Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Courier, 30 Apr 1868, p. 4

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mmmmm i a rasgOTMii eIio9ti4wjQlJy ABHiili il gbxMDj pllf of Bwnd uS UuL onth i wi nvlMwlinet tut While stMdy ertis biaausg i iil oT a nidea wind rem kft Too sqnni4mT viOLAft bmw yootcLiit iloerfDl taevt- Ui ftroing Bteee atiKie U ioinrthii9jciilf i 6 wbfluinjder Uil roox owo lentheiiMil flmragh 1- BisM tiie day of thejr butii bettds to mtob aUo matted iq ooU ud sneer And the teith that thrlUsin i cliarm that tbeera White Throne tlak of Lend Pttq Spte Then is cotMog OuU belM a r aauiibitiaj grow np paa thronghlife and die m a pU that place nera Ae raepo of befit bia existeooe Helt as weU baTaiffiL a cabb wuuld amtasfrte laarea weHdUhaiid jtKatf aU to nmutd tBT one eYei aiTednHe did Doliuid he called bia home he srgeated no improTe- xnc nor madwkznefilf and only Qiuuahth hmldtddadoUtkr tohia bank acooqSf6II make his inTestmenta ITliKBBSSI IR llT T wimanofhlachoioetoariTal mA fl Io4 bi7htu- ti djisSw TSau 1t laWWjMlOs aBj08lr suie one ana nlj bdng seen and pinned at Uie ahoolder wi a kangroObone ans wering aa a pin Their weapon of oDoe apd deQoa conai of A spep about fet iUgj6S- Molga Bhaipened at the point vhich the tw wi wonderfol prteiaon the boomerang a aemiciroalar piece of wood aboat fbor fi long aharpened at tlieooter edge and sinatertHay throw Uiis weapon which on leaving Uio handof the thrower rises and Ma ontil it teahee rhen on failing to at If ton to the foot in at wallabys a dimlnatiTe apeoies of kan garoo about the sze of a hare Tliev Also nae this last weapon in doelling whiui carry out in a manner peculiar to lemaelTea The twocombalahlawalk to leareet creek or dry watarora one I ioornponisdSuiiirtoffiiei r the mu Is destroyed though le appetite of the hiot- znKQrieurTtTBv CilerjStld their purpose as it highwajtotfflia Tai bodies oftwo hanging to a bea n Hjpo Miu few days since It tsstrs uiey wet borse theirea who wUanged ly the or BTEBT DBSCimOK ifr aHZ NBWMAiKET COUBIEI OFFICE 1 who better than the hoarding of money Belize jiv publio as well u wth which thay noi belong in eqais eeDBe to the imiK among wh it was aocoiini- With tiiia end in view thCT ek iOTeetinta afbftifls ipatead hS tiiey purchaae land and impve they tuus encourage ffltVOpld seem to diotat and giYB to as many me 49Cnge othferato li Ui opentiohs by leasing them uipafl M Annidung inereaaed eocoiM Rations in the way of boildioga or eiun hi ih mi many othu iray8t9Gmbat to 9 growth and prosperity of the oommonity to wMch thom carrying a waddy when having a suitable plaoe for the enoonnter they toss for who js to have first blow loser immediacy hold down bis head Lving a blow of the waddy from the ler who hands it to the other and so mt until one or ottier is ren- ible which usoa doea not happen for some tim- UihueDims heads are prorerbially thick 1 or huts are uiown to the Anstralians when they camp for the night they erect a few braoQtO as a breakwtnd with a on te other ode and eacb family raes tween the re and the branches with their lemons of half starred onrs which mtiDgf- I that i Luhra black woman with a child hanging to c bmst and a pup at the other i Hot sav have solfcie sort of teligic feeling but our fiiends have not a sign of it and their oonneotion with white bneh- men doea not tend to improve them in this respect as the only thing they are tanght of a Supreme being but an indistinct no tion of Borne spirit of evil for whom they are frightened in the dark termed Mul- dabi pr Deil Pebil So firmly do thbii iaaki8ftiatitii to im- possible to hlaok to atir fiom his camp fire at night They imagine that ere black at one tfmei A lKOiloUar diamond found in a dekd lettei tnmed to the writer in England It sen sent to 17ew York and was niever cailedflwi f Loos not mooroMly Izto the past imes not back again wisely ImproVe ihe eeentt Is thine goforUf to mee m shadowy fntiire fear and- wi It ioanly heart Air bnuiHT Pussna A teafol of raunthe same little salt made into a stiff batter with flOTir that It wlU just poicr out tie in a cloth and boil two hoi Kiece Tni jwritingto Olan Lt Shall I say anything fnz If Yon may give liST my lor r I do dislike Smith as though it were a pleasore rather tiian a mere duty Such are a biasing in the communi Their influence ia like tat of the sdn and rain upon via- Uon Everything aeems to smile all aMut thetn ph ismarked with beaaty and fiowera eeem to up benea their very feet And the inioence of such men is not coQe jnerely fo what they do them- sel CTania ao imitative oreatur He is always akipg for models and apt to follow thVinWUey good or bad benefita his race ijke does himself but he atimulates om to do good like wise and theinfliiteolMihiDotioD gOM on extending rnmilt obtnpa m Mrth pliJi lfo oapaiPt where his influence vnll end nor what fbrm eventually piit I influence vl end nor what public Spirited- mBn bm a mve power to propel th aitund him who are eapable of any motibu at all Some men are not Tt are bom to fiU a small circle fnd they oannot 611 a largone PabU spirit is not to be xepeoted of Such They are milestones on the road to point the way they never travel thcm- selves Thns they serve purpose doubtless but their poflition is not to be envied by live men who have higher ideas ofUie We have known some such men of whom it may be aaid they ate fifty years behind the age They are content ed io the poeseasion of personal comfort id ease tjieir thoughts are never trou bled about publio improvements except it be the fear that they may be taxed to for them What was go enongh their fathers is good enou fbr them One can oonceive wbat a plaoe woold be if entirely controlled by such meo a Sleep HoUiow kind paradise devoted to the paat untroubled about the present and never even dreabing of the future If such men ruled tiie railways telaphs and laboreaviog machine would be unknown and we even nally relapSe ifito barbarism It is a duty men oi to themselves and their fellow men to jeooourage a liberal publio spirit It is tU oppooent of eel- uhsess enlarges the heak and makes the World battfr and fit for the ri dende of beings with epols It iaoreaseL the great sum of buiao bappineto and promotes tiie best good of the community aiod the world A pablio spirited maa u Senenlly a safe guide 4ouow io matters eSMtine the temporal well a ralritoal eofthflbunuraeT B ia an Orieatalmaxl lated If a man Jmowt and he knowa he will Uad a faapi doea not kso a f In thdr moods they have s ailed Corrob idled at a short ip the women form it each with two waddyj wlychthej ste toother companied by a sing-song- noisd which serves as musio or the ochestra and the men danoe if bo it may be called lound and in fjrant of the fire going through the most extraordinary contorUons and ticulations with a biasing his hand for perhaps half an hour when they snbeide into qoiet and retire to then camp perfectly lost in admiration and de light at their own performance OfQubdisitM ntSOcoU as ia genially supposed they have weaknesses for certain portions of the bnman body such as the fat about the kidneys and liver although in one instance I observed a girl with a arms which sh days previously and on seeing her with out it a day or two afterwards I enquired how fared the scion of the house of Black when she informed me that ithad died and she bad eaten it I The women alone moum after deceased relations On one occasion when aboat two hundred natives attacked on and shepherds the manner and rode to a creek about four Eoiles off where the natives were encamped on their way they were surprised by the whole body of savages who fired their spears boomer angs an4 waddys- wounding the manager OK the back The firo was tetorued by the whites who shot ten natives which bad the effect of frightenbgthem into submission For days after the women of the tribe might seen going about with white clay covering their black hair in token of mourning and the night was made hideous by their dismal bowlings and wails which nearly died I renewed witS fresh times can be no doubt the race is fast becoming extinct disease formerly un known to them is carrying them off by hundreds so that in all human probability the time is fast approaobing wheo the native of Australia who one hundred years ago hunted the kangaroo uodisputed mfurtor of that coittioent will be read of only as a thingof the past About eighty yearsago motion i made io Parliut for raising aod bodying the militu and for the purooee of savingjime to exero them on Sun days When the motion was likely to pass ao old geotlemao stood op aod said Mr SoMker I have ou objection to thisI Mive In an old Sk called the tbibs is saoredncM ib tean xe not Uie mark of irMkness but of llheyieakitort -PuneK- t girl to 13 Lotuea yonTe the brightest eyes They look me lAnuh jost like a dart Do they 8ir Pop Louisa cries If 60 Pm sure thtitu no heart i Tod onght to acqniro the faculty of bei tiome in the best society said a lashion- able annt to an honest nephew I mana that icadly eougi Teponded thepepbew by at Ao with My wlfrf iten Aa enterprising bill poster in a wertem ilty ftdloing rign over hisjjp doo Go forth in itute with bills and Pioolalm to aU creation Wi understand that the lar ale of thV jneen8 Highland Jonmal has encouraged herIjto commud itii tranaaUc FnhfrW tsiakhai bncommit lier to ldame Hocede French to the Prinoeeses Beatrice Lboisa Helena PciBUO 0ikiOitA ringle snowflakewho caiea for tt a wholj Bnowfiakes obUtU the landmuB drifting over the doors gathering on the monntain toe BTalandiewhodoesnotOTrefor vate opinion ifi wesi but publlcj iliionils almost omnipotent Ajf exohange tella- how thieves met gentlemen walkiag the streets late at night withboi under his arm and undertook to show hlin to an hotel They reUeve- of his box and ran off with it The g man was a natuialist and the box cont four rattlekea Fancy the theiTe tion when fnveBtigating their prise HaI is the interjecUon of laugh Ahl Is an interjection of sorrow differ consisting only In the transposition of wl is no sabatantlal letter but a bare asplraUt How quickly in the we of a minute in te yery turning of a Vreath Is onr mlrft cbaniei into tnouming I Fuller Haib is at onco the moat delicata and last ing of our materials and sQviTB us Jii love It is eo light so gtie sQscatiK from tho idea of death that with aflook ef hair belonging to a child or friend we milVTEK SELLER STATIGNEH IH ALL ElBSB 6T GSoods Small ares C sc 00 1 iHssi yixaawwxr Rmwm rt1si i riTiTiTiiiiiliitii iif OABmEl waeC Cast KyeacnRheeiia and Iron Steel Anvils Vices fitesv Kaiiiw fnjar Croescnt Back Keyhole MiD Sand CpmssFeneeiuiewif ilbiibb soclt iuqesoplj a tdbncfa IQiStf e Wore Smpb lltchForicriBdstooMiGtewBM Oh i sSoow 9imviSgUtd CoopBBs ToowAdzaBrot MllinMndin0Sumfdrifiag CCKEINa FASLOTIA AXtDOVESJl i m t Ofthelr atantly for sale Stove ftnrp of the best and latest patens Wares Steair Engines aid Boilersi Of every UlUs Bciapen Carpenien andOatinBtikeTIla Tou vUlJmd itgnaHy to advantage ta eaU and tee thu ttock uvuEL srxis Kewmarket December 30 1887J Straw Hats Oleaned Dyed and Altered OTHIR ABSiOLU WHIi Bi VOtrin B E PUROMASBJ OSE A PE R NEWUASEBT OB AF7 OTHSB PLACE lahk jSelboZBooXv PlavnandlMtdi Medittm dsSmaUi I have a piece of tlieo here not unworthy of being now7firA JTuht Beet Tea r6 Take IJ Ib best beelsteA cut It InWvib small pfeOTg id puttheminto an earthenware Jar with enooh cold water to cover tho meat j tie the top the Jar 9 and put it lnt 0 sauceffull hot water place saucepan on the fire and allow it to boll for three hours by which tiiaeaU the goless of the nUi wlkb4ev- tracted This is the pure esione 1 No vegetables or seasoning of any kind should be used for babies a UUle salt only should be added A sioi man observed to his wife My dear I am not well tOday will enough to prepare a Ughtdlnner What will you have Mr P Applo dumpUngg They were acoordlogly made and Ur P sat lolu to a dish of cighteea After having dispatohed seventeen and half aod showed strong Indications of flnJihing remaining moreel a Utile urchin son of ids cried out 0 dad give me that I He very pathetic- ailyrepUed 00 way my eon dad Is sick EflonsH Egotism is the great canker of humanltyj and lt blight is more fatal to the blogfom than the frait because it so many human charactersilo the bud never come to any fruit wih menlloDing at ail If yon fluster this great fnoubuaofseU early in life you will walk through life like M Qtnjdrdeoed free tDaaltb straight back andBBembarresBedhMdsaBonff troops ot bondsmen bent double uerhoapacks preaoUg Ohiiaaidty but a Ton will wiilove whole- Ith their bnndlss which they Cardboard White and if J i Wsortt 6slailni and Cohurtd Pcf Cardt Patdiard Stcj PaptTf Paper LtUer FiU JpintiFiMPomUdiBTQadPoifi PendU Petihdden Waer Sealing Wm Mucilage InktItedfSlM and Slack JtikitdSmtrA1iindi pQcke Bgoht Pisntt i Elattic Bandtj Erati Paint BoixtCamePtSairPmciU AlbvminGrea Varie BtadsAU Siuidf ColoMn Bont Wnod and j5fee OrotAet VatHnj 8hvtitc Ppfl Ihming and Fint Cml n variety BiMon FatUnms Ladiet Poroliot Worh Bfxutinvarititf IlathluOldUj 8one and CTiina TDcUai 2by FiMhhooJu IAne and Float SiU Bueiletf 60 willing b vlllo THE FOLLOWING AND ALL OTHBB OOZS BUPPLIED ok the BHOETBST KOTIOE at lowest PBIOESt BOWSBLia LONDON SOOlSTrt LBIBUhB BOUB BVNVAY AT BOMBy YOVNQ LADIBB FAUILr HBRALD SUNDAT NAOASINS BNOLIBB IfBOBIO aoOD WORDS OODSr BUB DSMOBBBT BABPBSfS LBBUr BALLOtPB MONTBLY 99- BOOiCB TO OHDIB BBMTBiraien figB WAn N l W Ait K E T 0 0 0 K 1 3S B 0 F F I C B Doabtt 2d 1867 1 Trimmed Bonneta Trimmed Hats Feathers Bibbons Mantles mi FiiB MILLINER Embroideiy Silks lEhubroidery CottoBi Berlin SraidB Beads Ladies and Childrens trnderclothing WATSON VTAtCBlHiiiSSS Out I7SWMAJECSiT NELSON CORHAM MANUFACTUBEB OF Woollen Cloths of Every Description ALSO OENEEAL DEALEB IH WOOL THE BEST YST J J HODGE IN0BBA8B OP TOTIB BUSIHBS- THAT TBS V BE SATISFIBD FBOU A Publio are convinced that they keep the Best aad Cheapest COOEINa PARLOUB BDEOOU f In this Section of the cocmtry Selecting aa they do all thffWreiOlaas Stoves tMm Foundrteiin the Pwrinw they are saUsfled that their Stoveaaotequriledbj FonndrliatoihS IOWittWtBmada Bear in mind tirtos iie tlM manofiittureiOi these Stoves Taelr STOVJEl irXTIlIVimTp3B3I la IndUpntably the best you can get apjwhere Thsy also keep the Befk TIN COPPER SHEET IRON JAPAOTED AND PRSBBBD WARsSi PLAIN t FANOT SUOB AB and and UntlAned Firhu Paw Sad or Pots BngUsb Pressed Qalvanaed and llaned Iron Wash Bowls Galvanised Tails and Pippers Soap Ladles Spoons Spring Bdanpes BkwereAo Japanned Tea Trays 9rnis Bread Servers Brass and Enameled Poioelain Preserving and Unturned Frying I o ing Iroai Bad Iron and Ooifee Pot Wre Sieves Screen and Fly WtjOow and Sheep Belli Sheet Elno Oraln U4 Seed Hoppers CMt Iron Pu Black Le and Black Brushes CM Iron Bam Bolleis Arieultl inrt TeaSetUe8agarKefttes6fakaflha ko fco kth i Lubricating A Oils Lamp LaittnrnK BlfRNBBB OBIMNBrS WIOSB All of which sell as OheanManybolse ThV Air Fonuwes OB mImpwved Plav jEfowe lmgiing domin a SimW Mwinari apr A oAui spBoiAiii BtodiigB akp batw TOTJaaniTSf BoW wm m-naci- FIB8T BBIOE STOBB mOKtBi OV fSS JP06T UVIGIf pecemberll llA i i lARCHIVES OF QNTABtOl TORONTO

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