkusVT- I lod the audieoce diejMrsed nnt tbe West the mffians ai luing prepmtlMia for a repetmon r foMuE attempt In June 1866 prepared mplete tents oLthe nKiwTMCtrepfJha Circlerthwe fbur intbeci dped aefetuig by dngihe au3iMi to up their benches around the table when the object of the meeting was plained which was to effect a n thorough organisation of t dlffereti Ihe purpose of rendering more rice to the Brotherhood in its ise against the British Empire ividently for the purpose of correctmg erroneous ideas enterted by his ce assured th at some length that the wofkbefore the of ovi wing the British Empire was dB play He had recently had an i iew with Gleneral ONeil and th a many things of importance of which he could not speak in an open assembly ike that but were caution themselves in rdiness to aci called upon and that they would be called upon sooner than any of tl lemhera had aay anticipation that thei ould be eleven State Conventions he ithin the next thir days that th should soon strike the enemy somewhere and that the American Government would had done heretofore made by several persons present and were listened to with earnest openmouthed One speaker remarked I came here not to make speeches nor to give exjJanation but to assist with my mea and my hands if required and work place assigned me by proper Anoth said Iwod rather be sunk in the bottom of h 1 than have it said that indifferent to the interests of Ire- t such a time as this Still an other sad We have come here to aid you and if we do not go ourselves to send jy to the eaa and assist those who do go B were opened for each lirele in the city The results however Tere not flattering only eight persons ipplied for membership D I BJB P 0 RTIAWI O NSl JftrntarM AptUlVWW NOTICE 18 HEREBY CoMil oJS Ifevision DAT or xT aszT Tro oclock PH IN THE COURT HOUSE iBfimentofw ke notice cordingi f beario Appeals against jt n5 PURK jjl HAIRJ11p1 AND OTHKB 14ABKBT8 v A iargequantity 0 staple and FANCY DRESS GOODS AS THESE GOODS WERE BOUGHT FOB CAS And Imported Direct we are prepared ud will pffer STJIEIIIOB I To those bujing from os SIGN OP THE BIG X At the sign of the Big T ft KBW STOCK OF THE MOST PASHIONABLB HOOP 8KIBTS BUBE EASBI80N A Oottags tfjfWt SITUATED on GorhamSfeet Apply to tharle8 SorbELm or toHr FluUip Cook Binood PO Newmarket April 1 18ft8 It Village Lot For Sale The underaigoed offers for WdiaTer low price the Lot opposite B Murrap Waggon Shop fKing Lot No 14 north aid of Simcoe Street For terms aiulparticnlar apply to NELSON JOlteBON A m Strut evmar or to tnt rSSfil What every Panne AND OUGHT TO Hi Tl Snbscriber is manofctteg Hanw the BoW right ft mng them in tliis part ofthe couitrr All kinds of fanning implements o md made to order aU and etamiM for tourulf at I Shop 6n Main Slriet JAS 8 WETHEBELL UEHOEAKDUK HORSE BILLS BARGtSfS M We now oibr remaiadwr o j- S lD 0 T E 1 At Oo AND BVBRYTHIHa IN TOT HARDWARE LtNE AT FBICE6 Mlore Satisfaotory W Than can be obtained ebewhere The Wholemut PoiHlvely be Cleared Out To tave expense of moving SYBS ELVIDGE S OUTER TRENT MAIN 8TBEET NEWMARKET GROCERS TEA DEALERS HANUf ACTUBEBS QINGEE WINE ORANGE TONIC SYRUPS c Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents Try Souter Trents A SOUTEE Newmariiet Uay 6 186B Tea Coffee Ginger Wine Syrups Groceries Money to Loan A BOULTBEB J H JOHNSONS Blind Door and CALL FBOM BUILDEBS SOLICITED U L D I N G S Custom fantnp done nt any time SHOP Comer Mill Raglansta NEWMABKBT A BIETHS riteitb Row Glasgow Scotianc I April M J F of THE BEST STYLE The Latest Designs of Cuts COURIER OFFICE B township of Vapghan bushel Icas hgahel Company Order No 6 Company 12th BaitAlIlon Volun- teer Uilitia vlll parade at their Armoory ON SATURDAY THE 9th INSt o commenco their eight days Annual Drill hen every member must attend bringinfj Ith tbenall clothea and aecoutromeitte i A BOULTBEB Caplain No 6 I2th Salt NBAny men wishing to Join the Com pany on or before Saturday next will be able to homMlvas In drill recoiv log vmarket Uay 0 1668 BOW AND OTHER UAOAZINES Couana Ortioi BRITISH WARJSHOUSE n NEW sraiNa aooDs WM A B ORR IMPOETANT TO PAIEMEES rjlHESubscri with Mb MAHoDiiM wlio wijl have alwaj on iiafad a larg supply of Plough which h annfecturers prics merely nd transportation either for Ch ilBLg LEVER QANQ PLOUGH euperiority of hie Plough orr all other Gang PloughBcan bercddity itfcn Ihc liead of tiie Plough is one invhlJghertban others are so constructed tbet thTpiough can be raised si inohcs out of the ground and thoa one firm to another wiiiioul STATIOlirBEY BTATIONBAY J VERY GOOD AND CHEAP CANADIAN NATIONAL SERIES READING BOOKS 1 Aulhorited bff thi Countil Pubtte fm iott PiBsr B drmuftraiioni etr bound in limp cloth Fire cents Fiaar EooKSnd Part ikluitnUoni strong ly bouod in linp oloth Ton benls Suoro Bow fiff UlBrtnttolff ptriog1y bourn in clom boar centa T OooA 41 illuitratlODS strongly bonnd in clow boaidi Thirty cente Foara Go40tUutctlotrQbouad In olott Fortf cenU Ftm hdoK si illutratlons stroogly bound Inchb9lto Fifty cepta t 4 f ifT aiiiNi I OourkrOau I KeFOurket Fb Otf STAPLE a FANCY DRY GOODS LADIES IRESS GOODS GASffMEJlES VELVETEENS REPPS BROADOLOTHS EMPRESS CLOTHS VESTmOS EXHIBITION CLOTHS TWEEDS DOESKINS c e c A large stock of clothing HEAVY STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Y Acc SOME VERY CHEAP JOB LOTS IN 8T0CK- Two reason crcdiUiFirat no largo prolite t why W ft A B Osa ran and uill aoll Cheaper than houses giving long e buy for Caiih in the beat marlcete Second We scii for Cab and need cover losses WM A B ORR JUST ifas o to v B i i GERMAN WINDOW CORNICES OTJRTAII SANDS K2701B co Another Lot of Cutlery Plated Goods amtJINE ROOUESTER OOOPMB TRUSS HOOPS I 1 Oase Xcitent XeY9rsi1ble OILB fAINTB WOpIVAIlB o PUB OTOVES Aisrip TINWARE I WlTtl TBB ABOVE STUl BXOSt8 TIf qiAlltr AND OUBAPNBSB ANT tN TUB DOMINION Mp Be Idnd enough to call and aKetfsinrloei before purchailng SYKE8 4 ByiDOB NeWnarket March 11 18S9 124 JUST PUBLISHED The CANADIAN SPEAKER OCUTIONARY READER OMPBISIKG a Choice Collection of Ora- J tions Dialogues and Poetry suitable Tor School and College Recitations and Fob Intiuctory and College ial Reading Mon to L MONEr TO LEND atRocedRateaa J W COLLINS SMALI WARES FISHIRG TACKLE FIRE WORKS AC THE BEST COUGH UEDIcmE I Dr JODINS FRENCH COUGH LEVERS lUtiD bo resorted to in all cases of irochitis Hoarseness Catarrh Coughs They arc recommended witbconfldonce o Ministers School teachers public Speakers Singers Auctioneers Ac Tho Levers have horougbiy tested in practicc and with- doubt are better than any similar medi- f qflO e0 Temptat intly say after testing tliem for arrin B Agent pnd Lemur clnaJian Temptr These Levers are prepared with the greatest care as tocleanliness being entirely free fcom gritty substances BLAKBIiTS VEBMOTOB OAMSIBS They ire juatiy celebraUd for the eipnl- siou r ronna fVoDi cbtldcen and coaUla onlv vegetable Ingredients The most won derful cures have Men effected by them and thpy excel all others at preseal known My child flfleen months old passed 93 Tiafl after taWng yput wonft capita Ua Jina Bksmv Dear Sir I have tried your VennifUge jndiea several times and found bem the best ef er made to expel ironns beildepthey pleasant t Candies iroeiiaepinej that the moat delicate child will take tbem wllUoglj Bskoxi fiai9i Najuim UethirfmiJu eas For sale it Bentleyr Boater ft 0 R Simpson Nenmvke at 11 gisUthtbugViOQi tbi toTinrbn MarvhITiese Vr J lARCHIVES OF QNTARIOj TORONTO

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