w BY ATLANTIC CABLE PRIKCE iLFRED S BT A FENUN BEITISH SUCCESS IS ABYSSINIA ESPEDITIOK BETUEKINO PRICE ALFRED COHIJfG HOME fARRELL SENTENCED TO DEATH REJOICING IN ENQLAKD lokdok April 24 midnight LaU aod startliDg iiitUDce liaa just been re- oeiFed from Aastrafia that Prince Alfired who iB Tifliting Sydney wm shot and dan- geroaily woanded by an nnknown person The wouldbe assaeaiD who wag said to be a FenisD was promptly arrested The Prince according to the latest adrices a elowly recoveriDg Loxdon April 25 parti lars E tthe colpri pted I Irish- i Prince Alfred is a man named Farrell knoTO to be a The Prinee waa shot io the back and the ball waa not extracted for two days The voond is dangetooB and painfal but the Prince is doing ireil The affair took place at Sidaay oo the 12th of March Losdon April 25 craimg The at tempted assassifiatloD of Prince Alfred by the Fenian FarrreU has produced the moet profound excitement from one end of the nation to the other The press teems with dennnciations of the assaaein and amotig the people with whom the Prince was a great favourite the crime forms the great topic ofoonversation London April 26 erening The fol- lowinginteUigencftwas received from Abj m Abys- rod Fri- t Good the British tpa commanded by Gen Napier and tie Abyssinian forces under the command of their King in peiEoo The latter was defeated and retreated into the town Their loss in killed and woanded waa very heaTT On the Monday following all his preparaticus having beea completed Gen Napier ordered an assault upon JIagdsda and the town and citadel were carried b storm King Theodorns large number of his I re killed d taken prisoners and the en capital remained in the possession of gretfortr A wl W agreed on betweea Qi Napigr aod The dorufltcnninatedeariy this morning Im mediately after it tenoinatioo the TTing not having surrendered the captives 6en Napierpfeed hinisaf the head of the 1st and 2nd brigades of his army and moved up the hill towsrda the fortress jka far as ShiHaesee portion of the strong workt built Isurrendeed to Gen Napier by the chief in command and after a brisk attack in which the Af- cana were defeated Theodonis oteerv- ig- the gngliab adranoe and it first fruits itreatd into the cene of the Magdala orka on the platteau having first plmted Fe of his guns at the base When Gen Napier came in fight with his brigades the Kings artillerymea opened on the ad vance with these guna in presence of Theo- doms The British replied immediately with their 12pounder Armstrong and Tinch mountain mortar rocket guns throwing rockets ioto the place After ing this fire a fihvrt tijne King Theo- abandoned his gas and stUl re- Dg u and oommenced a fire of musketry from behind his gates and wall defences The Abyeainians evincinz no Eigne of sor- render halted his and commenced bombarding their workB- The bombard- ent last three hoars when it termi- ited the British commander ordered an assault which was made in fine style The Kings works were carried after a resistance on the part of the Theodorus lost during the en gagement 60 killed and 200 wounded The English had 15 wounded After jorks were token Theodorus waa found dead by the English tering the centre of his barren oonntiy dectitnte of even water afibrdisgoMl9lMi inout roads almost iiiMoeMib to SeW fislM asly tlu io wK Dg p mojpKMd eU leSif of toiasai every difficultly been rarmoanted and the expediaonaiy aree marched steadily on tmtu they oonfionted fm in choMu position which they at tacked without canyiDg the place by MdeitfMjdiuary may seem lilhoat loosing a man That these imperfjnedbaiUns would yield at the fet onset of om ell- armed and disciplijrt lioops offortfc littie ground for surprise the tribute of admiration is maiue fo the unex- mpled military sWJ delayed in bring ing about this reanlt intli such inevitable certainty As u wnaaerfui example of warlike talent uieAoismum campaign stands Qnrivalle4vhjstory of t ighold head Some per- killed during one if the battles others that he committed suicide when he found the fortune of the day against him The Kings body was recog- ed by the British captivf Theodores two sons were taken pri- lers and all the European prisoners set The interior of the fortress of Magdala presented on extraordinary and the British forces The loss of the B tish in killed and wounded was small All the British captives were found in the city alive and well and were set free Gen Napiers instant turn to the sea coast is expected AdHees from Napiers headquarters in Maniala without date are also at hand iring sxty in- 1 and children were already en route to Zoala for home that the entire force of Theodores army had either been killed wounded tured pABlB April 26 In consequence of the recent troubles io Japan and the out rage committed there on French seamen the fleet iu the Japanese wafers ia to be augmented and orders to that eSecl have been issued fromthe Ministry of the London April 26- A despatch from Sydney New South Wales dated March 3lBt eUtea that Prince Alfred was re covering from the effects of his wound London April 27 Still later advices were received from Sydney Australia day Farrell who attempted to asaa nate Princ Alfred was duly indicted tri found guilty and sentenc to death The trial of Fenian prisoners who are accnsed of causing Clerkenwell explosion was resumed this foreno The AttorneyGeneral coqcluded his su ming up today He sifted the evider desagned to prove an aUibi in the case the prisoner Barrett and asserted that all the vritnessefl who had presence in Glasgow on the 13tb of De cember were either avowed membei the Fenian organization or persons who eympathiredwithit He aaid this attempt prove an alibi was part of a cOncocted planned by Barret hi splendid sight The pli ith barl cops pli ith barbaric splendour The British plundered it at found four royd of solid gold ty thousand dollars in sDver thou sands of silver plates several lots of very rich jewels and nuiQeipus other articles of great value General Napier takes by andmany other articles of war equipmei The liberated British captives will 1 for home on the 14th of AprU General Napiers army will reorganize fall in and return to India and England at once The SeraltTs special dated Zoula 18th April says The very latest reporta from aidala represent thst 14000 native troops have laid down their ai to rw Napier and that Theodorus had 500 sol- era kflled and 1500 i L Ap 28 2 pjn oases of ParUament tonight without a dissenting Toice voted an address to the Quen upon the subject of the i t Syd- Itentio ury called th jontrovertiblf witne whose intity peachable thi i Barret did come to Lon- a for the express purpose of joining this murderous conspiritcy to release his co- labourer Burke The counsel for Bi elaborate speech fo r Uyi replied it Lord Chief Justice Cockbam tb ercd the charge to the jury The jury then retired and after a very 3rand brief delay they returned Barret found gUllty All the othi were acquitted London April 27 evening Great joy prerails throughout the nation over the glorious news from the British troops in Abyssinia and ihc safety of Prince Alfred Tolayhas been observed as a fiort of Impromptu holiday At the Stock Exchange today national hymns wrf sung and enthusiastic cheers were gtrei f for the Queen The press and people everywhere ari exultant The prisoner Barry conntcted with tio Greek firo plot at Buckingham palajco came up at Bow street today for prelimi nary examination- The Greek 6re provW to bo phosphorus only The case tigaidst the prisoner was strong and he was re mandcd for trial B April 27 The third session of the North German parliament com menced today King William of PruB- aia made an owning speccti Ho said o tho members tW their aim should be tiie mutual and material interests of Germany He advkcda fulBlment of the treaties with Austria and Spain and hoped th4t a desire for tho national good would them in U1 tliir proceedings He gratulated them on their peaceful friendly local relations and trusted that those of North Germany wUb the Grealt Powers of Kuropo would justify the hi lief that tho maiutenanco of ptoce was their Kreat and only object The Kingt speech paifio Ihrouout- Ho con cluded by exprWjng the hope that durtoj thoprespnlBesiion and in all events might couDtSipjhinhe unlied power Oerraapy This ctmark was vcryfavoui aUy recuvd Ob the concluBloo of hi i bU epwh be ehk Uods bewUly ney expressmg the sympathy tish nation with die Koyal Fi itoward event which has filled thi rrow and the country srith bori the hope that the Prince may sboi itored to health In the House of Commons Mr Dis raeli in reply to a question by Mr Layard nade some remark on the subject of the Abysinian war in which he spoke in the lost flattering language of the achieve- lent of Genera Napier and his army and all who gave aid to the expedition to res- the English prisoners in the hands of King Theedore The conquest of Abys sinia said the Premier was only equalled by that ofMexico by Cortes- The House sabseqaently went into Com- ittee on tho Irish Church qucsl The first of Mr Gladstones solutions was debated at length but none of the most promiQent members of the House took part in the discussion No points were made by the speakers which have not already been repeatedly uied former discussions The House adjourned at one oclock N Y April 28 The Heraldt Londonspecialsays The TV telegram that King Theodorus mado an at- n the British advance on the 10th of April when he was reported having abont 500 men killed and that ho was ibsequently deserted by almost all the remainder of bis troops The King then retrted inside the fortress of Blagdala where supportodby eomefew devoted fol lowers he made 9 dperate reslstei the English but finding bis cause hopeless by the assault of Napiers t i he committed suicide by a pistol shot the British approaehed his last strong- TITEliLEBS GUIDE tpHERN Hail Bibck Street Statio te prestij one evidencing affairs but th lena ter caa ecarcely those who ha cadence of havegotdieasgTirtt Iheir tone tions daily made up for Sharon Holt M Albert Qaeensville Ravenshoe Keawick rgina Pefferlaw Wilfried and Beaverton daily after the arrival of the morning tailte Friday to- Railroad Hotel aff ting read m the Bylaw Committci lectlsg large and varied- to already ImmenMly heftitp intend xuakiag tin theie8poiiin wta- bUtbmnt ofttiayian a their hikxam tTe pi Tsin clple we hate no doubt they wlB succeed In or depart- neral trade a fair measure of sue be crowning tiie efforts of onx TiUagert which we hope may contlnne le department however which amh to fisar a not quite so prO mijing as it should b We refer now to the hateoif Our friendj Vr Slimmer anaoaUy maictureB large quantitiee heat But any one who knows anything he amount of this valuable grain which Towa in this and adjoining townships It know that the eetabUsent of a essarily attaching itself to its commence- THE OTTAWA TBAJ IMPORTANT ra tkt Tpronipety other places and should sufficient be procured to establish his guilt the autboritiei wUI with Wtti with that severity which he wbuldlo Hchly Gen ONeil calls for a Move with the revdations made Youwili see that they oonsUtute perbtps the only link wanting to bring home the obane ofaudfifto tbdpxiwBftr Wlwlo and make Doyle his aocomp The very first tim these two worthies happen to get an opportunity of conversation aiaoe their ooafinement they rash a once to topio of the murder Whelan boldly to- knowledges his guilt gloats over it in the most revolting terms and exhibits alto gether a depth of depravity most painful contemplate It may have been remarked that for me time past there have been hints of certain admissions which Whelan was been overheard making to Ib The ori of the affair Poyb cDed hliD laying I do aot- theyll do fben answered are all hrtljir TW to J- Thy mJ keep yoo week or eilini Life if sweet I wish I was J ottw i I em the old Board of Trade Hall welcoiu Qeveral ONeily President of the Penian Brotherhood Xhe meeting called to order by Major Moore who made a short speech and announced that General ONeil would not 1 id that the time intervening would be occupied by other speakers AL Morri son was then introduced and made a strong speeob encouraging the Brotherhood to rally to the support of the cause which had failed only for a time His remarks were iterruptedby the arrival of Gen ONeil who was welcomed with deafoiing cheers by all preent Hewaa accompanied by the 14th Fian regiment and a band of music The excitement was intense and did not subside until General ONeil itepped forward and commenced his speech which was an urgent appeal to Irishmen enroll themselves again ready to march once upon Canada He said that soon after accepting the Presidency of the Fe- lian organization he commenced the work f findmg- out whether the people were eady to sustain the plan of the organiza- ion which is to place an army in the brought back he was placed in another cell close by in the sane corridor Detec tive CuUen and Hess then took a position iar- at hand and a slight noise attracting Tielans attenUon he called out Whos lere Doyle recognising his voice iplied Its me Jim A conversa tion then ensued bWween them durme which aooording to the endence offfie 0 witnesses Wbelan made admiseiDns Doyle which amounts to a confession of e crime The faots as detailed by De tailed by Deteodve ColleQ and Hess as follows On Tbureday the 16th April 1868 we went when the Court adjourned a halfpast five to the gaol and after tht Governor and officials left the corridor on which Whelan and Doyle are coi took up our pMitions immediately o the door forming the entrance to tl lniry every bloody thing I hare done they have traced H it all ame otit in court toay that ORally is a b r 1 tbonght Id iSiktshea Toriis can up but I bore it up like a man tHew iheyd brbgwp fo keli reward telan He will bnt his evideric amounts to nothing all be knows is IS said and done in MoDtrwl but whats come is the werst All I depend apoa agojury Daring the time the above conversation cnrred Wbelan sdd John you anj me mustqait telling about what you know You understand these b- re might be listening around Doyle All right There was a long sUence and a talk tout indifiereiit matters Then Doyle called to him and asked What will my poor wife anS children do T Whelan Theyre right Youll t out in a few days They have your pension if youre kept IoyNo theyll lOos it Whelan We are four married man Doyle Who Whelan Enright has duee or four children Murphy has two you hare Doyle Youre the best off Whelan Yes the old woman can scratch for yourself I saved CuUens life one time A fellow had him covered at fifteen yards t the arliest hold London April 28 Tho trial of the Fenians Burke Carey and Shaw com menced today Amotion for mixed jury of Englishmen and foreigners after a lengthy argument by counsel was denied The counsel for the Crown defined tho of fence with which defendants were chareed as felony the penalty of which according to statue is transportation and penal ser vitude for from two to seven years Coun sel then opened the case for the prosecu All prisoners ocquittcd of tho charge tplosionha SLt J 4 American News N Y April 29 The Pctti special says there b no ground for tho belief that Jeff Davis trial will take place at tho next term of the Court at Richmond Tho TrUun Washington special says i It b not probable that the shakers can finish their arguments in trial of the President before Tuesday next A Nsv 7 paper in describing Dickens drtwejsays that on cnthusiasUc frieu took of the tumbler from wbici Ur Dickens took hU list drink in Amsrica THE ABYSSINUN EXPEDITION Perhaps no enterprise of Great Britain has been subjected to more hostile criti- cbm both athome and abroad than the one which has just been so suocesafuUy terminated in the foil accomplishment of its objects in the release of the captives at Magdala A primary and to us a most important objection to the ground work of the whole matter arose on the question of the wisdom and propriety of sending consular agents at all into an empire con ditioned as Abyssinia It was most justly and forcibly uicd by those denounoipg the expedition that but little or no good can accrue by attempting to crcato and maintain diplomatio relations with a bar baric state pure and simple considering the necessity and advantage of the subsis- of relations of national intercourse with nations avowjng adherence to tho id observance of intemecene comity It was argued and in this instance in tho light of foregone events that the dls- patehing of envoys or agents ioto a coi respecting theso ordinances of civi- lization was more likely to engender strife than promote harmony So far with those blaming the Ministry for tho expenditure of blood aod treasure in this impaign but we Bavonosympathyth thoBO who ina mere spirit of sordid econ omy would bavo saorificcd tho national honour in abandoning to their fato unfortunate countrymen rather than trifling outlay for it is but trifling to England vindicato the proud position that tho privileges now enjoyed by Eng- lishmea are not inferior to those hold by the Ilomao citiecna of old Nay further than this wo hold tho expenditure wisely tnade adtnitting tho justice of tho quar- grounds merely prudenlial and of expediency Wo shall be fallen days indeed when it may gain oredenoe that tho people of Groat Britain will tamely suffer Indignity and wrong rather th as in days of yoro spend the last drop of tboir blood and their lost piece of gold beforo yielding in a just quarrel The enterprise is now substantially ended and never has our national honour been more nobly Tiodioatod or our skill in faro moro ftiUy demonstratod Altho firmly deUrmined at any cost to obtain the liburty of tho captiyos our ablest statesmen and oommanders found their sogaoity and pievision taxed to tho utter niost in devising the means to ensure eui oesi away from our reeoiuced in may bo neceBury for he cstabllehi ch and report at tb9 next inicn solved that 0 D be appointed und Keeper and that Geo ElvWgc bo ap inUd Fence Viewer Mr Bacho Cbolr- in of Road and Rrldge Committee repor- Ing traAsIent trader larkct This law is a pro- sestabfished and doi ge a harrier to Applause Throughout the Northern States Irisbmea are watching for the hour when they shall order to take up the line of m West is aroused and are ready to take their proper place which is in the front rank I would be the last consent to the shedding ofhlood without responsible prob of sacoesa Two ago when it as detnnined to stnk e blow there was hardly a oeat Id thi easary or a man to bear and thei was prioted that an army could noi be placed in the field bnt witbln three months an army was on the march and if it bad been permitUKl to face the enemy the green Sag would not only have float over Canada but would today float over a free Irish Republic According to the report of Gen Meade 37000 men were sent hack from the border unable to join their comrades aod in all at least 100000 men were prevented from carrying out their anxious deare that of fighting against England Men of both Federu and Confederate armies unit for that one purpose All that we want to day is to show that we are in earnest and some of the best military talent in America will be at our disposel We are ready to placo Whelan said Are you there John Doyle said Yes Whelan I was nailed bloody tit today Doyle You dont say Whelan Yes by J a You know whos the informer Doyle No Whelan Alick Turner Doyle No in u loud tone Whalen Yes by J s C t I would not give sixpence for his carcase Tbej boys there today that spot him a great deal of them here from tl country from Gloucester and all around At this time from the other ward dee called out to Wlielaa and asked bi how did he get on to day Whelan answered Bloody bad I as nailed very tight The voice answered I am sorry Whekn then said I had a nod from ur Slatterys brother today Voice again said- Is he in town Whelan Yea You keep as mute 0 here Itll liD prepared ihr tha wont bloody h allbloo4 a Englbhmai bloody hai against bloowFenians itnee examined he d n were fourteen swore that he Doyle Youre ina Bad fix Whelan I don depend upon is in a good jury Doyle asked him had he a lawyeK melau Yes Buckley- hes i worth two sheets of paper Hes afrj of OReilly OBcillys Uttle finger Then if you arc when back giyo up tho cauao because we ceed in June 1866 Tho menjwho think so arc ndt fit to take part in such a move ment and the sooner they leave our ranks We V en tbo fitaro tbcm in tbo foco We are not free Amcrica whilo our nativo land is yet in tho bondage which has shackled it for 700 years Applause In conclu- sion tho speaker said that the question was to bo tested and tbo names would be enrolled of such as were rea and willing join tho army as publlo meetings festivals Councils re port etc v 111 OommuDlcAtlons to be addressed U Dmiis publisher and proprietor i must bo occompaed with the name of author not hower for publioation If desired otherwise bst as a guaranty of good faith We do not hold ourselves responsible for tlii MOUNT ALBBRT CORREBPONDBNCK Diad Sjb Knoifing the great has Icon made upon jrour valuabli during tho last few weeks I have sUent In order to afford space for that which has doubtless been reeeived by yodr readei I have taken up the quill but litUe Mn bo reported apart from Itemi of local intellU reported meral busli trade etc to the Uessrt Eokardt of Mark- ham who hove rseopened the estabUshment stocked o repletion with all the novelties of the season undersUd thatUr t il Bckardt liDbw on bis second visit to the besiCaoadianmarkets for the pttrfiose What will becoi n do nothing to me Wbelan answered bim nothing would happen to him as they could provonothing gainst him Doyle I wish youd never done id I wish yoiid never come near me I night Wbelan I would not have conra i you only I was drunk Doyle I am sorry James you done It Whelan I dont care a d n prepared for the worst Ill either swing or go to penitentiary for life Id soone awing than go to the penitentiary for Ufo I wouldnt caro a d n only for one thing Doyle Whats that Wbelan The old woman Doyle Jim Im sorry for you the of the vrives and children of those wbpgo TboQ all irjio wished to enroll thoir names wore direot to repair to the Fenian masterroom and tho audiece disperaed Ctoo Piut April 22 P or E OsrToasD The Einear dine RiporUr sajs On the Gth Instant a strange scene ocoarred oa tho farm of Ur rnsbip Three men D McLean Bru at work in a 1 the two eagles on tho wing apparently fighting They alighted on tho ground near by Jos nraham made for tho scene of action and boldly threw himself upon tho feathered combatants seising hold of one in each banc They then quit fighting and turned on thsl captor Ono sulivd him by the toe of hi boot the other took firm hold of his pani and smock as ho was in a stooping postun Orabam thinking this moro than good fun cried instantly for help Angus MoLean speedily came to tho rescne Whilo roi Ing the talons of ono of them from Qrah clothes the other turned on MoLean buried its olaw in his arm eagles m In one cg peace ind harmony The fomal feet seven Inchea from Up lale which is larger spreadsa The New Reglstxy Act At the late sesaioQ of the Legislatur of OntarioBome alterations and admendments made in tho Begistry Law These roe immediately Act and as the lot yet been pab- comparatively few ore aware of the es made These are not very impor- ixcept in the alterations made ia tho 3f fees rarg which 1 iVe annex the rates now chargeable fjnr egistration of deeds o and for searches In the case of parties sending documents it distance to be roistered they will thus be able to ascertain the exact 1 prepayment being now as we understand a tine ua without literal compliance with which no document wUI be put on record at gistry officcs generally at all events ia the regbtry office here Deeds mort gages wills leases assignments of mort gages eto are all subjected to the same per700 words and under and for registering any of the fees are 1 40 For each 100 words or fractional part thereof between TOO and 1400 words the fee is 15c and for each 100 words ibove 1400 the fee is 10c per 100 Thus a deed will or other document of 1000 words will cost 185 of 1400 ffoids e24 ofl600 words 26 and o on For dischai of mortgage with- ut certificate on mortgage 50c with certificate 75o For searches of title tho first four entries 25c each for each ad ditional entry 5o As we said before parties corrcspondiog with the Registrar frequAtly do not know what amount of transmit with their documents and the source of much incbnvenienco both to blin and them By attending to tho scalo above givep they can oalcmato ictly and so havo their papers registered and returned to them without further trouble or delay iSbmio J have you poor b I ahot that felli hero and hero I am myself which makes tbreo of us Doylo asked bim what he said at tbo samo time witness Dctectivo Cullcn turned round to Hess bowing bis head to call attention to bis words Wbelan again repeated the Mme using I my name wtirdoWA to pMterity Doyle Jim Jim Im sorry for you Whelan- I did not dare a dn only for my poor mother Yes and my brother is io Doylo What for WbClan Fcnianism for firiogtbe polioa barrack in Tullough Irdand What flno ftmtly my motbor had what a fiuo lot of boys Oao tbey wero fondof Ireland Ono wa soot at tho firing of tho police banobk pno is- in prison fM tho aamo aod I inhere Who- Ian then sui a cplo of soogs and tbero was a long buodco U danccd and whis tled an4 told Doyle about Murphy and Enright brought fVom Montreal to hero by CuIlcB Doyle liAed him what for Valcn Poniaoisro iTiat b r Turner sworo that Murphy was with me at MoGeos and that was a lio John I was in prison before for eigbtoeo months Doylo What for t Whelan Fenianism Doyle Wherof WeetofEngland Bnokley was before the ooart today Ho told ORllybe didot oaread n for Um When he was givlog the names of tbe pooplain the gulery that night he kept njino Terrible Szplosion in Montreal The Montreal papers gives an account of tho explosion of chemicals in that city on Saturday last It seems that a doctor Ebihardt of Boston Mass a gentlman of great scientific attainments whoj we i belicvo formerly held a commission as an AssisUmt Surgeon in tho British German Legion which was raised for service during tbo Crimean War was desirous of demon- stratiug the value of cblorido of potash and tannin as an explosive material in blasting rocks ho having it is undart Blood been in treaty with Mr Bowie for utilising tho invention for which he has a patent in the United States In view of tho experiment a hole had been drilled into tho rook in tbe usual way aod a cartridge made of tho above material was inserted in tbe presenceof Mr Bowie hU partner Mr MoNortob Dr Ebihardt and a workman named John Dumphy Tho doctor himself rammed down the charge and in doing so used an iron rod instead of a copper one as originally ia tended It is believed indeed it u al- most certain that the beat engendered by tbo rapid use of the rod Ignitod tb material which at once exploded wtthQUl moving a oartiole of tbe rook and dia- charging from tbo hole ai fom a gun- barrel Titorally blow off tho hMd of poor Dumphy who waa stiwding oloao over and sent tho trunk a distance of at leaat thirty feet down anincline DrEluhardt moro fortunate witb tbe loss of Ilia lefo band and wrbt which wero fear fully shattered and had afterwards to bo ampuUted shortly below the elbow Hia face was also cOBsiderably burnt and blackened Mr Bowlo was also we regret to say fearlblly iojnred about tbe bead and foco and although his Jifo ia not jeonardised ha is it i feared perman- tbe case of tho explosioa at the reMrrolr has been adjourned till next week to en able the jurr to obU Dr Bbiltts testimony The exploaton seems to hare been caused by Dumpby tho labower who was killed osisg an iron bw instead of wood or copper Dr Eblbardt had just observed Dnmphy using iron bar and bad atTtohed out hia am to takeJC away when tbo ozplodoioociiTTed OaaJflMjej tha aiissijiaHlffl thepeopteUI life through his ppposi and until tbey have contrary they wilj orisation of oompli It has genially been government have i vyThe Buspeoaion of t gives tbe government i power they wUl r M realcd but that alao dctcnuin but the of At any rate wl place exciting times m I ARCHIVES OF ONTARIOl II I TORONTO