Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Courier, 30 Apr 1868, p. 3

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Cane JWgW 99 The Ottow cormpcntto New York 7Vm f He Otrfiflr 4- cluatioD in the Botue of Commoiu Uut tbe mnidar of MgOm wia the deftth Uov to Femmam CaiiadA wtt no Idle thmt Except tbe fiu Whdasit Fenin uid Bsocites with Feniani there id u tbe sAibatiini Bat the tituuflonff his life tbrongh hia oppoeitioa to g and until thej haye peitiw proof to ths coQtnry they sriV refiiBe to aequiv thit orzniiatioD of oompUcitj in the nuixder It has geoenll been understood tht the gOTemmeiit hive aU hfd full iafijr- matioD thniagh their detectivee of the existence and doioga of Caokd Feiu Dd from the nature of that ioformtion the Bsked 9nd obtained from pliriiaiBiiat this session farther saepeoaoiL of th ffaitatCorpuiAet Bot the hare hitherto treated Cana dian Beniaaigni as a thing too iosigmfiint for official interference as an organiiadoQ wMcb if left aiooe vooid die of its own inheient folly have been content merely to keep a sharp watch upon its dolfigj- their policy in that ler epect is coiopletely chasg Tbemorder of McQee has been tiie Eignal for a era- sida agt Feniandim wwh will not stop till it haa driTen svexj ret of the deuftable orgaoication om V The sospension of the Habtat Cor gives the goTemment ftiU power and tWf power they wiU not be slow to use Al ready a nomberof arrests have been made and a Fenian lodge dismered in fiTon- ueal with the roll of members names Detectives are sattered over the whole coootry and every onesaectd is placed under arrest Ko doubt id the excited state of public feeling mwy an innocent person ser the torture of a cruel auspicioB if not somethiue worse I only give expressioD to the universal feeling here wbm I say that the day of trifllDg with Canadian Feianism of treat ing it as a thing too insignificant for offi cii ouch must come to sd end From one end of Canada to the other there cme9 a demand that FeaiEnism most be cjTished out of the country by the Btrong arm of thelaw tlat tbe last few yeaiBof uoeasy unsettled state of Bemieecuri must no longer exist and that if there are traitors plotting in thdr midst they must be delivered up to justice The- authorities are proceeding cautiously but determinedly They hold their ciamina- tioQs in secret but from what ia known there b reason for believing that not only is the plot to a McGee being re vealed but that also the heart of Cans dian Feoiuism is being laid bare It would be Etraoge among the many arrest ed the hope of pardon and tbe lust of gold will not induce some of them to be tray th comrades What will be done with the partiea arrested has not yet been determine but the appointment of a epeclal to try them is talked which is jotcloted About 100 people bsTe kpiirfherU7dihipi nnt wfll Mito jThe tiMki Prfoa tegi lcllT id aad all pftcket contzd such utlclei ihould be stopped and it jipecfalrtmdCT dMpitek lht s ihinlliig took ptuM Edward A aaAor whete nime mx set aKcrtained but who belonged to the diR tehooner Bon Heir It U thought h will retoTej with only the logs of an eye He liwa In Port Horoo Tbe wuldbe assaaaina name li Beed He was the ncy mon of a Un Brown 01 Cook piopristoreaa of the eata- hment in which the aiay pccuned en the newg of the alr ipt tbrongh town the inhabitants arose m mttte and completely demoUsLed the ealoonwir Thi Tpmg- PRXTKB MiTtHOiSome few ee ago we gave tbeparticalatB of ciae in which a SabbaytKhool twCT decoyed oeighboriood of the New Wynd on the that hia eerricea were wanted at a prayer mseting ajii while there tbbed of bis watch ome mofey and a part of his clcthi Two womea and two apprehended at the time g being in the robbeiy 91 a fifti of gaag the one who induced the teacher to aterthehoese has flsw been taken into BStody His is Arthur IfEwan The rbole par will be tried before the Circuit Court of Jnstiiry than six women liaTe recently been elected on parochial boards in TarlouB parU of England In the neighbourhood of iTyne there are accounte of aorement which is almost entire ly in the hands ofwomen Theygo about labouring people rd the Bible id converse on religious topics with great enthusiaam SsTeral of them Sundays and among these a Miss Wilson described ayhaTing a pleasing corai- gftining Bome repnte bb R pulpit orator Hts Taylor Mn Maclaren both wives of mem- parliament and Miss Taylor daoght- iw of Ur MiU are satisfied that the me there paiUameatuy movement for the enfranchisement of women occurs the opinion it will eejiure will be far beyond general expectation They are how- Tge Francis Train may presently appear In England as rhampion of their cause Terrible Aooident Last evening another waa added to the series of terrilHe accidents which have oc curred in and about the city within a few weeks It occurred in a building known as Healeys Hall No 643 Archer avenue where the dviug way of the second floor predpitated a Urge number of persons nearly three hundred in number into the cellar A large audience of ecthusiastio Xrifihmai were gathered at a grand ing of the Fenian oiganization at Geo OSeil Sir Gibhoas and other Jea- dera of the body were present Mr Gib- bona was in the middle of an exciting peal to hia countiymfen when the main the building gave way with a Jotid which also fell under the great weight of the audience the timbers snapping like reeda apd the whole multitude being pre- cipitted with broken beams and boards upon the cellar below a distanea of gome eighteen feet A billiard room occupied the main floor and several men were en- in playing at the time but fortu nately none were injured the inmatfis es- capiog throng the windows When the flwr caved in numberswho were near the windows saved themselves by jumping out of or clinging to them and a few also who were in the eitreme southtem poriion of the buildiogeped uninjured Immediately steps were taken ftr the rescue of the vtctimaof this horrible catas trophe whose cries and groans could be he from the cellar The lower floor had oDly partially broken away and by entering the saloon the eufierers ooald be reached and aaaiMance tendered They were gradually drawn out and it was found tht the result waanotfio disastrous as was feared alUiough sufficiently terri ble OnemaawaakiSedandBometwentj MiPii Scoia Mr W Degraw ol towuhip of Caradoc made this season 00 trees 6i7as of maple sugar and 81 gal- and chopped all the wood fisu CiTCBuaA despatch from Barbour Grace Newfoondland says that the UasUS had arrived at that po fros 19000 seals and reports having been in Jfu Qonipny with the steamer Betrtc ith a fill load TIja Utter vessel lauded 18000 teals last year Ua Ucasaa Wuraoa Tbe Montreal Oautu learns that M UcOee has given authority of Hr Chamberlain MP lir TK Rny and Mr George Murray to edit and publish theleotores speeches 4c of her Ute husbahd The pubHeaUon which wiU ba of great public iuterest will b for the of the Cunily It wilf be we uaderstand PninedwiUftmemofrof IfcOeeB 1 ouoded Upon intbetto data and such V historical notes as will connect and Uie different plew The work will b ihrtubwa T pUBOHABB we oFUys CeUbiatei iT Shuttle Stitah Sewing Kiacitlikea TH06 ATKIHSOI Agent Ifewmarktt If Hfflsekeeper Wwtei mHB uuiderrigiiTidshes tp engage during X tiie endng summer a pereon competent to superintend and perform such work as re quired at his place Includingthe surreilance of three small chlhlten Good reference re- A B0BHQ0S8EB NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN Court of Revisiofi l DAT or HAT BfSXT IN THE COURT HOUSE or the purpose of hearing Appeals aga Assessment of which all persona aterequ to take notice and govern themselves cordingly B P IBWIN Villcge CUrk Iftvmai April 32 186S le A Gottagd to Let SITUATED on Qorham Street Apply ilr Charles Gortiam or to Ur Phillip Cook Biagwood PO April 7 1BS8 193p All of School Books I KEW AlTD OLD SEBIBS At the Cousas On For Sale or to Bent AFABM near Newmarket 160 Acres cleared Forfertherpartfcalftrsapply Koarning Paper OP EVEBYDESOBIPTION APCnOH BAIE8 DAT H 3 1898 Credit 1 Stock Implements Hay Oats and sundry other articles on Ziot Ko 1 6th Concession of East Gwilllmhuiy the pro- oTerS Oash forthe this office will recelvc In Newmarket on the 27tt instant licf daughter of Mr Joseph Elvidge of swmarket aged 5 years and 10 months tAt the request of the fcmily the Bev r preach the fhherai sermon or In Newmarket on the 28lh instant Joaspi esEF son of Mr J 8 TVethereUaed kins each b bushel raft Apples bushel Plonr barrel Fall Wheat bushel Spring Wheat bushel OaU bushel flarJey bushel Peas bjishel Dressed Hoga 100 lbs HORSE BILLS PMIWED JK THE BEST STYLE I The Latest Designs of OutSi ria- COUEIEE OFFICE ViUtge Lot For Sale TH uodertigned ojferi for 8a at ftVair low prlM the toi oppoAfa H Uums WtegoB fiBop ociag ot Vo 24 nvrtb fW ofWneoeStmt Fort iiaopyticBlar apply to MtwisHiriaiEaTOE ii NEW SHUNG- aOODS WM A B ORR BHQW TBI OORTXHTB Of THiatTTWO STAPLE I FANCY DRY GOQDS LADIES DRESS QOODS CASHMERES VELVETEEIfS SILKS REPPS BROADCLOTHS EMPRESS CLOTHS VESTINGS EXHIBITION CLOTHS TWEEDS DOESSJNS C c die rc A LAEGfE SfOCK OF CLOTHING HEAVY ST9CK OF BOOTS AND SHOES imT TJ OapiB i TOgSTBDmiB a rStSB BIOOKOV Whichwe will Sell Cour roBUs3 SOME VBEY CHEAP JOB LOTSIN STOCK- a Mn and sell Cheaper than houses giying loni Fiwl We buy f the beat markets Second We sell for Cash and neei e now thank our customera for the very liberal patronage shown us and striTedoublytome Mon to L Monet to lend at Bednced Bates and farming Commcnit Apply to J W COLLINS SHALL WABES FISHING TACKLB FIBE WOBKS What every FaTmer Heeds and ought to hats IHE is manntag Aii FaH Beral Higei EantT he fcert Tarkfffife jf wiri never to cover aU seed no matt hpw uneven the ground lite dersigned has tbec making them in this part of th NB All kinds of farming h JAS 8 WETHEBELL UEUOBANDUH BOOKS YEBTCHBAP At the CdttBiEB Otnct B BEST COUGH HEDlCmBI Dr JODINS FRENCH COUGH LEVERS SHOULD be resorted to in all ca BrochiUs Boarseness Catarrh Coughs Colds Asthma Shortness of Breath and all disorders of the Throat and Lungs UinisUrs School teachers public Speakers een thoroughly tted in ptactte and with lut a doubt arc better thaoany Bimilar medi line yet introduced to the publTc BEAD THE FOLLOWiNG Halifax NSNov 16 18S7 I have given Dr Jodins French Cougl severs a full trial and have IHUe hesItaUor n saying that for a relief from hoarseneei ind sore throat I much prefer them to cKhei Jryans or Browns T W Oifiiv Leclurerto Ihe BWQLtiflOiaIplaTt Kapanee November 39 1867 I have used Dr Jodins French Cough Levers with great satisfaction and can confi dently say after testing them for weeks in special serices that I think them better than Jobs 8 CtAan Wetkyan Toronto Febrewy 98 1868 1 have used Dr Jodlne French Cou evera with great comfort before and ar speaking Some of my friends tHed them also and there is but one opinion via they are invaluable to singers and public speakers ssideryour Lmrs the best remedy In Ihe Id for hoarseness and throat disorders aac send me one box more yuowis MoMuBBaT Agentand LeetUrtfif the CoMiUan Ttnper Th fr lese Levers ere prepared with the care as tocleanUness being entirely BtASELTS TEBXmtQB CAHBIEB They are justly celebrated for tbe ezpuU alon of worms ifom children and contain only Tegatable ingredients The most won derful cures havebeos effected by tbemand they excel all others at present known My child fifteen months old pused wqnos after taking your worm CAodlei all the large alse from elk io thlrteeainobea long Has Ana Waasov Ifapanu Ont f JAMU Bttmr Dear Sir 1 have tried your yermifo 1 times and fooad tbem t toeipelworma beridesthey pteaaant to the taste child will tek them Buon Baiooa lfap9n Motfuri iMk4 ond rM Bentleys CandUs a wilUai loa Ifa i trM entleys SoQtet ft Co and HewAariiek aod alljjnig the DoBxlnfos 888 laiy 8e tf A8Dumeo GROOEES TEA DEALERS Wine Spirit tf erohants MANUFACTDBEBS OF GiwWiillrai8TiiBic8Syrip ija E C E I V E I GERMAiajOOW CORNICES BiWDS XCNOSS AnotlieiXiOtf Cutlery Plated Goods LpD A rew BETS OP THE COOPER TRUSS HOOPS X IElQvexsille Xool WOODWABB ho tustwXRE i STILL EXCELS IS CHEAPNEaS ANY IN TBS DOMINION udenffStocaU and ascertain prices before purchasing f- SYKBS ELVIDGB IMPORTANT TO DRUGGISTS CONFECTIONERS AND OTHERS THE INDI4 CHINA TEACOMPY INVITE applications Ugists and others desirous to represent the Com Towns and DistrictsiuM Tfaese famous Teas have met with unbounded ertyer they hMfWi Introducedj and are sold in packets by the Companys every importuiliiOT4nd town in the Dominion Only one agent In each dis- particulars appliiA the Canada Depot No 23 HOSPITAL STBEET MONTB NOTESptrifillfttli proUeUd By Ihe Cwnpant regUUni Tradt Mark THE ItlADIAN ALIWANAC POCKET DIARIES F 1868 All kinds of Purses and Pocket Books FOR SALE AT LOW PRICES lt the Courier Office Newmarket 0- M IHFOBTAm ITO 1 6Uel conUnues to d BUe Uoa tl Landalde JP OXT 3- I By th9 thoasand Ha sotiO Asr ww For the convenience and accommoda- Uon of his friends and customers in the rghboorho of Newmarket whore his of transpoirtftUon either or on Credit Uo invites attention to his DOUBLELEVER OANQ PLOUQH Tbe riorityofthli Plough over all other QftngnoaghacaabereIyaeD The head of tbe Flongh la one Inch higher than others la lea liable to olog with aw and laatrong- ly braced It hta two UvetfiMKie caa be raited at a time and tha PJoogb related to suit uneven gronid or ridgei TaJeTera an ao constructed that tbe Fioogb can be raited inobea out of the ground and thus drlvett from one ann to aofltber without danger of breaking L BUTTKBrmLD BniTonl i stationeby tlBBY aOOD AHD OHBAP At tbe ConipaOrrioa AND OTBEB UA0AZ1KE8 Just received at the Couaica Orrtci Newmarket April 23 166S 14 B ARSONS 1 Eidarglnl otat Premigea S T 0 Y E s- At Cost LND EVEETTHISQ IH TH8 HARDWARE LINE AT 7BICES More Satisfactory Than can be obted elsewhere Tho Whole mult PoilUvtly be ClMrad Out To aave ezpeuK of moTing SYKB8 4 ELVIDGE oarket Jan 22 1888 tfS DIABIKS FOB 1668 DISCOUNT Of 3S PBR CENT FOB THE BEST Groceries Wines Liquors Drugs Chemicals Ginger Wine Cordials Sauces Canned Pish Preserved Fruit Orange Tonic Cigars 00 TO A SOUTEI Gos WHOSE STOCK IB Larger Better Assorted Money to Loan J H JOHNSONS Sash Blind Door ftnd llTOFIigOlY FROM BUILDEE8 SOLICITED A Good assortment of MO U L D 1 N G S Always ou hand IfBCuilotn Planing done of Hvu JHOP Comer Mill A BagUMta NEWMABKET CJD A80UTEB begs to return his siqpere thanks to his friends and custocra for the liberal patronage bestowed on blm- in past years and to assure them under the new to he Wiilaa before be ready to wait tin giva them FirstBata Qoods at Newmarket Dec 30 Ififi jtt JUST PUBLIBHED The CANADIAN SPBAEEB ELOCUTIONARY nSADEB 10UPB1S1KO a Choice Collection of Orv and Poetry suitable fe CANADIAN NATIONAL 8ERIC8 RBADINCBOOKS I Mthoriud bjf tht PuWc Intlruo ir Qooi with 81 lllotttaUooi strongly boand in limp olotb Pire cents FnsiBooX aBdITtft4niustratiDnsetrong ly bound In lltnp olotb Ten centa 6iooin Booi OS lllaitratlons strongly bound i olotb boaidi Twentjr oenta Tsno Booi 41 lllustntlons strongly bound in olotb boatds Thirty centa vovbts Boor 48 llluatraUon8atroagl7 bound In oloth Dsards Fortfoenta llIastfMtl tUoBgly bound 0 M BIKM9 OJiu NOHTB OF TOBONTb 80UTER W TRENT MAIN BT NSWHABKST NswjnaVkft Dec IBet BUEK HARRISON WOULD respectfully andounce to the inhabStanU of Newmarket and the eorronndlngcountry that they have purchased the entire 8iookcTradi of w Tuit and rioTbSS DRY GOODS PATOERNS AIJD STYLES oirooE3itrE3S VEBY SESr QUALITY CROCKERY t BOOTS iE8HOES Ac constant being added In fact every fou hre 1a abundance atVla that can not fall to givo the best satisictlon dinfcMynJfiMaJstoOnlEr department has gained great vor of Ur ELI iSPEOEB Whose services have been secnred by Uutu Br A Haaisojr He wJll be found ever ready to Clothe the human form divine in garments not to be surpassed for doality of Material Hake ud Iewne of Priea They have also added to tho establish ment a Boot and Shoe Manufaotory And this Department Is under thojmmedlata luperintendance of Mr ROBT PREST o long and favorably known as the most thoroughly practical msn In Us line in ihe Province of Ontario In Radymode BooU and fiihoea heavy stock will alwaya bo found of a Superior Quality and the workmanship of very article w Whet of their own manafac Iro or otherwise will be Poilv WaaaAftib SIGN OF THE BIG T OABD OF TaANKd Tf SUBBOBIBBB would reapeetAiily H 4 li firm of Messrs ttuia ana uamson in waoa employ he now is saad he would here atata having eteiTftdlftjr t ramand Ar sa dolnfT BOBT PREST i Shit thltr Kawarkat itf ARCHIVES OF QNTARIOI TORONTO

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